《Most Popular Playboy》08: Энгийн
Би юугаа хийгээд байна аа? Би Ким Тэхёнийг үнсэж байна! Би баярлах эсвэл айхын алийг мэдрэхээ үл мэднэ.
Тэхён эхэндээ гайхсан боловч, гялс боломжийг ашиглан, өөр лүүгээ улам ойртууллаа. Тэр миний бэлхүүсээр тэврэн, харин би хүзүүгээр нь гараа оруулав. Тэр хуучных шигээ амтагдаж байна. Сайхан.
Би үнэндээ Тэхёний үнсэлтийг саначихжээ. Тэрний уруул үнэхээр донтуулмаар. Үүнд нь би дургүй. Би дуртай л даа, гэхдээ үгүй. Би түүнд татагдаж болохгүй. Энэ буруу. Лав л сайнаар төгсөхгүй. Тэр миний доод уруулыг хазан, намайг хазалтанд нь хариу үйлдэл үзүүлэхээс өмнө шуналтайгаар үргэлжлүүлэн үнсэж байлаа.
Би түүний аманд нь бөглүү гиншихэд, тэр инээмсэглэснээ, халуухан үнсэлтээ салгалаа. "Саяных юу байв аа?" хэмээн Тэхён асуухад би "Юу?" гэж зөрүүлэн гэмгүй царайлан асуув. Би буцан коридорын өөрийн ирсэн хэсэг рүү толгойгоо эргүүлэхэд үнэхээр уурласан Чанёолыг биднийг чиглэн ирэхийг харлаа. "Чи намайг үнсэхэд дургүй байсан байж намайг сая өөрөө үнслээ шүү дээ" гэж Тэхёнийг хэлэхэд би тулгамдан, "Умм, тэгэхээр-" гэж хариулах гэж байтал Чанёол яриаг минь таслав.
"Ким Тэхён! Чи миний найз охинтой үерхэж байгаа юм уу?" Чанёолын хоолой хоосон коридорт цуурайтан дуугарах аж.
"Чанёол би чиний найз охин биш!"
Чанёол уурсан, "Амаа тат, завхай ян**н"
"Өршөөгөөрэй, юуны талаар яриад байгаа билээ?" Тэхён гайхширлаар дүүрэн ийн асуулаа. Өө бурхан минь, Тэхён надтай яриа нийлэхгүй бол яах вэ? Намайг Чанёол худлаа ярьж байгааг мэдвэл ч... Тэр намайг автлаа хэзээ ч зүгээр өнгөрөөхгүй. Би нүдээ томруулан Тэхён руу харан, ямар нэгэн зурвас харцаараа өгөхийг хичээнэ. Тэр над руу толгой дохин, буцан Чанёол руу харж, "Тиймээ, тэр миний найз охин." гэж хэлэн, гараа мөрөөр минь давуулав. Би түүн рүү өнгийн хараад инээмсэглэвэл зөрүүлэн над руу харан инээлээ.
Үнэхээр энгийн.
"Чи яагаад Тэхёнтой үерхэхийг хүсээд байгаа юм? Миний найз наадахныхаас чинь том, А-аас Я хүртэл урт шдээ." Чанёол ийнхүү хэлэхдээ, нүдээ эргэлдүүлнэ.
Тэхён инээд алдан, "Чи компьютерийн гарыг (keyboard) мартсан бололтой." гэж хэлэн, түүнийг үлдээгээд сургуулиас гарахаар надтай цуг алхав. Чанёол ардаас "Би чамайг буцааж авна даа" гэж орилсоор үлдлээ.
Би инээд алдан, Тэхёнийг тэвэрч "Чамд үнэхээр их баярлалаа." гэв.
"Мм, би энийг чиний төлөө хийгээгүй."
"Юу яриад байгаа юм?"
"Би тоглоом тоглохыг хүсч байна. Чи надтай 3 сар үерх. Энэ хугацаанд чи надад дурлавал, би чиний онгоныг авна. Харин би чамд хайртай болвол, би чамайг тайван орхиж, мөрийгөө алдан, Жиминд нэг машинаа өгнө."
"Хэрвээ би тоглохыг хүсэхгүй байвал?"
"Тэгвэл Чанёол чамайг худлаа ярьсныг мэдэн, араас чинь чаргууцалдана." гэж хайхрамжгүйгээр хариуллаа.
"За." гэж би давтан хэллээ.
"Магадгүй за гэдэг бидний үргэлжлэл байх." Тэхён ийнхүү шивнэн, нүдээ ирмэв.
Би инээн, "Чи сая The Fault In Our Stars-аас эшлэл татсан уу?". Тэр толгой дохин ярзайхад, би толгойгоо сэгсэрлээ.
"Яасан? Би кино үзэх дуртай. Би ямар ч киноны эшлэлийг мэднэ." гэж Тэхён хэлэн, мөрөө хавчив. "Би чамайг шалгах уу?" гэвэл тэр толгой дохилоо.
"The Notebook."
"Тэгэхээр энэ тийм ч амархан байхгүй. Хэцүү байх болно; Бид өдөр бүр хичээнгүйлэн ажиллах хэрэгтэй болно. Гэвч би үүнийг хийхийг хүснэ, учир нь би чамайг хүсч буй учир. Би чиний бүх зүйлийг үргэлж хүснэ, өдөр бүр."
"Wreck-it Ralph."
"Саяных юу байв аа? Би чамайг сонсохгүй байна. Чиний амьсгал тун таагүй байгаа болохоор миний чих мэдээ алдчихлаа." тэр ийнхүү эш татан, инээд алдав.
"Чиний мэдэх уур хилэн бол яг л татах хүчтэй адил. Түүнийг өдөөх зүйл нь ердөө л жижигхэн түлхэлт."
"Чи ч гайхалтай юм аа. Тэрийгээ мэдэх үү?"
Тэхён үсээ хойш илэн "Мэднээ. Нэмж хэлэхэд би Жокэрт илүү дуртай. Тиймээс сая түүний эшлэлийг хэлэх байсан юм. Бас энэ чамайг надад дурлахад нэг алхамаар ойртууллаа." тэр ийнхүү хэлэн нүдээ ирмэв.
Тийм шүү, дайсны тал үргэлж янзтай байдаг. Жишээлбэл, Deadpool бол новшийн инээдтэйгээс гадна тэр эхлээд дайсан байж байгаад "Би бусад муу залуусыг бут цохих муу залуу." гэж хэлдэг. Гэвч би Тэхёнд дурлах боломжгүй. Би зүгээр л түүнийг Чанёолоос салах түлхүүр болгон ашиглаад, дараа нь түүнтэй уулзах хэрэггүй болно.
"Алив ээ. Чи өнөө орой манай гэрт унтана шүү." гэж Тэхён хэллээ.
Rebirth of a Fashionista: This Life Is Soo Last Season
Cinderella went from rags to riches, but when you are already at the top, fate is more than happy to kick you down. A car accident kicks off Sheng Jiaoyang's reverse Cinderella story by trapping her soul in the body of a poor girl, leaving her to succumb to fate and wait for her Prince Charming to come to her rescue -- obviously not!Like a phoenix rising out of the ashes, Sheng Jiaoyang forges her own way back up to the upper echelons of society, clearing obstacles, taking revenges, and bagging her handsome and rich childhood friend on the way.If you are tired of reading about poor damsel in distress waiting for a man to rescue her, and wants a female lead that can carry herself to the top, Rebirth of A Fashionista is the novel for you!
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The beginning of a taboo relationship that will evolve and ultimately change...(Thank you to everyone who has been reading this, I really appreciate it! It's actually one of my older pieces of writing and I personally don't think it's my best work but it is my most read on here. If people would like me to return to this and write the ideas I have for the two years and how the switch comes around, along with all the other deviant potentials. Let me know and I will happily focus on this.).Now available on Kindle: https://amzn.to/37eqRVF
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He craved the sweetness of her touch, crazed in a frenzy for a woman too pure for his bitter life.* * * *Tasneem was a natural artist. She could create masterpieces with anything whether it be makeup, paints, or cooking. Her tuition bills are becoming too hard for her family to handle and their café isn't as popular as it was before. Until one day, the ruthless CEO of Tarkan Industries walks in and completely changes everything.Two personalities that constantly clash and a tragic past leave Tasneem more eager to unravel the mysteries behind the cold CEO. Perhaps, she might finally be the one to bring peace to his bitter soul with only the recipe of sweetness.(Book Two in the American Muslimah Trilogy, but can be read as a stand alone)•Cover by @IamSumayya•[Featured by Wattpad][Highest ranking: #1 in Spiritual]
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Inanis Messor is The Bone Cutter. He's America's most fierce and cursed celebrity. He's America's modern prophet. He's America's very own murderous darling. Inanis's job is to broadcast a live death on public television once a month, as a sacrifice to the public. Every month on the 15th, Inanis steps on a large, vibrant stage, in front of dozens of cameras, and executes a living political individual as repentance for the sins of America's government. It keeps the public satisfied. It keeps the government from having to own up to their mistakes.Mirea Dhalmi is the daughter of a famous state governor; a man who involves himself in every political discussion the media has to offer. But when he's chosen to be Inanis's next victim, Mirea desperately pleads with The Bone Cutter to spare his life. Inanis agrees, but at a price. Mirea must now become his bride, his public display. She becomes The Bone Harvester, the woman who stands beside The Bone Cutter on the bloody stage that is broadcasted throughout public television.The unfortunate woman who stands beside the celebrity who kills in front of the nation.
8 207Softest Lips | on hold
𝐒𝐩𝐢𝐧-𝐨𝐟𝐟 𝐭𝐨 𝐈𝐧 𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐝-"I just kissed the softest lips that god has ever madeAnd I am so in love with the girl to whom these lips he gave." Orianne was a lover girl, whom some considered a hopeless romantic, but she wouldn't dare let the opinions of others knock her off her pivot. She was a young woman who knew what she wanted, and to her, there was nothing wrong with that. She desired the husband, children, dates, random gifts, trips, family outings, and so on.Some would say the reason she can't keep a man is because her standards are high. Which is a ridiculous take. Yes, her standards may be "high," but that's because her father set the tone. She knows what she wants and how she's supposed to be treated, and if you're not giving her that, then you have to go. Out of the few men she has dealt with, she lets them know beforehand what she wants, and it's not her fault that they choose to lead her on under the impression that they wanted the same thing. Another reason men tend to leave her alone is because she's a woman of status, a woman of her word, and a woman about her business. She handles her own and has her own which tends to bruise a man's ego. When asked what she brings to the table, she has a solid answer. She doesn't just bring herself or her body-that's the bonus-she brings communication, trust, comprehension, stability, submission, commitment, and so on. The main question of the matter is, how will Miss. Orianne react when a 19 year old wants to sweep her off her feet and give her everything she wants and more?𝐜𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐲: me
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[EDITING]For him, the whole world was on fire except her.And he didn't let a single flame touch her. For her, she herself was on fire. And she protected the whole world from her flames. Especially him.+++Living with the demons of her past who are no one but her own self and her parents who bring out a constant reminder as to why she deserves such demons. Rhea Sangster moves into a new town along with her alcoholic mother, splitting away from the few remnants of her once happy and wholesome family. With a past as dark as hers and a promise, she made to never accept any sort of happiness as to which she thought she deserved but was proved wrong when he comes crashing back in...Being diagnosed with a disorder that could ruin one's life by uncontrollable anger, Damien Jones strives each day with the hope of not blacking out and causing harm to the few people he actually cares about. From being in rehab for less than a year and having to retake his senior year as a high schooler while living with his stepbrother, stepfather and mother in the opulent side of town which he merely despised. From spending his time racing and skating, keeping his mind away from drugs he finds the biggest drug of his life. Everything spins when he meets the eyes of the girl who once was able to cure him...
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