《Most Popular Playboy》06: Netflix
"Би чиний анхны үнсэлтийн эзэн байсан юм уу?" гэж Тэхён миний асуултыг давтлаа. Би доошоо харан, хуруугаараа тоглонгоо, "Сонин сонсогдож байгааг мэдэж байна л даа. Гэхдээ миний өмнөх найз залуу намайг хэзээ ч үнсдэггүй байсан юм. Би түүнтэй бүтэн жил үерхсэн, гэвч... Би яагаад гэдгийг нь мэдсээн. Эцэст нь, тиймээ, чи миний анхны үнсэлтийн эзэн."
Тэхён миний эрүүг өргөн, нүд рүү минь эгцлэн харж, "Чи болон чиний хуучин найз залуугийн чинь хооронд юу болсон юм бэ?" гэж намуухнаар асуулаа. Би толгойгоо сэгсрэв. Би энэ тухай ярихыг хүсэхгүй байна... Хэзээ ч.
Бид хэд хэдэн удаа жүжиглэж бэлдсэн. Гэхдээ мэдээж үнсэлтгүйгээр. Би одоо ганцаараа гэр рүүгээ алхаж байна. Тэхён намайг хүргэж өгье гэсэн боловч би эрс татгалзсан юм.
Тэхёний 'муу хөвгүүн' гэх төрхний цаадахыг нь харж чадвал тийм ч муу хүн биш гэж бодож байна. Тэр хэдий новшийн банди шиг аашилдаг ч миний анхны үнсэлтийг авсандаа уучлалт гуйсан. Миний анхны үнсэлт илүү муу байж болох байсан, эсвэл би ганцаараа насан эцэслэж, нөхрийнхөө оронд нохойгоо үнсэх байсан байх. Үфф, би ганцаараа хөгшрөнө дөө. Гэхдээ яахав, би муурнуудтай хамт үхэхгүй юм даа. Харж байгаачлан, би муурнуудад дургүй. Тэд бол хорвоо дээрх хамгийн өлөгчин зантай амьтад. Хэзээ ч эзнийхээ үгийг сонсохгүй. Тэнэг муурнууд. Ингэж бодож байгаа ч би муурнуудын өхөөрдөм зулзаганаас татгалзахгүй ээ. Тиймээс зүгээр.
Би чинь өөр юу ярьсан билээ?
Би өрөөндөө орон, унтлаганы хувцсаа солин өмслөө. Би бараг юу ч хийгээгүй байж үнэхээр их ядарч байна. Миний амьдрал улам уйтгартай болсоор. Netflix (Бяцхан тайлбар: Энэ сайт нь зохиогчийн эрхтэй кино тавьдаг юм), тэр л миний амьдралыг илүү дээр болгох юм даа.
Би доошоо буун, шарах шүүгээнээс попкорн авав. Компьютер маань телевизортой холбогдож дуусмагц хөнжлөөр биеэ ороон буйдан дээрээ тухаллаа.
Хахаха, би Netflix-гүй яаж амьдрах юм бэ? Teen wolf-гүй...
Vampire diaries-гүй...
Мөн Gossip girl-гүй....
Dylan O'Brien, Chuck Bass, Colton Haynes (Бяцхан тайлбар: Энэ хүмүүс бол дээр дурдагдаж байгаа цувралуудын эрэгтэй гол дүрүүд) - Эд наргүй бол миний амьдралыг төсөөлөх ч хэрэггүй.
Ер нь би яачихаа вэ? Би өөрийнхөө хэзээ ч уулзахгүй хүмүүст дурлаж байна. Аххх, фэн охидуудын амьдралаа гэж...
Girls Can Have Boy Bestfriends .
- Its About A Girl Name Kylee & She Has A BestFriennd ... A BOY BestFriennd At At That & Everybody Always Expected Them Tuh Be More Then That Do You Think The Girls Can Have Boy Besfriends ? Do You Think They Are More Then Best friends ?
8 111Relief
That smell. That intoxicating aroma is clouding my senses, willing me to follow it. So I do and I find out to whom that smell belongs to.I see how his muscles tense up at my scent. He can feel me. Sense me. He begins to turn around, but before he can even get a glimpse of me, I run. Like I always do. Just as I'm about to make my escape, I feel hands grabbing my waist and slamming me to the wall, trapping me with their body. "Where do you think you're going, mate?"Terra Fern was always used to running from her mate. But what happens when she runs straight into his arms? She's afraid he'll reject her just like her father rejected her mother. . . or so she thought. Sometimes everything is not what it seems. Does everyone get they're happy ending? Find out in my first story ever on wattpad, Relief.Copyright © 2018 | All Rights Reserved | B.S.W Publishing...
8 135Vampire King
In the land of gods and monsters I was an angel; living in the garden of hell. Tyler King- the most powerful vampire on earth, the King of all vampires. Shae Valentine, a simple quiet oblivious human girl and Tyler's after her to stake his claim.In everything he did, he always was surrounded by a darkness. He didn't think anyone could change that. But she did. Shae Valentine made him feel things he never knew was possible. She made him explore new things and love. She was his saving grace. Just as he was hers.Even the Vampire King has a weakness.Highest rank: #1 in vampire 7/11/16Amazing cover by: @ellysmithy*book 1 of the 'crimson' series**completed as of 1/3/17*needs to be majorly editedNO TRANSLATIONS YOU WILL BE IGNORED
8 125The Mistake
Jonah Lewis Chambers, a multi-billion dollar CEO, has only one objective on his mind - REVENGE.Mindy Ivory Young, your average hardworking, innocent and feisty woman falls prey to his revenge.When a mistake causes Jonah to seek revenge against Mindy and her family to the point of even kidnapping her, he never expected the plan to backfire on him causing him to create even more mistakes. He doesn't know when it happen but he has fallen hard for the girl. Will he ever be able to see past all the hate and revenge? And will she ever be able to forgive him?*Excerpt*Jonah wasn't going to stop. He was enjoying himself too much. Mindy shuts her eyes tightly and her body tense readying herself for his kiss. He smiled at her actions before ever so lightly placing a kiss on her soft cheek closing his eyes as well. A less than appropriate sigh escape from Mindy's mouth. Jonah's eyes snaps open. He lets go of her and shoves her aside. "Hurry and come out!" Then he storms out of the room not looking back.Mindy clutches her towel to her chest breathing heavily. She was so confused as to what just happen. She slowly takes her left hand and touch her cheek where he had kiss so gently. The feeling was still there. That kiss was not of an ogre, but of a prince to his princess. Why would he had kiss her like that? Still confuse she tries her best to forget the thought as she dresses. **Book 1 in Kidnapped Series**FYI: Mild laugange and sexual contents throughout.
8 252My Dads Best Friend
If you want a laugh and don't mind HUGE GRAMMAR MISTAKES, READ ON YAY IT'S #1 In the dumb category and honor for me😂
8 148The devil [1] (Lumity/the owl house Fanfiction)
•Only Season 1•This is FANFICTION•I like Lumity, how about you?•Also now going to AO3, but is still in work at the momentI flushed, my heart was racing as the music went on and he led the dance.I couldn't help myself but smile while I stared at his mask.I wanted to see his face.I've been yearning for him to take it off.Created by: D
8 155