《Most Popular Playboy》06: Netflix
"Би чиний анхны үнсэлтийн эзэн байсан юм уу?" гэж Тэхён миний асуултыг давтлаа. Би доошоо харан, хуруугаараа тоглонгоо, "Сонин сонсогдож байгааг мэдэж байна л даа. Гэхдээ миний өмнөх найз залуу намайг хэзээ ч үнсдэггүй байсан юм. Би түүнтэй бүтэн жил үерхсэн, гэвч... Би яагаад гэдгийг нь мэдсээн. Эцэст нь, тиймээ, чи миний анхны үнсэлтийн эзэн."
Тэхён миний эрүүг өргөн, нүд рүү минь эгцлэн харж, "Чи болон чиний хуучин найз залуугийн чинь хооронд юу болсон юм бэ?" гэж намуухнаар асуулаа. Би толгойгоо сэгсрэв. Би энэ тухай ярихыг хүсэхгүй байна... Хэзээ ч.
Бид хэд хэдэн удаа жүжиглэж бэлдсэн. Гэхдээ мэдээж үнсэлтгүйгээр. Би одоо ганцаараа гэр рүүгээ алхаж байна. Тэхён намайг хүргэж өгье гэсэн боловч би эрс татгалзсан юм.
Тэхёний 'муу хөвгүүн' гэх төрхний цаадахыг нь харж чадвал тийм ч муу хүн биш гэж бодож байна. Тэр хэдий новшийн банди шиг аашилдаг ч миний анхны үнсэлтийг авсандаа уучлалт гуйсан. Миний анхны үнсэлт илүү муу байж болох байсан, эсвэл би ганцаараа насан эцэслэж, нөхрийнхөө оронд нохойгоо үнсэх байсан байх. Үфф, би ганцаараа хөгшрөнө дөө. Гэхдээ яахав, би муурнуудтай хамт үхэхгүй юм даа. Харж байгаачлан, би муурнуудад дургүй. Тэд бол хорвоо дээрх хамгийн өлөгчин зантай амьтад. Хэзээ ч эзнийхээ үгийг сонсохгүй. Тэнэг муурнууд. Ингэж бодож байгаа ч би муурнуудын өхөөрдөм зулзаганаас татгалзахгүй ээ. Тиймээс зүгээр.
Би чинь өөр юу ярьсан билээ?
Би өрөөндөө орон, унтлаганы хувцсаа солин өмслөө. Би бараг юу ч хийгээгүй байж үнэхээр их ядарч байна. Миний амьдрал улам уйтгартай болсоор. Netflix (Бяцхан тайлбар: Энэ сайт нь зохиогчийн эрхтэй кино тавьдаг юм), тэр л миний амьдралыг илүү дээр болгох юм даа.
Би доошоо буун, шарах шүүгээнээс попкорн авав. Компьютер маань телевизортой холбогдож дуусмагц хөнжлөөр биеэ ороон буйдан дээрээ тухаллаа.
Хахаха, би Netflix-гүй яаж амьдрах юм бэ? Teen wolf-гүй...
Vampire diaries-гүй...
Мөн Gossip girl-гүй....
Dylan O'Brien, Chuck Bass, Colton Haynes (Бяцхан тайлбар: Энэ хүмүүс бол дээр дурдагдаж байгаа цувралуудын эрэгтэй гол дүрүүд) - Эд наргүй бол миний амьдралыг төсөөлөх ч хэрэггүй.
Ер нь би яачихаа вэ? Би өөрийнхөө хэзээ ч уулзахгүй хүмүүст дурлаж байна. Аххх, фэн охидуудын амьдралаа гэж...
Regrets {Complete ✔️}
What happens when Akash falls in love with khushi but hurt her heart without having thought ?What will happen when he will confess ? Will she give him a second chance ? What will happen when they will confess their past ?let's begin this exciting story betwEen a billionaire egoistic man who looks like a Greek god and a middle class sweet girl who doesn't trust easily ❤️This is my first story so if u don't like it keep it with urself only and don't copy anything . In this story all the characters are fictional . But I can relate them with my friends. Also english isn't my first language so there will be a lot of mistakes. For them I m sorry. I m very frequent about my updated . And I will complete it asap . Also I have thought about my second plot . So let's just pray 🙏It will also contain harsh language so if u don't feel comfortable just leave it.Read and vote ✨
8 221arranged marriage to a cricketer
The story revolves around a cricketer and a normal traditional girl who is tied in a relationship know as marriage.will they accept this arranged marriage ?will they find love in this marriage ?will they reveal their marriage ? 23 - 07 - 2019 #01 prank 14 - 07 - 2019 #01 wedlock 14 - 07 - 2019 #01 cricketer 14 - 07 - 2019 #01 msd 11 - 10 - 2019 #02 Tamil 14 - 07 - 2019 #18 fun#arrangedmarriage #cricketer #love #romance
8 64Over the Bridges to Singing Waterfalls
Tokyo, 2022. During puberty, adolescents encounter a tremendous amount of emotional outbursts. Relationships and love, commitment and peacefulness become important in their lives. These factors give them a sense of carefree adolescence.But Ryou Hayashi doesn't see it that way. Having had difficulties in dealing with socialization since childhood, he suddenly and unwillingly moves to Tokyo from his hometown. Taking nothing from home with him, his life begins to change under the patronage of new acquaintances. Whether his outlook on life will change with the new city, or whether he will wallow in loneliness, never having felt the touch of teenage life, is up to him to decide when he meets four other high school students.It is a story about new acquaintances of completely different Japanese students in their final year of high school. By chance, their views cross each other, but neither of them knows until the end where their acquaintance will lead. It is a story of friendship, animosity, love, and color. It is a story about community.Tokyo, the city of dreams. This city fulfills the dreams of workaholics and casts the lazy into exile, relaxes and never stops tiring, brings happiness to some and takes it away from others. From this beautiful city, covered by a veil of blinding lights, their story filled with dramatic challenges and tragedies begins. The story of a group of teenagers, who are unaware of their affections.The plot takes the reader straight to the eastern country, where the sun begins to rise first. Being wrapped in sakura petals, the roads lead to the prudence of a nature unseen anywhere before. A country with mind-boggling virtues in culture and tradition tells the story of ordinary schoolchildren, suggesting a life around endless youthful unrest and human outlook. Modern Japan (Nihon) introduces people who are able to live simultaneously under difficult but beautiful living conditions. This country teaches residents to love. There are more chapters in WEBNOVEL. Just find it by the title "Over the Bridges to Singing Waterfalls" Read Over The Bridges To Singing Waterfalls - Senshiauthor - Webnovel
8 222Twisted Love
Alizeh- Hate is an extreme form of obsession.The boy in my dreams also haunted my worst nightmares. They say he is a beautiful angry god. But to me?He was my childhood tormentor, my destruction and my biggest addiction.Our story wasn't a fairy tale, it was a witch tale.Wicked, Real and Painful. Zohravar-Ten years ago, she barged into my life unannounced, turning everything upside down.I hated her. I craved her.Like a tornado, shocking, violent and so powerful it could rip my soul out of my mouth.She was mine.Always. Whenever. Forever.The problem was, she didn't know it.This story has dark themes that will make you make you shiver with discomfort, so viewer discretion is advised.
8 181A Butler To Love ~A Christian Romance
#1 safelove #30 Spiritual, #1 Christianromance, #1 richgirl Haunted by a past and burdened with debt, Wren Adams sees no other choice than to accept his benefactor's offer: to protect his daughter for a year. But from the moment he steps onto the Kingsley Mansion grounds, comedic sparks fly between he and his new ward. Who knew a seventeen-year-old could be so troublesome? Or, so charming. Feelings begin to stir between butler and ward, and Wren is faced with situations he'd rather not deal with. But when his past resurfaces, he realizes true freedom will only come when he faces--and conquers--his demons.
8 124Who is he kissing?
Marinette and Adrien been dating but a mishap occurs where ladybug forget she wasn't Marinette and kiss Adrien.Written 2016Re written 2021Also checkStart Over (all ships)Nap MishapSinful Nap Before the Miraculous ,🌠 who is he kissing,💋 Miraculous Curses of the Mermaid Treasure🐬, Miraculous curses of the Mermaid Treasure 2🐳Saving Chat Noir🐞Saving Ladybug
8 182