《Most Popular Playboy》06: Netflix
"Би чиний анхны үнсэлтийн эзэн байсан юм уу?" гэж Тэхён миний асуултыг давтлаа. Би доошоо харан, хуруугаараа тоглонгоо, "Сонин сонсогдож байгааг мэдэж байна л даа. Гэхдээ миний өмнөх найз залуу намайг хэзээ ч үнсдэггүй байсан юм. Би түүнтэй бүтэн жил үерхсэн, гэвч... Би яагаад гэдгийг нь мэдсээн. Эцэст нь, тиймээ, чи миний анхны үнсэлтийн эзэн."
Тэхён миний эрүүг өргөн, нүд рүү минь эгцлэн харж, "Чи болон чиний хуучин найз залуугийн чинь хооронд юу болсон юм бэ?" гэж намуухнаар асуулаа. Би толгойгоо сэгсрэв. Би энэ тухай ярихыг хүсэхгүй байна... Хэзээ ч.
Бид хэд хэдэн удаа жүжиглэж бэлдсэн. Гэхдээ мэдээж үнсэлтгүйгээр. Би одоо ганцаараа гэр рүүгээ алхаж байна. Тэхён намайг хүргэж өгье гэсэн боловч би эрс татгалзсан юм.
Тэхёний 'муу хөвгүүн' гэх төрхний цаадахыг нь харж чадвал тийм ч муу хүн биш гэж бодож байна. Тэр хэдий новшийн банди шиг аашилдаг ч миний анхны үнсэлтийг авсандаа уучлалт гуйсан. Миний анхны үнсэлт илүү муу байж болох байсан, эсвэл би ганцаараа насан эцэслэж, нөхрийнхөө оронд нохойгоо үнсэх байсан байх. Үфф, би ганцаараа хөгшрөнө дөө. Гэхдээ яахав, би муурнуудтай хамт үхэхгүй юм даа. Харж байгаачлан, би муурнуудад дургүй. Тэд бол хорвоо дээрх хамгийн өлөгчин зантай амьтад. Хэзээ ч эзнийхээ үгийг сонсохгүй. Тэнэг муурнууд. Ингэж бодож байгаа ч би муурнуудын өхөөрдөм зулзаганаас татгалзахгүй ээ. Тиймээс зүгээр.
Би чинь өөр юу ярьсан билээ?
Би өрөөндөө орон, унтлаганы хувцсаа солин өмслөө. Би бараг юу ч хийгээгүй байж үнэхээр их ядарч байна. Миний амьдрал улам уйтгартай болсоор. Netflix (Бяцхан тайлбар: Энэ сайт нь зохиогчийн эрхтэй кино тавьдаг юм), тэр л миний амьдралыг илүү дээр болгох юм даа.
Би доошоо буун, шарах шүүгээнээс попкорн авав. Компьютер маань телевизортой холбогдож дуусмагц хөнжлөөр биеэ ороон буйдан дээрээ тухаллаа.
Хахаха, би Netflix-гүй яаж амьдрах юм бэ? Teen wolf-гүй...
Vampire diaries-гүй...
Мөн Gossip girl-гүй....
Dylan O'Brien, Chuck Bass, Colton Haynes (Бяцхан тайлбар: Энэ хүмүүс бол дээр дурдагдаж байгаа цувралуудын эрэгтэй гол дүрүүд) - Эд наргүй бол миний амьдралыг төсөөлөх ч хэрэггүй.
Ер нь би яачихаа вэ? Би өөрийнхөө хэзээ ч уулзахгүй хүмүүст дурлаж байна. Аххх, фэн охидуудын амьдралаа гэж...
- In Serial20 Chapters
The Vampire's Pastry Chef (ONC 2022)
|| CO-WINNER THE AMBYS 2022 VAMPIRES CATEGORY || When single mother and baker Autumn Milford is hired to cater a high-end party in the Berkshires, she discovers the "special ingredient" she is required to use isn't just the quirk of an eccentric millionaire ...------------Autumn Milford has been determined to rely on no one but herself after her parents kicked her out at seventeen. With the money she's due to earn from catering a high-end party in the Berkshires, she'll finally have enough to open up her own storefront bakery. But her employer is not just another eccentric millionaire and his guests aren't your average denizens of high society. Autumn is about to discover that creatures of the night are real ... and they're eating her cinnamon rolls.Corbin Westbrook would rather cut off his own head than host the once-a-decade gathering of the New England Knowing. There have been sightings of a Fallen in the area and it is Corbin's duty to ensure that the creature is disposed of. But to decline such an "honor" is ill-advised. Left with no choice but to throw the party, Corbin stays as far away from the event planning as possible ... until he meets the baker.Hold onto your cinnamon rolls, it's going to be a sweet ride!------------ONC 2022 Prompt20. You manage a catering company. The latest request has a few ... interesting menu items.[Status: Complete][Word Count: 28,000][Content warning: PG-13 for mild swearing, violence, sensuality, and fade-to-black intimacy.][ [ Highest rankings ] ][#1 in Baking 2/26/22][#1 in Singleparent 4/1/22][#1 in Paranormalromance 4/14/22][#8 in Paranormal 4/11/22][#10 in ONC2022 4/14/22][#11 in Supernatural 5/3/22][#16 in Vampireromance 4/20/22][#20 in Romance 4/11/22]Cover by @chessaandersen
8 72 - In Serial19 Chapters
Haunting My Boyfriend
** Dropped ** Tomoya was only five years old when he learned that his father had died in a freak car accident. Torn by a mixture of grief and confusion, he ran away from home only to return late in the night, to the relief of his teary-eyed mother. But he was not alone. The ghost of a teenage girl had somehow drifted into his life and over the course of ten years the unlikely duo had grown to be inseparable. Together, they stumble across a series of clues that shed light on the truth of his father's disappearance, only to have their desperate search overshadowed by another, more dangerous conspiracy. Tomoya couldn't help but ask himself, 'If she is a ghost, then how did she die? And why has she never left my side?' ---- Release schedule: Daily
8 166 - In Serial8 Chapters
HxH girlfriend scenarios
This is a female hxh characters x female readerenjoy~..yes I know the cover is uhm,,, I promise I'll make a less cringey one later.
8 103 - In Serial37 Chapters
Sugar & Spice
**AVAILABLE ON AMAZON** https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06X9T331Y Crissy Atwood is on the mend after a disastrous break up with her fiance two years ago. It doesn't help that Valentine's Day is right around the corner and she works at a coffee shop, baking sweet treats for couples and trying desperately to ignore the loneliness in the pit of her stomach. When a gorgeous firefighter walks into her life, Crissy soon finds herself falling headfirst into a steamy romance unlike anything she's ever experienced before. **This work contains sexual content. Please read at your own discretion.* All work is property of Charlotte French, any duplication or reproduction of all or part of the work without explicit permission by the author is illegal. © Copyright 2015. Ranked: #54 in Romance, 3-8-17#1 in Bakery, 3-19-19#2 in Firefighter and Steamyromance, 3-19-19#5 in Cosmoreads, 3-19-19#1 in ContemporaryRomance, 4-5-19
8 253 - In Serial32 Chapters
The Buddy Program
After getting diagnosed with a rare, terminal illness and being forced right out of his perfectly normal life, Jeon Jeongguk lost all his faith in living. Just six more months and he'll be dead. Gone. Forgotten. However, when a new hospital friendship program pairs him with the eccentric and lovable Kim Taehyung, he's granted a second chance to live; to be remembered. Running on borrowed time and a bucket list, the only issue that remains is obvious: don't get attached. But sometimes you forget good things don't last forever until it's too late.[ a taekook fanfiction. ]
8 210 - In Serial43 Chapters
Hold On✔️
mempersembahkan-when i first met you i realised life isnt complicatedas it used to look like•••sambungan KITA BERDUA & YANG TERAKHIR."Hidup ni memang penat kan?" Ayden, dalam hidup dia tak pernah ada yang lengkap.. Semakin dia besar, Ayden rasa hidup ni tak adil untuk dia.Some days he wanna liveand others he wanna dieTak ada yang peduli, tak ada yang dapat ubatkan hati Ayden yang sakit. Masa kanak - kanak yang buat Ayden nampak dunia ni sakit.Tapi munculnya dia, buat Ayden percaya. Percaya akan cahaya yang sentiasa menarik Ayden untuk sedar, semuanya ujian yang menguatkan."Bella, thank you sebab wujud dalam hidup saya.""Ayden, awak kuat tau?"Tapi cahaya itu-hilang, akhirnya."Bella kenapa macam ni? Kenapa awak tinggalkan saya?!"Hidup Ayden, macam dilanda sumpah. Tak ada bahagia, hanya malang.•••hold on,i still want you
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