《Love on First Spark | Boboiboy x Reader |》Chapter 24: Merged Elements


"STOP!" I immediately flew in using my flames to blow Retak'ka's hair from Tok Kasa. Tok Kasa was shocked and so do Retak'ka as I made my unannounced debut.

Two sharp things ran across my cheeks marking some scars as because of the hurricane Retak'ka made. I looked at him in anger.

"Don't you dare hurt Tok Kasa" I say as Retak'ka smirked and took his hair back around him.

"Finally you're here" he chuckles in an evil manner looking at me. "If you really wish to take his place... then by all means" he says as the wind picks him up in the air.

He laughs dashing towards me so I immediately used my second power. "Boboiboy Ice! I'll freeze you!" I say as I took my Ice bow aiming at Retak'ka releasing arrows towards him.

He keeps on dodging every single one of my arrows. He was a step away from me as I launch my last arrow at him only making him vanish infront of me.

I was shocked. I looked around to see if he was there but he is not. "Where are you?!" I yelled out looking around in high alert.

A thick black wind smoke appeared revealing Retak'ka. "Here!" He says as he pushed all the wind force to me blasting me all the way out, my hat seperated from where I am.

I was slammed on a giant rock as I reverted back to normal out of strength. And them Retak'ka thorny vines entangled me with the rock locking me.

"Let go of me!"

"How pathetic..." I heard Retak'ka speaking while I struggle to get out of his vines. "Such amazing Elemental Powers wasted in the hands of an incompetent child" he says as he started to tighten his vines making me yell in pain.



I am on my way to the spaceship to where Ying, Yaya and Fang are but then I saw Boboiboy get blasted to a rock by Retak'ka's Tempest element. I looked at the spaceship and spotted Captain Papa running to me.

"You go get Yaya and the others out the spaceship, I'll go help Boboiboy" I say as I used my dash to follow where Boboiboy was blasted.

On my way I spotted his hat lying on the ground. I picked it up and ran to where he is only to see Retak'ka tightening his vines on him. I heard Boboiboy's scream and I have to admit I don't like it.

He have crossed the line!

"Don't touch him noseless freak" I say as I dash from behind him but I didn't expect him to be this fast as he caught me by my neck.

I tried kicking him by his chest but he won't budge. "LET GO OF ME!" I say as I summon my scythe as he let me go. He looked at me shock.

"How dare you steal Boboiboy's elements?!" I say as I look at him in anger. I stood there holding Boboiboy's hat and holding my scythe on the other hand.


"Well well the looks like my luck have been granted now that you're here..." he says making me stop. What does he mean? He is not going to use me as bait right? "I will suck out that Voltra out of you even if it means KILLING YOU" he says making my eyes widen. Kill me? Hah! As if.

"Oh no! Y/N GET OUT OF HERE" I hear Boboiboy yelled.

"No! I am not leaving you in that situation" I refused as I looked at him in a determined manner. Retak'ka laughed at what I said only to make me get angrier.

"Let's see if you can suck these powers of mine noseless freak! VOLTRA EMBODIMENT" I say as I transformed to my Voltra form. My h/c hair flowing like it's in water as my e/c eyes turned phoenix red.

I attacked Retak'ka as he also used his own Voltra and had a close combat with me. I swing my scythe right at him cutting some piece of his hair making him shock.

"COME HERE BRAT" he says appearing infront of me as he grabbed me by the neck again. My scythe was reverted as I tried to take his hand out of grasp on my neck. "That voltra will be mine!" he says sucking my voltra energy out. I screamed in pain as I feel my energy gets wiped out.

"Y/N!!!!!!!" I hear Boboiboy yelling my name. After the draining my energy, Retak'ka released me as I slumped down the ground tired.

I hear Retak'ka laugh as I sit up looking at him, weak in energy. "Finally! The power of Voltra is finally mine- WHAT" he was in victory but he noticed that his Voltra was still the same. And that time I chuckled as I stood up weakly.

"Sorry but.... Voltra is not an element Retak'ka.... It's a soul" I say as my eyes glows phoenix once again. Retak'ka then went pissed off by what I said.

"You little brat" he says as he slapped me getting me out of the way as I hit a tree and lose my consciousness.










I saw how Y/n's energy got drained infront of me. She's screaming in pain losing all of her Voltra energy. It hits me that it's not a power watch, it's her body. And she will die.

I don't want to lose her.

After draining her power, Retak'ka thought he had victory. But looks like Y/n was wise enough to know that it can't be drained fully but it can only be drained by energy.

Retak'ka slapped Y/n aside making her hit a tree as she fell to the ground not moving anymore. My eyes widen.

"Re... Release me" I say as I try to struggle again. I want to go to Y/n. I want to help her.

"Very well" Retak'ka says as he uses his Dark Wood to pull something beneath the ground. "If that is your wish then I shall grant it" he says as he pulls a giant wooden hammer as vines creeps around it too.

"I will release you from your never ending torment BY ENDING YOU NOW" he says a trace of bloodlust in his eyes. "I will pound you to dust BOBOIBOY" he says as he braced his hammer and started to swing it right at me.


My eyes widen. No I can't die yet. "NOOO" I yelled as I closed my eyes. I felt it coming at me as we heard a loud crash. I opened my eyes as I felt nothing but his vines and I opened my eyes and what I saw shocked me.

"Tok Kasa....?" I say as Tok Kasa in his crystal armor stands infront of me blocking Retak'ka's hammer.

Retak'ka's hammer lifted up as Tok Kasa goes along and fell down on his feet feeling weak already.

"Why.... Why did you save me?"

"What? It's okay when you play the hero, but when I do it, you're surprised?" he says as he falls down to his knees.

"Forgive me Boboiboy... I did not intend to deceive you but I needed to take back the Crystal Elemental to stop him" Tok Kasa says as I only look at him. I can't even help him right now, I'm strangled in Retak'ka's vines.

"I'm sorry Tok... I'm not strong enough! I can't defeat him by myself" I say as I look to where Y/n is as she still lies there unconscious. I started to tear up just the sight of her and Tok Kasa.

"No but you have a strong will" he says making me look at him. "Stronger than Retak'ka and I could ever be!" I looked at him in surprised. I didn't expect him to say that since I kept failing his trainings.

"All this time you held all seven Elemental Powers, but I see now that were never corrupted by those powers" he says making me more surprised. He believes in me? "Unlike him" he says looking at Retak'ka as Retak'ka looked at him in surprise too.

"Huh?! What did you say?" Retak'ka says stepping closer to where Tok Kasa is.

"Yes! You are weak! You are overcome with greed! You are not the same Retak'ka that I knew... Whom I once called, my bestfriend" he says as Retak'ka looks at him angrier as he hit Tok Kasa with his hammer slamming Tok Kasa infront of me.

"TOK KASA!!!" I yelled his name.

"Defeat him Boboiboy" he says coughing in pain as he lay down can't move at all.

"I can't Tok... I only have 2 elemental powers left" I say as I looked at him helpless. I can't defeat Retak'ka with just my Blaze and Ice. Plus Retak'ka did say splitting only makes my elemental powers weak.

"Two Elementals? I defeated him with one Elemental Power you know" he says as he lets his two fingers collide as I look at him with realization. He defeated Retak'ka with the crystal element.

"Go and take back all your elemental powers Boboiboy... Y/n believed in you, that's why she held this hat along with her" he says as he takes out my hat from behind him and put it on me. Wait what- Y/n believed in me?

"Enough with your nonsense old man" I heard Retak'ka says as he used another hammer and slammed Tok Kasa both sides like as if he would squash him.

"TOK KASA!!!" I screamed.

Retak'ka took Tok Kasa with his vines lifting him up as he drains the Crystal Element within him. I stood there motionless as I looked down and realized what Tok Kasa said.

One element. If splitting makes me weak then... "I actually just need one Elemental Power to defeat him" I say in realization as I look at a crystal infront of me. I know what to do now...

Suddenly, Tok Kasa hit the crystal I'm looking at making me snap and look at Retak'ka. Oh no... He got the crystal element!

"Retak'ka.... CRYSTAL" he says as green orange crystals dash around us as he transforms to his crystal element.








Retak'ka transformed to his Crystal element after sucking it out of Tok Kasa. Boboiboy looked at Retak'ka not being able to save Tok Kasa.


"Now it's your turn to be destroyed" Retak'ka says looking at Boboiboy who he got strangled up on a rock. "Surrender your Elemental Powers to me!" he says as he laughs in his victory.

However... The boy with the dino cap-hat spoke. "My turn? You're wrong... It's your turn now!" he says as his eyes glowed in the heterochemia of orange and blue. "BOBOIBOY DUAL... SPLIT!!!" he says as the rock and vines around him crumbled and destoryed as he split into two.

Blaze and Ice stood with their positions facing Retak'ka.

"Hah? You still insist on splitting?" Retak'ka says as he looks at the splitted elements.

"Oh we're not splitting" Blaze answered as Ice spoke next. "We are..."

"MERGING!" they both said.

Blaze ignited his flames as Ice empowered his frost. "BOBOIBOY FUSION!" they both says as they crossed their arms where their power watches are located.


A loud explosion was created creating thick smoke around. This made the two unconscious victims of Retak'ka wakes up.

"H-Huh?" a girl with h/c slowly open her eyes as she looks at the scene infront of her. And there she saw something making her eyes widen.

A boy walking towards Retak'ka. His right side creating flames as the left creates Ice. But the question is who is he?

"Boboiboy... Frostfire!" he introduced himself as he gets into his battle position shocking Y/n and Retak'ka. Seeing Frostfire, Y/n went to hide behind the trees and spotted someone going somewhere as she followed him.

Back to Boboiboy....

"What? You've found a new way to use the Elemental Power?" Retak'ka laughs as he talks to the merged element infront of him.

"I'll make you regret over what you've done" Frostfire says as he points at Retak'ka looking at him in his furious aura.

And of course this made Retak'ka PISSED AS F*CK.
























To Be Continued....

Peace to the peeps who expected that this chapter would be longer ^-^

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