《Love on First Spark | Boboiboy x Reader |》Chapter 18: Retak'ka
"TAPOPS Station have been destroyed!!?" I say as I lool out from the ship seeing our station smashed into pieces. Just what happened here?
We flew to Tapops' entrance. I immediately went to the vent while the spaceship lands. "Wait Boboiboy you can't just barge in-" Y/n came up behind but I looked at her and saw Commander being held by an alien. He is not like other aliens. He have no nose and a blue strand of hair lingers infront og his head.
"Boboiboy?!? Get out of hee before he-"
I was shocked whem he suddenly threw Commander aside without letting him finish what he's saying.
I immediately jumped down without the spaceship landing completely. I ran to Commander and checked his state. I can hear the alien's laugh.
"It appears all this destruction have been unnecessary... You should've come here sooner, Boboiboy"
I let Commander rest for a while as I see the alien walks towards me. I stood up and faced him in anger. Another piece of no good intention.
"Who are you?!? Why did you come here huh?!?" I yelled at him quite also asking his intruding.
He kept walking towards me until he introduced himself. "I am Retak'ka... Pleased to make your acquaintance, Boboiboy" he says as he stops after he stops talking.
Please? More like pissed.
"Huh? Me? WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME HUH?!?" I yelled agaim anger rushing through my head. I am mad. He destroyed the Tapops Station amd hurt Commander and the others! He went to far!
"Return my powers to me"
"Your powers?"
"Yes... The Elemental Powers!!!" he says as he raise his hands up in the air having his glory of saying the words elemental.
I was in shock. I thought I was the first on to wield the Elemental Powers. I thought I'm the only one who can control it but here is Retak'ka. The first yielder. Does that mean he knows Ochobot?
"What? Did you really think you were the first to wield the elemental Powers?" he says as he walks behind me and around and as soon as he did that he grabbed my arm and held me up. "I am the true owner of the ELEMENTAL POWERS" he says.
I begin to struggle from his grasp. "Let go of me!" I groaned as I try to take his hand off of mine. "BOBOIBOY BLAZE! Blazing Chakram!" I started to use my fire element's second tier form as I begin to attack Retak'ka.
I jumped away from him landing safely as I glare back at him with rage in my eyes. He steps back a little and dust off his left shoulder as he evily chuckled.
"Impressive... I never thought a mere child will be able to use the second tier elemental power" he says as he faced me.
Now he is just MOCKING ME!
"Eesh! I'll make you regret ever coming here!" I groaned as I summoned my flaming chakrams by my hands. First he intrude Tapops, then he wants to steal my powers which is not his anymore and by the seem of it, he just want the elements for greed! I don't wamt these powers to go to the hands of evil!
"How arrogant" he says as he grins. "Allow me to show you the true Elemental Power" he says as his left chest glowed. Yellow flame-like lights rose up to his head lile Solar's power as his eyes released a powerful beam and I immediately dodged away.
The beam lights through my place damaging the spaceship. I looked to where it was hit on, my eys were wide open.
"What was that?" I can't help but say.
"This is but a taste of what I can really do with your power" I heard Retak'ka say as I looked back at him. I felt pissed.
I decided to attack him again using my chakrams but I was shocked he caught it by both of his hands and crushed them into pieces. But how?
"Surely you can do better" he provoked.
"Flaming Fists.... BARRAGE!" I say as I immediately rush towards Retak'ka launching fire fists to him. He just won't budge and kept on dodging it swiftly! I need more accuracy and agility.
A golden light rope suddenly wrapped on my left foot as I flew to the air being crushed down to the floor like a mindless toy.
We all watch how Boboiboy fight the alien who introduced himself as Retak'ka. That guy almost destroyed the whole Tapops Station. EVEN ADMIRAL TARUNG HAS BEEN BEATEN.
We then saw how Boboiboy got slammed by a golden rope wrapped om his foot as Retak'ka slam him to the floors continuously. Fang acted up to save him.
"BOBOIBOY" he says as he tries to run to where Boboiboy is but he was blocked by an armored alien. Sheesh!
"Slow-mo Power!"
"Gravity Punch!"
Ying and Yaya saved Fang from that person. The aliens started to attack us too and they seem to be a part of Retak'ka's so-called minions.
"Shadow Beasts!" Fang summoned his entire zoo- I mean beasts of shadow animals as they ran towards to aliens who tries to fight them back. One us being played by the gorilla.
I noticed Boboiboy still being smashed down. I got to help him!
Boboiboy reverted back to his original form because of tiredness. Of course he's tired he was smashed down for like 10 times I guess. I couldn't even do anything at all. I just stood near the spaceship looking atvhow Retak'ka beat him up.
"The Elemental Powers are wasted on a child like you" Retak'ka says but was cut off when suddenly the armored alien was thrown to his direction making him dodge away and step away from Boboiboy too. Oh good.
"Surrender now or end up just like them!" Fang says as I stood beside them and looked at Retak'ka in a displeased way. He looked at his minions and his face was shock but it was quickly change with nothing but a smug.
"Just like them you say?" He says as he suddenly vanish in a bright light and appears beside us making us shock.
His eyes glowed as I immediately transported out the way using my lightning as Fang, Yaya and Ying was knocked down by the wall. They are now lying on the floor in pain.
"He beat them in one shot... He's strong" I say as he started to walk over to Boboiboy is. Wait- no!
"And now it's your turn to fall Boboiboy- HUH? Where are you?" Retak'ka stopped after seeing that Boboiboy wasn't on the place he was lying down earlier.
Below Retak'ka glowed bright lights. And there voices were heard.
"BOBOIBOY.... PENTA.... SPLIT!" Beneath Retak'ka is a Pentagonas it glow and Boboiboy now split in five. Earth, Thunderstorm, Cyclone, Thorn amd Solar.
"Cyclone Veil!" Cyclone made a huge tornado locking Retak'ka inside nowhere to go as Thorm made his way swinging and landing on the floor.
"Binding Vines!" Thorn made creeping vines to get a hold of Retak'ka's movement which is quite helpful.
From inside Cyclone's cyclone veil, I heard Thunderstorm's voice. "Take this! Thunderstorm.... STRIKE!" he yells and sparks of red thunderbolts lights around the cyclone veil.
I can hear Retak'ka's painful scream but then it was changed in a split second. "How irritating" he says as a beam of light shattered everything. Throrn's vines and Cyclone's hoverboard too.
Retak'ka stood up facing the elements who attacked him. "This is how you use your Elemental Powers? By spliting up?" Retak'ka says quite disappointed on Boboiboy's skill.
But Boboiboy wasn't done.
"Earth Golem!" Quake's entrance appeared his Giga golem appeared behind Retak'ka locking him in its arms. "Now Solar!" Quake says.
Retak'ka was shocked by this. Behind the golem and him was Boboiboy's Solar element. Taking his chance to strike and kill the enemy.
"Solar Eclipse..... BLAST!" Solar pointed his shoot at Retak'ka making him blasted on to a wall. We all watched in amazement.
I lookd at Solar and to Retak'ka he was blasting on. So this is the strongest of the element's capability. The fact that Thunderstorm told me he is the youngest from the seven of them.
We then heard Retak'ka laugh making all of us stop. What? That's Solar's powerful attack why isn't he dead by now?!
"Yes! Excellent" he says as he steps on the ground not bothered by Solar's blast. "Channel all your powers to me" He said facing Solar completely. Solar was in a complete shock to even move his position.
"Oh no! SOLAR STOP" Quake yelled demanding Solar to stop his attack.
"SOLAR GET OUT OF THERE" I yelled to making Solar look at me making him lose focus as Retak'ka rushed on Solar grabbing him by the neck.
Fck! No!
Everyone stood frozen looking at Retak'ka holding Solar by his hands and lifting him up like just a no one important. We heard Retak'ka's HMPH as he don't let go of Solar.
"Perhaps a mere brat like you don't know... Splitting only makes your Elemental Powers weak" Retak'ka says moving Solar closer to him as Solar's face was shock and so do we. We just watched there. Can't do anything on how to save Solar. "Return your power to its rightful owner!" Retak'ka says as his other palm started to glow and put it infront of Solar's face.
"Gamma DRAIN!" as Retak'ka says that, he pulled his glowing arm awag as yellow lights started to come out of Solar and goes to Retak'ka. Wait! HE'S DRAINING HIM!
"SOLAR!!!" me and the other elements here yelled his name trying to fight the blinding light.
We can hear Solar's scream. I took a step forward but the light stopped as a strong wind blasted making me step backwards again. We looked to where Retak'ka is and saw Solar's glowing yellow form gone. He just drained Solar's energy.
Retak'ka put Solar down as soon as he did, Solar started to flutter. Fading away in white dusts. Just the sight made my tears escape my eyes.
"Solar.... He's gone" I muttered looking to where Solar flurried. I looked at Retak'ka in complete anger.
Retak'ka just LAUGHED. He laughed as he started to glow in golden yellow just like Solar. Yes because he fucking DRAINED SOLAR!!!
"Long have I waited for this exact moment" he says as he started to glow brighter and there Retak'ka stood with Solar tentacle rays shines behind him. Cyclone, Thorn and Thunderstorm looked at him in a mixed uo expression.
I looked at Retak'ka in anger. The rightful owner is Solar not him.
"Retak'ka Gamma! Maximum Power" he says as a ball of solar light glowed on his hand and strikes it to us. It blasted the four elements. Even Quake's earth barrier couldn't handle it.
I immediately used my dash to avoid it and coincidentally stopped beside Commander Koko Chi who is beaten up. He saw me and tried his best to talk.
"Y/n you must get out of here" he says holding my arm. I looked at Retak'ka who took Thunderstorm by it's collar and took Thorn and Cyclone by his light tentacles.
"You are not worthy to wield the Elemental Powers" Retak'ka says looking at the three elements. I stood up immediately and was about to attack him but Commander grabbed my clothes and tugged it. I looked at him and see his desperate eyes.
I looked at the three elements.
"Keep on wishing boy" Retak'ka says as his other arm positioned to them again just lile how he did on Solar after draining him.
"Submit to me.... My Elemental Powers!" he shouts as he drained Thorn, Cyclone and Thunderstorm's at the same time.
"NOOO!" I screamed as the sight of the elements being drained was right infront of me. I have to do something I can't just leave them being drained one by one.
Retak'ka finished draining the three of them. I stood there motionless. Thorn... He's gone too. Next is Quake.
I looked over to where Quake is but seems like he already reverted back to his original one. He was lying down there, too weak to even move.
Retak'ka slowly walked to Boboiboy. And then the gadget Boboiboy gave me opened revealing Gopal.
"Y/n! Take Boboiboy to the spaceship! We're leaving! HURRY" he says as I looked at Commander. He nods in approval as I looked to where Boboiboy is who seems to be infront of Retak'ka now.
"Come to me!"
"Not on my watch! VOLTRA SHIFT" I say summoning my power. I moved to where Boboiboy is and took him by my arms and shifted to the spaceship's vented door. There waits Gopal who is waiting for us.
We were about to leave but then Retak'ka used Thorn's element which he called Darkwood. He grabbed our spaceship with his large vines and pulled us making me, Boboiboy ans Gopal stumble on our foot falling back down.
Boboiboy's watch opened revealing Captain Papa who is holding Pipi. Wait- why is Pipi here?!? "Hey! Get inside! We need to get going now!" Captain Papa says.
"Huh?! But what about the rest?" Boboiboy says back.
Commander Koko Chi was virtualized on his watch. "Don't worry about us... Just Go! This is an order!!!" Commander says as he looked at me as I nod. "Don't forget to read my message Boboiboy! Find Hang Kasa!" Commander said and got disconnected.
We looked at the door who is about to close to see Fang, Ying and Yaya. Fang says something but we can't hear it but it seems like he wanted us to go without them.
"I.... I can't just leave them-"
"Hurry up Boboiboy! We need to go now" Gopal cut Boboiboy off pulling him inside. As soon as they got inside I stayed out there making Boboiboy looked at me.
I smiled at him. "I'll be staying for everyone... What matters is you're safe Boboiboy... Be safe okay" I say as I step backwards about to go out.
Boboiboy looked at me with wide eyes. I was about to go when an arm grabbed my waist and pulled me inside. What the-
The spaceship suddenly started to shake it seems like we're being shoot down. I was taken in the control room and everyone was in a panic.
"We have entered outer space!" - Ochobot
"Shields at critical level Captain!" Gopal was in a panic looking at our shields monitor.
"Huh? Open the teleportal now!!!" Captain Papa demands still holding Pipi. Ochobot went by the spaceship's lookout window and started to use his teleportation.
"Coordinates Identified! Teleportation Power!" He says as a beam of white ray shots through opening a portal infront of us.
We tried to get near the Portal but Retak'ka's vines are too strong! I have to cut it off. I was about to go out Again but Boboiboy grabbed my wrist.
"Y/n where are you going?"
"I'm cutting Retak'ka's vines off so we can get out"
"No! You stay here right where I can see you" he says pulling me near him as we both sat on his single chair. Instead of blushing I looked at him in confusion.
Captain Papa immediately made the engines to maximum power burning the vines holding us hostage. Just then after we got out. We were like a slingshot. We fastly got slinged to the Portal.
"I don't want to die Boboiboy!!!" yet again... Gopal screamed.
To Ne Continued....
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