《Love on First Spark | Boboiboy x Reader |》Chapter 3: First Mission


We are currently in TAPOPS Station while Ochobot's portal is infront of us. We will be sent to another planet for a mission. It's not about saving another power sphera, we have to protect a facility that can help power sphera recharges. But that facility have been heard being attacked and destroying their machines.

We also invited Y/n to come with us so she can get a first-time experience to these stuffs. We are also wearing some winter coats because the planet is a winter habitat.

We entered the portal, snow greeted us. We all started to walk by the snow. "SNOWWW I wish we have snow back in our home too!" Gopal says kneeling down on the snow. He then stopped and began to sniff the snow. "It smells mango" he says as all of us started to sniff. It does smells like mango. What is wrong with this snow?

"Wait- where's Y/n?" Ochobot asked looking around. We also looked around seeing none of Y/n's existence. We didn't lost her right? We just took a few steps.


"AH!" we all got shocked when Y/n popped from behind. She's holding a circuit wire and it seemed to be leading somewhere. Must be leading to the recharging facility.

We went to follow the wire as we reached a destroyed gate. The inside seemed to be abandoned by the looks. I swear I can feel a zombie suddenly popping out. We went in without further ado. We opened the facility's entrance as we heard some eeks.

"Hello? Anybody here?" Yaya calling out for survivors but we were answered by silence. I swear I heard an eek earlier. Before we could step closer, the lights were on again. But how? The circuit is broken.

We looked by the switch to see Y/n giving blue sparks on the switch. So that's why.

"W-Who are you?"

We looked at the person by the hall's corner. There seem to be five of them alive. We stopped walking so we can't scare them.

"Oh hi! We're member of Tapops we're sent here by Admiral Tiger and Commander Square Head to protect the facility while also helping you guys repair! We're good people we won't hurt you" Y/n popped up from beside us and started blabbering. She even called admiral and commander Tiger and Square Head. I could see Gopal holding his laughter while me, Fang, Yaya and Ying looked at Y/n deadpanned.



"Commander Square Head"

The two who are watching them this whole time exclaimed looking at Y/n in devastation.

The five survivors ultimately believed us and showed us the stuffs where the attacks had currently always been occurred and it seems that the culprit's target is the main energy source of the electricity they needed here.

"We need amount of electricity to recharge this power source but everytime we did the attackers always come like they can sense energy" one of them explained as we tried to analyze a solution. If it is attracted to energy or electricity then it must be something or someone who absorbs or eat the energy/electricity that's why it always target the energy source.

"I got a plan" Yaya says as we all looked at her. Yaya looked at me and Y/n and hold us both by one of our shoulders. "Y/n and Boboiboy have the abilities of Lightning energies. The two of them will recharge the energy source and we will stay in guard in case the culprit comes back" Yaya explained the idea in her mind.

"So we'll be the baits?" Y/n asked and Yaya nods.

We all settled and agreed on Yaya's plan. Fang created a Shadow by the floors incase the culprit gets in we can easily grab it by his shadow. Yaya and Ying stays inside with us to guard us along with the five survivors who will be regenerating the machine to recharge the energy source. Gopal is going to stand by the door as live bait since he can run fast.

Me and Y/n went in the machine as I transform into my Thunderstorm element which is my Lightning's evolve form.

"Wha- you have Red Lightning?" Y/n asked in surprised. I can't help but heat up a little but nods in reply.

We can't see everyone outside nor can them see us from the outside. "Boboiboy, Y/n you can start in three, two..... One" after saying that me and Y/n groaned to unleash the energy we obtain.

Red lights flashing inside the machine from both of our powers. Y/n's energy switching to Red and Blue from time to time. While charging, we heard a bang from outside. We can hear screams of gopal too.





After we knew me and Y/n started to roll around the machine. It's like the machine is rolling. The upper part of the machine opened as we see a giant human-tree. What is that thing.


It closed the upper part so me and Y/n will have no escape. We can feel the machine being lifted. We started moving and get to sit on the machine motionless. Basically that human-tree took us and imprisoned us here.

"What do we do now?" Y/n says as she seemed to be nervous and scared. I mean who wouldn't anyone with their first day on mission and like this would happen will be scary.

"I can use my earth element to break us out here-"

"No they need the machine to recharge the energy source remember?" Y/n cuts me off as I never realized that. I nod but now all we can do is just stay inside until we gets free and fight that thing.

A moment after, everything stopped. I guess that humanoid tree stopped somewhere. I opened my watch contacting Gopal and the others but seems like the signal is blocked because we're enclosed in the machine.

We felt the machine being dropped down. Y/n is trying to get the machine door open while I figure out how to open the seal above the machine.

But before I could think, the machine's door open causing Y/n to drop down. I quicky grabbed her arm amd pulled her. We noticed the place and we seem to be in a big cave by the mountains. We are placed on a wooden shelf. It's too high from up here to be honest.

"Wow luckily you grabbed me or else I'll be squashed mice by now" Y/n says as she chuckles but I only sighed. She's quite clumsy though.

Because of me and Y/n's curiosity, we wandered our eyes around not noticing the approching giant human tree. It grabbed Y/n causing her to flinch. "Y/N" I yelled. "ELEMENTAL POWER! BOBOIBOY LEAF! BINDING VINES" I quickly get my vines to grab the human-tree's arm that was holding Y/n and pulled it but that thing is a giant so it pulled me back causing me to flew to the other side of the cave which I also landed and some books?

I stod by the books and look where the machine is. I KNEW IT! THIS TREE IS ABSORBING ELECTRIC ENERGY.


I looked at Y/n and she's locked in a small wide tank. She tries to kick her way open but no use. I immediately contacted Gopal and the others which I successfully did.

"BOBOIBOY! Where are you?!?"

"W-We're in a giant cave! It's easy to find! Hurry up!! Y/n's in trouble I can't do this alone this attacker is big!"

"Hey we know it's big! Even Fang's shadow is useless to it"


"AHHHH! Yaya! Ying! Fang's gonna kill me"

"Stop fooling around!"

After I contacted them I immediately rushed to Y/n. "ELEMENTAL POWER! BOBOIBOY QUAKE" After transforming to my Earth's second tier form I punched the tank where Y/n is in and grab her and run away.

We went to the machine to stay quarantine until Fang and the others are here but luck is notvin our side. The human-tree noticed us ans started chasing us. We need to knock that tree down.

"We have to make this tree knocked out" I say as Y/n looked at me amd stopped running. "Y/n! What are you doing?"

"You said he need to get knocked out! Then what makes a tree knocks out?"

"Cutting him? Hitting him by an axe and other blades"

"Exactly. RED THUNDER SCYTHE" A flash of red sparks flashed across the cave. Y/n stood infront with her normal self, red lightning flashing around her. And she's also holding a big scythe.

"You're not going to cut him to half right?" I asked reverting back to my original form. She looked at me and smiles amd then her mood changed to serious.

"That's the main point boy" she said and dashed to the three. She cut a branch by it's arm causing the human-tree to yelp in pain.

"Boboiboy THUNDERSTORM! THUNDERSTORM SLASH" I immediately did the same. Appearing side to side slashing the human-tree's body.

After se cutting and slashing the tree got tired and knocked out on the ground. Scratches on his face are visibly seen. Me and Y/n went back to the shelf where the machine is. Right timing Fang and the others came.

"Wait what? It's defeated?" Ying looked surprised at the human-tree lying on the ground.

"You said it's hard to defeat" Fang said looking at me and Y/n.

"Let's just say we got a wise member" I say as I smiled at Y/n who also smiled back.

"Okay let's bring back the machine and help the staff to repair"







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