《Pantalone x GN! Reader》Fatui Business


2nd Person:

After being told about the archon's situation with the Fatui you offer your help in dealing with the matter. "Have you thought of any plans or ways to handle this matter?" you ask with a voice filled with tranquility and peace, "Unfortunately, I have not, this all started not long ago so I haven't been given much time to think." She claimed.

As she said that you two could see two figures entering the palace, one with light teal hair and a curious attire accompanied with a strange mask, and another with dark navy blue hair and a pair of glasses who had their eyes closed. They both noticed another being with Kusanali and turned your direction.

-"Lord Kusanali, who is this?" asked the person with the strange mask.

-"Oh, this is Y/N, an old friend of mine.." She was not sure if you'd like your identity to be known so she tried to hide you being a god.

-"Hm, you did not mention anything about a second party Lord Nahida, will they be staying for this?" the bluenette said.

-"Yes, they will be staying as a witness to this encounter." Kusanali insisted with a serious tone.

-"Well, if you'll be here as a witness allow me to introduce myself, my name is Pantalone, The Regrator, and him over there is Il Dottore, The Doctor; Pleasure to meet you." Pantalone said with a deceiving smile, Dottore just looked at him with an irritated look.

After he introduces himself and his companion but you give him a simple reply: "A pleasure to meet you to." Since introduction were out of the way the two men and the Dendro Archon could start their talk.

-"So, have you come up with an answer regarding our offer?" Dottore starts.


-"Seeing as how this matter started not long ago, I'm afraid i have not been able to think of an appropriate answer."

Pantalone kept a neutral face while Dottore was physically displeased with that answer. You noticed this and were more than displeased. "Kusanali, how long ago did this start?" you asked with a stern voice, "About three days ago." Kusanali said. "With all due respect three days does not seem like enough time to make the decision of giving away one's gnosis to the Fatui, I'm sure we can agree on that so would you care to give Kusanali some more time?"

Suddenly the room went silent, Pantalone had an amused look on his face, Dottore looked very annoyed and Kusanali wore a worried expression on her face. Before Dottore could protest, Pantalone stepped in "Personally, I agree with them, come now Dottore, why don't we give her some more time, this is a matter of great import for a archon so let's not be hasty.

Dottore looking at Pantalone with a angered face sighed and gave in to your offer.

-"Very well then, I'll give her more time, but I suggest you start thinking of an answer, and you be careful with how you address me." They both left leaving you with a distressed god, now that you had more time you needed to find a way to handle this Fatui Business without putting at risk any lives.

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