《s n o w f l a k e || pantalone x reader》9 || Mondstadt


"Lady Y/N!"

A soft voice called the spaced-out girl sitting underneath the tree near the Alchemy table in Liyue Harbor.

"Oh, hello Ganyu. Hope you have a nice day." She greeted looking up the blue haired half adepti.

She smiled softly, "Thank you so much."

"The Qixing asked you for a favor, this time you will be heading to Mondstadt."

Y/N immediately stood up when Ganyu mentioned the certain region.


"Well in order to celebrate the Lantern Rite festival next year, we really want to store up some wines. And Mondstadt is known by the bards and wines."

Y/N was a bit confused, why does she need to be part of this? Well not that she is complaining, this is Mondstadt we are talking about.

She tilted her head, "What does that have to do with me?"

Gnayu smiled and gave her a paper, "This is a contract for the owner of Dawn Winery. It is basically a request for them to reserve us the finest wine for the celebration."

'Right, Liyue's Archon is the God of Contracts.'

She nodded and accepted the paper.

A few days later, she arrived at Mondstadt, from Stone gate she already saw Dawn Winery. But she realizes the moon has risen.

Instead of heading to the winery, she simply walked passed it and follow a path. Luckily she has a map with her that can lead her to the City.

Even in the evening, her faces brightens as the sight of the clear grassy plaines of Mondstadt. There stood a beautiful big tree where a Statue of the Seven stood.

Even from this distance she could see the lights of the city up ahead.

Sadly she hasn't seen a single dandelion yet.

Walking pass some hilichurl, not having the energy to fight, she arrived at the bridge of Mondstadt.


Taking in a deep breath she walked towards the city and greeted by the small city and beautiful illuminated lights.

Unfamiliar with the place, she saw Katheryne at the entrance and gave her a wave.

"Hello, Y/N. Welcome to the Adventurer's Guild in Mondstadt. How may I help you?"

She smiled and looked around the city, "Where could I stay to sleep?"

Katheryne told her there is a hotel up a head called the Goth Hotel.

Taking the lady she was greeted warmly by the citizens of Mondstadt who are still awake in the evening.

Arriving at the place called Goth Grand Hotel she knocked on the door to be greeted by an old man.

"Oh- Hello! Is there any room available to sleep in?" She politely asked, the old man gave her a sad smile.

"I'm sorry dear, but the hotel is fully booked..."

She gasped and smile assuring him that it was fine.

"Oh don't worry it's fine. But may I ask the reason why is it fully booked?"

The Old Man pulled her towards a more secluded area and gave out a tired sigh.

"The Fatui has rented the whole hotel." He stated.

A small pit of anger built inside the girl but she hid it away from the old man, "How did they manage to booked the whole hotel?"

"Well, there is a member of the Fatui who generously paid the whole hotel off for their work. His name is Pantalone, and he insisted paying the whole hotel for them."

Y/N stayed quiet, when he mentioned his name. Even in Mondstadt he is still involved.

Letting out a sigh she smiled, "Don't worry, I'll find a place to stay! Have a goodnight sir."

Soon she was back at the fountain of Mondstadt.


Her mind wandered towards Pantalone, curious what has been happening to the Harbingers and Snezhnaya.

"Are you from Liyue by any chance Miss?" A deep soft voiced asked.

The girl looked up and saw a red haired man with dark clothing, with a pyro vision on his side.

"Oh yes, I am from Liyue, I was just thinking about the Fatui aswell. Sorry if I ignored you." She nervously chuckled, the man was intimidating.

He gave her a nod, "Are you the one who will be giving me a contract about the wine?" He said crossing his arms.

The girl stood straight and took out the paper reading the name of the person who needed to sign.

"Are you Master Diluc? Owner of Dawn Winery?"

He nodded, "Indeed I am."

"I also heard you don't have a place to stay in. Well, since you are the person who gave the effort to travel all the way here from Liyue for the contract, I guess you could stay on the Manor." He requested.

The girl gaped and started to shake her head, "It's completely fine don't worry! There might be room here in Mondstadt." She excused.

Diluc sighed at the stubborn girl, "Goth Grabd Hotel is already fully booked. Follow me."


After the night, a new morning arrive and here they are Diluc and Y/N having a nice breakfast together as they discussed the Terms and Agreement about the contract.

"If I may add a term, Is it fine the Mililith will be escorting the cart filled with barrels of wine all the way to Liyue?" Diluc requested taking a sip from his coffee.

Y/N thought about it, "That can be arrange, but may I ask why Liyue's protection? And not Mondstadt's?"

Diluc sighed and crossing his arms, "Let us just say, the Knights of Favonius are really inefficient."

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