《Military Luna (gxg)》Chapter 6


Ava's pov

I wake up a few hours later and I see my mate looking at me, I smile at her but then I look at her neck and I see a bruise. The one that I gave her. She sees me looking at it and brings my attention back to her face. "I'm sorry," I say looking her in the eyes.

"I know," she says and puts a hand on my cheek.

"I didn't mean to," I say sadly.

"I know," she says again.

"Is there something I can do to make it up to you?"

"Yes," she says with a smile.

"What?" I smile back.

"Will you go on a date with me?" She asks.

"Yes of course I will." She cuddles up to me and puts her head on my chest. I would be lying if I said I didn't have butterflies.

"When do you want to go," she asks.

"I can't do tonight because I have work," I state.

"Okay what about tomorrow?"

"Okay I will come and get you at nine," I say.

"Okay." I kiss the top of her head. “What should I wear?" She asks.

"Well, do you want fancy or like a movie?" I ask.

"What about a little bit of both?" She asks.

"Okay I have the perfect thing in mine."

I reach into my pocket and get out my phone and answer, "Hello."

"We need you here," the Captain says from the other side of the line.

"Okay, what's going on?"

"I can't tell you over the phone, all I can say is you're in danger."

"I will be there, do I need to get Izzy?" I ask.


"Yes, she’s not in danger but just for protection."

"Why me and not her, what have I done?" I question him.

"It has to do with your time in the military."

"Okay, I’m on my way." And with that I hung up.

"Hey don't go," my mate says.

"I have to, you heard the call," I tell her.

"This is probably the safest place for you."

"I will be putting you all in danger and people might die," I tell her.

"Everyone here is willing to die for their Luna," she says.

"I know that's why I have to go." I walk over to the bedroom door and open it.

"If you're going out there please be safe," she has a worried tone.

"I will." And with that I left. As I'm heading to the door to exit the pack house I see Izzy.

"Captain filled me in," she says.

"Then let's go to the station." We walk out the door and out of the territory. We get to the end of the woods when something speeds past me. I look around but can't see anything.

"What can't find me," A male voice says, mocking me.

"Show yourself you coward," I yell and I feel another breeze of wind.

"Hello... Ava." The voice belongs to a pale man and he has Izzy.

"What do you want?" I say not making a move, I don't want my friend to die.

"Do you not remember me?" I have no idea who this man is.

"I'm sorry I don't."

"Oh what a shame. Well doesn't matter to me, I remember you and what’s going to happen is up to you. So what will it be, I can take little miss blood, skin, and bones here or you can come with me." Well he's a psycho if I've ever seen one.


"If I go with you, you won't hurt her?"

"Yes my dearest Ava, the human will be safe." He rolls his eyes at me like I'm crazy for having feelings.

"Take me," I state.

"No Ava don't," Izzy says trying to get free.

"As you wish my dearest Ava." He points to me and eight men come out of the tree line. Four of them grab me while the others are I'm guessing back up. As the men are taking me away the leader guy sticks a needle in Izzy's neck and she falls to the floor. I can still hear her heart so she's not dead then I feel a prick in my neck and I get dizzy. Then there’s black.

I try to open my eyes but the sun is too bright and is making my headache worse. "Izzy! Izzy!" Someone yells. I force my eyes open and see Zack running towards me with Mia in tow. He kneels down next to me and wraps his arm around me. "Izzy what happened, are you okay?" Zack asks.

"I'm fine but they took her." I start to panic. "They took her and I don't know where they are!"

"Who took her?" Mia asks with worry.

"I- I don't know, this guy came out of nowhere, he seemed to know Ava but she didn't know him. He- he said he would let me go if she went with him."

"Do you think it's someone from her old squad in the military that may have survived?" Zack asks Mia.

"It's not," I answered.

"How do you know?" Mia asks.

"Because, ever since that day she has never forgotten their faces, she believes that it was her fault. Every therapist says that it's survivors guilt." We hear a stick crack in the woods and one of the men from before walks out.

"I come with a message," he announces.

"Where's my mate you blood sucker," Mia yells and starts to go to him but is held back by Zack.

"She's better off, we can give her everything her heart desires."

"Give her back," Mia yells again.

"My leader's message to you is to stop looking for her. She will be better off with him. He can give her everything, including children."

"If he lays a fucking hand on my mate I will snap his fucking neck!"

"He will if he hasn't already. He will turn her into the first hybrid and the vampires will enslave all of wolf kind." He then snaps his neck and his lifeless body falls to the floor.

Mia runs over to the body and starts to punch him in the face over and over again as she cries, "Tell me where she is, tell me. You stupid vampire tell me!"

Zack and another pack member pull her off and she breaks down crying. Everyone drops on to one knee and bows their head. "We'll get her back," Zack says.

"I can't lose her."

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