《Military Luna (gxg)》Chapter 3


Ava's pov

I woke up and I feel great. Today was my day off work. We work a twenty-four hour shift and then are off for twenty-four hours. Today I'm doing yard work so I got out of bed and changed into a pair of jeans, a black tank top and sneakers. I'm not that hungry today so I decided to skip breakfast.

I go to the shed in the backyard and get out my lawnmower and bring it to the front. I start it up and put in my earbuds to listen to music. I start mowing my lawn when I smell wolves. When I turn around, I see the same man as last night. I can see him more clearly now, he has blonde hair and blue eyes and is about six feet tall. There’s a woman next to him. She is around the same height as me, six foot one". She has brown hair like me but her eyes are hazel while mine are brown.

They are walking towards me so I take out my earbuds and put them in my pocket and turn off the lawnmower, I meet them near the curb. "Mate, mate, mate, mate." Danny repeated.

Danny was about to keep saying it but I interrupted her. "Mate, I get it," I say back.

I wake up to my wolf Emma singing, "It's gonna be a good good day."

"Can you stop."


"Because, why are you singing anyway?" I ask.

"Because today is going to be a good day," she tells me.

"How do you know?" I ask, wondering what she knows.

"I just have a feeling," she tells me back. Then I remember I get to meet the true Alpha today. So I get up and put on a pair of black jeans, a maroon color top and a pair of sneakers.


I meet Zack in the kitchen and we leave. We walked out of the woods and into the city. In the distance I see a woman cutting her lawn. She turns off the lawnmower and meets us at the curb. She has the most beautiful dark brown eyes. We just stare at each other. "Mate, mate, mate," Emma yells in my head.

After a while of looking at the woman who is my mate I ask, "Can I help you?"

"Mate," the woman says. Even though I never look away from her eyes I can tell the man is looking back and forth between us.

I nod my head exnolging that we are mates but I don't do anything I just ask, "What can I do for you?" Turning my attention to the man. The woman shakes her head out of her thoughts.

"I just really wanted to meet you, and not because you’re my mate because you are a true Alpha and also that you are my mate but I did not know that," the woman says quickly so I put a hand on her shoulder to calm her down.

"Slow down, why did you come here?" I ask, looking at the woman.

"Sorry, you are a true Alpha and those are rare and for you to be one so young is impressive," the woman says slower.

"Thank you, but what do you mean Alpha I don't have a pack?"

"You are a true Alpha, you earned the rank whether you have a pack or not." The man says.

"I don't know your names yet I'm Ava."

"Beta Zack and she’s Alpha Mia," the man I now know as Zack responded.

"If you're an Alpha, why did you want to see me?" I ask. If she’s the same rank there’s no difference.


"I became Alpha after my dad stepped down, you made yourself an Alpha," Mia tells me.

"Okay I get it now."

"Hey, do you maybe what to come to the pack house?" Mia offers.

"I would but I need to finish my lawn and I have work tomorrow," I replied sadly.

"Okay maybe another day then." She sounds just as sad as me.

"Maybe if you give me twenty minutes I can come."

Her face lights up. "Okay that sounds good."

"Do you want to go inside for coffee?" I ask as it would be a little weird if they just stood watching me cut the lawn.

"I can't, I have to go back for training," Zack says.

"I can stay though," Mia says. We say bye to Zack and go in the house. I give Mia a cup of coffee and go back to cutting the grass.

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