

"Check all perimeters. Make sure no unknown presence is within the territory. This time, do it correctly." The voice was stern and full of authority.

It sounded far away, as if someone were speaking from a distance. Slowly, her senses started awakening. The first thing Massie noticed was the strong smell of rubbing alcohol. She looked around her surroundings and found it did not help in figuring where she was. The room was very bare, with only a queen sized bed which she currently laid in, and a small dresser with no object above it. She saw the figure of a silhouette just outside her door and propped herself up, only to feel a strong sting on her right arm. She winced and shuffled to get a better look, earning her an unbearable pain on her lower left leg that made her let out a strangled cry.

The silhouette appeared to have heard her for in seconds he entered the room. His golden eyes were hard as they accessed her. Immediately Massie was reminded of everything that happened. Her entering the forest, her finding a psychopathic wolf, the Corcorus trying to devour her, and her heroic save by the very man that now stood in front of her. Sebastian Pierce. It was crazy, how one moment she was reading about werewolves in a diary and the next she was intertwined with various of them. The Cult. How could she not have guessed they were mystical creatures from the very beginning? Everything about them screamed supernatural, and yet just like all the others she had waved it off as nothing.

Now knowing, everything made sense. The way they sat together in lunch, their height and physical prowess, it all fit together. Much more their estate in the middle of the forest, that should have tipped her off the most along with the fact that a large group lived together. Gosh, she had really been dense. Now, all she could do was gaze in wonderment at the handsome man before her. He looked taller, more overpowering, but that could have been due to the fact that he was standing whistle she was sitting down, or the anger waves that radiated off him. Which one of them it was, Massie wasn't sure.

"You are awake," he noted, narrowing his eyes.

Oh, so he was angry with her. "Yes, I am. Is this your house?" She questioned, knowing the answer but still asking anyway.

Sebastian nodded, his lips forming a strict line. He approached the side of her bed in order to better check her wounds. He was wearing a black shirt that revealed all of his arm, as well as his impressive muscles. He lifted the covers and cursed when he caught sight of her arm. "What were you thinking when you entered the forest at that hour?"

It was clear her arm had been cleaned earlier. Now, however, after her abrupt movement the injuries began to bleed again and stained the covers below her. Her eyes widened upon seeing them as well, it was so much blood, how hadn't she felt it before? "To be honest, I really hadn't been thinking at the time." The answer didn't seem to satisfy him. Sebastian growled and grabbed a large cotton pad from a low table she hadn't noticed before. She leaned to get a better look at it but only got to glimpse a few first aid supplies before the golden-eyed male grabbed her shoulder and stopped her.

"You're putting pressure on the wound, lay down." He ordered. Sebastian took the alcohol bottle and spread it on the cotton pad. Without as much as a warning he passed them over her cuts.


Massie hissed, reflexively pulling her arm away. Sebastian expected that and held her arm tighter. Every time the alcohol-dosed swab passed over a cut she had a sharp intake of breath, but nevertheless swallowed her cries. She stared at him as he concentrated on her wound. The slight shock of him being a werewolf had fallen, and now it was slowly being replaced by embarrassment; all along her beloved wolf Cinnamon was her school crush.

Abashed, she looked down, letting her hair cover her face. She rarely blushed, and when she did she never let anyone see it. All those secrets. . .her plans to catch "her Sebby", how much she liked him, all of it she had ignorantly revealed to Cinnamon. And now, to think that it was Pierce all along made her face heat up like a stove. She closed her eyes and breathed, aiming to shake away her embarrassment. There was nothing she could do to take those words back now.

After he was done cleaning her cuts Sebastian quickly wrapped it, tight enough to give pressure, but loose enough to be comfortable. Finally having her face back to normal Massie looked up and smiled. "Thanks."

His eyes did not soften. "Why were you in the forest?"

Massie sighed. Well, there went the whole '. . .and then he suddenly turned romantic' dream. "I was curious," she answered honestly. "Besides, I've been near the forest during much later hours." Violet eyes stared at familiar amber colored orbs. He knew exactly what she was talking about. That fact that he had been Cinnamon all along could not be ignored.

"Yes, but you never ventured into the highly wooded areas." He pulled down the covers until she was left bare. She shivered in the cold air. Looking down, she realized she was wearing the pajamas she left her house in. Which consisted of her father's large shirt and some shorts.

She didn't miss the way his eyes followed the length of her legs, making her smirk. Yes, she definitely had amazing legs. It appeared he wasn't completely immune to feminine features after all. Sebastian cleared his throat, focusing his eyes on her damaged ankle. She teared her attention away from him and examined her injury. She gasped, eyes wide. Her entire foot was not only immensely swollen and abnormally shaped, but also red with tinges of purple. She looked away, disgusted.

So much for being sexy.

After having her foot stared at for a few moments Massie grew impatient and threw the covers over her legs once more. She was uncomfortable with the idea of him staring at her revolting foot. Sebastian's eyes snapped to her, annoyed. "I am trying to correctly look at your wound."

Massie humphed and crossed her arms. "I think you've gotten a good enough look, there's nothing you can do about it but let it heal."

He sighed and looked at the ceiling, as if asking why she was being so difficult. "While you were asleep Hailey and Mandy put ice on your foot for 15 minuets and cleaned up your arm," he informed. "I was checking to see if the ice had any effect."

Massie was surprised she had slept through all of this. "Wow, I must have been really knocked out." She looked at the time, and was even more surprised at it being 4A.M. For some reason she thought it would be later in on the next day. She hadn't slept as much as she assumed. Looking out the window, the bright moon still lit the forest, a few layers of red and purple beginning to weave into the dark blue sky.


"The pain made you lose consciousness," he said, grabbing an elastic wrap and removing the covers once more. He gave Massie a warning glance before beginning to wrap the elastic around her ankle, clearing messaging her to not disrupt him again.

She leaned back, deciding to let him finish. She didn't like the fact that he was staring at it, but at least if he had any repulsion to it he hid it. That, and the butterflies in her stomach awakened when she analyzed that he was taking care of her. Again, she remembered her predicament. The fact that he was Cinnamon.

She huffed, feeling stressed. She habitually crossed her legs, only to have Sebastian grumble and stop her feet from interlocking before she caused herself pain. "I am trying to wrap your foot."

She ignored his comment and pouted, unable to hold her discomfort any longer. "All this time you were Cinnamon and you didn't tell me." Sebastian looked at her blankly, not understanding. "I told him a lot of my secrets!" She continued, making her point.

"Massie, you have an injured arm and a sprained ankle. The least you should worry about are secrets you never meant for my ears to hear," he commented, dumbfounded.

Her pout became bigger; now she knew how distressed her sister probably felt. "I loved Cinnamon. He was a great listener. He even gave me a wolfie-back ride one night," she spoke, as if they were two different persons.

Sebastian's eyes remained focused on her ankle. "I know. I am 'Cinnamon'."

Focusing on what he was doing Massie giggled, earning a curious gaze from Sebastian. After gaining no explanation he returned to wrapping her foot. She didn't have to wonder why it was taking so long. It was obvious he was no expert in wrapping anything, and so sometimes he would have to redo sections. The curves of her foot were more difficult than her arm.

Now that she knew Sebastian was well aware of her feelings (as if she hadn't given him hints regardless) she realized her plan of capturing would have change. "The friends-then-lovers plan is definitely out the way now," Massie murmured. Eyes widening, she turned to him curiously "did you hear that?" As far she she remembered werewolves had enhanced eyesight, better hearing, and other physical advantages.

He nodded. Massie repeated the thought in her head. "Did you hear that?"

Finally finishing wrapping her foot, he stood. "You didn't say anything."

"Hmm, so he cant read minds," she noted. Sebastian shook his head at her analyzing.

He lifted the covers over her form once more and allowed it to land just above her stomach. "Rest." He ordered, before turning off the light and leaving the door slightly ajar.

Massie sighed, her mother used to do that— leave the door a bit open because she believed her daughter was afraid of the dark. Of course, her mother should have known better, but at the time Lydia was much younger and needed to sleep with a nightlight.

She squeaked upon recalling that Sebastian was her Cinnamon, she still couldn't wrap her head around that fact! To think that she had even told Cinny about the mischievous plan that took place in Social Studies when she lied to Layla by saying Mr. Barman requested they switch seats. He knew everything! Yet, despite it all she couldn't help but like him even more. Aside from being tall, handsome, and strong, he was not arrogant about her affections. He remained the calm and controlled man she was used to seeing around her, not even making hints that he knew she liked him. For some reason, his indifference made her want to chase him all the more. Well, they do say you always want what you can't have.

Knock, knock.


She crossed her arms, recognizing the voice. "She's not here."

Jordan peeked from the crevice, managing to look directly at her despite the darkness. "Are you mad?"

After getting no reply he slipped inside and turned the lights on. His shaggy hair looked more in disarray than it usual did, along with patches of dirt covering his lower legs and arms. "You look like you just came from a nice run," Massie emphasized, knowing he'd understand exactly what she was talking about. Though her arms were crossed he could still see the small smile on her lips, which let him know she wasn't too angry.

His eyes softened as he sat beside her and grabbed her hand. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you."

She humphed. "You're so dumb. It's not surprising that Cin—Sebastian kept the secret from me. That was expected. But I at least thought you would let me in on it."

"I'm sorry," he repeated, truthful.

"It's okay. I overestimated our friendship. This secret—"

"No! No. You didn't overestimate our friendship," he interrupted, pulling her in into a warm hug. She ignored the slight pain on her right arm and returned the warm gesture. "I was going to tell you eventually, I promise. Sebastian ordered us to keep it from you until he thought it was appropriate."

Massie smiled. She knew she hadn't overestimated their friendship at all. Nevertheless, she would never miss an opportunity to be the lied-to-victim. At least Jordan was doing a good job, unlike Sebastian, who made it seem as if it was her fault she got attacked in the forest. How was she suppose to known a Corcorus wolf was roaming around?

"Keep it from me? Why?" She questioned, curious.

Jordan shrugged. "To get you more used to us, I guess." He smirked, "we didn't want you to run away scared."

Massie scoffed at the idea, offended. "Me? Scared? Puh-lease, this is as easy as a chocolate bar."

Jordan scrunched his brows, confused. "Chocolate bars? They're easy?"

Massie nodded. "Yes. You know, like easy to eat."

"So you ate the truth?"

"Mmhmm. It's not like bubble gum. With bubble gum you taste it but you never digest it. I can digest this."Jordan stared at her for a few moments before chuckling. Massie slapped his shoulder. "What?"

"Nothing, its just you have weird metaphors." He gave her a kiss on the cheek before standing. "You should sleep, your body needs to heal." His eyes looked directly at the small gashes that marred her arm, concerned.

"You mind giving me a phone though? I need to call my house before any of them wake up. My mom will worry if she doesn't see me in the morning," she related.

"I'll be right back, stay here." He said, before turning around and exiting the room. Massie shook her head at his ironic order as she stared at her covered swollen foot. Stay here? As if she had any other option! Just moving her foot brought painful waves, the idea of walking seemed unbearable.

Thinking back, Massie found it interesting how Sebastian ordered the Cult to not say anything for fear of her being 'afraid'. She hoped it was because Sebby was more interested in having her around than he let on, especially now that she was aware that he knew she liked him. Since the friends-then-lovers plan was out, it looked like she would just have to steal his affections the more obvious way.

"I found the house phone." Jordan supplied, entering the room and handing her the phone. "I'll check on you later, remember to rest."

"Thank you, Doctor Smith." Massie joked, waving him away. As he walked away he smelled his shirt. "Yes, you do need a shower," she commented, and laughed when he narrowed his eyes. Rather than answering back he shut off the lights and closed the door behind him.

Massie leaned back comfortably on the pillows, realizing just how tired she was. All that was left now was to call home and hope her mother didn't freak out. After typing in her house phone number and pressing the 'call' button, she waited for her family to pick up. Let's see, who would pick up? Lydia, Dad, or Mom. Lydia slept upstairs by her room, so it would take a while to reach the phone, as oppose to her parent's master bedroom downstairs. Her father was a deep sleeper, and even the loudest alarm clock couldn't awake the man. Somehow, he mother's soft voice could. That left her with—

"Hello?" Croaked a sleepy voice.

Massie bit her lip. "Hi mom."

"Massie? Why are you calling the house phone? Are you that lazy that you can't come downstairs?" Annoyance leaked into her voice, and Massie remembered the time she called her mother from upstairs to bring her a glass a water. It was a while ago, when she first started her job at the diner and returned home exhausted.

"What? No, mom. This is not my cellphone number." There was shuffling. She assumed her mother actually bothered to check the caller ID to see if what she was saying was true.

There was a sigh. "Massie, what happened?"

Massie smiled. This was a good sign, her mother wasn't angry. Obviously she couldn't give her mother all the details, but she would try to keep it as close to the truth as possible. Yes, that is exactly what she would do. Tell the truth, but tweak it just a little bit. "I was sleeping when this guy from my school threw pebbles at my window. He told me to meet him downstairs, and I did. But, only because I like him. He's really cute mom. We were talking for a while and I suggested we walk to the park. Then in the park I climbed a tree, but my hand slipped when I got to the very top and I hurt my ankle. Then some branches fell down and scratched my arm. And now I'm at his house where he cleaned me up and tried to lessen the pain of my foot, which is now really, really swollen."

Okay, so the tweaking a bit didn't work, but in her opinion the lie was passable. From the other side of the phone Massie heard silence. Finally, her mother responded. "What?"

Massie cleared her throat, ready to repeat her story. "I said—"

"I know what you said. What were you thinking? You know you can't climb high things, you always fall Massie. You fell off the swings in fourth grade, do you not remember? You broke your wrist."

Massie didn't bother correcting her mother on the fact that it was actually fifth grade, and that it wasn't the swings. It was the monkey bars, totally was the monkey bars.

"That was years ago, I haven't fallen off things in a long time. I'll be alright mom, I promise."

"Do you want me to pick you up? And you never told me about this guy you like. Were you planning on—"

"No! No I was not," Massie interceded, stopping her train of thought. Now that she thought about it, the story would deem it possible that they went to the park to have sex.

"Good." Her mother replied, satisfied. "You are too young for that. None of that until you're married. What's his name?"

"Who's name?" She asked, playing dumb.

Her mother yawned. "This boyfriend of yours."

"Sebastian Pierce," she blurted, her eyes snapping to the door, as if expecting him to waltz in. She didn't have the energy to explain to her mother that he was not, in fact, her boyfriend.

"Hmm, he sounds like a nice boy," her mother commented, thoughtful.

Well, Massie wasn't sure if nice was the best word to describe him, but he was definitely not mean. "He's charming. . . in his own way."

"You should introduce him to us, I want to meet him in person." She heard her mother yawn again, causing her to yawn. Why is it that yawns were contagious?

"Okay mom. I'm gonna go rest, you should too. You're yawning a lot."

"Mmhmm, goodnight honey. Call me when you wake up."

Massie nodded, and then realized her mother couldn't see her. "Okay," she said. "I love you."

"Love you too, goodnight."

Massie hung up and pulled the covers of the bed to her chin, groaning at the sting it brought to her right arm. Although the room had no open windows and the door was shut, it still felt chilly. Yawning, Massie closed her eyes and sunk more comfortably into the bed. Now, with her nose pressed up against the fabric she could smell the lingering smell of lavender. It brought a calm, soothing effect that helped her doze off into a peaceful sleep.

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