《WOLF CHASE》[13] Babysitting Incidents
"I am so serious right now," Massie replied, staring at the Sparks.
Together, Noah and his father could best be described by the 'like father like son' ideology. As a matter of fact, they abused it. If Noah ever wondered how he would look in the future he need only look at his dad, because it was clear all his genes came from him. His father was thick and buff, the type of guys you would expect to bend steel with the edge of his pinky. Michael, as he was called, could totally pass for a boxer.
"What do you think Noah? Should we consider the acting career?" Questioned his father, but Massie could see the hilarity in his eyes. Massie joined them in their laughter.
"You hear them? Even their laughter has the same obnoxiousness," pointed out Samantha—Noah's mother—which made Massie laugh even harder as she realized it was true.
Samantha, unlike her husband and son, had a no nonsense attitude. Massie marveled at how well she and Michael proved the whole opposites attract. Her keen eyes reminded Massie that she was Sebastian's aunt, the reason why Kristin had called Noah her cousin earlier at the diner. She wondered if everyone in the household was related, which would explain why they all lived together.
"Time to go." The voice was deep and clear.
Massie turned to see whose voice could be full of such authority. When she saw him, there was no need for introductions. Just by looking at him she already knew who he was. His tall stance and proud shoulders were unmistakable. It was Sebastian's father, and he was every bit as handsome and extraordinary as she expected him to be.
A handsome father and a beautiful mother. . . it's no wonder Sebastian is so gorgeous.
"You heard Papa Saurus, let's go," said Jordan, leading a large group of boys out the front door. Massie wondered where they had all come from, surely she had not seen any of them when she entered the house.
How many other people live here who I didn't meet?
Apparently many, for it seemed adult, teens and children alike appeared out of different corners of the house and went outside. Massie asked herself three things. One: how the heck did they fit in the house. Two: how did they all hear Papa Saurus' command, and three: was Saurus really his name? It sounded like a dinosaur. Rawr.
Papa Saurus seemed to feel her gaze on him and turned his attention to her. In a matter of few steps his long legs managed to cover a considerable distance. "Hello Massie, my wife has informed me of you." He took out his hand and Massie gladly shook it. As expected, it was strong and firm. "My name is Samuel, but the young ones have a habit of calling me 'Papa Saurus'. You may call me either, pleased to meet you."
Massie smiled widely in return. She couldn't help but notice how much his son inherited from his father. The monotone voice, his controlled movements, and of course those legendary pieces of gold. "I'm happy to finally meet Sebastian's dad. He inherited a lot things from you." The corners of his lips quirked upwards at seeing her bright smile.
"All good things I'm sure."
"Don't flatter yourself honey," said Mia, overhearing their conversation. She came up beside her husband and gave him a chaste kiss on the cheek. Massie noticed his eyes soften at the view of his wife.
Oh yeah, she's got him wrapped tight.
Samuel quirked a brow. "And that means?"
Mia giggled. "Not all of your traits are great." She turned her attention to Massie. "You'll need more than the average hammer to break that ice," she clarified, referring to her son. "His father was exactly the same when I met him. And to think he actually hated me before I even spoke a word to him."
With her curiosity piked, Massie asked "how did you two fall in love then?"
"Oh it's the funniest thing I must tell you!"
Her husband sighed. "Mia. . ." yet Massie could see a hint of blush on his cheeks. Clearly, this was not one of his preferred topics.
"However, the story is much too long to tell you now. But I'll definitely make time to tell you! And who knows, maybe you'll talk some more to my Sebby, my son is very handsome. Is he not?"
Massie laughed. Yup, she was completely certain Mia wanted her and Sebastian together. She wondered what on earth she had done to make Mia think so highly of her in such a short amount of time.
"Father, everyone is ready," informed Sebastian. He was at the front entrance of the house, wearing loose faded jeans and a top the did wonderful things to his biceps.
Oh where, oh where has the oxygen left?
"Very well." Samuel gave her a farewell nod and left for the door, while his wife gave her a kiss on the cheek and a wink before closing the door behind her, leaving Massie alone with only James' eight-year-old sister as company.
Massie sighed, content. She turned to the couch, where the brown haired girl lounged patiently. Time to see how "scary" the little angel could be.
Hailey giggled as she watched the potato "skin" fall on the counter as Massie peeled the vegetable. It was obvious Massie had no great experience when it came to peeling, well, everything. As she looked at the counter she joined Hailey, noticing there was probably more potato than the skin itself.
"I think we'll be needing more potatoes for our french fries," commented Massie, astonished at how a potato that was larger than her hand ended up being half its original size.
"Do you cook often?" Hailey questioned, grabbing a couple more potatoes.
"Eh, not really," Massie admitted, shaking her head. She was not one for cooking unless you consider the basics like eggs with ham.
It's the reason why when Hailey said she was hungry and suggested to make french fries with fried chicken, Massie was surprised she didn't see a bag of said things premade that needed only a fryer to have them ready. Apparently, the family cooked everything by hand. It explained the advanced kitchen with numerous spices she had never even heard of.
"I do! Jayden's been teaching me how to cook because he says I'll be helping him in the kitchen when I'm old enough to work at the diner. He says I'm really good!" Hailey said, proud.
"In that case, here." Massie supplied her with a knife. "You can help me peel the potatoes. Be careful though, I don't want you to get cut."
Hailey nodded, clearly glad she was able to help. By the time Massie got to her third potato she was happy she had gotten the hang of it, however, at seeing Hailey's work her esteem plummeted. Not only did the girl peel perfectly, but she did it faster too. Could anyone see how sad this was? Grabbing her fourth Massie tried to match Hailey's speed.
This isn't so bad.
"Ouch!" Massie hurried to the sink to run water on her cut. Thankfully the cut was small, but as she got a closer look she noticed it was deeper than she gave it credit for. "Aww great! Do you have any bandages? I don't want to have french fries with blood on the side."
Hailey stuck her tongue as if to say 'yuck', but nodded a yes. Putting down her half-peeled potato she ran to some other part of the house in that unearthly speed of hers and returned with kit full of bandages that made Massie's shoulders drop. The bandages were huge. As a matter of fact, she wasn't sure they were even considered bandages because they would the type of things you would see people at the hospital use after someone got half their stomach stabbed by a knife.
Pushing the kit away, Massie said, "I'll just use a napkin and apply pressure to it. Those babygirls are way too big for the cut I have. You'll have to finish peeling the potatoes without me."
"Alright!" Hailey jumped right into the job. Massie wondered why she was always so willing to do work. It was an admirable quality, especially since she had a tendency to stay away from it unless it benefited her somehow.
"Why do you guys have these big things?" Massie inquired, referring to the bandages. "It looks like it's made for some serious injury." As she inspecting the kit more thoroughly, she took into account the ointments and other medical supplies not usually found in first aid kits.
"The boys like to fight really rough, so they often get big cuts. My mom always keeps the kit ready to tend to their wounds. Sometimes she lets me help her."
Massie blinked, bewildered. "They fight?! Why do they hate each other or something?"
Hailey shrugged, unperturbed. "Not really. They mostly do it to train, and to see who's stronger."
"Hmph, typical males. No matter where I've moved to—and trust me I've moved to like thirty different places—the guys are always competing to show who's better. Of course, never to the point of injuries like these but since your family looks stronger and bigger than the norm, I guess it makes sense."
"Done!" Hailey chirped. Massie rose and sure enough the girl was done peeling all the potatoes.
"I'll turn the fryer on." Massie plugged the electrical frier and turned the heat to a reasonable temperature. "Okay, throw 'em in."
Hailey looked at the fryer. "I think we should wait until the oil heats up."
Feeling rather stupid Massie agreed. "Very true."
Hailey took the raw chicken she had placed at the corner of the counter to thaw as they focused on the fries. She expertly began to cut the chicken into pieces. Separating the legs from the wigs and so forth. Massie had to hand it to the girl, she looked like a total pro. Jayden definitely was not lying when he told her she was good.
Massie paid attention to how the girl cut the chicken, deciding she would memorize that and try to do it at home. Truth was, she felt a bit embarrassed an eight year old girl could do things that she—at 17—could not do. Growing up in a house of cooking women, Sebastian probably wanted a girl who could cook too. She'd have to definitely improve on that. Once Hailey got to the seasoning, however, Massie was completely lost. What the heck was all of that? The only thing she could recognize was garlic and salt. The rest were an assortment of spices that left Massie deciding she would probably look up something online when she attempted this at home.
"I'll fry the chicken first. If we do the fries first they'll be cold by the time the chicken is ready." Massie gave her the go-ahead wave.
After dousing them with flour and neatly placing the chicken in the frier, Hailey grabbed Massie's hand and inspected the cut. What Massie didn't expect, though, was her face of astonishment.
"What? Is it infected or something? Ugh, I knew I should have put some alcohol," Massie grumbled, grabbing the bottle from the kit and a cotton swab.
Hailey shook her head. "No, it's not that. Why isn't it healed yet?"
Massie neared the alcohol fused swab to her cut, only to pig out and move it away. "What do you mean? It stopped bleeding." Swallowing her fear she took a deep breath and quickly rubbed the inflicted area, but not without releasing a squeak.
"When I get hurt usually the cut is gone in a few minutes."
"That's because you're young. As people get older things get harder to heal, so I've heard."
"Hm." Hailey replied, pensive.
"You better go check on that fried chicken, I expect only the best from the great Chef Hailey Fulton," Massie prompted, giving her a wink.
Hailey stood straighter and gave her a big smile. "Right on!"
The food ended up tasting better than any fast food place she had ever ordered from. The girl had talent, it was no wonder Jayden was taking her under his wing.
After eating the girls entertained themselves watching movies. They first watched a romantic movie Hailey said the adults saw but she hadn't had the opportunity to see because it was her bedtime. However, when the movie got to suggestive parts where Massie knew it was going to lead to something an eight year old should definitely not see, she played the bored role and suggested a PG rated movie. Poor Hailey, if only she knew they purposely played it after her bedtime.
After, they each took turns taking showers. Hailey dressed in her wolf themed footed pajamas, and Massie changed into the conservative two piece she usually saved for the cold winter. That, and she was at stranger's house. She couldn't walk around in short shorts and belly showing tank tops that would probably give the adults the idea she was some hoochie mama. Yeah. . . not a good impression. Even if they weren't here, one couldn't be too careless.
"Follow me! I have my own room." Hailey began leading her through an array of halls and then down stairs, where the air had more chill.
"Most people share rooms? Though, it would make sense, a million people left the house earlier."
"Mommy says that since I'm a girl, I get my own room." Finally reaching a door, Hailey opened it and entered, holding Massie's hand and pulling her inside.
The room was just as Massie thought it would be. It was painted pink with a decorative purple flower behind her mattress. Her bedding was of the beautiful princess Sleeping Beauty, and on her soft white carpet at the edge of the room, barbies laid muddled together. Some were naked, while others wore stylish clothes.
Ha ha, you can see her boobs!. . . Uh oh, what happened with the two cherries?
Massie gazed at the dolls, disconcerted. Had they always looked like that? Now that she thought of it, it was her who had added the obvious woman traits with a marker on her barbie's chest after seeing her mom come out the shower without a towel. 'I left it in my room', she had said, stream ebbing from behind her. She remembered being five when that happened.
"Do you need to sleep with the light on?" Hailey asked, innocent.
Massie giggled and ushered the young one to the bed. "No, I never needed one. Even when I was younger. For some reason the dark never scared me." After Hailey was situated, Massie slipped in beside her.
"Goodnight Massie!" Hailey gave her strong hug, bringing a smile on Massie's face. Just as she had expected, Hailey was every bit as sweet throughout the entire day.
"Goodnight honey, sweet dreams."
Hailey mumbled a "you too" before closing her eyes. To Massie's surprise, the little one knocked out much quicker than she expected her to. Usually they took centuries to sleep; she remembered how Lydia was at that age.
Massie felt herself relax with the soothing warmth oozing off of Hailey. After today she felt more at ease about the place, and hoped she would be babysitting Hailey more often. For one, the girl was an amazing cook and she secretly hoped to learn some tricks from her, and second she was so adorable, smart and sweet! It proved wrong everything everyone had said about her, which made her wonder what it was that scared all the previous sitters off. Either way it gave her the opportunity she had now, and she was glad for that.
Finally, I get to see the Massie I've heard so much about. . .
Massie pondered on what exactly they had told Mia and the rest of the family about her. After only knowing the Cult for less than a month, she must have made an impression to have them speak to their elders about her. Not to mention she was offered a job at the famous Dark Falls Diner, and even became friends with the guys girls had been vying to befriend since preschool. Well, all except Sebastian of course, but he would be catch up with the rest of them in due time. . . after she got through that cold exterior of his. She'd be lying if she said she didn't like a challenge, and Sebastian was exactly that. Nothing was holding her back, even his mother was encouraging the relationship, something Massie would fully take advantage of. But again, why her? Why was she given all of these opportunities while others had more difficulty? Finding no explanation, Massie smirked.
She was just that amazing.
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