《I Belong to Him》The Fallen Tears


Elliot's P.O.V

After kissing me Levi holds my hand walking past Grayson making sure to bump his shoulder. Grayson and I make eye contact and the vein is very obviously about to pop out of his head but I look back down ignoring it. Levi holds me closely as if telling me it's okay. Its been a few minutes but I haven't said a word and my face is beet red. Once Levi gets me to class he kisses my cheek and whispers in my ear.

" Part one of the plan was a success. I know it's a bit uncomfortable but soon we'll have Grayson off your back. I'm sorry but I got you into this mess so I will do everything in my power to get you out."

I'm not really sure what came over me but I stood on my tippy toes and kissed Levi's lips.

" I never said I was uncomfortable and I never said I didn't like it." I chuckle nervously biting my lip before slipping into the classroom. Of course when I walk in everybody is staring at me. HARD. Then it dawns on me, not only am I dating one of the schools hottest jocks but I DONT HAVE MY GLASSES. Levi made me wear contacts which are surprisingly comfortable if I do say so myself. Within 2 seconds a bunch of girls have surrounded me and are asking me a million questions. Before I can even answer one the teacher comes in telling everybody to sit down. I sit in the very back making sure I don't have to engage with anyone.

" Now class we have a new student joining the class named Damien! Please treat him well this year. You can sit next to Layla!" Mrs. Harper says cheerily. Layla winks licking her lips and I scoff in response which causes her to glare at me. For the first time Damien and I make eye contact. He was tall, had beautiful blue and green eyes, a super hot jaw line, short yet long brunette hair, and the most wonderful body I'd ever seen. Besides, Grayson of course. Not saying Grayson is hot. That's besides the point, Damien looked like he had been created from above or below in all the wrong ways. By the time I'd stop my daydreaming and oogling Damien was sitting next to me making himself comfortable.


" Hey Damien, and you are?"

" I uh em - *HACK*"

Before I even knew what happened I'd completely coughed in Damien's face. I was so so embarrassed. This beautiful peace of meat was suddenly right in front of me I had no clue what to do and everybody was staring at me. I was waiting for the punch or the vulgar words but none came. Instead a chuckle escaped his lips and he wiped his face while staring into mine.

" Cough is your name? That's pretty odd even for a twink." I was completely and utterly embarrassed so I ran out the class as quick as I could and for the bathroom. As I'm running I'm suddenly shoved into the lockers with a pain shooting through my back. When I look up there's Grayson in his infinite glory. Grayson bangs his hands onto either side of my head digging his face into my neck.

"I'm trying Elliot. I'm REALLY FUCKING TRYING. I don't want to hurt you and I've been trying so hard to keep my cool." Grayson says breathing harshly into my neck. his fingers slowly start to move to my neck wrapping around it.

" Your neck is so small and fragile. One movement and I could easily snap it in two. Break it and break you. You know I don't get why you have to be so difficult. Why you cant Just Listen. I really don't understand and one thing I hate more than anything is repeating myself. I could really just kill you if I wanted to. But I won't. You Belong to Me YOU are MY toy. So why do you resist me? Even if you are a boy you're gay and guys fall at my feet all the time. What is it with you?" Grayson's hand tightens around my neck as he speaks.

" G-Grayson please we can talk but you have to relax. I'm dating Levi I just can't be with you I've liked Levi for so long and I'm a loyal boyfriend I can't be with someone like you. We just don't fit."


" Then break up with him and be with me. It's that easy kills two birds with one stone. I'm happy."

" But I wouldn't be I don't want you Grayson I'm sorry." Grayson slams me harder into the locker by my neck tightening his grip.

" TO HELL YOU DON'T. YOU ARE MINE." I claw at his arms trying to get him to let go. Tears escape my eyes as it becomes harder for me to breathe. After a few minutes he stops throwing me to the ground. I sob quietly holding my neck.

" If you don't want to leave him that's fine. Everyday during lunch you are to come to the rooftop and service me. You do what I say when I say it. If you object the next time I see your friend Levi I will put a bullet in his head. Without Hesitation. So what's your answer?" I want to say no and scream at him but what can I do? He practically owns this school and the police department even if I was to say something nothing would happen. And If anything were to happen to Levi I wouldn't be able to live with myself.

" Okay. I will do whatever you want. Just promise you won't hurt Levi."

" Scouts honor princess. Just do what I say and everything will be fine. Just know one way or another you will have to break up with him whether you like it or not."


" Okay what?" Grayson asks. I give him a blank stare in response.

" From now on whenever you are with me you will call me daddy. Because of course you are mine."

" Yes."

" Yes who?"

"Yes daddy."

" Good." Grayson kisses me slapping my butt before walking away. As soon as he's out of sight I burst into tears balling my eyes out and watching as my tears fall to the ground. Once I've finished and composed myself I walk back to class when I do Levi is standing there and the class is laughing.

" Levi what are you doing here?"

" Ell! I came to check on you. I heard about your little escapade."

"Ah, is that so?"

" Yep Mrs. Harper will be back soon. Somehow I ended up in charge though." It takes me a minute and I think of Levi as a sergeant. It's too much to handle and I burst out in a fit of giggles. the whole class goes quiet and after 30 seconds of laughter and wiping tears from my eyes I stop holding my stomach. All eyes are on me, then everybody starts laughing too we all laugh together.

" That's the first time I've seen him laugh!"

"Ikr! haha kinda cute!"

" Who knew he was more than brains"

It was nice for the first time I actually got to laugh with the class and It's all because of Levi. Where would I be without him... actually I think I may be in love with my best friend. Which is why I have to end things for once and for all with Grayson I will stand up to him.

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