《I Belong to Him》Tired, so tired


Elliot P.O.V

I wake up in an unfamiliar room with a big headache. I can't remember anything from last night and it's driving me insane. My head is killing me and to the point I don't even want to get up. I sit up and a groan escapes my mouth and someone else's. I look to my side and see Grayson Del'Rosa. Oh my gosh I'm gonna die. I remember now I was assaulted last night did he do this to me?? D-did he try rape me?? Is that my pay back for running into him. My mind is running a thousand miles per minute. No, it couldn't be i mean there was 4 of them why would only he stay. I can't remember anything besides the guy about to enter me, everything else is a blur. Darnit I just need to remember one measily thing and I can't. The only thing I know is I have to get out of here. Gosh even my clothes are different. I don't care it's not a big deal. I grab my wallet and phone which are now on the dresser and sprint out. There's no way I'm ever coming to this place again. Levi had to have known this was Grayson's house he left me alone he promised me he wouldn't leave me alone and he did it anyway. Can I even trust him? I don't know what to believe anymore. Once I'm a ways away from Grayson's house I sit on the curb and attempt to turn on my phone. Great it's off. What am I supposed to do? Tears begin streaming down my face. How can I smile now? I'm so mad, I'm so fricking angry, I'm so sad, I don't know what I am anymore I just want it all to end. How can I even get home at this point I don't even know how. I never should have came here. I'm just can I say it? I'm tired.

Grayson P.O.V

I get out of bed feeling the side of me only to realize Elliot isn't there. Where the fuck could he have gone in that state? Is he fucking stupid? Does he want to actually get raped? My clothes are way too big for him he's gonna look like a bitch. Seriously fuck me. Ya know what maybe I should just let it happen I don't care he probably can't get home anyway. Lesson learned. At this point I'm tired and over it. A pang hits my chest and I throw my lamp across the floor. Damnit I know what to do but I don't want to. Why do I have to deal with this shit.


" BECCA" I yell. The small feet run quickly up the stairs.

" Yes master" she answers her face obviously sad and drained unlike usual. I sigh in annoyance.

" Damn go home your depressed face is annoying. It's your son's birthday right? Just clean this up and tell Athena not to come home today. Take tomorrow off too, Bye" I state quickly.

" Yes thank you thank you so much" She's practically beaming and I admit I did maybe just a tiny a little bit feel a bit different but just barely.

" Mhm" I reply grumpily.

" By the way did you happen to see a little male kitten with big blue eyes and brownish blondish hair run out this morning" She blushes in response.

" K-kitten. Oh um well I saw him run out about 20 minutes ago but I thought it was a girl and I didn't think it was a big deal since he ran out in such a hurry" she answers. Damn this is a pain in the ass. He is a pain in my ass well I'd much rather be a pain in his. I smirk to myself at my devilish comment.

"you're dismissed" She nods in response as I dress myself and get ready to go find Elliot. Once I'm finished I get into my lambo turning down the music and driving to the left for about 10 minutes he couldn't have gotten far. The shops are at least 30 or so minutes on foot. Then on the side of the rode I see the brown haired beauty with his head in his hands. I make a U-turn and pull over a little in front of him with my hazard lights on. He is crying and wipes his face slightly before looking up to see me. He jumps up and is about to run away when I grab his arm and sling him over my shoulder. Does he even eat? He weighs like 5 pounds.

" P-please let me go" he squeaks out in a small voice.

" I don't know why you're so afraid. If I was going to kill you or do something I would've did it already. Well if you piss me off I will definitely kill you but I'm not as of now so chill out." I state obviously annoyed.


" B-but didn't you I mean like last night didn't you try to" he cuts himself off going quiet but I know what he's trying to say. He thinks I'm the one who tried to rape him.

" Listen I don't really care if you believe me or not. I don't give a shit about you or anyone else in this world or what they think. So listen carefully cause I'm only saying it once. I am many things but I am Not a rapist. I can get anyone I want and barely lift a finger. I'm also not into guys and I'm not a fag so there's no way in hell. I woke up last night and you were in my bed and I wasn't in the mood to kill you. You got lucky that's all. When I came in you were sleeping in my bed curled in a ball I don't know what happened to you." I answer.

" Then how do you know I was almost raped. I- I never said anything to you." Smart little shit.

" BECAUSE I'M THE ONE THAT BEAT THEM OFF YOU NOW GET IN THE DAMN CAR I'M OVER THE QUESTIONS." I scream losing my cool. He dare question me? This is why I don't do shit for people. How can I tell him I saved him last night and make it seem like I'm some nice guy. Because I'm not. After a few seconds he stops struggling and I practically throw him into the car slamming the door shut before getting in myself. Damn I'm pissed and I know it's not his fault and I can't even say it's at him. I don't know what it is. I drive off quickly speeding 20 over the limit.

" U-um I'm sorry c-can you plz slow down" I look glaring into the rearview mirror. Is this idiot telling me to slow down does he think I'll listen? That just makes me drive faster. I can see him flinch so after a few seconds I slow down driving only 10 over the speed limit. I can see he's still displeased but he says nothing further. After awhile of silence we pull up to his house. I can see he's a bit freaked that I know where he lives. He stays in the car as if hesitant to get out. That's when I see another car park into the driveway a nicer looking car obviously not his. Elliot's face goes from relieved to mad to sad as if he's conflicted on how to feel.

" You plan on getting out any time soon"

" u-uh yes I'm sorry. Thank you for taking me home"

" Whatever just get out I have shit to do" he hurries out the car closing the door gently before running to the other car. Levi comes out. Of course fucking Levi I should have known. Levi hops out the car hugging Elliot tightly. I'm filled with rage what the fuck is he touching him for? Elliot pushes Levi off they begin to bicker for a little and Elliot starts crying no longer able to argue. Before Levi says anything else Elliot storms off into the house slamming the door closed. Levi is about to follow but gives up and leans on his car thinking. After a few seconds he turns and looks at my car but before I let him realize it's me I drive off. I have like 4 different cars and I park in the teachers section so only certain people know what my car looks like and most of them are girls.. or dead. I don't need anyone thinking I'm cool with a fag.

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