《"Stalker To Lover" - Jennie Kim x Fem Reader》"I don't want this to happen"


"Fuck, my head." I groan in pain when I woke up.

"Wait, where the yell I am and why am I naked?!" I look around and saw someone was sitting on the chair while watching me.

"Noze?" I rub my eyes to have a clear vision and see Noze.

"Hi, good morning. How is your sleep?" She asked.

"What happens?" I ask.

"Well, we drank last night and now we are at my house. But, I'm sorry because I'm not remember too much about what happened." She said.

Then, my memory back to what happened yesterday. First, she confesses her feeling toward me and I said I'm not ready. After that, we went to the club and she keeps giving me more drinks. I'm drunk and I don't remember what happened after that. But, seeing my state right now, I know what she means.

"No, no, no! What the hell, Noze?!" I yell at her.

"Oh, come on. Don't blame me, Y/n. Both of us are drunk. I don't know what happened but I know we have sex last night. I'm sorry, okay." She said without hesitation.

"I feel so disgusting right now. I'm not enjoying the thing we did last night. I'm not like that!" I yell again.

"Well, I found this video inside my phone. I don't remember record this video but you can see that you enjoy what you did last night. If not, you will not said that you love me, right?" She takes her phone and opens the video that I swear, is the most disturbing video that I have ever seen.

"Oh, my god! This is so embarrassing." I try to snatch the phone from her hand but she takes a step back.

"Y/n, for fuck sake you are single. Having sex is not a crime! You didn't cheat whatsoever. You don't even have a girlfriend anymore." She rolls her eyes at me.


"I'm drunk and you know that! I will never have sex with you because you are my friend!" I try to take the phone again but she just grab my hand.

"I told you yesterday that I like you! What do you not understand? I also told you that both of us are drunk. Don't fucking blame me!" She shouts.

"I can not believe this, Noze. We just know each other. Why did you let me drink too much yesterday?" I grab my hair.

"Why are you quiet? Fucking say something?" I grab her shirt.

"I don't know! M-Maybe because I want you. I like you and I just want to get drunk with you. I don't know, okay." She said.

"I'm sorry, Noze. You know I can not be with you. I think, my heart is still belong to someone else." I said while my tears roll down my cheeks.

"Y-Y/n, I'm sorry! I know what I did is wrong but I never regret it. Please, don't do this." She tries to hold my arm but I slap her hand away and quickly wear my clothes.

"I-I need to go." I take my stuff and walk out of her house and ignore her calling my name.

My head is hurt so bad and this is not helping at all. I decided to check my phone and guess what. 190 missed calls and 57 texts from Jennie. Without thinking, I quickly text her and tell her to pick me up.

"She texts me to pick her up. I text you when I find her." I tell Ryujin.

"Okay, be careful and don't go so fast. I'll just wait here with Sohee." Ryujin said and I nod. I go to my car and drive to the address Y/n sent me.


After 10 minutes I saw her sitting on the bench near the park. She looks messing and pale. Without turning off the engine, I quickly run to her and hug her tightly.

"Oh my god, Y/n! I'm so worried about you. Where did you go?!" I ask her but she just bury her face in my shoulder.

"Baby, what happens?" I ask her and then I heard she's cried.

"You make me scared. Come on tell me what happened? Tell me did someone hurt you? Tell me, Han Y/n!" I yell at her because I'm worried.

"I-I sleep with her." She said while looking at the ground.

"W-what did y-you say?" I feel my heart broken into pieces.

"I sleep with her! I fucking sleep with her!" She shouted while crying.

"I don't know how can I let her do things to me last night. I was drunk and I don't remember anything." She sobbed hard.

I can't say anything. I'm frozen and I can't even look into her eyes. We are not in relationships anymore but why do I feel like she cheated on me with that whore? Why does it hurt so much? I was worried about her and all she said are she sleeping with that girl? Why you do this, Han Y/n. I try my best to get you back but this is what you give me?

"I don't want this." She cried so hard and her face look so tired.

"Let's just go home. You need to rest. You didn't eat your medicine yesterday." I ignore her crying and walk to my car while trying my best to hold my tears.

"You're not going to believe me, don't you? You think I'm a whore and sleep with someone who I just know. You hate me, don't you?! You fucking hate me, right!" I heard her shout and I stop on my track.

"Y-You should believe me. You should-" She didn't finish her sentence and I decided to face her but was shocked when she suddenly fell unconscious.

"Y/n! Oh, my god! Han Y/n, wake up!"



To be continued.

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