《Love Me Again》Chapter 24


(Blake's pov.)

I listen to her and I realized I had made a huge mistake. She didn't cheat on me.

I finally believed her because there was no way I could believe otherwise after hearing her side of the story, the story of us.

I had my investigators follow and investigate Elizabeth but they couldn't find any evidence that she was cheating on me.

They only had pictures of her talking to a couple of different guys but that didn't prove she was cheating on me. I just thought she was because she all of a sudden wanted to work and after a while, she requested longer hours and she would come home at odd hours. She was being secretive and looked around constantly as if her secrets were going to pop out and reveal themselves.

I barely understood why she wanted to work since I had enough money for both of us but when she requested more hours I knew something was wrong.

I asked her why but she would ignore my question and switch the topic. So I thought she was meeting with another guy behind my back.

I was heartbroken and angry. I loved her and gave her everything but she went behind my back and cheated on me.

I wanted to hurt her as she hurt me, so I did what she was doing. I cheated on her. At first, I was disgusted with myself and I couldn't do it, but after Elizabeth kept coming home late and ignoring the questions I snapped.

I brought home a girl and that was the day Elizabeth saw us. I saw the pain and heartbroken expression on her face, and I knew I couldn't do this to her. Then the thought of the other man came into my mind and any feeling of sorrow disappeared and I wanted her to pay. So I kept going, breaking not only her heart but also mine.


From that day on, I treated her like crap. She was caring and attentive, but I didn't care I wanted her to feel the pain I was going through. I continued to torture her by bringing a woman home and not giving her the time of day.

We were two people who were bonded together in marriage but living together like strangers.

That was the routine every day. It came to the day of my birthday and I thought it would be the same routine as ever but it wasn't.

I was in the shower with my woman of the day. When I got out of the bathroom, I saw a tray on the side table. I told the girl to leave and thankfully she left without a complaint. I walked over to the tray and saw breakfast on it and a letter. I didn't touch the food because I knew Elizabeth cooked it but instead I grabbed the letter.

It was in Elizabeth's handwriting and I didn't know why but instead of throwing it away. I read it.

It said she brought a trip to Italy for us and she scheduled for my private jet to take us there today at twelve. She said she also arranged for France to take over my company while we were gone.

I smirk after reading the letter; I knew how to hurt her even more. I was going to take Valeria, one of my mistresses, instead.

It didn't even matter if she wanted the trip for me and her. She probably paid for the trip with my money, so I should be the one who decides who I want to go on the trip with me.

I went on the trip with Valeria and I enjoyed the trip away from the business. I came home from the trip and decided I didn't want to be married to Elizabeth anymore, so I had my lawyers write out the divorce papers.


They finished the papers a couple of days later, but I waited a month to go through with it. My business deal was still in progress and I knew they wouldn't go through with it if I had bad publicity around my name.

I waited for her to come home one day and I told her I wanted a divorce. I watched as she broke down and after she left, I went to my room.

I went to the room that we used to share and closed the door. When the door closed, I broke down.

I couldn't take it anymore. No matter what she did, no matter what she does, I will always love her. But I knew I had to let her go, she didn't love me.

I made a promise to myself that day to never be that close to anyone, to never allow anyone to break my heart again.

Elizabeth was the one who showed me I could care and love someone, but she was also the one who took that away from me.

The person I loved and would die for, turned out to be the person I wanted to destroy. I made a second promise that day, I would destroy her, so no one else would want her.

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