《Love Me Again》Chapter 19


He didn't have to say anything else though as I knew what he meant by that day. It was a week after the divorce, and Blake's investigators found out about the mystery man who blackmailed me.

Blake's investigators dug deeper and found out everyone who was involved in robbing Blake's company. Not only did they find out the mystery guy who blackmailed me was they also found out he was David Johnson.

David was a former employee in Blake's company for two years before he was fired. David's boss found out about his gambling addiction and reported him to Blake. Blake then fired him and he didn't hear from him again.

After the investigators found that David was the mastermind, Blake waited to report him for robbery.

Blake reported David to the police after gathering enough information to properly accuse him of stealing from him and his company. The police opened up an investigation into David.


I didn't know of the investigation until the police stopped by my house to question me. They took me to the police station since they found out that I paid David off, but they didn't know why I paid him a hefty sum of money.

I went with the police as calmly as possible as I rode to the station in the back of the cop car. I was confused as to why they would want to question me and on what.

From what I knew, I haven't done anything wrong. They escorted me inside and sat me down in a room telling me someone was going to come in soon.

I waited for what seemed like an hour, but it was probably only ten minutes until a man came in. The man was in his thirties and had a no bull shit attitude to him.


He looked at me a moment before walking to the table. He calmly sat down staring me right in the eyes.

"What am I doing here," I asked trying to sound strong but failed since we both heard the quiver in my voice.

"You gave a man, David Johnson, half a million dollars four months ago," he said reading the file in his hands.

"I don't know a David Johnson. I have no idea what you are talking about"

I hesitated when saying my answer. I did pay a man half a million dollars but I didn't pay a person named David. I didn't even know my blackmailer's name.

He slid a picture towards me, "So you're saying you don't know this man."

I glanced at the picture and looked back up about to respond. When my brain finally processed the picture, I quickly looked back down recognizing him as the man who blackmailed me all those months ago.

"By your reaction, I'm guessing you know him," he raised an eyebrow.

"Yes but how..."

He cut me off, "You already know Blake Daniels since everyone knows he was your ex-husband. Blake has suspected David has been stealing money from his company. We have found evidence that led us to suspect that you are working with him. Now, let us keep this simple. I know you paid David half a million dollars at the same time the same amount of money went missing from Blake's company."

"I don't know anything about David stealing money from Blake's company." I tried to convince him that I didn't have anything to do with the stolen money.

"But you do know David. So tell me how you know David?"

I knew I had to tell him about David blackmailing me, "I met him; well a better term is he found me, about four months ago. He confronted me saying he had evidence against Blake that made Blake look bad. He wanted half a million dollars before the end of the month or else he was going to release the evidence to the media."


"You're telling me he blackmailed you into paying him money because he had evidence against your husband. You have to admit it sounds a little farfetched. Why would you pay a stranger that much money for the evidence? What did he have on your husband that was worth half a million dollars," he leaned forward analyzing what I was saying.

I decided to tell him the whole truth. Everyone already knew of Blake's affairs, and I knew I couldn't hide any information from him.

"I'm telling the truth. I didn't know him till he found me and told me of the evidence. He said he had pictures of Blake and his mistresses, "I looked down not wanting him to see how emotional I was talking about Blake and his many affairs.

"It was at the time Blake was making a deal with another big company and it was going to improve and grow his company enormously. If word had gotten out that he was having affairs, the other company wouldn't have gone through with the deal. You don't understand! That deal was huge for Blake as it would have made or break him. I saw how hard he worked. No matter what he did I wouldn't let the man, David as you said, ruin Blake."

My voice conveyed the truth. No one could say that I was telling anything but the truth.

He looked at me the whole time I was talking. I knew he was reading my body language and looking closely at my expressions. He must have seen that I was telling the truth because his once harden eyes soften.

He sighed after hearing everything I had to say. He shook his head once like he was trying to get something out of his head.

It was quiet for a minute. Neither of us moved or made a sound. The man across from me suddenly got up and stalked towards the door taking the file with him.

When he got to the door, he pulled on the handle but didn't open the door. He turned around and faced me.

"You can leave. You are not guilty and no charges will be placed. But make sure you stay within the state and be ready to answer any more questions we have."

He left without a backward glance. I sat there trying to process what he said. I stared at the wall as a million thoughts rushed through my head.

Why did David blackmail me? Was it to get to Blake? Was it to place the blame on me once Blake found out?

I didn't know. I didn't have any of the answers to the questions that were running through my mind. I knew I wouldn't get any answers because the only person who could give me them was the very person who hated me with all his heart and soul.

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