《Love Me Again》Chapter 17


Everyone showed their agreement. France and I sat down and we started to serve ourselves. We ate in awkward silence only hearing the occasional, "Can you pass me..." and "Thank You's".

We finished the meal and walked to the living room. We all got the presents we got from France. The suits I was going to give him were already hung on the back of the couch behind me.

Everyone gave their gift to him. He got some clothes, electronics, etc. Jenny gave him a scrapbook of their most precious moments. I saw the scrapbook and it was one of the most beautiful things ever.

Jenny did an extraordinary job of making it. I was finally the last person to give their gift to France. Everyone turned to stare at me waiting for my gift.

I grabbed the four suits from the back of the couch and walked towards France to hand him the suits. He grabbed them and unzipped the bags. He looked disappointed, but he quickly put a smile on his face.

"Wow, Elizabeth suits! Thank you so much! I needed more suits!" he said trying to look excited but failing.

He stood up to hug me. I hugged him but pushed him back on the couch.

"You know you're really stupid, right," I said and France looked surprised not knowing what I was talking about.

"You thought I would buy you a gift. Those suits are nice though I'll give you that."

He looked at me like I was the stupid one. I walked out of the living room leaving them all to talk about what was wrong with me. I heard France trying to follow me but Jenny held him back. I ignored them and walked to my car. I got the paintings from the trunk of the car and walked back to the living room.


He was facing away from the door when I walked in but he turned around when he heard me enter the room. Once he saw the brown wrapping he knew this was his actual gift and he looked like a kid on Christmas.

He ran towards me as I set the paintings down so he could hug me. He spun me around then set me down when he knew I was getting dizzy.

I hit him, " Did you think I was only getting you suits for your birthday?"

When he nodded his head, I hit him again.

"Hey, what is that for?" he asked rubbing his head while everyone was laughing.

I looked at France's family and they all didn't know what was going on. I didn't even tell Jenny about my plan.

"You should know that I know you better than that. You hate when people buy your gift. You would rather someone make you something. So that's what I did. Now stop being an idiot and open the present."

As soon as I said that he began unwrapping paintings. I knew he liked the paintings because of the expressions on his face every time he unwrapped a new one. Once he saw the last painting I painted, the one of him and his wife on their wedding day, he teared up.

Jenny came behind him to look at what was making him almost cry. When she saw the painting she sobbed covering her mouth. The painting was an almost perfect replica of the moment they were pronounced husband and wife.

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