《Love Me Again》Chapter 10


Corden turned towards Blake.

"You don't have a girlfriend right now?"

"That's right," Blake said sounding bored.

"Everyone is wondering if that's because you aren't over your ex-wife, Elizabeth Bell."

When he said that, I froze. The last thing I wanted from this interview was for him to bring up my past life.

Although I changed my name to Rose Matthews, I still freeze every time someone mentions that name. I try so hard to forget my past before I was Rose, but when you have so many people constantly bringing it up you can't escape it.

Blake's answer brought me back to the present.

"No! Honestly, I was glad to be out of that marriage. It was a burden, constantly having to be married to her. I don't have a girlfriend, because I want to be able to enjoy the single life for a while. Since I was tied to someone for so long, I just want to have some freedom in my life," He spoke with honesty pouring out of each word.

I felt France and James each grab my hand as I felt my heartbreak again. I never knew my heart could break even more. My heart is already broken into a million pieces and somehow he was able to break it even more.

Thankfully Corden stopped asking Blake about our past, but he then turned his attention towards me.

"So I know about the others' relationship status, but I don't know about yours. We haven't seen you date anyone since you became a major artist. The last I heard you were married to someone and you got divorced."

I stopped breathing for a second thinking Corden had found out about my past life. But when he didn't offer any other information, I knew he didn't know so I was able to breathe a little better.


I smiled and relaxed into the couch. I tried to think of a way to not answer the question but not look like I'm avoiding it.

So I got up and walked towards Corden. I sat on the arm of his chair and leaned towards him.

" You know why I'm not in a relationship? It's because I have a secret crush on someone..."

"Who?" He asked sounded interested.

"You..." I said giving him my best seductive look.

Everyone busted out laughing as did I. I walked back to the couch getting high fives from James and France.

"That's hilarious, " Corden scoffed as he tried to calm the crowd.

"I get it! It's really funny but calm down," when everyone kept, laughing he tried to shush them again.

" I get it. It's really funny thinking a hot girl would like a chubby man. Now, we have more important matters to discuss. Like why are you trying to avoid the question."

I sighed as France grabbed my hand again. I told the media about the basics of my past. Enough for them to lay off me for a while but not enough so they could connect me and my old life.

"You are correct about me being married before. I was married for almost two years with the love of my life, but our marriage ended very badly and we got a divorce."

Corden said, " I'm sorry, I heard it was recent."

"Is that why you don't want to be in a relationship anymore," Zack asked.

I was surprised he was talking to me. I know that in interviews all the people usually talk and interact with one another, but I thought he would somehow recognize it was me.

"Yes. I thought we had a true and pure love, but he showed me the ugly side of love. He showed me what it is like to love someone who doesn't love you anymore. I just don't believe in love anymore, and I don't want to give anyone hope that I could love them because I can't," I struggled to explain it as honestly as possible in my response.


Zack laughed at my answer," You and my brother, Blake, should get together. You two are so much alike."

France squeezed my hand because he knew how much it hurt to hear that. I knew how alike and how different we were. If only he knew I was the woman he was married to for two years, he wouldn't be saying that.

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