《*Gay Panic*/Billie Eilish x Reader》Wow! Chapter 7


"Y/n wake up" someone said quietly in my ear while lightly touching my back.

"What?" I said opening my eyes seeing who it was.

It was Grayson, he just sat there looking at me for a few seconds

before Rich jumped on me.

"YOU'RE UP!" He said.

"Yeah yeah" I say pushing him off of me and getting out of the bed. "TIME TO

START THE DAY!" He yelled again. Then I heard a groan from across the room, guessing that was

Eli. "How could someone have so much energy" Eli said, yup it was him. You laughed

at there little comments between each other. You always kind of

seen them being a thing but Eli is not into Rich like that.

You were sitting there on your bed texting people, waiting for Rich to finish

up getting ready. You always waiting for him.

"Hey y/n?" Grayson said standing in front of you.

You looked up from your phone looking into

his eyes, you wait for him to answer.

"Uh, where are we going to meet Billie?" He said sitting next to me.

"I'm not sure. Let me text her!" You say looking back down at your phone.

Hey bil


Hi my love,

Where are me and the gang

going to meet you?


I was thinking this little cafe,

it's on Ethan st in

Los Angeles County. Be there by 1:30?

Ok! See you soon


See ya🖤

You look at Grayson, "She said we are going to meet at a

cafe at 1:30" you say smiling at him "yup" he said in a scolding manner standing up.

"Ok then" you say locking your phone. Something is definitely up with Grayson. Ever since

the car ride to the airport he's been like this, one moment he's chill and nice, after you


mention Billie he's a huge dick! In the car I said hi to him and he just looked at me then back at the road.

Also I have almost slipped up and said that I had a crush on Billie. Whoops.

"I'm readdyyy" Rich said coming out of the bathroom,

"Finally!" Eli said standing up, rushing to the door. "Slow your role buddy" Grayson said

chuckling walking over to Eli, "you need to calm down before you

burst down the door, we don't need to be there til 1"

"1:30" I said back at him

"Yeah. 1:30" he said under his breath. See! Asshole mode activated.

As the Uber pulled up to the small parking area, I started to feel more nervous than before.

I didn't want go inside and just sit in the car forever, but I

still wanted to meet the person I had a crush on.

"You ready?" Someone said putting there hand on my thigh. It was Grayson again.

"Yeah I'm fine" I nodded, moving myself so his hand wasn't on me anymore. Dang, he was getting really

touchy too.

We walked inside and I let the gang

walk in front of me, my heart almost beating out of my chest. I've never been this

nervous since my ex girlfriend.....yeah.... her. Let's not think about that, today is

special. No problems at all.

There she was, sitting down at a table looking

at her phone. Wow! There she was, right there! I can't believe it.

"There she is" Grayson said, snapping me out of the spell I was under.

"Yup" I replied with a goofy smile,

"You're such a nerd" Rich said to me "yup" I said. "Come on!" Eli shouts grabbing my hand,

speeding up to the table.


Before I could stop him I tripped and fell onto someone.

I looked up to see perfect ocean eyes. SHIT! It was Billie. Fuck fuck fuck fuck. I just was there in her arms

looking into her eyes for a moment.

"Sorry about that" I said quickly getting up, I was a fucking tomato. Eli, Rich, and Grayson were all

laughing about the episode they just watched. I sat down across from her trying not to make

eye contact.

The few minutes we were there Eli was trying to make a move on Billie, but

she just kept looking at me. Every time he would make a flirty comment she would instantly talk

to me about something that we said over text or FaceTime. Everyone was having a

great day. But the whole time I felt two pair of eyes on me.

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