《Degrading the diaper girl》Chapter twenty seven- messy little boy
Ann woke up to impressively soaked diaper and the smell of pancakes. She'd felt eric leave her bed just before her dad would've left.
She checked her diaper
Yup, the vibrator was there again.
She'd taken it out before her dad changed her, not wanting him to see it.
Before her dad had CHANGED her diaper.
She blushed in embarrassment, remembering it. He'd made her apologize for cumming in her diaper, and it was a humiliation she would never be able to forget.
She'd sat on his lap last night until she fell asleep, he'd made her sit on his knee the whole time, bouncing her a bit. And she was almost positive it was because he found it amusing how hard she was trying not to squirm at the feeling. He'd known exactly how embarrassing it was for her, to feel herself get turned on from bouncing in a diaper on her father knee.
He'd teased her even further, saying things like "sweetheart, why are you squirming? Do you need to make a tinkle?" And "aww does baby like going bouncy on dadas knee in her huge baby diaper?"
Ann felt her face flush at the memory.
Ann put on her favourite fluffy thigh high socks, that unsurprisingly, Eric had got her for Christmas last year, and decided not to bother with pants, since it was only her parents and Eric home. She plopped her pacifier in her mouth, noting that eric had left it on her nightstand for her, and waddled her way to the kitchen.
Ann froze in the kitchen archway, coming face to face with three people.
Eric, who wasn't a surprise, but also nick and zac, who most definitely were.
Ann had many regrets in her life, but she decided that her choice to not wear pants this morning, was going to be the one that killed her.
"Hey pampers" zac said, coming up to Ann and messing up her hair.
"Ahh hello" she stammered, the words coming out as more of a 'hewwo' with her pacifier still in place, not wanting to take it out even if it was babyish.
Zac held out his arms in invitation, silently asking Ann if she wanted to be picked up.
She decided to indulge in her childishness, that little feeling creeping in again. So she nodded, holding her arms out for him to pick her up.
"Up pwease" she yawns.
Zac picked her up with a smile, setting her on his hip, noticing the soaked diaper and giving it a pat.
"Aww looks like someone needs a change, you're diapers all soppy from all your babyish wee wees" he patronizes, poking and squeezing her diaper.
Ann just blushes, hiding her head in his neck, not even realizing that she had started to piss herself at that very moment.
Zac felt her pee trickle into her already swollen diaper. He grinned, starting to bounce her on his hip, watching her expression morph into embarrassment at the realization of what she was doing in her diaper.
Ann wriggled in zacs arms, not only from embarrassment, but from the wet nappy now smushing against her.
Zac could hear it squelch against her, and laughed at her discomfort as well as her feeble attempts to hide her moans.
"Aww did someone not make it to the big girl potty again?-" he says, and stops bouncing her, taking her hand and forcing her to squeeze the front of it, making her have to feel her wet diaper, "— you feel that? That's why you're just a baby. Because you go pissy in your pants without even thinking about it. Your worse then a toddler, at least they can make it to the big kid potty, but all you do is make mushy messes in your nappies. You're a pathetic little pissy pants who needs to be in diapers because she's not even potty trained like 3 year olds are, understand?" He feign scorns.
"Y-yes sir..." Ann says sheepishly.
"Yes what? Use your big girl words," he says, belittling her with his stare, making her meet his eyes.
"Y-yes sir...I'm..im a pathetic little pissy pants w-who can't be potty trained and needs diapers", she mutters in a whisper, her face flushing an even deeper hue of red.
"That's better, good pissy baby." He says with a smile, kissing her on the forehead.
Zac makes his way to Eric, who is currently making the pancakes that Ann awoken to.
"Hey princess" Eric says, kissing her forehead.
"Hi daddyyy" Ann murmurs, feeling even shy as she feels both zac and nick watching there exchange.
"Dad had a meeting out of town and mom went with him, they should be home later tonight. But im almost done here with breakfast, so If you just want to hangout with zac and nick for a bit while I finish up, then we can eat and get you changed." He says.
"Otay daddy" Ann nods and puts her head on zacs chest, still waking up.
She felt safe here, with Eric, zac and nick. Safe enough to let that little part of her out again. Without having to worry about being seen as weird.
Zac sets her at the kitchen table, right across from nick, and leaves them alone.
Ann blushes, remembering when she saw nick yesterday, and he smirks as she does.
"Hi chu" she says shyly into her paci.
"Hey diaper girl" he teases. She was adorable, Nick would admit that. Anyone could see it.
"Looks like someone had a little accident, didn't they." he says with a smirk in his voice.
"Umm...uhh huhs" Ann says nervously.
"Can baby just not help going potty in her pampers? Pissy pants. Yenno if you need a change I'd be happ—"
"Nick shut it, stop hitting the little lady, you're teasing isn't working and even Eric just thinks your attempts are sad to watch" zac says, cutting him off as he returns with colouring supplies and paper, setting them on the table.
Ann —completely wide eyed in excitement at the art supplies— gets to work right away.
"Um, I'm not 'hitting' on her, I'm just reminding her that I to, have daddy potential" nick states, crossing his arms.
Eric roles his eyes from the kitchen, knowing full well that nicks little crush on Ann had been going on for years, but he'd never go for her. Not with what he'd known Eric felt for her. Plus, Eric was positive the only potential nick had was as a simp.
"Oh please, your flirting techniques are so bad that you're practically terrifying Ann" zac says.
"Oh really?, look at her, she's practically in love with me already" Nick drawls, and both boys look at ann, who seems to be completely unaware of their conversation, and is throughly immersed in her my little pony colouring page.
Zac sighs, and sets a paw patrol colouring page in front of nick.
"I'm going to go help Eric finish up, now sit, colour, and don't tease Ann about her diaper or I'll put you in one as well" zac commands and makes his way to the kitchen.
Ann looks up to see nick blushing, all traces of dominance gone.
Nick didn't blush. Nick never blushes. So why the heck was he blushing now? He thought as he coloured his picture, just as dadd—zac had told him to. Nick wasn't submissive, he'd had subs before himself. But yet here he was.
When breakfast was ready eric and zac brought it in, setting a Plastic plates and cups of cut up pancakes and orange juice in front of Ann and nick.
Nick blushed. Again. And was about to protests when he looked up and found zac gaze, and decided he suddenly didn't mind.
Eric placed Ann in his lap while they ate, one hand on her wet diaper.
"Okay princess, I think you need a diaper change, you're soaked, and maybe give you a quick bath as well" Eric smiled, not wanting to embarrass Ann to much, as she was regressed and in little space.
"Otay daddy"
And picked her up to go change her.
Leaving nick and zac alone.
"Maybe we should get you changed too, hmm?" Zac says, getting up no clearing the table.
"Oh shut it" nick replied, trying to get some of his dominance back.
They made their way to the kitchen and started to do the dishes.
Nick suddenly felt a cramp in his stomach as he ran the sink to start washing the plates.
"Ah—I just have to go to the bathroom real quick" he stuttered.
Zac smirked, knowing full well he probably wouldn't make it there, as he had slipped laxatives in nicks orange juice.
"Awww does someone have to go potty? Try your best to make it to the tinkle room" Zac teased
"Oh shut up zac" nick said, turning off the tap water, about to head to the bathroom. But before he had a chance, zac pinned him against the sink with his body, his back to zacs front.
"Such big words for such a little boy." Zac says, and starts to push on nicks stomach, making him squirm.
"Zac, zac please no, no don't do this, not here" nick begged, realizing what he was about to force him do.
"Common, prove to me you can be a big boy and keep your pants dry, I mean, you should be able to, it would be pretty embarrassing if you went poopy in your pants, especially with me watching." He teased, watching nicks little potty dance.
Nick froze, feeling himself start to shit his pants, pissing himself at the same time.
Zac felt it, and laughed,
"Awww looks like your really are just a baby, you can't even keep your pants clean for 2 minutes. it must be so embarrassing for you, to feel yourself shit your pants and know baby's do the same thing. I can't believe you ever thought you could be dominant." Degrading nick even more by making him put his own Hand on the back of his pants and feel himself poop his pants.
Nicks face is red, and zac can't help but laugh at his embarrassment, every time nick cringes at his own poop zac is even more amused.
Nick couldn't believe it, he was shitting himself, and zac, of all people, was seeing it.
Nick let out a whimper when he finished-a whimper- he'd never felt so pathetic in his life.
Zac just smirked, pulling back nicks pants and briefs.
"Aww did little nick go potty in his pants? Why don't you show me how much you enjoyed it?" Zac mocked, and pushed nicks hand to make him spank himself.
Nick cringed, "oh yuck...please, Please no, don't make me do this zac, it's..it's so embarrassing" nick stuttered, and zac just smirked telling him to give himself a wedgie or he would make this even worse for him.
Nick squirmed as he obeyed.
"Turn around while you do it and pull down your pants. I want to see your face as you feel your little poopy pants go up your ass." Zac commended.
Nick winced as he slowly turned around, pulling down his pants to reveal the mess he made in his pants, giving zac a full view of his humiliation as he was made to grab the waistband of his boxer briefs and yank it up. He gaped, eyes wide in shock and disgust.
"So gross" He moaned pitifully as he felt his mess grind into his ass.
Zac could hear the shit mush against his ass, he laughed at nicks grimaces.
"Aww does wittle nick like going poopy and pee pee in his pants? Is he enjoying having his poo poos go all over his wittle bum bum" He taunts, eyeing nicks hard bulge it the front of his pants.
Nick couldn't believe it was happening, his own shit was mushing on his ass, wedging between it. He was being made to wedgie himself, in front of zac, who, was clearly enjoying watching nicks situation.
He felt pathetic.
Zac suddenly grabbed the front of his underwear as well and yanked up, causing nick to yelp.
His shit was everywhere now and the pain of the wedgie was unbearable.
Zac bounced him in the wedgie, unlocking some kinky part of Nick he wasn't aware of and nick let out a moan.
Zac smirked. He knew it, he knew Nick was just a pathetic little sub. His sub now.
"Oh, does someone like that?" Zac smirked, making nicks wide eyes focus on him.
Nick couldn't admit it. Wouldn't. Whatever pride he had left, that was it. But as zac kept bouncing him in his messy underwear, the pain and mess of it made him moan over and over. His dick now hard, making the wedgie even worse.
"No, z-zac"
Zac laughed at nicks moans, putting his hand at the front of nicks pants and feeling his hard dick being crushed.
Nick loved it, he whimpered under the possessiveness of that touch.
"Now tell me again little boy, don't you like how this feels?" He says, while rubbing nicks dick over his pants, to make it harder and hurt more.
Nick tried, he tried not to say it, but he practically was begging for more under zacs touch,
"Oh fuck yes, please, zac, please it feels so gross...but good" he moans.
"That's better poopypants" zacs smirks, letting nicks down and turning him to let him see Eric, who had no idea what he had just witnessed.
Zac just smirked,
"Eric, do you by chance have any spare diapers? Seems like little nick here can't keep his pants clean."
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