《Greek gods x reader》3. Training camp (Ares x reader)
I felt like I was in the middle of a war.
Clangs of swords kept on follow one another being accompanied by shouts and battle incitements...
And that uproar didn't want to stop. That noise was too near that it seemed my ears would explode at any time; and I felt like having headache.
"What the hell??" I shouted angrily while waking up covering my ears. "What's this damn ruckus? I'm trying to sleep for heaven sake!" I grumbled as my eyes began to open.... to let me witness a quite odd view.
"Whaaaat?".I was utterly confused as I saw around and found myself in a tent; a tent? Why on earth should I be in a tent? Where did Ares' bedroom go? Where was him?
I was about to stand up but as I took away the cover I remembered I was still naked from the night before.
"Is there something to cover me up with or should I go around naked?" I asked myself as I tried to have a look of my surroundings and then my eyes fell on the end of the bed to see a strange dress.
I picked it up and I remained puzzled as I saw it.
At first sight it seemed a golden decorated brown armour with a strange skirt; it was a short pleated leather skirt that didn't even reach the knees and was held up by a nice golden belt... that had two golden stripes that arrived just under the breast; and it that armour didn't have shoulder straps. And along that fancy strange dress there was a pair of golden knee length gladiators sandals.
"Should I be supposed to wear this thing??". And then my eyes went again on my body that was covered only with the bed cover. "Well...it's better than going around naked with this".
And so I decided to wear it only to have another type of clothes on different then the cover. I wandered in the tent a bit and the only things that were inside were shields, swords, spears and other types of weapons.
Still confused I went outside and I couldn't believe what I had in front of my eyes.
Soldiers wearing armours like people from ancient times were running around, shouting at each other and training.
"Where the hell am I? Am I on a set of a movie?". I was totally puzzled as I was in a different place I used to be. I tried to remember but nothing came to my mind...
until I heard someone chuckling behind my back startling me. I jumped out and turned around to see who it was.
They were two tall slender men and both had really long hair: one with a braid and the other one with a ponytail.
The one with the long dark brown braid was surely the younger one as I analysed his body. He had pink complexion and he was looking at me with a grin and an amused look. His long straight dark brown hair were tied up backwards in a braid that fell down on his left shoulder to reach his belly.
He had brown almond eyes that looked me up and down and had thick curved down long black eyebrows. And looking at his face I found him quite good-looking as he had prominent cheekbones, medium ears, regular nose and a long but thin mouth; he hadn't facial hairs and his fleshy pink lips seemed soft (and I admit that I would want to touch them if they were really soft but I thought it wasn't proper). Moreover, even if he was slim he had quite nice pectorals that showed up a bit and had strong muscled arm. And he was wearing a knee length black pleated leather skirt with short sandals and a necklace.
On the other side the other man seemed older than the other as he had a goatee and a bit of beard.
Like his friend he was tall and thin and had pink complexion and long straight dark brown hair tied up in a ponytail; he also had an oval face with dark brown almond eyes and thick straight black eyebrows... but his cheekbones weren't high at all. And he had a big long nose that was in contrast with his small eyes and small mouth with pink smooth and soft lips. And he was slim like his friend but had strong arms and nice pectorals. And he also was wearing a long pleated skirt remaining with bare chest and a strange yet exotic necklace made of pearls. Oh if he was gorgeous!!! He had such a bewitching glance that he looked like a man from the exotic lands of the ancient times.
"Looks he had some bit of fun yesterday" the younger one purred into my ear as he got nearer me smirking in an amusing way. That smirk, his seducing eyes and that tune of voice startled me as I felt a shiver going down my spine and my cheeks burning.
His companion did nothing but remaining silent with arm crossed on his chest... but even if he didn't say any word his pleased smile didn't let me feel at ease, as it was only a sign of confirmation of what his friend just stated out loud. And looking at them chuckling at me I really wasn't calm and at ease; I was totally embarrassed and I tried to avoid their eyes as my cheeks turned red.
And not resisting any moreI rushed away at high speed.
"Who the hell are they?" I asked myself as I was walking around the field with a fast pace.
"What's the matter with myself?" I questioned in my mind as I was still feel uneasy with my heart beating faster and my cheeks burning red.
And lost in my thoughts I arrived at an open place and I got curious as I saw a big crowd in front of my eyes.
What was doing so much people in a place like that? What was happening?
I got nearer and I decided to enter that circle; and as I arrived at the first line I got shocked.
There was a really big animal walking by and nobody seemed not to care. How could they? I was petrified for shock looking at it... and I got even more frightened when it approached the side where I was.
It was so big and I remained still when it was near me; and when I saw its paws and its shadow on the ground I got terrified... but my curiosity was bigger than my fear and so I took a look on it to see it was a wolf; but it was bigger than the usual.
It was maybe large as a pony and its legs were longer and its head larger than normal wolves.
It had greyish yellowish long and thick fur and its amber eyes were menacing as they were glancing someone ferociously.
Its muzzle was longer and more pronounced than normal and as it gnashed its teeth I noticed that its canines were so big and strong that they could rip easily a man's arm off his shoulder. And it also had strong claws they could pull down a tree with a blow.
Ant it was moving inside the circle in a threatening and suspicious way around a woman growling against her.
She was the most beautiful woman I ever laid my eyes on; she truly was an angel sent on earth and if she wanted she could be the goddess of beauty.
She had fair complexion and she was slim and tall. Her face was round and it was perfect as she had long and bit wavy light brown hair that fell down on her bosom.
Looking at her from behind I couldn't see well but I bet that she had good-looking eyes maybe blue, I tried to guess, and fleshy soft lips. And she wore a long silk pink dress without shoulder straps.
"Lykaios!" a man called it and the wolf sat down on his side always growling at the woman; surely that animal hated her by how it was acting towards her.
And as my eyes were always on the animal they then fell on the man... and I recognised Ares. I was astounded when I saw him with extravagant clothes.
"What on earth is he wearing?" I asked myself while taking a look at him.
He was standing there in front of the woman with bare chest and crossed arms looking at her with serious yet intimidatory eyes. Looking at him shirtless (with fabulous chest and abs) for the first time I noticed he had some scars on the shoulders, chest and one on the face. I remained shocked at that view.. he never dressed that way! And that surprised me a lot.. but what amazed me more was the necklace he had. Was it made by claws? I couldn't see well as I was far away from him.
He only had a long pleated leather skirts with red cloths on the sides and there was a belt tha theld that skirt up and a sword too; and on the upper body he only had brown leather forearm protectors... and for the first time ever I saw him with loosen hair and I had to admit he was amazing with long wavy hair that reached his torso.
"What do you want Aphrodite?" he growled at her.
"I had news you went to bed with another woman!!". She seemed really angry and I didn't know why I began to feel scared for my safety.
"Why do you care?" Ares asked her with cold voice.
"I care! Who is she? Why you dared to go with another woman, a mortal nonetheless?" she questioned him looking angry. "Who is she?? Is she more beautiful than me?".
"Let me see her!!" she ordered.
.. well... That was ther ight time to worry about myself. I provoked her rage and so trying not to get some attention I began to hide and withdraw among the soldiers.
"Haimon! Drakon!" She shouted out loud.
I looked around to see who the hell she called out and when I saw the two men I met outside the tent I got scared.
I looked for my surroundings and I tried to see a way to escape...
but it was all in vain. When I began moving I bumped into someone's chest.
I turned around in fear and as I recognised the younger man I tried to go away but as I was turning my feet to rush away he grabbed me by the left arm.
"Where do you think you are going?" he smirked as the other one grabbed me by the other arm.
"Let me go you two!" I screamed at them.
"As you want lady". As they finished they pushed me at the centre of the place between Ares with his wolf making me face the woman.
She was looking at me furiously and I got a bit scared.
She looked me from up to bottom and then she smiled at me in disdain.
"You bi-" she was growling at me with her hand in the air ready to slap me.
I closed my eyes for fear.... but nothing happened; she didn't slap me. Why? How? I opened them again to see Ares blocking her arm up mid-air.
"Don't you dare touch her" he ordered scowling at her.
"If anyone touches her he will be dead" he shouted out loud at everyone scaring every soldiers.
"And now begone! Everyone!" he commanded and the men began to go away. "Even you" he growled at the woman.
"A-Ares... who was her?" I tried to ask him but he didn't answer; better he grabbed my hand to go away in another place not to be disturbed.
"Follow me". And I did as he told me and I walked behind him quietly with my head and eyes down on the ground. I didn't know why but I was embarrassed for what happened just a moment before... and I didn't notice when we stopped if not by bumping into his back.
I didn't dare to look into his eyes as he turned to face me.
"Listen Ares" I whispered to catch his attention and have his eyes on me. "W-Where the hell we are? Who was her? What did - ". I couldn't even finish my question I found his lips on mine kissing me.
"Ehi... I am sorry for what happened. She is only a stupid woman, nothing else. You don't have to worry" he reassured me giving me a smile.
"No! I am worried! Who was she? And tell me what is going on here! I am getting crazy!" I shouted at him as I felt tears forming and he grabbed my hands.
"You are in a training camp, baby, and not in a normal one as you just saw; this is my training camp of my soldiers." he declared.
I looked at him as if I couldn't believe him.
"I am Ares, the Greek god of war, sweetie".
I remained open-mouthed and I laughed for what I just heard.
I gave him quite a curious look but he was serious... and as I noticed he really wasn't joking I remained amazed.
"S-So... this means.... I am dating the bloodthirsty and violent Greek god of war nonetheless?".
"Yeah" he smiled.
"A-And that woman was Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty?".
"Yes" he told me and then we stood quiet for a while.
"And don't worry... I will get rid of her" he told me as I was about to open my mouth to ask him.
"I have you now and you are far than better than her." He reassured me while standing up and taking my hands. "When I think about my ideal woman I can see only you not Aphrodite... She is too fragile and too feminine for a soldier. What I look for in my partner is the strength and the possibility to be a bad-ass female warrior... and you my dear you are; for this you are perfect".
I already knew something about Greek mythology and I knew that Ares wasn't the romantic type at all but what he just declared to me made me blush a lot and smile like an idiot.
And then he whistled to the direction of the sky.
"W-What did you just do?".
"Only a moment and you will see". And few seconds after looking up at the sky I saw four black points flying far away to our direction.... and being a bit scared I hid under Ares' back.
"Come on... Look at them".
At his suggestion I came forward and as I went out from his back I remained astounded for what I was looking.
There were four horses but they really were out of this world. They were so elegant yet dangerous and all black with red eyes.... and from their nostrils fire came out. I couldn't believe it but, ehi, they were in front of me and they were all real. As I approached them all quietly I remained far away from them for fear that they would kick me... and I saw that their mane and tails were grey smoke and on their body and muzzle I could see from theirs chapped skins some red veins... and fire inside their bodies.
I looked at Ares in a puzzle way but he seemed not to care as he was petting them like they were dogs.
"F-Fire breathing horses?" I asked curious in total awe.
"Oh.. Yes, they are my steeds.. (name) meet Aithon, Phlogios, Konabos and Phobos" he introduced me at them.
"You shall be my badass soldier queen... and stand by my side" Ares announced as he kept petting his horses not looking at me still being far away from him.
However only a moment later he turned at me.
"What are you doing there?" he looked curious.
"I am a bit scared..they look dangerous" I admitted.
"Come on! They won't hurt you because you are with me" he smiled back and so I approached and when I got nearer Ares took my hand and put it on a horse's side.
And as I had my hand on its skin I got tingles as I felt hot fire pumping into its veins; and the horse neighed and I felt excited and smiled bright as a little child.
And Ares chuckled amused at my view.
"It's so fantastic!" I cried.
He remained silent and the only thing he did and that surprised me was hugging me from behind.
"Just imagine you standing by my side fighting with me in a war, with them. Doesn'tt his excite you my warrior queen?" he said into my ear.
I tried to imagine me in a warrior armour in the midst of a war riding one of his horses and still acting bad-ass while slaughtering down the enemy... and that image in my mind thrilled me so much I felt a tingle down my spine.
I turned to face him and still imagine us fighting side by side and killing the enemy in a bad-ass way accompanied by Lykaios and the horses I gave him a delighted grin and an alluring look.
"Yeah... It excites me a lot" I confessed.
"I truly love this smirk of yours, you know? It gives me chills" he admitted while taking my hand to return to the camp.
We walked down through the streets among the tents with every soldiers' eyes on us and with Lykaios behind us scaring those poor men as he growled at them not to let them get near us.
And at last we arrived at a wooden structure.
It was big and had a round form and it comprised a door frame and a dome-like roof.
And at both door's sides there were two statues of rearing horses and when I got nearer I was amazed for how well-made they were... and at last we got in.
Also its inside was made of wood and it was really simple as there were only animal skins and red draperies hung on the walls.
And there were no chairs but wooden bench attached to the wall... and they left space for a circle at the centre of the hall defined by rocks for the fire; and just above it there was an open space in the roof for the smoke...
And at last my eyes looked in front of me and saw a big wooden throne with some strange decoration on a red carpet above some stairs and a cloak made of an animal's skin and fur covered it.
"That's my cloak made of the skin of a Nymeria lion" he smirked as we went up to the throne and opening the red cloths behind the regal chair there was the bedroom.
At the sides there were swords, shields and other types of weapons lined up and under ou rfeet there was a lion skin carpet and the bed was a mattress close to the ground with red covers and some kind of fur.
"Let us sleep now...as for tomorrow we will begin your training to become a strong warrior queen" he then murmured once we lay down hugging each other and drifted to sleep together.
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