《The PageTurners Awards》Timeline


This is the timeline that'd be followed for these awards. Please note that the dates are tentative and may change as per the situation.

Closed for applications

(Applications for Judges may still remain open based on how many seats have been filled)

Applications for all the genres will be closed for the participants, irrespective of if all the slots have been occupied or not. A genre may be closed before this if the slots get filled before and the judging for that genre will begin immediately after the judges are allotted.



Judges will be given a period of two to four weeks based on the number of books they are judging. More time may be allotted but we'd request the judges to not take up unnecessary time and help us in sticking to the timeline.




Again, please note that these dates are just how we hope the awards to go but they may be changed as per the availability of participants and judges. Nonetheless, we don't wish to carry this award unfinished to the next year so hopefully, December will be it.

We'll ask the participants to not make any changes to their books during the time period and the judges to stick to the deadlines given to them.

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