《My Poems》#1 Past



Pathetic, ugly, disgusting

Just a few things people say

Everyone tells you to be strong

To ignore them

But they have no idea how hard that is,

Do they?

Your self esteem keeps getting lower and lower

It just drops with every insult, every word

Soon it has been damaged so much

That when you look at yourself in the mirror

All you can think of is those horrible comments

Each day the more you believe them

Your confidence, is replaced by insecurity

Insecurity about who you are and what you do,

You start to insult yourself about everything

And soon enough, you become your own worst enemy.

Still, your tormentors are relentless

Not noticing or caring about how broken, damaged you are

You are shattered into millions of tiny little pieces,

We are not like Humpdy dumpdy

We can't always be put back together again

Pieces of us get lost, never to be seen again

Some parts are too damaged to ever become one, like before.

We try to forgive and forget

But those memories haunt us

As hard as we try to piece ourselves back together again

In our hearts we know it can't be done

Now those experiences remain in our minds

They become a part of us

A part that we can't ever get rid of

Ever erase

Because what happens in the past

Can't ever be changed

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