《Midnight Lullabies》Goodnight and Sweet Dreams


See what I did there? (The book's name haha)

I cannot believe this book is coming to an end. Fear not, fellow readers. This only means that I will have a new poetry book coming up and I can't wait for it!

This book has been such an amazing journey and I wanted to thank each and every single on of you who took the time to read, comment, and/or vote. It makes me so happy knowing you enjoy my works and to this day, I cannot believe it's real. I would have not been able to do it without your support. On the days I stopped writing, you still came back when I published a new part and that means the entire world to me.

I appreciate every single one of you and I love you all so much!! Thank you endlessly for everything. Can't wait to see you in my next book!

All my love,


I finally got back into reading again and am super active on Goodreads. Feel free to add me on there! My username is madiaabdulla

If it's more convenient, here's a link to my profile:



I think both should work. Yes, it's the one with Katy Perry as my icon :)

See ya soon!!

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