《MERIDIANS ━━━ rey ²》02
It all comes rushing to her at once.
Ana follows Han and the others out of the Falcon and into the main port, a distant clanging sounding in the distance. She glances back to look at Aero, but again, he's not looking at her — his eyes are dark and narrowed, downcast as he glares at the floor. Now, more than ever, Ana wishes they were back how they used to be. Back when she knew him like she knew her own mind. Back when everything was simple, just her, Aero, and their family, together. Back when there wasn't a rising Rebellion, a First Order, pain and grief.
Back when they were home.
A loud clang sounds throughout the hangar, pulling Ana out of her thoughts. She looks around wildly, meeting the confused gazes of Rey and Finn.
"Don't tell me a Rathtar's gotten loose," Han mutters under his breath as he races out of the Falcon and into the main hangar.
"Wait, a what?" Finn exclaims, racing after him. Rey is close on his heels, followed by BB-8. Ana glances over at Aero, but he avoids her gaze, staring at the floor as hurries after them. Ana's jaw clenches. They've found you.
"You're not hauling Rathtars on this freighter, are you?" She hears Finn asking Han once they near a main control panel.
Han doesn't look at him. "I'm hauling Rathtars." Ana peers over Rey's shoulder to see several images of screens displayed across the panel, showing areas all around the freighter ship. In the far corner, a transport lands in the freighter.
"Oh, great," Han hisses, eyes flashing towards the movement. "It's the Guavian Death Gang — they must've tracked us from Nantoon." He glances over at Chewbacca, who lets out a soft growl, and the two turn away from the panel, starting for the corridor. Finn follows after them immediately, with Ana, Rey and Aero trailing close behind.
"What's a Rathtar?" Rey asks as they follow Han down a long narrow hall, lined along the brims with cargo containers. Ana almost collides into one but maintains her footing, stumbling. Aero is next to her immediately, steadying her by holding onto her arm. She looks at him, but he avoids her gaze, staring at the floor. Once she's standing up right again, he lowers his grip.
"They're big and dangerous," Han says.
"You ever heard of the Trillia Massacre?" Finn asks Rey.
Rey glances over at him, brow furrowed. "No...?"
They turn a sharp corner and Ana inhales sharply, heart racing. She looks over at Aero, and he finally meets her gaze. His expression is dark and sullen. Ana understands why. So much has happened in just a mere few hours...so many things Aero and her have fought so hard to forget.
"I got three of 'em going to King Prana," Han continues, referring to the Rathtars.
"Three?" Finn exclaims. "How'd you even get them on board?"
Han shoots him a pointed look, a faded look in his eyes. Regret. "I used to have a bigger crew."
He stops suddenly, halting the group, crouching down as he lifts a hatch, opening a section of the floor. He nods to them.
"Get below deck and stay there until I say so — don't even think about taking the Falcon."
"What about Beebee-ate?" Rey questions as Finn jumps down into the open space.
"He stays with me," Han says. "Until I get rid of the gang. Then you can have him back and be on your way."
"What about the Rathtars?" Finn asks, peering up at him. "Where are you keeping them?"
A sudden clang sounds from behind them, and Ana turns to see a grotesque, giant tongue slamming into the cargo container window behind them, and she jumps, stepping back. Finn's eyes widen as Han gestures to it.
"There's one."
Rey climbs into the open space cautiously, her eyes still on Han. "What are you going to do?"
"Same thing I always do," Han says, nudging Ana and Aero forward, silently telling them to climb in after the others. "Talk my way out of it."
Chewbacca lets out a short roar, rebuking his statement. Han shoots him a glare.
"Yes, I do," he retorts. "Every time." He looks back at Ana and Aero, who hesitate to climb in beside Rey and Finn. "Get in there now and stay quiet."
"Han," Aero finally speaks, shrugging off Han's hand on his shoulder. His tone is halting, with a sense of warning, as he holds his uncle's gaze evenly. "You seriously can't be expecting to talk your way out of every mess you create."
Ana reaches for Aero's arm, hissing at him to be quiet, but Aero dodges her grip, holding Han's gaze evenly. Han doesn't falter, but a curious look glimmers in his eyes. Reminiscence?
"Now's not the time to be sounding like your mother," he says, the look in his eyes gone as quick as it had come, pushing the twins forward. "Get in there. Now."
Ana's the first to climb into the open space. She stands beside Rey as Aero lets out an aggravated sigh, turning to join them. They lower themselves onto their hands and knees as Han pulls the hatch over them, locking them inside. A hiss sounds, and the portal that had been ahead of them opens. Although Ana can't see them, she can hear the sound of shoes against grating as several men step forward.
"Han Solo," one of them says, a thick accent lacing his words. "You are a dead man."
"Bala-Tik," Han says, feigning an innocent greeting. "What's the problem?"
"The problem is we loaned you fifty thousand for this job," the man spits. Ana's brow narrows as she peers through the grating, attempting to get a better look. Rey is beside her as she leans in close, also trying to see the group above them.
"Can you see them?" she whispers.
Finn is crouching a little way ahead of them. He shakes his head. "No."
On their hands and knees, the group crawl through the limited space, inching forward slowly, the small hiss of the generator next to them overpowering the creak of the floor as they push forward.
"I heard you also borrowed fifty thousand from Kanjiklub," Bala-Tik continues, voice laced with venom.
"You know you can't trust those little freaks!" Han retorts. "How long have we known each other?"
They're finally standing under the newcomers. Peering through the grating, Ana counts about five men, all with blasters hanging from the hilts of their belts.
"They have blasters," Rey murmurs.
A wary look crosses Finn's face. "Yeah, a lot of them."
"Kriff," Aero mutters under his breath. "Leave it to Han to somehow screw us over after years of not seeing him."
"Shut up, Aero," Ana hisses, shooting her brother a warning glare.
"The question is," Bala-Tik continues, voice reverberating through the corridor, "How much longer will we know each other? Not long. We want our money back. Now."
"You think hunting Rathtars is cheap?" Han exclaims. "I spent that money."
"Kanjiklub wants their investment back, too."
Han's voice wavers slightly. "I never made a deal with Kanjiklub!"
"Tell that to Kanjiklub."
There's another loud clang as another portal opens. Ana watches through the cracks as Han's face pales as he turns to the other end of the corridor. Another creature stands before him, with several men behind him. Ana can only assume they're as heavily armed as Bala-Tik.
"Tasu Leech," Han greets, although Ana can hear a slight tremble in his tone. "Good to see you."
Tasu Leech speaks in a foreign alien language that Ana can't understand. She exchanges a confused look with Finn as Aero and Rey listen intently, eyes narrowed. Suddenly, Rey starts forward, heading towards the sound of the new gang. Aero follows after her, and Ana has to hold back a sigh as she follows after them, Finn trailing close behind her.
"Boys," Han says slowly. "You're both gonna get what I promised! Have I ever not delivered to you before?"
"Yeah," Bala-Tik says, and Ana visibly winces.
Tasu Leech snaps at Han, and Ana can only assume he's confirming Bala-Tik's statement. So much for Han talking himself out of this one, she thinks bitterly.
"When was the second time?" Han asks, genuinely confused.
"Your game is old, Solo," Bala-Tik spits. "There's no one in the galaxy left for you to swindle." There's a hushed silence, before Bala-Tik speaks again, making Ana and the others freeze. "That BB unit...the First Order is looking for one just like it. And four fugitives."
Suddenly, Rey stops dead in her tracks, forcing the rest of them to freeze. Finn is close by Ana, and she can hear how he inhales sharply, nervously. Her own palms begin to sweat as she clenches her fists, knuckles digging into the metal floor beneath her.
Han hesitates before saying quickly, "First I've heard of it."
Another voice yells, speaking the same language as Tasu Leech. There's sudden movement at his command, and the Kanjiklubbers start down the corridor, shoes colliding harshly against the grating, making it tremble. Rey quickens her pace as she leads the group hurriedly down the container. They finally arrive at a junction box area situated in the middle of winding corridors, leading to different directions under the freighter.
"Wait, wait," Rey hisses at the group before they can continue forward. She scoots towards the box. "If we close the blast doors in that corridor, we can trap both gangs."
"Close the blast doors from here?" Finn echoes.
Rey nods, eyes on the box as she reaches for the knobs and fuses. "Resetting the fuses should do it."
Ana holds her breath as the desert scavenger gets to work, playing with the threads. Sparks shoot out from them as she connects various ones together, brow creased. Aero moves to sit beside her, reaching forward as he helps. A small smile graces Rey's pretty face as she stares at the fuses, looking optimistic about their chances. A hopeful look crosses Finn's face at her expression, but Aero's gaze remains narrowed and dark. Ana swallows, heart pounding.
Suddenly, all the lights go off, one by one. Rey immediately lets go of the fuses, eyes wide. There's a hushed silence before a distant roar echoes throughout the corridors. The lights flicker back on, but the dread they brought hasn't gone unnoticed.
"Oh, no," she whispers.
Finn's eyes narrow. "'Oh, no', what?"
"Wrong fuses..." Rey scoots back, face paling. Aero curses under his breath, glancing between the fuses and the gang standing above them.
"Kill them!" Bala-Tik commands. "And take the droid!"
Ana inhales sharply, heart racing as she looks up through the grating. Several of the Guavian Death Gang members step forward, their feet clanging loudly against the metal separating them from the so-called wanted fugitives. Ana blinks, and suddenly she's reminded of the stories her mother told her, about her and Han and Chewbacca — about all the smuggling missions they'd go on, about how Han managed to slip out unharmed from every mess he seemed to create. Ana doesn't know how he'll be able to do that now.
A loud sound clicks throughout the corridor, and the gang raises their weapons, training them on Han and Chewbacca. Chewbacca lets out a roar of protest, but it's soon drowned out as another unfamiliar roar screams loudly, making Ana's ears ring. Sharp screams echo in the corridor as gang members are suddenly lifted in the air. Ana squints.
"Shit," Aero mutters. "The Rathtars."
The grating shakes as gang members rush forward, attempting to avoid the tentacles of the horrid creature. Ana's palms begin to sweat as Aero leads the way down the hall of the deck, sweat forming on his brow. Finn is close behind him.
"This was a mistake!" he hisses.
Rey is behind Ana as she nods her agreement. "Huge!"
They continue down the deck of the ship until Aero stops suddenly, nearly causing Finn to collide into him. Ana halts as well to see her brother pointing up to another floor hatch; he reaches with one arm, with support from Finn, and the two manage to pry the hatch open. They climb out, followed by Ana and Rey. Ana turns to Rey, offering her a hand. Rey hesitates, looking between Ana and her hand before taking it lightly, her grip soft yet firm, allowing her to help haul her out of the space.
"Now's not the time to be a saint, Ana," Aero states, grabbing a hold of Ana's arm, pulling her away from Rey. Ana shoots Aero a pointed look, but before she can say anything, they turn a corridor; Finn and Rey are following close behind.
"What do they look like?" Rey asks, referring to the Rathtars. They start forward, but Aero stops suddenly, shoving Ana back. She nearly collides into Rey, barely avoiding stepping on her feet as gang members back up, screaming wildly as a large, deformed creature wails hysterically, using its many tentacles to grab at the men. The two gang members scream as they're lifted into the air and into the Rathtar's large mouth, covered in teeth. Ana's eyes widen as Rey brings up a hand to cover her mouth, shocked.
"They look like that!" Finn grabs Rey's hand, pulling her in the opposite direction. Aero and Ana follow suit, racing past another corner. The freighter seems to go on forever. Finn suddenly skids to a stop, gesturing to Ana and Aero. "Other way, other way!"
Rey turns back, but Finn lets out a startled scream as he's pulled backwards, a tentacle wrapping around the ankle of his boot. He's dragged across the floor, and Rey stumbles.
Ana steps forward, but Aero's grip on her wrist tightens, pulling her back. She watches as the Rathtar disappears down the hall, the echo of Finn's screams leaving a hollow feeling in her chest.
"Back this way," Aero says quickly. "I think I saw another control panel!"
Rey doesn't wait for him to lead the way as she races past him, retracing their steps. They turn several other corners before they reach the corridor with the panel. Ana inhales sharply, breathless. Rey is already standing in front of the controls, eyes lit with determination as she peers at the screens. All monitors show different sections of the freighter. Ana barely catches a glimpse of Finn in one of them, still screaming and struggling against the Rathtar's grasp as he's dragged across the floor to a nearby blast door. Rey's hand wavers over a button, brow narrowed, before she slams down, forcing the door shut. It closes instantly, and Ana flinches as a pained screech filters through the audio of the panel. A severed tentacle still remains attached to Finn, but he's finally freed.
"Hurry!" Rey exclaims, brushing past Ana. She grabs onto her free hand, pulling her forward, and Ana stumbles. Aero's grip on her hand loosens as he allows the scavenger to guide them to where the Rathtar and Finn had been separated. They barely turn the corner to see Finn sputtering, stumbling over the sticky remains of flesh, face contorted in disgust.
He looks up at the sight of them, a look of relief flashing in his eyes. He breathes heavily, still winded from being dragged across the freighter.
"It had me!" he exclaims. "But the door —"
Rey interrupts him, nodding. "That was lucky!" Her grip on Ana's hand hasn't faltered as she leads her down the corridor. Finn and Aero's feet clang loudly as they race after them. Ana's heart hasn't stopped racing — she hasn't felt an adrenaline rush quite like this.
Once they turn a corner, a pained roar echoes throughout the corridor. Chewie. Ana stumbles, slowing her pace, but Rey glances back at her, tugging her forward. She holds her gaze momentarily, and Ana understands. They can't stop now.
Up ahead, they spot the open port, leading back to where the Falcon had been parked. Ana inhales sharply as she jumps over the jutting opening. In front of them is Chewbacca and Han. Chewbacca is limping, leaning on Han. At the sound of their footsteps, Han glances over his shoulder.
"You!" Han exclaims, gesturing to Rey and Ana. "Close the door behind us. And you two!" He points to Aero and Finn as Rey leads the way back into the Falcon. "Take care of Chewie."
Han races past them as Rey and Ana stay in the loungeroom. Rey's gaze follows Han as he enters the cockpit, flipping switches. Ana notices the hesitation, and she squeezes Rey's hand reassuringly before letting go. Rey glances over at her and Ana smiles. Rey blinks, understanding as she gives a short nod, racing into the cockpit.
Chewbacca lets out a pitiful groan as he's lugged into the Falcon; Aero and Finn struggle to lead the great Wookiee into the ship, and Ana moves towards the panel, slamming on the button as the doors shut behind them.
"Safety kit's over here," Aero says, pulling away from the Wookiee as Finn helps Chewbacca to rest in one of the cubicles. Aero tosses the kit and Finn catches it with ease. BB-8 lets out a short beep, wheeling out from behind one of the lounge chairs.
The ship gives a sudden lurch and Ana stumbles forward. She reaches out with her arm, grabbing onto the wall of the ship, balancing herself.
"No problem," Finn is muttering to himself, searching wildly through the kit as Chewbacca howls loudly in pain. He picks up a roll of gauze, and moves to Chewbacca's wound, but the Wookiee howls loudly, swatting at him with his massive paw. Finn grunts as he's pushed backwards.
Aero's jaw clenches. Ana glances at him, but he's already starting towards the Wookiee. He takes a spray from the kit, kneeling beside the cubicle. Chewbacca lets out a roar of protest, but Aero holds the Wookiee's gaze evenly.
"Easy, Chewie," he says. He reaches gently and Ana holds her breath, watching as her brother inches closer and closer to the injury. To her relief, Chewbacca relaxes, dark eyes clouding over as he watches the younger Skywalker twin. Aero chews at his bottom lip. "This is gonna hurt like hell."
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