《Star Wars IX- The Rise of Skywalker》Chapter 22- Second Battle of Endor
The steep crumbling cliffs of Kef-Bir amongst the grassy plains was where Rey currently stood with Poe.
"I need to get to the wreckage within it."
"We have a skiff, it'll get you there," Poe answered.
Great more skiffs.
"Get back to the ships; they'll need you, General Dameron. I'll be fine alone."
Rey didn't turn to Poe just stepped forwards to the craft preparing to head to the Death Star once more. Poe nodded before turning to head back to the atmosphere of Endor and the battle that would soon commence.
The craft ricocheted against the angry waves plummeting down towards each trough before soaring steeply towards another crest. Rey upon the skiff was jostled and buffeted from the waves rebounding from her destination before her; a substantial section of the Death Star. The section she sought gave her the best advantage of getting to the throne room. She needed the large viewing window from the vision she and Ben had seen when Darth Vader had thrown Palpatine down the shaft. Aboard the shuttle she had studied the old technical data, she had been able from her years of scavenging to almost visualise the entire interior of the old space station. Finding that particular piece of wreckage she needed was not going to be easy, particularly from the stormy sea, going from within the wreckage would be easier. She'd decided before boarding the skiff where she was headed; the great flat section where she and Ben had fought, landing the skiff on the broad surface from here she would climb.
In the atmosphere around Endor, Admiral Nunb awaited the inevitable arrival of the First Order fleet. Communication had been received from General Calrissian they had been successful on Mustafar, the Imperial fleet was gone, but the First Order fleet would be arriving outside Endor shortly. The treachery currently unknown of multiple First Order members would serve the Resistance well. Calrissian within the Falcon was following behind with a somewhat larger contingency of ships of Resistance supporters. General Dameron had been right people had followed with the Resistance leading the way.
Within the hangar of Admiral Nunb's Star Cruiser Poe had returned and was preparing Black One. Pointless arguments had been made that the leader of the Resistance shouldn't be piloting with the squadrons, but Poe had argued that he was a pilot he belonged out there not barking commands on a ship. Back in the cockpit of his X-wing, Poe felt great, nervous but great. This mission would be a challenge, but he had missed this feeling. He felt at home in a cockpit with his hands moving over the instrumentation feeling the ship coming to life around him as he ignited the engines and it began to hover.
"Colonel Dameron, your squadrons can depart," Admiral Nunb gave the command from the deck.
"BB8, how are we looking back there?" Poe spoke into the mic on his helmet.
BB8 chirped and tweeted back at Poe, Poe got the impression from BB8's beeps that the little droid was as excited as he was.
"Yeah me too buddy. Black Squad, this is Black One check-in."
Poe got confirmation from his squadron pilots "Black Two standing by," Rose responded, "Black Three standing by", "Black Four standing by", "Black Five standing by"; full house.
"Blue Leader, Gold Leader, Red Leader, White Leader, we all set?"
A moment of static white noise filled Poe's headpiece as each of the squadrons checked their pilots. One by one, they responded.
"Ready to execute on your command Black Leader."
The double wings on Poe's X-Wing split apart displaying four wings. The wing-mounted armament and quadruple engines deployed which would give Poe maximum firepower and manoeuvrability. I love these ships! Poe left the hangar, followed by the Black assault squadron, then Blue Leader and their assault squadron. Behind him, he could see Gold Squadron, Red squadron and White Squadron departing their various hangars. Shields were up; everyone was at their posts.
"Blue Leader, protect our Star Cruisers, Gold Leader take out the Dreadnought's cannons. We'll have to get up close and personal."
"Copy that Black Leader, we're with you."
They had no bombardiers since D'Qar so taking out the cannons was their best bet to desecrate the last Dreadnought, rendering it useless. Commander Dameron advised getting close to the ship's hull; the cannons had been designed to take out enemy Star Cruisers so smaller vessels like the X-Wings in Gold Squadron were too fast and could get too close for the guns to target. Getting close and taking out the enemies weapons was their only choice. The empty black space erupted with the sudden emergence of the First Order fleet.
Within the First Order fleet, Admiral Deltan stood on the bridge. A veteran of the Galatic Empire, one of the few who'd not been assassinated or conveniently become deathly sick. The rise of the First Order from the remnants of the Empire had been a chance for Deltan. Deltan had been idealistic about what could be achieved- idealistic and foolish. Hoping the First Order would be the fixing of injustice and would provide security to the galaxy. He'd thought of leaving the First Order, more than once, but once you were in the First Order defecting wasn't an option. Only death could you release you from that contract. General Hux had relayed Kylo Ren's plan, and it had been meticulously set. Himself, Colonel Kramer and General Targo were all awaiting Hux's command to turn on Allegiant General Pryde and the rest of the First Order.
Kylo Ren on the Finalizer under Captain Peavey and Hux would be here shortly there defection already revealed. General Hux had surprised Deltan with this sudden change. Hux had always been insanely ambitious; someone Deltan believed who would create a revolution, burn brightly and sputter out, to Deltan Hux hadn't seemed wise enough, with enough real military grounding to last long. This change to join the Resistance and destroy the Sith was in stark contrast but not an unwelcome one. Deltan had underestimated Hux, Allegiant General Pryde and the Contingency had too, to their doom.
"Sir, communication from General Hux, strike now," Deltan's lead communications officer informed him.
"Are the autocannons primed?" Deltan asked the bridge.
"Primed and ready, Sir," Captain Yago responded.
"Target the lead ship. Open communications to Targo and Kramer."
"Communication open, Sir," his operator responded.
"Admiral Deltan," the other commanders confirmed.
"Take out as many of the First Order Dreadnoughts as you can- lead ships first. The Resistance will be coming behind us to take out the rear with the Finalizer and General Hux. The Resistance ships will be aiming to take out autocannons, use yours as much as you can. Release all Tie squadrons to protect your ships. We have the element of surprise on our side, but it will be short-lived, so use it while you can."
"Yes, Admiral."
"Fire at will Captain," Deltan commanded, and behind him, Captain Yago relayed that order to the bridge officers.
Allegiant General Pryde was in the hangar of the First Order's lead Dreadnought with a now unmasked and furious Letan Nex. General Hux and Kylo Ren on the Finalizer's damage had thankfully been kept to a minimum with the shields up, but now they were being blasted again. That wasn't the blast of one of the Resistance's MC80 Star Cruisers that was a Dreadnought autocannon, had they'd been betrayed? Again!
"I must get to the moon!" Sidious's acolyte screeched, "The girl is there I can feel her."
Pryde nodded, currently rather uncaring of what Palpatine required, they were under attack.
"Go, my Lord, be resurrected, your Empire awaits your return." Pryde managed a calm and civil response despite his furore, and the acolyte fled back on board his shuttle, a few red stormtroopers accompanying him, Pryde watched the shuttle leave before heading to the bridge.
"Who is firing at us, Captain?"
"It appears to be Admiral Deltan, Allegiant General and he's not the only one." Pryde glowered at his Captain who visibly gulped before continuing, "Colonel Kramer and General Targo."
"Open communication with Admiral Skalick and Vice Admiral Renor," Pryde demanded.
From the viewing port, Pryde could make out the Emperor's shuttle as it plummeted through the ensuing battle towards the blue-green orb of Endor's moons as a deck officer opened communications with the leaders of their armada.
Admiral Skalick stood grim-faced on the bridge of his ship. He had received Allegiant General Pryde's notification regarding the fact that they had been betrayed and not just once by the dark Jedi Ren and that whelp Hux. He could've done with such communication at least ten minutes ago, he was fully aware that they were under attack and not just from the Resistance but ships within their own fleet- Deltan, Targo and Kramer. A Mon Calamari Star Cruisers had appeared in the space opposite their fleet, having uncloaked and before he or Renor could do anything Admiral Deltan and General Targo's Dreadnoughts had repositioned themselves into an attack position to join the Resistance, all Skalick could do was raise their deflector shields. Even with the shields up the Star Cruisers had proceeded to blast ion cannon fire and turbo blaster fire towards them. Pryde's Dreadnought was currently safe despite Deltan's relentless assault, but Targo's autocannon fire had already brought down Vice Admiral Renor's Dreadnought which was now falling slowly towards the planet's surface. Fire blazing from one side as it began to split in two, escape pods launching as well as Tie fighters and shuttles, anything the officers and troops on board could evacuate in to avoid their fate.
Admiral Skalick had already given the order to re-prime their cannons and for their pilots to man their Tie fighters, his long face drawn, as an intergalactic battle between Tie's and X-wings and a vessel that looked like a cargo ship took place around them.
General Lando Calrissian came out of hyperspace with Admiral Statura into a scene of battle, with a ramshackle collection of ships, cruisers and anything else deemed flight-worthy- the Resistance allies! This was the battle to end all battles, and so everyone had joined to fight. Their Dreadnought was firing at the enemy Dreadnought. Tie-fighters were flying with X-wings, B-wings and A-wings defending their cruisers from more Tie-fighters and going in close to take out the Dreadnought's deadly autocannons.
"Let's do some damage!" Lando cried as they headed for the Dreadnoughts closest to their location, those seemingly at the back of the large pack of ships which were currently not engaged in combat. Calrissian had every intention of making that position short-lived as he flew full-speed at the Dreadnoughts.
"You may engage Bronze Squadron," Admiral Statura stated.
Each member of Wexley's Bronze squadron exited the cruiser before moving deftly around the hull of the Dreadnought closest to them, the one that had turned to fire at their cruisers. They flew close to the decks of the ship while avoiding enemy Tie's, aiming to reduce the cannons to dust.
"Bronze Four, watch your positioning you're too ...," Snap Wexley stopped mid command as bronze four plummeted into the hull in a ball of fire and light.
Several of this ship's cannons were already obliterated, one barrel left, Wexley fired and turned it to smoking scrap.
"Bronze Squadron we're done here, all surface cannons cleared, move to the next Dreadnought and watch those Tie fighters."
Wexley's ship rose up from the hull flipped, and double backed on itself, and the rest of the squadron followed his lead and spread out targeting the Tie's that were raining fire on Admiral Nunb's Cruiser and the Dreadnought preparing to fire at it.
In the Falcon Lando and Chewie were hollering swinging in high arcs and whirling between ships, Chewie's Porg pets were screeching on the instrumentation and Jannah was firing from the sizeable rotating bubble which protruded from the side of the freighter.
"I've missed this ship," she yelled as she activated the firing grip again and a Tie erupted in multicoloured light in front of her.
"Lando, can we board a Dreadnought, get me on board," Finn asked as he attempted to maintain his balance within the cockpit.
Chewie growled at him, and together he and Lando steered the Falcon towards the open hangar of Skalick's Dreadnought.
Zorii Bliss was piloting a Y-wing from within the escort that had followed the Falcon. She twirled up towards one of the Dreadnought cannons raining fire as she did so. Her extreme piloting skills did not go unnoticed, managing to fly in such a defensive way. Y-wings were known to be sturdy, not agile. Zorii spun the Y-wing as the cannon exploded in a ball of light and metal scraps that turned to stardust.
At the front of the battle, one of the Dreadnought's entire body was consumed by fire, and it was slowly beginning to fall from the sky towards Endor's planetary atmosphere. Escape pods firing from it as it's desperate crew attempted to save themselves.
Within the band of Resistance ships shuttles were boarded by Resistance fighters. General Ematt stood with Altor checking his soldier's helmets.
"Check your weapons," he yelled as he boarded a full shuttle ready to launch.
Kylo Ren's Finalizer and General Hux's Dreadnought had entered the battle shortly after the Millenium Falcon. Captain Peavey and General Hux's ships were now firing indiscriminately at the Dreadnoughts closest. Their autocannons were shattering ships exteriors causing devastating damage. Within Black One Poe saw Kylo's distinctive interceptor exiting one of the hangars and heading towards Endor deftly avoiding the fire of friendly and foe, targeting Tie-fighters as it plummeted down to the planets surface, leaving a tirade of miniature explosions in its wake.
"Black Squadron, head into the bulk of the fleet lets take out as many of those cannons as we can."
"Copy that Black Leader," a succession of responses replied.
"Keep it tight and keep it close, we're more effective up close and personal."
"Let's get personal!" Black two screamed as Black Squadron flew in tight to the ship blasting cannons and Ties in all directions.
"We're with you too Black Leader!" Blue Squadron fell in beside Black Squadron.
Poe was flying close to the hull of one of the multiple Dreadnoughts, but his Squadrons were not alone, Tie-fighters screamed all around them. Their plan had been realised, and the remaining Dreadnoughts were attempting to defend their only weapon system.
"Watch those Ties!" Poe warned. Some of his pilots were doing well, but others were unseasoned, unable to consider aiming at cannons and defending themselves, Blue Four's cockpit burst into flame as she was struck by enemy Tie fire. There was nothing Blue Four could do but do the most amount of damage she could, and so she flew towards the open hangar. Ties were exiting the hangar, and her burning ship worked as a bomb amongst the fuel and uncrewed vessels docked there. The hangar came under a series of explosions that spread out and through the ship, igniting the Dreadnought and becoming one colossal flame. Poe cursed to himself, but at least that was another one down. Black Six tried to avoid laser fire, but his wing was hit, and he ended up spiralling and crashing harmlessly into the side of one of the Dreadnoughts. Poe dived as close to the hull as he could before sharply rising, looping back towards the cannons. For a moment he could see one of their Resistance cruisers engulfed in flames, it wasn't their Star Cruisers belonging to Admiral Nunb or Statura. A mon-calamari cruiser, one of their allies who'd joined them, escape pods and shuttles launching from it burning carcass.
Several Dreadnoughts had primed their autocannons and were now decimating the jumbled Resistance fleet. The smaller ships were exploding immediately into minuscule fragments.
"White Squadron, target the Dreadnoughts, I repeat target the Dreadnought, destroy those cannons!"
As Poe looped back again with Blue and Black Squadron what was left of White Squadron joined them.
Laser fire cascaded from Tie-Fighters all around them. White Two was flying dead at the bridge of one of the Dreadnoughts that was obliterating their ships.
"White Two, that's suicide! Desist that's an order!" Poe hollered into his helmet.
"Negative Black Leader, my steering is shot, I'm dead in the air, may as well make it count! May the Force be with us!" White Two shouted as they crashed straight into the viewing port of the Dreadnought's bridge. It's fuel igniting into a cascade of flame and debris. The Dreadnought imploded hurling great chunks of jagged metal into space, smoke and fire rising from the huge exposed openings. Amongst the metallic particles that floated out into the cold darkness of space were the charred bodies of First Order officers.
Poe sighed sickened by the loss of another friend, another pilot. No time to dwell on grief now there were still many Dreadnoughts still firing their deadly weapons annihilating their cruisers and ships.
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