《Star Wars IX- The Rise of Skywalker》Chapter 15- A New Ally
Kylo Ren had managed to get to his Tie Interceptor and board the awaiting Finalizer without being seen by the scouts. He'd sensed nothing within the Force as he'd departed Pasaana's sandy covered surface to suggest that Rey had been hurt or killed, but that did not stop his seething anger as he entered the hangar, exited his ship and headed for the bridge. How could Captain Peavey have done this? Defied him? On approaching the bridge, however, he realised it wasn't Captain Peavey who'd sent scouts down onto Pasaana. Peavey was stood on the bridge an accepting yet mildly annoyed expression on his face, his stance not quite his usual impeccable military standard, to Peavey's left stood General Armitage Hux.
Hux stood attempting an impassive look, but as usual, he was failing. Playing at the corners of his mouth was a malicious smirk. He tugged at the perfectly turned out cuffs of his uniform as though something was out of place. Kylo knew the only thing Hux considered to be out of place was him. Hux had no love for Kylo, but he respected his abilities, abilities he'd been on the receiving end from both Kylo and Snoke before him, more than once. Kylo was sure that Hux was not jealous of such skills. Hux had always seemed immensely proud of his accomplishments; all he'd achieved. In the eyes of their previous Supreme Leader, no matter how talented or ingenious it was never enough. Snoke was of the Force, as was Kylo, something Hux no matter how resourceful couldn't be part of. The more Kylo considered it, the more he realised how similar himself and Hux were. Both under the shadow of legendary men, both were trying to appease a sadistic and manipulative role model, but both with the ultimate goal of replacing said mentor and in doing so taking the title of Supreme Leader for themselves. Kylo, however, had beaten Hux to it, albeit temporarily. Now they'd both been demoted by Allegiant General Pryde, the Contingency and Darth Sidious.
Despite their openly antagonistic relationship and competitive rivalry, Kylo and Hux had saved each other multiple times and not merely due to orders from Snoke. Kylo and Hux had had to work together for survival after crash landing with no hope of rescue. Kylo had saved him as their ship had fallen into the unknown planet, he'd told Hux it was to save himself and that Hux was merely nearby, but he wasn't so callous as to let him die. Unnecessary death was something Kylo had always avoided where possible. They hadn't just saved each other out of ulterior motives either, during their shipwreck Kylo had gone to protect Hux from some rabid native creature- a Norwood. Hux had run off like a coward and would've allowed him to die, but fate had, had other ideas. It was Hux who'd tracked him down in the snow on StarKiller where he'd lain bloody and beaten. Somehow in someway their existence within the First Order was so entwined.
General Hux's father Brendol was as oppressive, abusive and cruel as Snoke had been and yet it was all Hux could do to be acknowledged. Hux had been creative, intelligent and ruthless, hated by the high ranking officials as much as Kylo was, unlike Kylo, however, the lowly troopers respected him. Hux was responsible for the stormtroopers training and their education. The lower rank stormtroopers were just afraid of Kylo. His unflinching callousness had served him well, however, Hux had murdered his father aided by his loyal soldier Phasma. That was just another thing Hux and Kylo had in common, the murder of their father, although Hux's father by all accounts had deserved his fate, in complete contrast Kylo knew his father had not. Hux, although demoted, was still prominent within the ranks and young; there was still time for him to show his worth, his quality. Though neither man could see why the other was important, Kylo was beginning to see it now. Snoke had told him once that men like Hux were useful, consumed by ambition and fueled by spite, unable to set aside their pride and burning with shame. Like an abused pup they grow to be vicious creatures, but they never forget where they came from and they never forgive.
There was no pretence between them, Hux hated Kylo, though Kylo wondered other than Phasma if there was anyone who on some level Hux didn't hate. Kylo had ensured Hux's compliance at times following Snoke's death by utilising the Force, but Hux was not scared of him, up until Snoke's demise, Hux had felt himself Kylo's equal. He informed Kylo, as Snoke had, that his mask was to hide his cowardice, his acceptance of who he truly was and where he came from. Hux's contempt for Kylo was always well restrained, had he actually managed to shoot Kylo as he'd intended on the throne room floor Kylo wondered how different things might stand currently. Perhaps if Hux had succeeded, it might have been better for everyone.
"Ren, it appears a reminder is in order," Hux stated boldly. Kylo had to admire his boldness since Allegiant General Pryde had taken over his cowardice had disappeared, bold direct and amenable. There was a job to be done, and Hux was the epitome of efficiency.
"You are not to leave the ship without supervision. Your treacherous past makes you, untrustworthy", Hux simpered. "Where did you go and why?"
"I follow the Emperor's orders, not yours!" Kylo growled. Though they were of the same height, Kylo was able to look down on Hux, and he searched his face for what he expected to see. Yes, there is was behind the eyes that flicker of loathing.
"Allegiant General Pryde wishes to know where you went and for what purpose," Hux stated tersely, as though repetition would somehow cause obedience.
"I will inform Letan Nex of my location and purpose and no other," Kylo continued as though nothing untoward had occurred between them. Before Hux could object Kylo sidestepped and headed towards his chambers. He would be contacting Nex but only to secure the facade as Nex would almost certainly already be aware. There would be no need to lie, just as he had with Snoke keeping everything truthful would ensure absolute deception.
He knelt before the hologram of Letan Nex still encased within his cowl and Kylo's repaired splintered helmet; it was like looking in a mirror. His helmet had been his mask to hide his true identity to pretend he was not Ben Solo. The helmet's fragmented appearance now seemed to encompass who he was entirely, and it disturbed him on a level he was unfamiliar with that this acolyte wore his identity so brazenly.
"What have you learnt, my apprentice?" Letan asked in that gravelly voice.
"The girl beckoned me to her; she believes I have turned. She will come to us willingly as you have foreseen my master," Kylo answered. He could see the interest that peaked in Nex even encased as he was in the helmet. His holographic image shifted hungrily forward.
"Why did she contact you?"
"She wanted my help with an artefact my master." Kylo had to be wary now; it was not impossible for those strong in the Force to probe or control subjects despite a lack of physical proximity, visually seeing them could be enough.
"What artefact?" Palpatine's phantom failed to keep its covetous desire hidden within the question.
"I do not know my master, the scouts sent by General Hux interrupted our rendezvous, but she trusts me. I will return, and you will have both." Kylo looked up at the hologram now with false impassion, "the girl and the artefact."
Kylo could hear the smile upon the face of Nex inside the helmet; he couldn't hide it from the way his evil voice now purred with satisfaction.
"You've done well my apprentice. Go. Do what you must, and you will be greatly rewarded."
Kylo bowed his head again, "Thank you, my master."
Kylo knew what he needed to do; he reactivated his communications, Captain Peavey stood to attention.
"Captain, where is General Hux?"
Kylo found General Hux at a viewing port, staring out at the system in which the yellow-brown sphere of Pasaana sat.
"Have you come to admire the view?" Kylo asked as he stood at Hux's side. "I assure you the planet is as unattractive from this vantage point as it is on its surface, desert planets always are, though there is less sand from up here."
Kylo knew Hux rarely left the crafts which the First Order occupied; he moved from ship to ship via shuttle, their unplanned time together on a planet in the unknown regions was only because of a radar technicians mechanical error. Hux had used it as an excuse to murder Admiral Brooks for ridiculing and humiliating him as a child. The salted surface of Crait was the last planetary atmosphere Hux had frequented, and that had merely been to move from AT-ST walker into the abandoned rebel base. Kylo could see Hux's frame tense with contempt, that Kylo had dared to join him, and attempt to engage him in conversation, but a conversation was precisely why Kylo was here.
"You told me once that your duty was to the First Order. To fight with every functioning trooper at your command, that was the oath you took, the oath you swore to uphold. Not to accommodate ancillary interests of individuals no matter how high their rank or exalted their perceived importance."
Hux had turned his head towards Kylo his eyes squinted in mild interest his hands wringing each other lightly behind his back.
"I know you believe the Force is the last dying echo of ancient history, that Snoke's pursuit of Skywalker was an unnecessary expense at the detriment to other matters." Kylo turned to Hux now, locking his dark eyes on Hux's cold, pale ones. "Tell me, is the First Order everything you'd envisioned it would be? Is this everything you killed for, for Emperor Palpatine, Darth Sidious to return and claim his galaxy once and for all?"
Hux 's eyes were narrowed as he observed Kylo unsure of what the intention of this conversation was.
"I stand by the oath I took to return justice, peace and order to the galaxy."
"Do you really believe Palpatine, Darth Sidious and the Contingency care about those withered and dying systems in need of aid, care and hope. Do you think they care about ending slavery, criminal warlords and bounty hunters?" Kylo's eyebrows raised questioningly as he studied Hux's rigid face.
Hux remained silent, concerned that any confession may result in some form of punishment. Kylo leaned in closer peering intensely at Hux.
"Be advised General, you can tell me the truth or I can take it from you, I have no desire to do the later so please, just say it."
"No." Hux stood chin held high, hands held tightly behind his back awaiting whatever action Kylo planned for what was undoubtedly treason, but Kylo's body language relaxed a little, and he turned back to the viewing window.
"Do all your officers and stormtroopers under your command, feel as you do?"
Hux followed his lead and turned to do the same, staring at the multitude of stars and nebula.
"Good. I have a proposition for you General Hux, one that may allow you to rise beyond any position you'd dared hope for. It will require you to work alongside your enemy and myself, but the outcome should provide the galaxy with everything you swore to uphold."
Hux was silent again, Kylo reached into the Force attempting to read whether the General was about to agree or agree and then betray him or do something foolish. He took a breath.
"For once in your life Hux, do not hide, do not be the coward, fight."
Hux turned and scowled at him, regardless of whether they would be able to cooperate that animosity would remain. That was of little consequence they had been successfully conducting the work of the First Order jointly for years without anything more than moderate civility.
"I am not a spineless coward Ren; I am not weak. I'm patient."
Kylo tensed his hand within his gloved fist, don't lose your patience; he told himself. If they were to stand a chance against the fleet of Imperial Star Destroyers, they needed Hux's army, his men. He took a moment to choose his words more carefully, to be his mother's son, the politician.
"Join your enemy, helps us take the Sith down once and for all. You can help forge a new future, direct the galaxies industries, nurture innovation, police those systems who need order."
Hux's face changed slightly, Kylo knew his words had created a vision within Hux's mind, after all, they were Hux's own thoughts, things he'd unwittingly shared when he thought no one could hear him, but Kylo had heard him, and he knew he'd said the right thing. Hux wouldn't simply comply out of fear; he'd willing join them. Palpatine had been right; you couldn't force someone to turn they had to be coerced. Still, he'd have to be wary; he couldn't underestimate Hux's ambition, betrayal would be a possibility until the end.
No words were said Kylo simply raised a gloved hand to secure the accord with a shake of the hand that was all he required. Hux removed his hand from behind his back, placed it in Kylo's gloved one and shook it with a smile. The smile was genuine, and Kylo wasn't sure what was more unnerving, the genuine smile and feelings of satisfaction he could sense in Hux or the twitch of the smile he'd often seen when Hux was gloating.
"I need information from the Imperial archives, the Dwartii. Anything you can get hold of, but specifically their language. Don't leave a trail."
"Ren, please, do you really think I'd be stupid enough to leave a trail?"
Kylo eyed him sideways, no, if anything could be said about Hux he was careful, meticulous. He wouldn't leave anything that might jeopardise him in any way. He nodded.
"I leave it in your capable hands then General."
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