《Star Wars IX- The Rise of Skywalker》Chapter 8- Flash Fights
From one of the viewing windows on the Finalizer, Kylo looked down at the planet and the moons surrounding it, then at the floating remnants of the giant planetary station that had once resided here. A space station his parents, his family, had destroyed, above a giant gas planet. He had visited it's forest moon frequently in his mind as a child, as his mother or father told him stories of the Rebellion, stories that would become legend and history. The ending of the Empire, the age of Hope. How deluded they had all been.
I'm not afraid, he told himself.
'You should be,' an unknown voice seemed to answer, 'you should be.'
He was afraid, and he had every reason to be. Use it, embrace your fear, he told himself.
"Sir, your ship is ready for your departure."
Kylo piloted his Tie interceptor alone. The cloud cover was thick and heavy as Kylo entered the atmosphere of Kef-Bir, and he had to concentrate as he skimmed through the turbulent conditions. The sector he was headed to was one of Kef-Bir's seas. He could see remnants of that colossal human-made mountain rising out of the waves. Like a creatures dark claw coming from the depths. Kylo recognised it as the superlazer section of the fallen battle station. That was where he was headed.
The ominous darkness that surrounded the dark acolyte, that was on Malachor was here. Cold and evasive in the Force. A dark void that was attempting to encompass everything, devour the Galaxy. It was so strong it shrouded almost everything in shadow, blinding his senses almost utterly but for one thing; she was here. Her light essence in the Force was like a beacon calling to him. She burned so brightly everything around her seemed attuned to her. He allowed her light to draw him in, she'd reopened herself to their connection, and it flowed raw and powerful like an electric wire pulling him to wherever she was. Everything seemed clearer, snapped into focus as their bond was fully restored. As he strode with purpose towards her position, he could feel the moist air on his face. The raging sea sprayed foam into the air, and it caught him with each gust of wind. At the edge of the cliff, he saw her standing upon a half-submerged section of the desecrated space station. She wasn't searching for anything she merely stood a pure white form in an angry grey world. A surge of relief flowed through him, but then a whisper seemed to reach him from a spray filled breathe of air settling into his clothing and lingering on his mind, chilling him to the bone.
"Bring me the girl so that I may be resurrected," and then the whisper turned into that hideous malicious laugh.
Kylo leapt from the cliff edge to the remains below, landing with ease upon the wet surface. A massive wave crashed over him, soaking him and momentarily shrouding her from his view. He stepped forward; he did not need his eyes to know where she was standing awaiting him. As the wave dissipated, he saw her with that same look of relief he'd felt in seeing her upon her face. He spun his ignited saber in his hand, holding it back away from her.
"I see you fixed my lightsaber," he remarked before continuing to stalk towards her and as he did so her face changed to one of stubborn purpose.
Rey felt Kylo's presence in the Force as soon as he entered the atmosphere. This world was dulling her senses. When she'd reached out into the Force, she'd immediately pulled back. It was dark, cold, foreboding and everywhere. There was seemingly no light on this planet, life, love, growth; all had been replaced by death and decay. When he'd entered the atmosphere, however, she felt him, that spike in the Force. The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end as a shiver like electricity ran through her, their bond, their connection sparking back to life and she let it. She felt whole and revived by it; she'd missed it. She waited on the partially submerged section of the Death Star awaiting his inevitable appearance. She turned to face him when she felt him drop silently to the remains of the battle station on which she stood. Relief flooded through her at the sight of him, as the bond flowed, as though a missing part of her had returned. She could see his ignited lightsaber through the wall of water before she could see him, his tread towards her purposeful and steady, as he came into view he spun his saber away from her, did he not intend to fight? That relief was short-lived, however.
"I see you fixed my lightsaber," Kylo stated, and she was reminded of his previous infuriating superiority.
Deflection and derision those tactics he'd used before, as he stalked towards her, she reluctantly ignited her own. Their lightsabers clashed, and Kylo swung brutally at her, again and again, she blocked him, and their sabers vibrated angrily crackling and humming as they held their users at bay. A wave of water crashed over them, but they managed to maintain their hold on each other. Kylo wasn't holding back, and he wasn't wounded. In the forest on Takodana, he had been playing with her. In the snow, on StarKiller base he'd been holding back, and he'd been wounded, using his pain as best he could to allow his dark energy to flow. Now he was neither the deathly look in his eyes was not one she'd seen in him before. It was taking all her strength to hold him back, and she could feel her arms beginning to shake with the exertion. No. My body is but a weapon of the Force; physical size, physical strength did not matter, only the Force. I am one with the Force. She gritted her teeth and leapt over him, landing gracefully on the uneven surface of the wrecked Death Star.
He turned an amused smirk on his face.
"Impressive, your skills have grown."
"We are equals now Ben."
The smile on his face faltered at the sound of his real name.
"We'll see."
He stalked towards her once more, but this time she struck first as she spun on her foot. As their sabers clashed once more spitting and hissing a wave of water crashed over them. The water receded, and Rey again went to strike as Kylo went to meet her. Their faces were inches from each other lit by the red and blue glow from their sabres. Another wave hit this time lower, knocking their balance from pressing on the other. Rey stepped back, and Kylo crouched regaining his composure, preparing himself to strike again.
Her skills with the lightsaber had undoubtedly improved; this was challenging him, but it wouldn't challenge him much longer. Kylo went within himself, summoning the Force as she watched waiting, regained his focus and shifted his foot, clenching his lightsaber tightly. He leapt at her his saber crashing against hers and, she fell back. She shook her arm, it was taking all her strength to hold him back. Kylo swung his lightsaber once more and again forced her down. She knelt in pools of water the air around them filled with water like rain, but not from the sky. She struggled to hold him off, clenching her teeth in frustration when suddenly the world flashed red, Kylo turned his head, but the world was grey again. He raised his saber over his head to strike a devastating blow, one that would render her defeated but alive, but again the world flashed red. For a moment he thought they were standing upon lava instead of water. He stood confused and looked at her to see the same bewilderment on her face. He hadn't imagined it, and she'd seen it too. He stood fully, and as he did, the world flashed red again, and this time it stayed that way.
Kylo drew his lightsaber back and spun around to observe where they now were. He'd never been here, but he did recognise it. Scanning his surroundings, he knew where he was- Mustafar. A scorching world of lava streaming from volcanoes of glittering obsidian, the only building a black tower with a river of lava running down its centre. Mustafar had been his grandfather's personal sanctum. Curiously Kylo could feel no heat coming from the lava. He heard the clashing of lightsabers and turning saw a fierce battle between two men. Kylo could see that blade to blade they were identical- exchanges, sidekicks, ankle sweeps. Kylo had never seen such mastery with a lightsaber, blindingly fast and faultless. Blue and green blades a blur of motion sparking against the other on each vicious contact. One jumped to a black-sand shore, and the other attempted to jump over him, a mistake that Kylo could see would be disastrous. The man upon the ashen beach had the higher ground, and as he parried the man leaping above him, he sliced the legs from his opponent and then his arm. His opponent fell into the sand, and attempted to scramble up but failed; too close to the lava, he began to catch fire, his hair burning to black. Kylo could hear their voices.
"You were the chosen one. It was said you would destroy the Sith not join them. It was you who would bring balance to the Force, not leave it in darkness. You were my brother, Anakin. I loved you."
The man scrambling in the burning ash desperately tried with one had to reach his foe, but couldn't, and suddenly burst into flames as he screamed, "I hate you!"
"Grandfather," Kylo whispered to himself.
The crimson red world disappeared, and a wave of water struck Kylo so engrossed in the vision he nearly fell into the turbulent sea around him. He managed to compose himself and turned to Rey. Her face showed she'd seen all he had.
"Fulfil your destiny, bring me the girl," that voice whispered once more.
Kylo took a step towards her lifting his lightsaber slightly but unsure of his course of action, before the world flashed again, this time not red but blue. Kylo stopped in his tracks, what were they about to see now? Once more, the blue light flashed, and now they were in a ship. Another battle of sabers was before them, and this time there was no mistaking the two figures; one was Luke the other Darth Vader. Luke was raining blow upon blow forcing Vader to retreat, till Vader was driven to his knees on a bridge that crossed a vast shaft. Luke slashed at Vader's right hand severing it off, viewing the machinery beneath, then stopped looking at his own mechanical hand.
"Good! Kill him! Your hate has made you powerful! Now fulfil your destiny and take your father's place at my side!" a hooded figure cackled.
Luke hurled his saber away, "Never. Never will I turn to the dark side! You have failed, Palpatine. I am a Jedi, like my father before me."
Palpatine's thin spidery arms struck Luke with bolts of white energy as he smiled with sullen rage.
"So be it Jedi. If you will not be turned, you will be destroyed."
Kylo could see Luke attempt to defend himself, but Palpatine was relentless. The shocks coursing through Luke came with such speed and power that he shrank before them eventually buckling to his knees as he convulsed.
"Now, young Skywalker, you will die!" Palpatine laughed maniacally as he struck Luke again until Vader pinned Palpatine from behind and transported him over to the bridge. Holding Palpatine high above his head then launched him into the abyss below.
Luke stood over Vader removing his helmet.
"I'm going to save you."
The man answered rather than the machine.
"You already have. Luke, you were right.... you were right about me.... tell your sister you were right."
The world returned to grey.
Kylo fell to his knees on the Death Stars surface in inner turmoil, only the noise of the crashing waves made him awake from his trance. He stood slowly, extinguishing his lightsaber and placing it on his belt before he turned to Rey. Standing now she held her saber extinguished observing him calmly, waiting.
He understood now; it was the same battle it had always been Skywalker versus the dark, and the darkest of all was Emperor Palpatine. His grandfather had succumbed; his uncle had not and had saved his father in the process. The only destiny he knew now was that he had to face Palpatine. Without looking at Rey, he told her everything.
"Palpatine, Darth Sidious has taken control of the First Order through his acolyte- Letan Nex. He ordered the destruction of Kijimi. He has a fleet of Imperial Star Destroyers."
"Do you serve him now? Is that why you're here?"
That was why he'd come here, but there was also his dream, he raised his head finally looking at her.
"No. I saw a vision of the future. I know who you are. I know the rest of your story. You turn. I saw it, and I cannot let you."
Rey's face contorted in confusion.
"How do you know what you saw was the future? You know as well as I do the future is always in motion, we cannot know the exact outcome."
Kylo shook his head, wet hair falling across him. His eyes were soft now and pleading.
"Some of my vision has already come true. The fleet of Imperial Star Destroyers, the destruction of a planet, but there's more." He paused, "Rey, your parents, weren't your parents."
"I know they were nobodies, filthy junk traders who sold me for drinking money," she stated angrily. Why was he bringing this up again?
"Yes, but that's not, that's not what I mean," he paused, eyeing her cautiously, he seemed sad. "You were created."
"Created?" she questioned.
"By Palpatine. As Anakin Skywalker, my grandfather was created by the Force, Palpatine created you, to resurrect him, to destroy the galaxy," he paused, "and I cannot let you."
Rey took a step back, shaking her head.
"No, that's not true. That's impossible."
Kylo stepped towards her, seemingly distressed by her strife.
"Sidious told me. He wants me to bring you to him."
Rey stood now angry, the water from the sea crashing around her, soaking her and she felt like those waves. She allowed their noise to fill her mind.
"Liar!" she screamed at him.
"I never lied to you."
There was no lie in his eyes like there had been no lie on the Supremacy. He was right, he had never lied to her, he'd always been honest, truthful. Why would he lie now, and about this?
"I'm sorry, he's too powerful. I can't protect you from him, and I cannot allow what I saw to be realised."
Luke's words returned to her. "I've seen this raw strength only once before, in Ben Solo. It didn't scare me enough then. It does now."
"No," she whispered again, fearful and angry.
Kylo stepped towards her again entreatingly, but she raised her hand out to shield herself from his truth, his appeal, from his solace, his touch; she wasn't sure which. Instead of shielding herself electric white lightning shot from her hands, hitting Kylo and throwing him off the raised remains on which they'd been battling into the stormy water. Kill him. A menacing unknown voice whispered upon the air. A voice she'd heard before as Kylo had lain injured upon the snow of Starkiller base. Rey looked down at her hands in horror, then fled.
Kylo struggled against the waves. His limbs wracked with pain from what Rey had managed to do- Force lightning. The water seemed to be dragging him down, sucking him to its dark depths. Eventually, he managed to find some debris to cling to, pulling himself up as the waves threatened to drown him. When he finally managed to clamber onto the wreckage of the ship, he could see Rey was gone. He'd known before he'd escaped the water that she'd gone, he'd felt her presence in the Force depart, and a void remained. The consequences of their conversation lay heavy on his mind, would he now cause the vision he saw by telling her?
Exhausted, he got back to his ship; he would have to return to the Finalizer to maintain the facade, only by being close to the phantom of Sidious would he be able to destroy him. This was the real legacy of his grandfather he understood now. He was a Skywalker, and this was his fight, but how would he stop Palpatine, Darth Sidious, and bring an end to the Sith forever?
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