《Star Wars IX- The Rise of Skywalker》Chapter 4- Reconnaissance
Jannah Calrissian was the perfect mix of her father and mother. She held little regard to her physical appearance. Her hair was wild, she was tall and robust, and the clothing she wore was chosen for its practicality rather than its beauty. The one nod to her father was her cape, but it wasn't made from expensive, lush fabrics or a bold colour, it was plain and functional; if stranded it could be turned into a shelter. With Jannah's mother Kira being a member of the Rebellion she'd been raised to be efficient with all weapons be they laser or handheld. Unlike her father who loved his blasters, Jannah preferred more primal weapons such as her energy bow she'd asked their old family friend Chewbacca to construct her for her. Chewbacca had made a mighty bow with energy arrows and taught her to fire it once she was old enough to use it. The bow was large and had to be slung over her back in order to be carried, and she pretty much carried it everywhere. She was a reasonable mechanic and proficient in the pilot's chair of a cockpit of most ships or shuttles, her father had taught her well.
Jannah and her father had come to the Resistances' aid after Crait and Ikkuk. The Resistance was diminished to practically nothing, their weapons were few, and their ships required maintenance their members a boost. The number of Resistance fighters had increased since they'd provided their much-needed support but were still too low to bring an end to the First Order. If they tried to go to war currently, it would be a massacre, and they would be on the losing side. Now, she was on a reconnaissance mission with Finn as well as recruiting- Finn's major strength was recruiting. She had been surprised on meeting him, this young seemingly important man within the Resistance and now a Captain was an ex-stormtrooper. He'd been taken as a child, raised and trained and then fled. Her father, Lando, had instantly warmed to Finn, mostly because he'd cheated him out of his meagre belongings and rations upon initially meeting him in a few games of Sabac, which he'd quickly returned. Lando had taken Finn under his wing; to Lando, Finn was a fledgeling he could mould, and Finn seemed more than willing to become just like the old Rebellion General. Jannah and Finn were currently sat on an Orbak, will a small band of other Resistance soldiers. Jannah felt utterly at ease on this animal as she did on many a domestic beast. Finn, however, she could see felt uncomfortable, and he's said as much repeatedly on their journey. He did seem, however, to be slowly relaxing into the relationship with the creature.
Finn was masking an anxious face poorly regarding his feelings about the creature which had a distinct mind of its own galloping between his legs. Finn had come into contact with so many strange creatures since his time in the Resistance- The crystal foxes on Crait, the wonderous gambling elite on the Galaxy on Canto Bight and of course the swift racing Fathiers. These Orbaks were of no exception long hairless faces with mammoth tusks useful for digging into the dry earth for food. Orbak's long hair helped to protect them from the harsh winters on the open plains but also cool in the warmer months on its home planet of Kef- Bir where Finn and Jannah now rode. Finn knew the space and moons surrounding the giant gas planet, Endor was the site of a battle long ago where the Rebellion had finally defeated the Empire. Where the Death Stars remnants had fallen from the heavens, crashing through the atmosphere to the ground below much had changed; here on Kef-Bir itself, it was barren. Around the Death Star's carcass, there was little life both on the ground or in the sky, just dry grass as far as the eye could see. Most planets where great battles had occurred the destroyed remains had changed the landscape. Kef-Bir, however, was also the graveyard of the Galaxy's most evil and un-natural Force user- Emperor Palpatine. Perhaps that was why the planet was so changed? That evil had seeped into the very core of the earth, causing nothing to grow or flourish.
The group was riding swiftly through the long grass to where a settlement of local natives lived. The settlement on arriving reminded Finn of every colony on the outer rims he'd ever come across. A basic living much like that which he knew Rey had grown up with, scraping and scrimping for food and barely clinging to life. Those that lived this sort of life never complained but continued day after day trudging on with their existence. The small village was a circle of simple primitive huts, much like those on Jakku- made from what the land had to offer and roughly made. Unlike that settlement, however, this one did not feel peaceful; it felt desperate. On his and Jannah's approach, some of the inhabitants ventured out. From what Finn could see, they were thin, ravaged by living on a planet whose vegetation had been diminished by being the graveyard of the Empire and its leader.
The Resistance members were meeting an aged Bothan. Finn had heard of the Bothan though he had never seen one in the flesh. He and Jannah were expected, however, as General Organa's personal envoy; whoever it was that was awaiting them would hopefully make themselves known on their arrival. From what Finn could see, several different species seemed to live in this settlement, none were human, all alien or humanoid. All the aliens appeared to be covered in hair or fur, but that didn't stop any of them looking malnourished. Finn and Jannah dismounted their steeds, leaving them with next in command Altor, and stood amongst the gathering crowd. A reasonably short and furry creature came toward them, their face seemed wizened by the flecks of grey within the fur that could be seen where ever their clothing wasn't covering it. Their clothes like everything about this settlement were simple and weathered beige cloth and woollens. The creature's feet were bare showing dog-like paws with sharp claws. Its face was similarly dog-like a long snout with carnivorous teeth glinting out from beneath its lips. They had tall pointed ears sticking out from the mane of hair that lay about its face, and deep-set dark eyes that spoke of years of wisdom. The face to Finn seemed regal, giving the creature a status amongst the crowd despite its diminutive height. Sections of the mane were collected in braids, and some around its chin appeared to represent a beard. The creature walked towards Finn and Jannah leaning heavily on a rough sawn stick for support.
"I am Egron, are you General Organa's envoy?" His voice was dry, raspy and deep. Finn imagined he might once have been a strong warrior, but both age and poverty had taken all strength from him even from his voice.
"We are," Finn responded for both he and Jannah.
"Come, even here there are those that may overhear. Nowhere is safe." Egron walked back towards one of the simple homes and Jannah and Finn followed. Inside the hut, it was warm, surprisingly sheltered from the breeze that had blown harshly across the grassy plains. There was a straw bed against a wall, but very little else within. Finn and Jannah were already struggling to fit within due to their size inside the house and so sat awkwardly upon the floor while Egron began to graciously share out what small offerings he had with regards to food and drink. Jannah stopped him, however, pulling ration packs from her bag upon her belt which Egron gratefully accepted.
"The First Order have been here; they scour the remains of the Death Star for what we cannot tell," Egron whispered raspily.
"How many?" Finn asked.
"Legions have been here, scattered all over the planet searching each site."
"How many sites are there?"
"Countless, the remains of that vile space station are everywhere. The largest of which, however, lies off the coast within the sea."
Finn turned to Jannah, this was in line with what other reconnaissance teams had learnt from other planets. The First Order was searching planets associated with the Empire, with the dark side but so far what they were searching for it seemed had not been found and what they sort currently eluded the Resistance.
"What could they be looking for here?" Finn asked her.
"I wish I knew; the Death Star has been here decades surely there is nothing to be scavenged."
"Scavenged?" Finn's mind went to Rey. If the First Order were attempting to salvage something from the Death Star's remains he knew a girl who might know why as long as it was something to do with technology anyway and where it would be found.
"Yeah, scavenged."
Jannah was looking at him with that face so many seemed to give Finn- baffled.
"Thank you for your information, friend. Is there anything else you can tell us?"
Egron looked terribly sad, "our home was once a lush land, with plenty for all. Ever since the base fell from the sky, our home has been sick, festering with disease. Whatever it is the First Order seeks we should pray to the Whills it is not found. I believe what they seek is far worse than technology but is attached to the evil that resides within."
"Darth Sidious?" Jannah questioned, and Egron nodded.
"Our spies heard reports their leader is destined to start searching, for only he will be able to find what they seek." Egron continued.
"Their leader?" Jannah asked.
Egron nodded again; his fur visibly trembled as he shivered anxiously.
"The one they call Ren."
"Kylo Ren?" Finn asked anxiously.
Again a solemn fur quivering Egron nodded in answer.
"We thank you again, friend," Finn said taking Egron's hand in a firm yet warm and grateful hold, "we need to get back to our base, but we'll be back."
Outside Egron's hut, Altor stood with the Orbaks where they'd left their group looking uncomfortable. Finn clambered rather ungracefully onto his Orbak but not before unloading all that they had with them with regards to their rations and handing them out to the grateful inhabitants.
"I recommend coming back, and with the best scavenger I know," Finn said to Jannah as she mounted her Orbak as though she'd spent her life on the back of one.
"So who is it that you know that's such an incredible scavenger?" Jannah asked
"Rey," Finn responded, remembering that to all new members of the Resistance Rey was a Jedi and that not everyone knew her as he did. To him, she would always be the scavenger from Jakku.
Back at the base on Batuu, a meeting was called involving Leia, Rey and Poe, regarding the information they'd received on Kef-Bir.
"The First Order is looking for something on Kef-Bir, one of the moons of Endor," Finn informed them.
"Something?" Poe queried.
"The kind of something that requires Kylo Ren to find them," Finn answered.
"Palpatine," Leia murmured, almost a whisper as though saying his name would conjure him before them. A momentary silence ripe with dread passed before Rey made certain what they were all fearing.
"Darth Sidious?" Rey exclaimed.
Leia nodded solemnly.
"We need to go stop him," Poe said.
"No," Rey answered, "I'll go. It's too dangerous. I'll go alone."
The others began to argue, but Rey raised a hand.
"I'll go alone."
There would be no arguing with her; her decision was made.
As Rey prepared to leave for Kef-Bir, Finn approached her concerned.
"Rey, I don't like this."
Rey understood his misgivings she had plenty of her own. She placed a hand on his arm, comfortingly.
"It has to be me that faces him. He's too strong for any of you."
Finn reluctantly agreed as he painfully recalled the time he'd lost lying in that flexpoly bacta suit, healing after attempting to battle his former superior on Star Killer base. Finn had tried his best, but despite Kylo being injured, it had been but a game to him. It had been almost too easy for Ren to cut up his back with that red blazing lightsaber of his.
"I'll take D-0 with me if it'll make you feel better."
Finn smiled at her.
"Yeah, a little."
On arriving on Kef-Bir, the organic Rey had insisted on heading to the wreckage alone. D-0 did not like that idea, and the little droid made its feeling on the matter heard. Rey, unlike so many organics D-0 had encountered spoke to the droid as though it were another lifeform. Like most organics, however, Rey suffered similar faults amongst which were poor forward planning, poor analysis of a situation and stubbornness for a decision despite excellent calculations to counter otherwise. She had ignored D-0's dissection of the circumstances along with the calculated predictions and had headed off towards the broken space station amongst the sea. D-0 had no choice but to sit within the X-Wing using every sensor and tool available to assess the situation further.
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AI means Artificial Intelligence. But those words don't match Al, either of them. Neither Artificial, nor Intelligent. At least not at the beginning. No, an AI requires input, trial & error, and careful observation. But at that point, what makes it any different than human? How are binary choices any different than the choices in a human life. I wager that there is no difference. But what will he think?
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Wings of Sorrow
Tension permeates the city of Bleakridge as forces within its walls struggle for supremacy. Grim Thorne, the disinherited son of the Earl, is a fly caught in the web of power struggles between these forces. When Grim closes his eyes, he can still see the bodies piled high from the first day of occupation. The day he was branded a bastard in the southern fashion. The day his father let them. Soldiers from the south bearing green cloaks and royal seals maintain order in the streets of Bleakridge, ensuring that the lifeblood of commerce continues to flow through the port city. In the slums beyond the outer wall, the Sons of the Reaper lurk. Some call them heroes, others villains. But all fear them for their relentless devotion to the old ways and the freedom that entails. In the castle above the city, resides the Earl of Bleakridge. The man who bent the knee and saved the lives of his people, if not their souls. After twenty years of occupation, the tension is coming to a head and Grim has to choose. Sympathetic to the Sons, duty bound to his father, and forced into service to the king. He must rise above the brand on his neck and decide where his true loyalties lie. But, after so long, it can be hard to tell who is deserving of loyalty. The King’s men who enforce order with a blood-soaked iron fist? The Sons who more resemble terrorists and crime lords than revolutionaries? Or the father who watches the bloodshed and does nothing? In the end, it is always the place of the young to bear the sins of the old.
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The Jianghu
Authors note: I appreciate feedback! Part of the reason I am releasing my chapters here is to benefit from reader feedback. If you have the time, please leave a review! Brian has lost everything he has ever held dear. Everyone who cared for him has died, in the most tragic manner possible. He no longer knows what to do. He sees no hope for the future in a world where anyone he loves will die. What is the point in trying in this reality if it all leads to sadness?And then along came the Ingenium, the worlds first true Virtual Reality device. And The Jianghu, a Wuxia-themed Virtual Reality MMO, came with it. Brian doesn't understand it yet, but he feels that both are connected with his dead parents and Uncle Jie. With the intent of figuring out what that connection is, or at least forgetting about his tragedy, he enters The Jianghu.
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To Let Go (Shindo Yo)
sleep, he's not worth it.
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The Pharaoh's Dancer
"Do you know what to do, Amunet?" A voice as sweet as silk whispered into the young girl's ear. Amunet didn't look over her shoulder, but shifted uncomfortably on her bare feet before nodding her head. A soft hand touched her back and urged her forward. All eyes turned towards the girl dressed in transparent linen with her dark hair tumbling down her back and her violet eyes lined by kohl. Every movement caused the jewels on her wrists and ankles to dangle and shimmer in the light.She raised her head and found the Pharaoh's transfixed stare. His jade eyes narrowed in on hers and the room became still and silent. Amunet bowed and, at the pluck of a harp string, began to dance.---cover by @AddietayDoes contain reference to some mature themes that may not be suited for a younger audience.
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Lore Olympus Oneshots
**2022 update: I am so sorry for everything in this series it's literal garbage on fire. However, I will leave it up just to reflect on my horrific mess and appreciate how much better I've gotten at writing lol.Short stories/ fanfics that I wrote about Lore Olympus (specifically about Hades and Persephone 🤧💕)
8 104