《Star Wars IX- The Rise of Skywalker》Chapter 2- The Contingency
The dark cloaked figure of Kylo Ren looked out the external observation portal of the Finalizer. He had an uninterrupted view of the vastness of space as the stars flew past at light speed. No longer encased within his helmet, his dark eyes were now visible, but only barely. His immense dark cowl had returned keeping his face within the confines of the shadows beneath. He stood silently, observing the view of hyperspace as he often did, reflecting, and meditating within the Force. His breath lowered so that to the unobservant bystander, he might not seem to be breathing at all. No-one approached or interrupted; despite the lack of the mechanical helmet, he was still capable of instilling dread in subordinates with which he conversed with every word he spoke. He was as foreboding and menacing as he had been before he smashed his helmet to pieces in a fit of rage. His facial scars merely added to the terror he inflicted upon the officers of the First Order. Before he'd been a faceless creature, something indisputably feared. Without his mask, it was clear he was merely human. Kylo Ren may be a mortal man, but one with mystical dark Jedi powers that no other possessed as well as being paired with his notoriously violent, and extremely volatile temperament. Stormtroopers warned each other if Kylo Ren was stalking the corridors in case he lashed out in rage at some unfortunate passerby. Kylo knew he had an egregious reputation amongst the First Order for destroying equipment on a whim or dragging lowly officers towards him with invisible hands or throwing them across rooms or corridors with his sorcerer's skills from that dead religion- the Force. Kylo Ren's private training room was regularly left obliterated, his screaming red lightsaber could be heard at all hours in there destroying everything.
Kylo spent hours at this window, marvelling at the view while he meditated reaching out into the Force reflecting on all that had happened. His time as Supreme Leader had been short-lived, and although his high position within the First Order remained, he was not in charge. He was separate to the First Order, not a genuine member of their ranks having always been outside them. Kylo had chosen to join the First Order to be Snoke's apprentice. High ranking officials, officials he'd never heard of had come shortly after the disaster on Crait. No doubt informed by General Hux of what had happened and his failings, along with Hux's belief of Ren's involvement in the former Supreme Leader's demise. These high ranking members of the First Order were the founders of the Contingency having created the First Order after the fall of the Empire. The Contingency had allowed Snoke to lead, but it had always been them lurking behind all the orders, all the plans. The Contingency had come on mass and armed; Kylo's abilities and power with the Force having been taken into careful consideration. Troopers with flame throwers, red stormtroopers, and even Kylo's own Knights had been part of the host.
His Knights; all Force-sensitive having forged themselves a place in the dark before Kylo had decided to join their ranks and eventually lead them, had stood beside the head of the congregation to de-throne him- Allegiant General Pryde. Pryde was the one giving orders now. Pryde was the one who'd spoken the day these leaders had informed Ren that he was mistaken about his position in the First Order.
"You are but a tool, a cog in a great machine the vastness of which cannot be comprehended by a child like you."
Pryde was a tall man with a long face and a character that seemed to fit his name- pride. The man was full of it Kylo could almost see it coming from him in waves as he stood with his chest puffed out. Kylo had carefully surveyed this man Pryde stood in front of him with his razor-thin smile upon his face. Kylo had examined the way Pryde paced about the room with his hands linked behind his back, as Pryde continued to inform Kylo how very misguided he was. Like Hux, it was clear to Kylo that Pryde was a man of science; he wasn't a real soldier. No physical strength, no wounds, no scars. His face wasn't ragged from years of manning bridges of battleships, from losing his soldiers. His long fingers with perfectly trimmed nails showed how he had made his way up in the First Order. Pryde had fought no battles; he'd never been amongst the troops. His rise to power was through twisted genius, a self-serving ruthlessness behind a mask of false pleasantry. No doubt, like Hux, his rise was riddled with the bodies of his adversaries.
"We thank you for your efforts in ridding of us of that tiresome Jedi Luke Skywalker. Tell me is he truly gone. Is he truly dead?"
Kylo had been seethingly angry gloved hands clenched into tight fists at his side. The chamber had been practically humming with the furious Force energy emanating from him. This man Pryde spoke to him chidingly as Snoke had, but he was not his master. He wasn't even his equal. The effect Kylo's mood had on their surroundings; however, did not even make this man flinch. He'd come with others, an armed battalion, and ultimately Kylo had no choice but to obey, as he had for years until he'd had Rey to fight with. Without her, he could not hope to overcome so many foes, especially with his Knights present. He'd trained with them, and he was well aware of their abilities, unafraid of entering into combat with one strong in the Force and the multitude of weapons at their disposal. Surprisingly, the death of Snoke was of no concern to this man only that Kylo should know his place.
"Well is he gone?" Pryde had asked again.
Kylo knew the answer. As the bond between himself and Rey had closed as he'd knelt on the floor of the abandoned Resistance base on Crait, he'd felt an undeniable change in the Force. He had known the truth; his Uncle, the legendary Jedi Luke Skywalker, was gone.
"Yes." he had growled at Pryde.
"Excellent," Pryde said with a smile, a smile that was more a malign leer.
"You'll be following my command from now on Kylo Ren. You will remain on this ship, along with your Knights."
It didn't escape Kylo's notice how Pryde had said his name, as though the presence of his name on his tongue made him sick with disgust. With another disingenuously gentile smile but no other words, Pryde had turned on his heel and walked away. The Knights, troopers, and other leaders following his lead. Only General Hux remained temporarily before following the congregation, a gloatingly sneer of a smile etched upon his face. The antagonistic competitiveness which General Hux, and he had lived through under Snoke's leadership had ended when Kylo had killed his master. For a while, he had been the victor with General Hux begrudgingly following his command. However, in the long run, it appeared Hux had won their constant battle for leadership, and his smile though hideous was utterly genuine. Hux had never hidden his enjoyment and pleasure at watching Kylo's failure or watching him punished by Snoke. Hux clearly felt the same about Kylo being reprimanded and put in his rightful place. No one else in the congregation gave him a second glance as they departed.
Kylo had learnt since, however, in the months and years that followed that although Pryde was issuing the orders; there was something or someone else unseen and hidden creating them. Like a malevolent puppeteer that controlled the entire First Order, including him. The dark web spread over everything, the whole galaxy, including the depths of the unknown regions. Kylo seemed to be spending much of his time in the unknown regions and outer rims far from the core obeying orders to seek out ancient Sith artefacts and relics long considered lost. So far he had found none, it was like being the apprentice to his Uncle once more, as his Uncle searched for old Jedi weapons and items to store and never use. Relics from another time, what place did they have in the future? Surely whatever information they might teach them was of no use, Luke had learnt nothing of value or at least nothing he had deemed to share from the cache on Jocasta Nu or Elphrona. The memory of his Uncle had quickened his pulse and distracted him, Kylo forced himself to quiet his mind and go back to his minds previous rhetoric- the unseen shadow. Kylo went back to his previous state meditating over the puppet master whose strings pulled at all, as he stood at the viewing window attempting to understand the growing presence he felt within the Force. It slipped into his conscious and unconscious thoughts; what sleep he now had was tormented by nightmares. Snoke had been a cruel master, and on killing him, Kylo had believed he would be free. Free of the manipulations and invasions. As Snoke's apprentice he'd had to reign in all his emotions and thoughts, keep them boiling just under the surface. Always fearful of Snoke's intrusion into his mind and the subsequent punishment he would ultimately be subjected to. Kylo was not free, however, and now he had no-one to guide him. Snoke's teachings and guidance had always been a lie, but now Kylo was truly alone in this world. Alone but for the imposing and increasing shadow, which was ever-present around him, whispering of dark power, the strength of which he could not even imagine. It whispered of promises of a future he could have, of a position where no-one would ignore him again, overlook him or betray him.
Kylo Ren felt afraid, and that fear was growing daily. He was so uncertain and unsure; wasn't this what he had always wanted, to be as renowned as his grandfather the infamous Darth Vader? Kylo understood now that his ideas of being a Jedi killer, a raven clad Lord of Darkness and ruling the galaxy were childish. He had deserved Pryde and Snokes taunts- but no longer. The possibility of falling to the depths of darkness was tapping on his mind, but he was fearful of letting it in. It was all her fault: the girl- Rey.
Their bond had remained following Snoke's death, so Snoke's admission that the connection was by his doing was a lie. The bond between them wasn't gone, but by their mutual will, it was closed. The last time they'd seen each other, she'd been stood on the gangway of the Millennium Falcon, her face awash with sadness but also disappointment. He'd known then that what he'd said to Luke about destroying her had been a bold, impetuous lie both to himself and Luke. He would no more destroy her than himself. He'd thought of her since, felt the nudges of the bond attempting to open. He could sense her, albeit dimly, her strong light presence was like a ripple in the Force that grew stronger as she did, but still, he could barely feel her. He missed that connection, but, he couldn't forget her betrayal; she'd rejected him, abandoned him, like his father and mother before her. She'd made her choice as he had made his. Different sides of the same never-ending war between darkness and light, nothing could change that now.
He felt haunted by the memory of Ahch-To when he'd managed to touch her outreached hand across the stars and when they had fought side by side in the throne room. He was haunted by what he'd seen and what he thought would undoubtedly be but hadn't come to pass. She had criticised him face value unafraid of any consequences, and to her, he had listened. She had listened to him in return, and he'd taught her things. He had wanted to prove to her and himself that he was more than the monster she saw. The alienation and loneliness that had hung around him before he'd met her and probed her mind had returned like armour. So it was her fault he was afraid of the darkness he sensed, and that he had no-one to turn to. He had always followed his own desires and instincts, but now he felt confused. Alone in his quarters, he would beg his grandfather's melted burnt helmet as he once had to help him, to guide him.
"Show me Grandfather, and I'll let nothing stand it our way. Show me, and I swear I'll finish what you started."
The helmet, however, was silent and Kylo began to wonder if it had ever truly spoken to him or if it was merely an illusion. So Kylo had, therefore, to rely on himself alone.
Kylo inclined his head to the left without turning to look at Captain Peavey. Of all the officers within the First Order that still lived Peavey was one Kylo quite liked. The man was hard-working, honourable and most importantly, sensible. The troops under his command were his responsibility and he seemed genuinely to care for their well-being. Peavey had also never been fearful of telling General Hux or himself the truth of matters or fail to give sound advice, regardless of the consequences.
"We've arrived."
Kylo nodded, and Captain Peavey went back to give orders to the terminal operators on deck. Kylo watched as the hyperspace stars stopped and instead became an endless black space. Floating in this new vastness was a dark orb; the latest planet Allegiant General Pryde had ordered Kylo to attend to search for an artefact that only he might be able to find. Kylo looked at the planet; he knew it well from his studies, a place of evil and darkness. None went to this planet but those dark side practitioners who sought out the Sith and their ancient weapons, but Kylo would be going, and not alone. Kylo would be accompanied as always by the Knights of Ren; alone, he could no longer be fully trusted. Pryde did not attempt to hide his beliefs regarding Snoke's murder and Kylo's involvement.
Kylo looked at the planet again from the window- Malachor. This time he feared he might well be successful in finding what they wanted him to seek.
"Prepare my shuttle." Kylo didn't speak to anyone in particular on the bridge but knew his orders would be carried out regardless. He strode determinedly from the bridge his boots clicking on the metal grid floor as he headed towards the hangar bay.
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[COMPLETE]Thirteen year old Emilia has been through a lot in the past, from having her mother take her from her family to then having a new stepdad that wasn't too fond of her. Beat after beat and punishments after the next, she still pulls through. Just a few months before her 13th birthday, Emila's mother died from her battle with cancer leaving her in the care of her stepdad. Something happens which leaves her in the care of the mystery brothers she never knew she had. This means she has to move across the country to a completely new life with a lot of secrets. Did I mention that it was six brothers that she does not remember? She has trouble with creating a bond with them due to her past traumatic life. Walk with Emilia and her journey into discovering love with a handful of wicked betrayals.************#10 - teen fiction 28/4/2021 #1 - abuse 16/7/20#7 - bad boy 26/11/20 #1 - violence 14/11/20 #1 - death 11/11/20 #3 - mafia 15/10/20 #1 - scared 12/5/21#2 - young 23/1/21#1 - gangs 28/3/21#2 - life changing 26/6/21#3 - siblings 28/4/21#4 - humour 12/5/21The first few chapters are TERRIBLE so you have been warned right now. ⚠️ there is cussing in this story and has mentions of abuse and violence. If you are not comfortable with this, you can leave if you like. This can be triggering. Be aware of spelling errors, I apologise for the errors, I will try to edit as much as I can. Cover by @cannalinnie First published on | 26th June 2020Finished on | 12th March 2021 [WORD COUNT: 340,000-350,000]
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