《Twisted Wonderland x reader: We're All Mad Here》Episode 1-7: Reckless Duel!
It was another night of restless sleeping. Y/n was grunting as sweat lightly coats her skin, eyebrows furrowed and lips tugged into a frown. The mirror ripples and glows brightly once more in her room.
When y/n opens her eyes, she found herself in the dark for a moment,"Again? Okay, what weird dream am I having this time?" she utters as she crosses her arms before she found herself standing next to the little girl in a courtroom.
"Is she on trial?" she whispers before looking up to see a really, really mad queen,"Your Majesty indeed. Why, you're not a queen! You're just a pompous, bad-tempered tyrant!" the little yells as she points at the queen.
"And what will you say, my dear?" the queen narrows her eyes,"Well, she simply said you're a pompous, bad-tempered tyrant~" a widely grinning cat says from the queen's head.
At that order, a flood of Card Soldiers flew towards the little girl,"You heard what Her Majesty said! Off with her head!" the king says from next to his queen.
Y/n ducks her head down, before looking up when it was over,"Why didn't anyone stop the queen? They should've stopped her before it got that far..." she whispers as she grips her head,"This is madness..."
Y/n gasps as she shoots up from bed, blanket clutched tightly in her hand. After taking a few gulps of air, she hisses when she feels her neck aching,"Ugh, this collar is killing me..." she groans as she tries to soothe her neck.
Just then, the door to her room opens to reveal Grim and Ace,"Oh! You're already up." Grim smiles as y/n gets out of bed,"Today is the day! Let's get going." Ace grin before noticing the girl's pale complexion,"Hey, you okay y/n? You look a little pale." he asks with concern and y/n perks up at this.
She glances at the only mirror in the room and saw that she indeed does look pale,[But, I feel just fine... Must be because of that dream...] she thought with pursed lips before smiling at the two worry warts,"I'm fine guys. Just let me freshen up and then we can go." she says before getting ready for the day.
Unfortunately, when she got to the bathroom, she had to grab onto the sink when her vision went back to that damned room again as her chest tightens unbelievably so.
Three more drops of ink echoes in her ears as the pool grew in size. She gasps for air as she falls to her knees while her vision became clear once more,"Why...? Why is this... happening to me...?" she chokes as drool escapes the side of her mouth and sweat coats her skin while she grips onto her chest.
Things were especially buzzing in the Heartslabyul Dorm as students chatter with each other in excitement and eagerness;
"Hey, did you hear? There's some guy challenging Dorm Leader Rosehearts to a duel."
"To him? Are they off their rockers? They'll lose their head in five seconds."
"This is the first time anyone's challenged him since he became dorm leader, though. Let's savor this match while we can!"
"Acey and Deucey seriously challenged Riddle to a duel for the seat of dorm leader!? Are you for real?" Cater hisses at Trey with panicked eyes,"I tried to stop them..." Trey looks to the side with worry.
"Did they even try to think this through? I'll just pray this doesn't end up causing more trouble than it's worth." Cater says with a shake of his head,"Agreed..." Trey nods before they took note of the first year group approaching the crowd with Crowley leading the way.
Riddle huffs an amused smirk before going back to his stern face as he stood across from Deuce and Ace whilst Crowley, y/n and Grim stood in the middle of them a bit away.
"The match for the title of Heartslabyul Dorm Leader will begin shortly. The challengers are Ace Trappola and Deuce Spade." Crowley gestures to the two, who both narrow their eyes at Riddle,"Defending his title is the current dorm leader, Riddle Rosehearts." Crowley then gestures to Riddle, who crosses his arms with his magical pen in hand.
"In accordance with the no-handicap rule of this duel, please remove their magic-sealing collars." Crowley says and Riddle rolls his eyes before removing his collars.
"Damn, it feels good to finally have these off!" Ace says with relief,"Don't worry, you'll have it back soon enough. Savor the taste of freedom while you can." Riddle smirks in a smug manner before chuckling briefly,"I couldn't believe my ears when I heard you wanted to challenge me. Are you sure you want to go through with this?" he mockingly asks.
"Most definitely." Ace nods determinedly as he pulls out his magical pen,"I wouldn't joke about something like this." Deuce frowns as he also pulls out his magical pen,"Hmph. Well, that's fine. Let's get this over with." Riddle says with closed eyes as he waves his hand in the air.
"Riddle, what do you want to do about afternoon tea?" Cater asks with a nervous smile as he stood to the side with Trey,"What a silly question. The rules state that my teatime always happens at 4pm on the nose." Riddle says sternly.
"But it's already past 3:30..." Cater trails off softly,"Are you implying that I will be late? This ordeal will be over shortly." Riddle says with confidence before turning to Ace and Deuce,"As you can see, I am short on time. Dealing with you individually will be troublesome. Both of you come at me at once." he challenges as the Heartslabyul residents cheer him on.
"Fight on! Dorm Leader! Put them in their place!"
Trey could only frown and shake his head at this, knowing the outcome of it all,"They sure know how to run their mouths." Deuce clicks his tongue,"Gah! Now I'm mad!" Grim shakes his paw, but stops when y/n nudges his side with her foot.
"We ain't running in here like headless chickens, you know!" Ace shouts with a scowl but Riddle brushes his off,"Headmaster, if you will." he nods in the older man's direction, who nods in return before materializing a hand mirror in his hand.
"The match will begin the moment this hand mirror shatters on the ground. Get set..." both sides tense up as Crowley lifts up the mirror before throwing it to the ground,"Ready, fight!"
It wasn't even a second before Riddle shouts,"OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!!"
"Uuwwaaah!!" Ace and Deuce scream in pain as the collars are back on again,"Ugh... Shit! We didn't even have time to materialize our magic!" Ace screams with frustration,"I didn't think we stood this little of a chance..." Deuce utters with shaking eyes.
"So fast... I didn't even see it happen..." y/n admits with wide eyes,"Strong magic comes from a strong imagination. The stronger your ability to accurately imagine magic, the stronger and more effective it will be." Crowley explains to her,"Mr. Rosehearts magic only continues to become even more polished." he adds with a pleased smile.
"Ffgnaa... Our difference in skill is so big." Grim quivers as his ears are pinned back,"Hmph. It didn't even take five seconds. And you thought to challenge me with that level of ability. Are you not embarrassed?" Riddle smiles smugly as he rests his magical pen in one hand.
"This just proves that rule violators are useless in everything they do. It's just as mother said." he adds with narrowed eyes while y/n clenches her fists so tightly that she cuts through the skin,[Again with this mother crap!]
"Grh... You're right, rules should be followed. But enforcing absurd rules just makes you a tyrant!" Deuce screams with a glare,"Excuse me? If one breaks the rules, they are then punished. And in this dorm, I am the rules." Riddle says as he narrows his eyes at the duo,"That is why those who refuse to obey have no right to complain when I take off their heads!" he says loudly.
"That's completely wrong! You don't get to do whatever you want just because of some stupid 'rules'!" y/n screams and Riddle whips his head to glare at her,"No one will abide by the rules if there is no punishment for breaking them! Just what kind of education did you receive if you don't even know something as basic as that?" he sneers.
"I am the one who decides what is wrong here! If you can't even follow a simple rule, just what was your education like?" he screams before huffing a smug smile,"You were probably born from parents that can barely use magic and didn't receive much in terms of schooling before coming here. How pitiful." he mocks.
Y/n takes in a sharp breath at this as her nails digs deeper into her palms, enough to draw blood now,"That's not it..." she hisses through clenched teeth,"You asshole...!" Deuce sneers at Riddle as Ace spots y/n's bleeding palms.
This caused something to snap inside of him as he charges at Riddle,"SHUT THE HELL UP!" he screams as he delivers a punch to Riddle's cheek, causing him to fall to the ground,"Guuhh...?" Riddle holds the place where he got punched with a baffled expression.
"Riddle!?" Cater and Trey yell in shock,"Mr. Rosehearts!?" Crowley sputters in surprise,"Eeeh..! He punched the dorm leader!?" the entire Heartslabyul residents shout.
"He hit him right in the face with a beautiful right hook!" Grim cheers,"A-Ace!?" Deuce yells with disbelief while y/n stares wide eyed at the scene before her,"Ace...?" she whispers as her hands went limp.
"Man, I don't care anymore. This duel? Becoming a dorm leader? Really couldn't give a toss about any of it." Ace spat as he took a step back from Riddle,"Ow... He hit me...?" Riddle utters, still in shock from being hit.
"Kids aren't their parents' trophies, and kids' achievements don't determine their parents' worth. The reason you're such a bastard isn't your parents' fault, I finally understand stand!" Ace yells,"It's your own damn fault for never making a single friend who had the balls to tell you off for being a controlling tyrant!" he yells as he points at Riddle.
"What... are you saying?" Riddle utters as he slowly got back up,"Yeah, okay, growing up under an obsessive mother was probably some kind of hell. But is all you have to say 'mama this' and 'mama that'? Try thinking for yourself!" Ace says,"You're no 'Crimson Ruler'! You're just a baby that's good at magic!" he adds.
"A... baby? Me...?" Riddle utters before gritting his teeth as he glares up at Ace,"You don't know anything... You don't know anything about me!" he hisses,"You're right, I've got no idea. There's no way I would! What the hell do you think I'm supposed to understand when you keep up this kind of attitude? Don't be stupid." Ace spat with crosses arms.
"Enough, enough, enough!! Shut up!!" Riddle screeches as he covers his ears before pointing at Ace,"My mother was correct! That means I'm correct!!" he screams as he points to himself as y/n's eyes widen at this.
"Riddle, calm down. The duel is already over!" Trey yells as he tries to calm Riddle down,"It's as Mr. Clover says. The challengers are disqualified due to attacking physically! Continuing to escalate goes against school regulations!" Crowley says sternly.
Suddenly a Heartslabyul student snaps,"The new kid's right! I can't handle this anymore!"
"Huh?!" Riddle yelps when an egg is suddenly thrown at his head,"Is this... an egg? Did... Did one of the students throw it?" Trey utters with shock as Riddle whips around to glare at the crowding Heartslabyul students,"Who did it!? Who threw this egg?" he screams.
No one answers and Riddle starts to grin in a twisted manner,"Hmm... hahaha, A HA HA!!" be laugh cruelly before scowling deeply,"You can't handle it? I'm the one who can't handle it anymore!! No matter how many times I take off your heads, no matter how strict I become, you all keep breaking the rules!" he screams,"Each and every one of you are just selfish idiots!"
He then holds up his magical pen, causing the Heartslabyul students to take a fearful step back,"Fine, have it your way. If you won't come forward, I'll just punish all of you! Then it's off with all your heads! OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!!"
Next thing y/n knew, all of Heartslabyul had been collared, who all scream and panic;
"Waaaaahhhh!! Get outta here!"
"Guwah!! The collar...!"
"Ahahaha! How's that? None of you can touch me!" Riddle smiles cruelly,"Strictly enforcing the rules does make me the most correct!" he boasts as Crowley frowns,"Stop this at once, Mr. Rosehearts! This isn't like you at all!" he scolds, but Riddle ignores him completely.
"Trey, this is bad... If he keeps casting magic like that..." Cater worries, unable to finish his sentence,"Ngh! Riddle, that's enough!" Trey shouts with worry,"Hey, you! Not everything is going to go the way you want! Throwing a tantrum when things don't is what makes you a baby!" Ace yells and Riddle turns to glare at him once more as his face becomes unnaturally red with anger.
"Take that back this instant! Do you want to be run through!?" he screeches,"No way! Absolutely not." Ace crosses his arms,"Ugiiiiiiii!!!!!" Riddle screams, enraged as y/n quivers at this.
"This is bad! Everyone, get out of here, now!" Cater screams as everyone panics at this as they tried to make a run for it, but the garden, their surrounding, suddenly becomes dark as the rose bushes are uprooted and starts to float above the ground.
"Waahh... The rose trees are all starting to float around the garden...!" Grim squeals with fright as he jumps behind y/n,"What's happening!?" y/n yells as Deuce shields her by putting an arm out in front of her,"This is a huge amount of magic! Is he really going to come after us with all that!?" Deuce panics as Riddle raises a hand.
"Rose trees, heed my call! To pieces with them all!!!" he screams as the rose bushes points at the students and at Ace,"This is bad! Dodge!" Crowley screams,"Everyone, run away!" y/n screams before spotting Ace being surrounded by rose bushes,"Ace!!!" she screams as the rose bushes shoot towards her friend.
"Gh...!" Ace shields his face, but before thee rose bushes could hit him, they suddenly turned into playing cards floating in the air. The collar around his, Deuce, Grim and y/n's neck disappeared as well.
"This is...!?" Riddle is stunned that his attack was stopped so easily while Ace's eyes flutter open,"...H-Huh!? We're alive? And what are these? Playing cards?" he questions as he taps one, causing it to float away from himself.
"The rose trees have all been turned into cards!" Deuce exclaims as y/n steps out from behind him and they, along with Grim, move toward Ace,"Riddle, please just stop!" Trey pleads as he steps forward.
"Trey's 'Doodle Suit'!? Eh... What's going on...?" Cater blinks rapidly,"The magic sealing collar is gone too!" Grim finally notices as he pats around his neck,"I told you, didn't I? My 'Doodle Suit' can overwrite anything for a short period of time. So... I overwrote 'Riddle's magic' into 'my magic'." Trey explains,"You're kidding... That's possible!? That's a total cheat move!" Cater claims with awe.
"Keh... Off with their heads!" Riddle shouts, but more playing cards appear,"I said off with their heads!" he shouts again, but there's only more cards now,"Why won't anything but card suits appear!?" he screams in frustration.
"Riddle, stop this. If you keep going like this, you're just going to isolate yourself further! Look at everyone's faces!" Trey says as he gestures to the trembling Heartslabyul students.
"H-He was being serious...?
"He went way too far..."
"A m-monster..."
"Huh...?" Riddle's breathing picks up a bit,"Trey overwrote my magic...? Does that mean your magic surpasses mine?" his voice trembles a bit as his hands shook,"There's no way that's the case." Trey immediately shuts that thought down,"Riddle, calm down bit and let's talk this out." he says calmly.
"So you want to tell me I'm wrong, too? Even though we've been upholding these strict rules this whole time!?" Riddle screams as he swings his arm around wildly,"I've been enduring and enduring and enduring this whole time! I... I... don't believe you!" he screeches as he grips the side of his head, shaking it in denial.
Y/n can feel the air become even more tense,"Mr. Rosehearts, you mustn't! If you keep using magic, your magic crystal is going to be covered in 'blot'!" Crowley warns with extreme worry.
"I am... I AM!!!! Absolutely, definitely CORRECT!!!!" Riddle screams as his face turns red before an inky dark aura emerges and covers his being,"RIDDLE!!!" Trey screams with horror as he reaches out to Riddle.
It was at that moment y/n fell to her knees as she tries to gasp for air, hands clutching her chest as she coughs and wheezes,"Y/n? Y/n!" Grim screams with worry as the girl's vision went dark again before showing the room once more.
Only this time... It showed a magical pen with a beautiful red, ruby colored gem only for splatters of ink to cover it before dripping down to reveal the gem has turned pitch black.
"...n! Y/n!" y/n is shaken out of her state by Ace as he shook her shoulders with worried eyes. Y/n's eyes wildly looks around before landing on Riddle, who's form has completely changed and behind him is a monster similar to the one she and her friends saw at the Dwarf's Mine.
Only, it has a heart shaped glass head with a crown on it and is wearing a familiar dress while holding a gigantic rose bush in its hand. Riddle's new form was also something to behold.
Y/n's eyes widen with terror and worry,"Riddle..." she whimpers as Ace helps her up,"Hnhnhn... HAHAHAHAHA!!" Riddle laughs, his voice having the tone of multiple voice laughing together that sent shivers down everyone's spine.
"Those foolish enough to disobey me, I have no need of them in my world. I am the law in my world. I am the rules! No other response than 'Yes, Lord Riddle' is acceptable!!" he says with a scowl,"It's off with the heads of any who disobey me! Ahahahaha!!" he laughs cruelly.
"Ahh, look at this mess! A student has gone into overblot right in front of me!" Crowley cries out,"What the hell is overblot!? He suddenly looks super evil!" Grim shouts,"Overblot is a state that mages must avoid at all cost. He's being caught up in a storm of negative energy that has made him lose control of his emotions and magic." Crowley reveals.
"I don't really get it." Grim says,"Me, neither!" Deuce admits and y/n face-palms at them,"Oh shiitake mushroom..." she groans,"Oh, for goodness' sake! In plain terms: he's fallen into a dark berserker state!" Cater tells them in simpler terms.
"His life is in danger if he keeps releasing magic like this." Trey says and y/n feels her breath hitch in her throat,"His life!?" she and Grim yelp with horror.
"Right now, the safety of the other students is the top priority. I shall evacuate the other residents." Crowley states,"Mr. Rosehearts must be brought back to his senses before he runs out of magic. Losing his life would be terrible, but what would be even worse than that is..." he stops himself there,"Anyway, I need all of you to find the other dorm leaders and teachers and ask for their assistance-"
- In Serial81 Chapters
My Pick Up Artist System
*This story is not on hiatus, it's continued on webnovel.com and there are 220+ chapters now. "With this system, I'll become the world's greatest seducer! If it doesn't kill me first..." I was a nobody, a short fatty Otaku. Then a girl's voice popped into my head: [Seduce a woman within a month or die.]"What the hell...how? I'm an 18-year-old virgin..."[7+ looks only. No slam donkeys.]"You’re forcing me to die!” Facing annihilation, I had no choice but to join the international community of pick up artists. That’s how my boring student life became filled with craziness and womanizing. I just had one problem: "Why are these guys all insane?" Pick Up Artist: One who uses specialized tactics to seduce women. Join the Discord for character art, including R-18 art and animated gifs: https://discord.gg/VSKzgzV8J9 (case-sensitive) If you'd like to make a Paypal donation to support the cultural cause of the novel and author: https://bit.ly/3lU4xD1
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When Pei Shaorong came back from the apocalypse, there was only one thought in his mind, to kill the pair of dogs and men and collect supplies to meet the end of the world! A year later... Pei Shaorong, who traveled through the space full of supplies, squatted in the grass and stared at the ancients who came and went. He was still thinking, what happened to the accident, and why didn't the end of the world come? Outside the nickname! Linjiang Village has moved to a foreign household! Warm reminder: there is a child, there is thunder, and there is dog blood! Main attack! Content tags: commoner life portable space farming Wen Tianwen search keywords: protagonists: Pei Shaorong, Mo Xiaobao ┃ supporting roles: all kinds of cannon fodder supporting roles ┃ other: chicken flying dog jumping, family length, sweet pet dailyThis is an MTL (no editing)NOT MINELink: https://m.shubaow.net/147/147385/
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