《Into You》Chapter Fourteen


I ran to the living room and saw both Dominic and Terrance laying in their own little puddle of blood.

Terrance was shot in the chest, so was Dominic. I covered my mouth and tears formed in my eyes.


I was in the waiting room, pacing. Dominic's family was here and his babymomma. Terrance's family was here too.

The doctor came out and called both of their names. I walked with both of their parents.

"How are they?", Dominic's mom said.

He sighed and looked at his clipboard.

"One of them didn't make it"

"Who?", I said.

When I heard him say who. I broke down and fell to my knees. I couldn't believe it.


I held his cold hand as I sniffled.

"It didn't have to end this way. In your heart and to other people you were a good man"

I kissed his forehead and rubbed his thumb. I wiped my cheeck.

I let go of his hand and walked out the room. I walked into another room and saw Dominic with a oxygen mask on his face.

His chest was all wrapped up. I sniffled and walked over to him. I rubbed his cheeck and he woke up.

He smiled at me and I smiled back a little.

"You okay?"

He nodded slowly, groaning a little.

"Terrance okay?", I heard him say quietly.

I shook my head no and tears welled up in my eyes. He frowned a little and rubbed my hand.

"He didn't have to die. I know what he did was wrong but no one deserves to die for anything", I sobbed.

Dominic moved a little slowly and patted the spot next to him. I took off my shoes and got in beside him. He wrapped his arms around me and I laid my head on his chest slowly and softly.


"It's going to be okay", he said.

"It's all my fault. Yall were fighting over me. I should have took the gun. I'm so sorry"

"Leah it's okay sh"

"No it's not", I sobbed harder.

I felt so guilty. I feel like everything is my fault.


-1 month later : June 17th, 2014-

"Leah, please come eat", I knocked on her bedroom door.

She been trapped in here for over 3 weeks now. She fell apart and I hate this because this wasn't her fault. It was Terrance's.

"Leah please say something"

"I'm not hungry", she said quietly.

"Can you please let me in? I miss you babygirl"

I heard her move and unlock the door and opened it. I frowned when I saw how she looked.

Her make up was smeared, her hair was wild and dry. She looked like she been crying for days. I saw little cut marks on her wrists.

I sighed and pulled her into a hug. She cried in my chest and I frowned.

"You want to talk?"

"No", she cried.

"You have too Leah. You haven't been yourself in a month. I miss the old you"

"I'm sorry"

"Maybe we should start therapy for you"

"No no, I'll get better. No more therapy"

"Okay", I nodded.



Poor Leah. 😔

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