《DANGEROUS WOMAN, timothée chalamet》xxii. talk


tuesday, january 25, 2022


hey! how are you? i was wondering if u are in land atm? cause i'd like to have a talk w u!!

hey! i'm fine, you? yes, i'm in london! not to be rude but, why the talk? it's a yes for me but i'm just wondering

oh, nothing really important, just wanted to meet u and maybe discuss some things i feel the urge to talk to u about

i don't see the problem in that. when would you be free?

for the moment i'm free

until the 30th

perfect! i'm only able to hangout w you today because i still have to plan some things with my producers, ya know, big thing coming

ohh new music! that's great!!

timothée was nervous at a cafe him and harry agreed to meet. he felt like he was betraying arling but he also knew that this was for the best, he was doing this for her happiness because he knew something inside of her missed harry, maybe not their relationship but definitely she missed him as a friend, specially after how rushed their thing ended.

"hey! nice to meet you!" timothée quickly stood up to harry's words and greeted him. "so, what do you want to talk me about?"

"uhm, maybe this will turn a little uncomfortable but i swear it came with the best intention!" he started and harry curiously looked at him "it's about you and arling, i wanted to talk about that, specially how that ended"

"well, what do you want to know?"

"more than know i wanted to apologize about how rushed it all was. i know arling still cares about you, not in the way she did but i just know she will always have a space in her heart for you" harry was visible uncomfortable but timothée didn't see it but he was soft inside, arling also had a piece of his heart and he hoped to never have it back. "uhm, just to clarify i'm doing this because i want to not that arling told me to but, uhm, would you want to be, uhm, friends? and eventually get close to arling again, for her happiness" that kind of shocked harry but he still played cool "just to clarify, by 'getting close to arling' i mean in a friendly way, i am his boyfriend now, and i'm not planning on losing that place"


heyyy i swear i was planning on being more active but my computer broke again so i wrote this on my phone cause i felt bad of leaving u w/o chapters for a long time (again) so when i get my computer back i swear that i'll edit this and make it more "pretty" and update more

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