《DANGEROUS WOMAN, timothée chalamet》iii. great idea


take a piece of my heart

and make it all your own

sunday, october 17, 2021

new york


timotay open

the door

wait, wherent u in


u dont realize u can

ask me the same fucking

question in my beautiful

face, dont u?

i wont deny

any part of that

real life!

timothée blocked his phone and ran to the door. he brushed his hair quickly with one hand while he shook the other one strongly so that the nervs would go away.

with a deep breathe he opened the door. "hi, timmy!" she shouted in an excitement tone. "hey! nice to see you" he let her in the house and she started to stare everywhere. sure, she went there a couple times but it still amazed her. "you look good today... it's not that you don't look good the other days- you look good always- not gorgeous but ya know, uhm, i'll better shut up" it was true, she did looked gorgeous, at least in timothée's eyes.

arling coudn't control a little laughed, which made him even more nervous. "thanks, you too look good. talking about good looking things, your house is beautiful" he sighed and smiled "you've told me. now, why aren't you in LA?" she made a playful smile and sat down in the couch timothée resently guide her to.

"there's something called 'lie'" timothée couldn't prosess it, she lied him about being in LA when she was still in new york, but why? "i wanted to surprise you. i was in LA for a while but i returned about, one week ago? week and a half? i don't really know" it was as she read his mind. the instant he thought that, the instant she opened her mouth and whispered something it ended up being the resent words.


"so you ignored me for a week? to surprise me?" he was about to laugh, it didn't make sense.

"it was a great idea in my mind, don't judge me"

"i don't think it was supose to taste like this, or look like this" arling examinated the brownies the pair just did "are you sure it was the right recipe?" timothée felt intimidated for a second, hat if e got the wrong one?

"uhm, maybe? i never actually cooked by myself" she acted indignated "by yourself?! i cooked too!" timothée started laughing while arling stood there, watching him and trying to not laugh too.

"yes, sure love, break two eggs was a lot!"

"anyway, you did it wrong so it's not my fault" she smiles with superiority and he dramaticaly raized an eyebrow. "oh no, no, you broke eggs! it's your fault! i bet you broke 'em so bad that a gorilla would do it better!" timothée joked acting with superiority and arling struggled with laughter "oh! you know what a gorilla would do better that you? brownies"

"we'll see"

"already called the zoo, we are heading there to prove my theory"


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gorilla 2.0


my parents are together

swaasss swAS

that gorilla has SO much interest in you!

| u see!!

agh i love them so much

| lmao no, he was better w lily rose

she is so beautiful!

liked this comment!

didnt she go to school? its a JIRRAPHE

| didnt you go to school? its GIRAFFE

| no, its SWAS

| @ no, its STUPID PERVERT

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