《The love of his life (Lauriver)》Canary vs Siren part 2
Oliver parked his car at Quentin's building. He stood next to the car waiting for Laurel to come out. After a minute Black Siren came out wearing the dress. Oliver stood in awe. She looked stunning. Gorgeous. He smiled. He opened the door for her and she got inside. Laurel watched with her binoculars from a bush. That is a nice dress she thought as they drove away Laurel entered the building and did her make up identical as Black Siren's. She changed into some jeans and a plain white shirt.
Oliver sat in front of Black Siren thinking she was Laurel. He couldn't believe how beautiful she was. He still had a vibe that something was different. But he ignored that vibe and stayed focused on the gorgeous woman in front of him. "So this is a very special night for me" he started saying. Laurel walked inside the restaurant with sunglasses so no one would recognize her. She reached out to the waiter. "Hey" the waiter looked at her from her feet to her head. He frowned. "Is the sun bothering you too much miss?" He asked her in a joking tone. "Not important, So you see that couple sitting on the table by the window and the view to the lake, wow that's a beautiful spot for a dinner" she commented, the waiter raised his eyebrows. "Right sorry, So I want you to please take them a nice glass of champagne" she told him. "I'm sorry ma'am but Mr.Queen told me that he didn't want any, his date doesn't drink" Responded the waiter. "Oh yeah I know, but you see I'm her best friend and she told me that she considered herself strong enough to be able to take a glass of champagne, that he made her strong to... not go back... to old habits" she improvised. "Sure" the waiter smiled and headed to them with a bottle of champagne. Laurel walked towards the kitchen and spied at Oliver and Black Siren. "A glass of champagne?" Asked the waiter to Oliver and Black Siren. "Oh yes please" Said Black Siren taking one. Oliver frowned. "Laurel why are you drinking?" He asked. Black Siren looked at him with champagne in her mouth. She swallowed. "I umm, I guess I am just nervous that I forgot" she replied. Laurel laughed hiding in the kitchen. "Ms, I'm sorry but you're not allowed in here" told her a cooker. "Oh yeah, sorry" she replied and walked out the kitchen. "So what I was saying, this is a very special night for me because I have made a decision, is a decision that will change my whole life, but I'm ready for it, because it involves you, and I want to be with you for the rest of my life" Oliver said. Black Siren smiled. Laurel took a deep breath, she turned to another waiter. "Yes, sir could you please go and tell that woman(Laurel pointed at Black Siren) to go to the bathroom, I have something I want to give her, you see her date wants her to look gorgeous and she is missing something" the waiter nodded and went to tell Black Siren. Black Siren turned to see if she could find anyone suspicious. Oliver frowned. "What is it?" He asked. "Umm, I just, I'm sorry I have to go the bathroom, I'll be back soon" Black Siren walked towards the bathroom. Laurel was waiting for her there. Black Siren entered and was not surprised by who she saw there. "What do you want?" Asked Black Siren. "I'm here to be with MY date, and a dinner that he invited ME to." Answered Laurel. "Well too bad I've got the dress" Said Black Siren. Laurel smiled at her. Black Siren frowned. "Why are you smiling?" She asked. Laurel shrugged. "That's my dress" she told her. Black Siren locked the door of the bathroom. "This might get interesting" she commented. Laurel tilted her head. Black Siren threw a kick and Laurel ducked. Then Laurel punched Black Siren in the face. Black Siren dodged the next fist coming to her face and punched back. Laurel threw another kick to hit Black Siren in the stomach and then punched her in the face. Black Siren fell to the ground. Then they heard knocks on the door. "Ladies, is there any trouble?" Asked a man in his French accent. Laurel covered Black Siren's mouth with her hand, "oh no everything's okay, just a silly incident" Replied Laurel, Black Siren bit Laurel's hand and Laurel Yelled. "Are you sure?" He asked again. "Certain!" Responded Black Siren in the floor. "Okay, I would really appreciate if you don't lock yourselves up" he told them and started to walk away. "It really disturbs me" he whispered to himself. Laurel kicked her in the head and knocked Black Siren down. Laurel dragged Black Siren into one of the little rooms and locked her up there.
Oliver tapped on the table nervously, he kept looking around waiting for Laurel to appear. Then she did. Laurel walked towards him and he smiled. "Is everything okay?" He asked, "yeah, just make-up problems" she answered. Oliver smiled, he had been nervous this entire time, but now everything was different, he allowed himself to calm down and cherish that moment. He loved her. "So remember I was saying that this is a special moment to me because I have made a decision that involves you" Laurel nodded. "I just, I want you to know that I love you and you, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me, you make my life better, I love my smile when you're the reason of it, I love my name when you say it, I...I love my life when you're in it, so I wanted to ask you something very important for our lives, something very important for our future" "Oliver before you say anything else there is something I need to tell you" Laurel interrupted. "Yeah just, let me finish" He Added. "Look, Ollie, I don't know how are we going to end up after I tell you this, I don't know if we are ready, I do not know how would you handle this" she told him. "Laurel what could be so important that could make you doubt about us?" He asked. Laurel tried to answer but the words wouldn't come out from her mouth. She sighed. Oliver sat there waiting for her answer. "Oliver, you have William, and you pushed him away because you don't feel ready to be his father, you think that by being the you know who it will put him in danger, and how, how could you do it if you" Laurel couldn't finish. "Laurel what are you trying to say?" He Questioned taking her hand. Laurel tightened her lips. "Can I take your orders?" Asked the waiter. Oliver and Laurel looked up to him. "Umm Yeah, I want the salmon please" Replied Laurel. "And I'll take the lobster" Added Oliver. The waiter left and Oliver and Laurel looked to each other again. Oliver was about to talk but then Thea called him. He excused himself from Laurel and took the call.
"What's up Thea?"
"Hey Oliver How is the date going?"
"I don't know, she says that there is something she has to tell me and that it could maybe break us apart"
"Well whatever it is, do not let it break you"
"I won't, I love her"
"Still have the ring?"
"Yep, have it in my pocket"
"Alright Ollie, good luck, and please do not mess it up, I want her to be my sister in law"
Oliver smiled. "Thank you Speedy"
Oliver hung up the phone and walked towards Laurel again. He sat down and took a deep breath. "Laurel, just tell me what is it" he told Laurel. "It's" Laurel looked down, she didn't know why couldn't she just say it, she was scared that he would run away just like he did when she wanted to move in together, scared to lose him. She didn't want to lose him. "I'm, I'm..." then a very loud scream was heard. It shattered all the glass and everyone screamed in agony. The huge sounds waves hit Oliver and Laurel's table throwing them away. Laurel hit a wall. Oliver landed in the floor groaning, he looked over to Laurel who was unconscious. He then saw a woman looking just like Laurel walk up to him. He frowned. Then the woman took the box that fell from his pocket. "Oh, how romantic, you were gonna propose, sorry for being such a party wrecker" Black Siren said kneeling down next to him. Oliver sat up. "You're her aren't you, you're Black Siren, The Flash Told me about you" He told her. She nodded. "Did he also tell you about how I kicked his ass last year?" She asked him. Oliver took a deep breath. "The woman I talked to last night before going to bed and today in the morning, it was you" Black Siren nodded. "You're also the one that brought Laurel's building down" he asked. She smiled. "One of my best pieces of art" She Replied. "What do you want?" Black Siren looked at him thinking. "I just want to have a little fun" she responded then stood up and walked away wearing Laurel's clothes. Oliver crawled towards Laurel. He checked her pulse and she was still alive still breathing. She had blood in her head, she must have hit her head with the wall. Oliver took her in his arms and carried her to the bunker.
"So how do we take her down?" Asked Oliver, "I can help with that" Said Cisco appearing behind everyone. "I invited Cisco and Caitlin, we need their help" said Barry. "And I have also made a few upgrades to Laurel's sonic device" Added Cisco. Laurel took the sonic device Cisco gave her. "I haven't used this in a while" she commented as she looked at it. "You'll be able to do some serious damage with that" Told her Caitlin. Laurel smiled at Cisco and Caitlin. Cisco smiled back at her with a gigantic goofy smile. Barry just shook his head. "So What's the plan?" Asked Oliver.
"Well, Well, Well, the Little Canary has finally decided to come out and play" Said Black Siren walking through an empty street with her black leather suit. "Let's just get this over with" Responded Laurel. Her blonde hair hanging loosely and her black mask with her red lipstick. "I have to admit, you're surprisingly good at this" admitted Black Siren. "You haven't seen any of me yet" Laurel and Black Siren walked in circles. "Took the words out of my mouth" Said Black Siren. Laurel started with a fist but then being blocked by Black Siren, Black Siren took Laurel's arm and folded it, Laurel winced and then kicked Black Siren in the knee. Laurel threw a kick and Laurel ducked then dodged the fist. Laurel punched Black Siren in the face with the right fist and again with the left. Black Siren made a flip and kicked Laurel in the face, Laurel took out her baton and started hitting Black Siren, Black Siren blocked the hits with her arms. Then with a kick she removed the baton from Laurel, Laurel dodged the punches coming and took Black Siren by the wrist and threw her to the ground. Black Siren got on her knees just in time to stop the kicks Laurel threw. Then she opened her mouth to release a Siren song. Laurel flew and landed in the hard ground. She groaned. Black Siren stood up and walked towards Laurel who was having a hard time getting up. "Was that too loud?" She asked. Laurel started to stand up covering her ears, Black Siren laughed evilly. Laurel could see Black Siren was about to hit her in the stomach, which she couldn't let happen. She stopped Black Siren's leg. Then punched her in the face. Black Siren surprised walked back a few steps. "You don't give up quickly do you?" She asked, Laurel shook her head. "Fine by me" then she screamed again. Laurel once again flew. Oliver watched in the bunker through the traffic cameras. He had his hands in his head. "If she reaches 200 she kills her" Said Cisco examining how loud was Black Siren screaming. Laurel groaned on the ground. "Thats It, I'm going" Said Oliver walking to his suit.
Laurel tried to stand up but pain in her body and a ringing in her ears wouldn't let her. She could see Black Siren approaching her. Black Siren kneeled besides Laurel. "If the people in this city call you hero then they are in serious problems" she commented. "I mean, you can't beat yourself, how can you beat others?" She added. Then she felt a strong wind and saw a a red blur. She felt an arrow fly by her. She grinned. "What are you two doing here?" Asked Black Siren standing up. "If you mess with her, you mess with us" Responded Barry. Oliver rushed towards Laurel. "Hey are you Okay?" He asked. "What?" Laurel Yelled. Oliver couldn't help but laugh. "Hey Siren, want to take us down?" Asked Barry, "you'll have to catch me" Barry started running. Black Siren just watched him. Oliver picked up Laurel. He aimed an arrow and threw it at Black Siren, Black Siren had Laurel's baton in Her hand and blocked the arrow with it. Oliver approached to her and gave a flip hitting her in the face, then she felt a lot of punches from Barry and couldn't stop any as they were fast. Then Oliver threw an arrow at her that became a punching glove. It hit her. She stumbled a few steps. Then Barry started to run in circles around her. She took a few deep breaths and then screamed knocking Barry out. Then she went after Oliver. Oliver dodged and blocked many of her hits. He punched her in the face then Laurel punched her too. "You should be ashamed Laurel, you needed these two to help you while you were crying helpless in the ground" Said Black Siren. "Oh I wasn't crying, do you want me to cry?" Black Siren stood straight."just remember you asked for this" Added Laurel, she opened her mouth and released a scream not as loud as Black Siren's, but it had a vibration that vibrates in different frequencies than Earth-2 making Black Siren weak. She fell to the ground covering her ears. "Yeah!! Canary cry baby!!" Screamed Cisco.
"Ow!"Exclaimed Laurel as Oliver bandaged her arm, "sorry" he replied. "So, sorry for the date tonight going wrong" told him Laurel. "Yeah well, that's our life" Said Oliver. "Listen, I didn't ask you this earlier because I wanted it to be perfect, but we have so many things going in our lives and they are all so unexpected, we can't plan anything, it all just goes to crap, so I realize that there is no better time than now" started saying Oliver. "As long as I'm with you, and you're healthy and safe, as long as you love me, I can ask you this" he got in one knee and Laurel's eyes widened up. "Dinah Laurel Lance, would you marry me?" He asked her with a beautiful ring in his hand. She smiled. "You just made what I wanted to tell you so much easier" she told him. "Yes, I would marry you" She Added, Oliver got back to his feet and kissed her, he placed the ring in her finger and carried her, her legs wrapped around his waist. Their foreheads were touching. "What did you want to tell me?" Asked Oliver, "I'm pregnant Ollie"
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