《The love of his life (Lauriver)》The power of love
Laurel was sitting in her couch with a blanket on top of her, Quentin came out of the kitchen with a cup of tea. He handed it to her, he sat besides her and gave her a kiss in the forehead. "So you remember what happened?" He asked her, she nodded. Quentin rubbed her cheek and looked at her, he could see the pain in her eyes. "What's the matter?" He asked. Laurel took a deep breath and looked down, "he chose Felicity" she replied, Quentin tightened his lips, "I know I sound stupid saying this but..." she stood silent for a moment. "I wanted him to choose me" she finished saying. "What are you going to do?" He questioned, "I don't know" she responded. Quentin didn't say anything, he hugged his daughter tightly thankful she was alive. Then Laurel stood up, "where are you going?" Asked Quentin, "I'm gonna get some sleep, goodnight dad" she answered and gave him a kiss in the cheek. Quentin watched as his daughter walked towards her room. She looked so hurt. Deep inside of him he wanted to just kill Oliver for everything he had put Laurel through. For bringing so much pain into her.
Laurel entered her office. Just a normal boring day. She drank some coffee, sat in her desk and worked. All she did was work, nothing else happening in her life. She was feeling like she no longer had a reason to live. Then a random guy entered her office. "Hello may I help you?" She asked, "yeah, I'm looking for a Lance Laurel" responded the guy. "That would be me, what can I do for you?" "So I was told by this guy I'm sure you know him, he told me that you are one hell of a lawyer, well we kind of need a lawyer or someone who knows the laws" started saying the guy, Laurel raised her eyebrows. "I'm sorry are you offering me a job?" She asked, he nodded. "I was asked by the mayor of New York City to come and fetch you to be our next District Attorney" explained the guy. Laurel's eyes widened up. "Wait, so you are telling me, you're offering me a job as the NYC's DA?" She asked surprised, "yes I am" Laurel laughed to herself. "Think about it, you'll make lots more of money, you will get a chance to be someone important, just imagine yourself there, in an amazing office watching the city lights, doing something good for the city, a new life they call it" Laurel imagined herself in that office, watching one of the most amazing cities, the city that never sleeps. She liked the thought,mostly though she like the thought of a new life. She could start again and run from everything, from Oliver, from the Vigilante Drama, away from all the pain. She liked that thought. "So think about it and call me if you do want it" said the guy handing her a card. "Thank you" she told him.
"I think this is an amazing opportunity! I mean, I would win so much money and I would be the DA of New York City, it just sounds awesome" Exclaimed Laurel pacing in her living room. "Yeah but Laurel, you have a job here, you have a life here, why throw it all away?" Asked Thea, "look Thea I. I want to start over, your brother broke me in ways you can't imagine, and if I have this amazing opportunity, I can't let it go away, I think it's for the best" protested Laurel, "okay you can do whatever you want, just think about it please" "Actually I think its an amazing idea, you should get away from all of this, you are not safe in this city, you keep getting hurt and being kidnapped, I think you need it" interrupted Quentin, Laurel nodded. "Okay" said Thea, "when would you be leaving?" "in about two days" answered Laurel. "So you're taking it?" Asked Quentin, "yeah, I think I am"
"Hey honey!" Said Felicity as she entered the bunker to meet Oliver in the salmon ladder. "Hey" he answered as he let go of the stick and landed in the floor. Oliver cleaned his sweat. Felicity sat down and bit her lip. "Everything okay?" Asked Oliver as he noticed her, she was lost in her thoughts until Oliver interrupted. "Why would you ask that?" She asked, "you're doing the biting your lower lip thing you do when you're not okay" he responded, "yeah I just, I can't help but ask, why did you choose me?" Oliver sighed. "Because I love you" he replied. "But more than you love Laurel?" She asked, that's impossible thought Oliver, he didn't answer. "Oliver! Hello?" Oliver tightened his lips. "I- I can't answer that Felicity" he told her, "why not?" "Because I can't Felicity!" He exclaimed. Felicity frowned. "What is wrong with you?" She asked him. "I just- it doesn't matter" he walked towards the elevator. "No it does matter! Oliver talk to me!" Commanded Felicity, Oliver ignored her but then Diggle and Thea walked inside. Oliver stopped walking. "Woah! I can already feel the tension between you two!" Exclaimed Thea. "Changing the subject!" Added Diggle as noticed Felicity's angry face. "I'm gonna go" said Oliver, "what no! Aren't you coming to the party?" Asked Thea, Oliver looked back at Felicity and Diggle, "what party?" He asked. "The Party that I'm throwing for Laurel" said Thea, then she saw everyone's confused face. "Come on! Did you not get the Invitation? I am throwing Laurel a farewell party" Oliver frowned. "Farewell? Why where is she going?" He asked, "to Ney York! She is taking the DA position there" Diggle and Felicity raised their eyebrows. Oliver closed his eyes and lowered his head. Diggle looked at Oliver. "Sure I'll try to be there" responded Felicity. "I can't! I have this thing I need to do" You could hear Oliver's voice breaking. "Yeah I'll try to make it too" Added Diggle. Oliver walked away from them all looking down. Felicity walked into the elevator, "What's wrong with him?" Asked Thea to Diggle as they both watched Oliver walk away. Diggle shrugged. "Well gotta go, I promised Laurel I'd help her pack" Thea left. "You are going Oliver!" Yelled Diggle. "No I am not!" Responded Oliver, "look man, Laurel is leaving, to a whole new state, new city, you can't just sit here and let that happen" Oliver shook his head. "Why not?" He asked. "Don't be stupid Oliver! You know you love her!" Oliver stood silent after hearing that. Diggle waited for an answer but Oliver wouldn't speak. "You better be there, if you're not you'll regret it"
The loud bangs of knocks in the door was heard over the apartment. Thea rushed to open the door. It revealed Felicity and Diggle. Thea hugged Felicity. Then Laurel hugged her too. "I'm so glad you were able to come" told her Laurel. Felicity smiled at her. "Where's Ollie?" Asked Thea, Laurel looked down. "He umm, wasn't able to come" replied Felicity. Diggle walked towards the balcony. He took his phone and dialed Oliver. He called 5 times and no answer. Diggle put his phone away. Disappointed.
"I just wanted to thank all of you for coming! I want to give a toast, for Laurel! Laurel you have been an amazing g friend to me and I know that without you I wouldn't have had survived what I survived, I love you and I want you to know that I will always be there for you, because you're more than just my friend, you're like the sister I never had" said Thea, Laurel smiled sadly and went to hug her. "I'm gonna miss you" cried Thea, "so will I" replied Laurel. Diggle took a deep breath as he saw this, he knew Oliver was making a mistake. Then Laurel went to hug Felicity. "Thank you Felicity for everything, I wish the best for you and Oliver" said Laurel, as soon as she said that Diggle stood up and walked out the door.
"What the hell Oliver?" Asked Diggle as he entered the bunker, Oliver shot arrows to the tennis balls the machine fired. "I told you if you don't go and talk to her you will regret it!" Yelled Diggle, "still! I'm not going" Exclaimed Oliver, "why not?" Oliver shot another arrow. "Do not dare stay silent! Tell me Oliver! Why don't you want to talk to her?" Asked Diggle getting angry. "Because if I go and talk to her then I would probably try to make her stay and I can't do that because she'll never be happy with me around! How can she ever forgive me after what I just did to her? There is no way she'll forgive me, there is no way anybody will forgive me if I did that to them!" Responded Oliver yelling, "you're right, no one will forgive you, not anybody who is normal, forgiving you for what you just did would be impossible" agreed John, Oliver looked back at the tennis balls and shot another arrow. "But you know there is something that makes Laurel different, you see Laurel has this thing that nobody else does, she loves you!" Oliver laughed. "You might want to say loved" Added Oliver, "no, if there is one thing that I have learned about all of this love drama you have going on is that there are no limits to true love" Oliver frowned. "Oliver do you have any idea of what the power of love can make you do?" Asked him John, "you see the power of love can change a person, the power of love drives you to do crazy things in order to keep those you love safe, the power of love can make you take decisions you thought you'd never take, it can make you push away the people you love, it gives you the strength the let them go, that- that is how I know you love her" Oliver shot another arrow. "But the power of love can also help you do what you never thought would, it can help you understand, but most importantly it can help you forgive, and that is how I know she loves you, because believe me if there is something that the both of you have, it's true love. And you did all that you did in order to protect her, you did it as an act of love and believe me that, she will understand! And if she truly loves you, then she will forgive" Oliver smiled at that. He lowered his bow and patted Diggle on the shoulder. "Yeah, I might need the car" he said, Diggle smiled.
"Bye dad! I love you" said Laurel with a tear on her eye, Quentin hugged her tightly. "I love you sweetheart" he replied, after they pulled away. Laurel went to Thea, "are you sure you want to do this?" She asked, Laurel nodded and hugged Thea. "I wish you the best of life" told her Thea, "Thank you" whispered Laurel then pulled away. She took her luggage and walked inside the airport. She looked back once more, she wanted to think she was doing the right thing but something deep inside her felt like there was something missing.
"Hurry Up! Diggle!" Exclaimed Oliver, "Oliver Id rather you being late than me being killed!" Replied Diggle, "you're not gonna get yourself killed Dig! Now speed up!" Commanded Oliver. "Well I will get a speeding ticket!" Replied John. "I'm the mayor Dig! You run as many red lights as you want I'll make sure you don't get a penance, now if we get there late and I don't get to tell her goodbye then I will kill you myself!" Told Him Oliver, Diggle speeded the car up. "You better pray Queen!"Commented Diggle, the sound of the cars beeping and the window lowered and the air breaking made it hard for Oliver to listen, "what?" Asked Oliver "You better pray Queen!" Yelled Diggle, "that I better pray to get my Queen? I definitely will! She is my Queen" said Oliver, Diggle just laughed.
"Your ticket ma'am?" Asked the guy in the counter. Laurel handed him her ticket. The man told her to get in. She walked inside the hall to get to the plane. There was no turning back now. She entered the plane and sat in her place.
"Oliver she already boarded the plane!" Yelled Diggle, "Well then hurry!!" He Exclaimed. "I can't, there's traffic!" Protested John. "How far is the airport from here?" He asked. "Not too far, maybe about" before John could finish his sentence Oliver got out fo the car. The rain falling on top of him. "Oliver!" Yelled Diggle, Oliver ran and ran like he never had before. He passed car after car.
Laurel looked over the window. She saw the city by night, the beautiful city she spent her life in. The city where she met her best friend and the love of her life. The city where she had spent her best and worst years in.
Oliver got to the airport but instead of going inside he ran towards the plane. He ran through the airstrip. The security guards after him. He went towards the guy that guided the plane with his light sticks. He took his light sticks and shook them at the same time as he ran so the security guards wouldn't catch him.
The captain was getting ready to start moving when he saw the two light sticks moving in a weird way. He frowned and looked at the co-pilot "We seem to have a problem it may take us a little longer to take off" said the captain. Laurel sighed.
Oliver ran around all the plane. The other guys that guided planes that had the light sticks ran towards Oliver. Oliver tackled them and took the sticks. He got to the side where Laurel's window was. Then all the guards surrounded Oliver. "My dear God is that?" "Mr.Mayor?" They asked. "Yes it's me! I swear to my life I am not here to do any harm! I just want to tell someone in that plane something! I swear!" Yelled Oliver. "I'm sorry Mr.Mayor if that someone is already there there is nothing we can do" told him one of the guys. Oliver looked at Laurel's window. "Have you ever loved someone?" Everyone looked at each other. "We have" Replied one of them. "Then you must know how it feels, I just need to tell that someone what she means to me! I love her!" The guy took a deep breath and nodded. They all took one of the light sticks and started shaking them in the air.
Laurel was looking at the magazine when her eyes caught something shining next to her. She looked over the window and saw a lot of guys shaking the sticks. She stood up. "I'm sorry ma'am I'm gonna ask you to sit down" said one of the stewardesses, "no look!" Said Laurel, the lady approached to the window. "Oh my God, that's the emergency code" said the lady, "I need everyone to evacuate the plane right now!" She Yelled. Everyone stood up and walked towards the exit. Laurel followed them. She went down the stairs and stared at all the men with the sticks. Then they all moved their stick to point at one direction. Laurel turned to see where they were pointing. She saw a man, he was tall, wet because of all the rain. "Oliver?" She asked. Oliver opened his mouth to speak but nothing would come out. She raised her eyebrows. "I'm sorry" he was able to say, "okay? Everything that I did, I did it to protect you and I am so sorry, I just didn't want to loose you or see you get hurt, I couldn't" he said, she huffed. "So you just expect me to be okay with it? After everything you did you did it for your own sake?" She asked, "it wasn't for my own sake" he told her, "yes it was Oliver! YOU didn't want to loose me YOU didn't want to see me get hurt. But you didn't care how would it make ME feel! You didn't care if you broke my heart and left me alone you didn't care if I cried alone in my bedroom all nights, all you cared about was yourself! So how? How can you expect me to just pretend this was all okay?" She asked him, he shrugged. "I-I don't know how, the same way you expect me to make the right decisions, the same way you expect me to change and to be better, you expect me to be better... because you love me, just like I expect you to forgive me, because I love you" Laurel could feel how tears started to form in her eyes. "You see I believe that our love for each other is so strong that we can do the impossible for each other, and I don't believe in many things you know that, but there is something that I will always believe in, and that is true love! And to prove it you just have to see if we are willing to do anything and believe me when I tell you ANYTHING in order to keep each other safe, if we are strong enough to let each other go, but also if we are strong enough to fight for each other and learn how to forgive! Because that is the power of love and I love you" he took a deep breath, "I love you more than anything, I want you in my arms, I need you, I can't live without you, I want it to be you and me, forever and always because I love you and I" "shut up" interrupted him Laurel. Oliver stopped talking and looked down, did he mess up? Then she started walking closer to him. "Just for the record, I don't expect you to change" Oliver raised his head and looked at her, she was smiling. "All I want is for you to be who you are, to be the man I fell in love with, be who you are right now in this exact moment, be the love of my life" she told him, he smiled. "Who I was a few days ago was a jerk" he said, she laughed. Then she got close to him and placed her hands on his cheeks, their lips pressed to each other's forming a passionate kiss in the rain. His hands on her waist pulling her close. She stroke his wet short hair and he carried her, she wrapped her legs around his waist and they laughed being so close to each other. "I love you Dinah Laurel Lance" he commented. "My Queen"
So finally Lauriver again! I hope you enjoyed.
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