《The love of his life (Lauriver)》He kissed me
Laurel woke up in her bed under warm blankets, she hugged the teddy bear she had on her arms, then she frowned, the teddy bear? She looked at it and it was the same one as the one when she was little, she looked around, the sunlight trespassed the window and hit her in the face, she turned around and winced as the movement sent her pain, she reached out for the glass of water and drank, she got comfortable hugging her teddy bear that she was pretty sure Oliver had put there. "Good morning" said Oliver entering the room, "did you put this here?" Asked Laurel pointing to the teddy bear, Oliver laughed and nodded. "I'm sure I look like a little kid right now" she commented and hugged it, "How did you sleep?" Asked Oliver sitting in the bed next to her. "Apart from the wound making it impossible to move and not have pain, I slept pretty good" she replied. "You know pain killers help with that" he said, "nice try" she exclaimed, "so, what do you want to do?" Asked Oliver, "do you want to eat? I can make you breakfast" he added, "Im not hungry thanks, and what do I want to do? I want to stay in bed all day" she responded burying her head on the pillows, "okay, tell me whenever you are hungry I'll prepare you your breakfast, and don't you think you should do a little more than staying in bed all day? Do something like I don't know something else?" he told her rubbing her back, "you know you sound like my dad" she said then she lifted her head and all her hair covered her face, she tucked her hair behind her ear "Oh My God! We need to tell my dad I'm okay!" She exclaimed, "oh yeah right!!" Said Oliver, Laurel sat up and groaned, "okay come here" said Oliver taking her arm and helping her up, when she stood up she stumbled but Oliver caught her making them end up face to face, they were really close they could feel their own breath. Oliver took a deep breath, Laurel's sent, she smelled like flowers, he smiled and stared at her, her beautiful green eyes were connected with his, "thanks" she said backing away, "of course" he replied. "So what's the plan?" Asked Oliver, "I will go to the prison and talk to him" responded Laurel, "won't it be traumatic going back to the place he stabbed you?" Questioned Oliver, "it would be if I went inside the prison to the room where I am pretty sure has a big part of my blood on it" she replied, "okay, I'll take you there, do you need help changing?" He asked, "Ollie, I am fine thank you, it's not like if I had lost my arms and legs" she exclaimed. "Okay, I'll be outside" he said.
Oliver sat down on the couch, he took the TV controller and started watching TV, he heard something fall on Laurel's room, he turned to see and decided not to go see, maybe it was just something falling. He kept watching the TV when he heard something else fall, he frowned and managed to control himself from going but at last he heard something different, this time it was a scream. He ran towards the room and found Laurel laying in the bed with her hand on her head. "What happened?" Asked Oliver, "I was trying to put on my shoes, I kneeled down and it hurt like hell so I dropped the shoe, then I tried doing it again but the same happened. At last I bent to pick them up but it hurt even more, so I am now laying in my bed because I don't really feel like getting up" she responded, he laughed and went to pick up the shoes, he took one and put it on to Laurel, he did the same with the other. "There you go Cinderella" he said while he finished putting them on. "I can't believe it, I'm the perfect fit" she responded with a princess' tone, Oliver laughed. "Come on, let me take you to my horse" he said playfully and carried Laurel princess' style. "Okay this is just unnecessary" she commented, Oliver laughed.
"Quentin Lance, you have a visitor" said the guard, Quentin took a deep breath, he knew it had to be Oliver telling him what happened with Laurel. It could be bad news or it could be good news. He walked towards the room and was surprised. He saw Laurel standing there. He felt like he had been carrying weight in his shoulders all the time and now finally he removed them, he was looking at his daughter who the last time he saw her was in awful amounts of pain and there was blood coming out from her. He let out a relived sigh and had tears on his eyes. He ran towards Laurel and hugged her tightly, she winced as he hugged tighter and tighter. "Baby! Oh God, I'm so glad your okay!! I love you sweetheart!!" He exclaimed, "alright Dad, I love you too but not to tight please!!" She said, Quentin backed off a little and looked at her, he placed a hand on her side and she winced "I'm so sorry baby, this is all my fault"he said placing a hand on his daughter's cheek, Laurel shook her head and hugged him, "this isn't your fault daddy, and I'm fine, don't worry" she told him and Quentin still convinced that it was his fault, smiled. "Who is watching over you?" He asked, "Oliver and Thea are" she responded. "Tell them that I thank them a lot and they are free to run as many red lights as they want" he said and Laurel smiled. "I will" she replied, "I love you daddy" she added kissing him in the cheek, "times up!" Yelled the guard, "I love you baby, I know how much you hate following doctor's instructions but please follow them, I can't afford to lose you Laurel, you promise me you'll take care of yourself?" He asked, Laurel nodded and then they took Quentin away. Oliver entered "you take care of my daughter" said Quentin before he left the room, Oliver nodded. Quentin left the room and Oliver went to hug Laurel. Laurel hugged him back. "So what now?" He asked. "Right now I am really in the mood for ice cream" she said, Oliver nodded and took her hand.
Both Oliver and Laurel were sitting in the couch, she had a spoonful of ice cream on her hand. Oliver put a movie and they were watching it, Laurel kept moving not being able to get comfortable. "What's going on?" He asked, "I can't, I cant find a comfortable way to sit" she replied, "still don't want pain meds?" He asked, Laurel hit him in the shoulder. "Oww, what was that for?" He exclaimed rubbing his shoulder, "You are getting annoying with your pain meds" she responded, Oliver laughed, "what?" She asked with a smile in her face, she loved his laugh. "Nothing" he said. She leaned against the back of the couch, "I can't get comfortable!!" She exclaimed, "alright, come here" said Oliver patting his lap, "woow, that would be a little inappropriate don't you think?" She asked, "oh come on it doesn't matter" he replied, Laurel placed her head on his lap and laid down, "better?" He asked, she nodded. Then the lights went off. Oliver frowned, he took his phone and dialed Diggle. "Hello?" Asked Diggle, "Diggle have you had any luck tracking Darhk?"
"Not really, why?"
"Well the lights went off in Laurel's apartment and I don't know what to believe"
"Oh yeah don't worry, lights went off here too"
"So there is something wrong about the lights"
"Oh okay thanks"
Oliver hang up, "please don't tell me Darhk is here" begged Laurel, "nope, just there is something wrong with the lights" he replied, "I'm gonna go for candles" he said, Laurel sat up and he went for the candles. After he came back with the candles he lit them up and placed them in the fireplace and around the couch. He sat back down and Laurel laid facing up on his lap again. She kept eating ice cream. Oliver smiled, "want a massage?" He asked, Laurel nodded. He started massaging her shoulders, and she closed her eyes. "Since when are you such a good massager?" She questioned, Oliver shrugged, "I guess I was born being talented" he replied, "no you were born as multitasking, I mean find a man who can cook, massage, shoot arrows, fight with swords and fists, being handsome and charming, responsible enough to run for mayor, with strong arms and a vigilante, that is just, goals!" She commented making him laugh, "want some?" She asked referring to the ice cream, he nodded. She moved the spoon towards his mouth "open your mouth" she commanded, Oliver opened his mouth and Laurel pushed the spoon inside his mouth, "oh yeah! That is definitely rocky road" he exclaimed, she smiled, "yeah it is" she said. "So did you talk to Felicity about the voicemail?" Asked Laurel, "yeah I did, and she told me that nothing had changed and that she and I were still separated" he answered, "sorry" she commented, "it's okay, it doesn't really matter" he said, "yeah, I mean it's her loss" added Laurel, Oliver smiled. He kept massaging her shoulders, "this is relaxing" she commented, "glad you're liking it, if you want you can sleep, I think sleeping is the second best cure for pain, because when you're sleeping, you don't feel it" Laurel closed her eyes and for the first time she slept like a baby, there were no nightmares about Darhk hurting her. No pain. No worries. She felt safe, she felt safe with him.
After Laurel woke up the lights were still gone, "nice nap" commented Oliver, "totally necessary" she replied rubbing her eyes, "lights still off ha?" She asked, "yeah, I don't know what's wrong" answered Oliver giving Laurel a glass of water. Laurel drank. "Ollie, I think I owe you a gigantic thank you" she said, Oliver frowned "what for?" He asked, "you have been treating me really good lately and I got to admit I feel a lot better now" she told him, he smiled "it is my pleasure" he replied, "oh and also thank you for the massage, believe me that was the most relaxing and delicious nap I have taken in my life" she added, before Oliver could talk that lights went on again, both Oliver and Laurel looked around, then the sound of the door opening brusquely made them jump, Darhk came out from the door. "Hello, Ms. Lance, you are not as dead as I wanted you to be" he said, Oliver ran towards him but Darhk threw him over the room making Oliver fall down unconscious, Laurel stood up and walked backwards, she never stopped looking at Darhk, "lucky for you this will be my last time visiting, after all you will be dead" spoke Darhk, "you can go to hell" she yelled, "oh why bother? I am going to bring hell to you" he replied walking towards her, Laurel got to her desk and opened the drawer, she took out a gun and aimed at him, "oh Canary, have you forgotten I can stop bullets?" Asked her Darhk with an evil smirk. "No, I didn't forget" she replied and ran past Darhk towards the door, she ran as fast as she could, Darhk followed her, Laurel was in the hallway and she entered the stairs room, she went down, Damien entered the stairs and got closer to her, then Laurel got to a close space, there was nowhere to run, except past Darhk. Darhk smiled evilly and threw a punch to her face. She ducked and groaned, she wasn't supposed to be doing all those movements. Before Darhk could do something else, an arrow landed in his shoulder. He turned to face Speedy aiming at him with the bow, "Laurel get away from him!!" She yelled, Laurel ran outside, Speedy shot the arrow to Darhk and then she shot another one with a metallic arrowhead, she shot it and it exploded, with that Speedy ran outside with Laurel and Diggle was there with the van. Laurel and Thea entered the van and Diggle drove to the bunker.
When they got to the bunker Laurel immediately went to sit down, she breathed heavily and had a hand on her side. Thea went to sit down next to her. "Are you okay?" She asked, "yeah, it just hurts more now" replied Laurel, Thea placed her arm around Laurel's shoulders and pulled her close. Then the elevator doors opened and Oliver came rushing out of it. He looked around for Laurel and when he saw her he ran to go and hug her. He did it carefully and not to tight. "I'm okay Ollie" she commented, "I'm sorry, I was useless" he replied stroking her hair, "I should have protected you" he added, Laurel pulled away from the hug and placed both her hands on his cheeks. "Oliver, I am fine" she reassured him. Oliver didn't look convinced, "you don't believe me" she said noting Oliver's expression, Oliver shook his head, "well, if it helps, I will take one of your pain killers" she exclaimed, Oliver smiled, "really?" He asked, Laurel nodded. Oliver went to get them and gave her one, "so you now believe in yourself?" Asked Oliver as Laurel took the pill and a sip of water. "You believing in me, makes me believe in myself" she responded smiling. He smiled and looked at her, she is beautiful. He leaned and kissed her in the lips, everyone gasped and Laurel backed away. Oliver's eyes widened as he realized what he had just done. "I ummm, I'm sorry, I just, Oh God" he exclaimed placing a hand in his forehead. Laurel opened her mouth to speak but nothing would come out. He tightened his lips. "I am sorry, I'm gonna go to do the thing I need to do, I hope you get better Laurel" he said, Laurel once again was about to speak but nothing came out. Oliver walked away to leave a shocked crowd. "Well, that happened" exclaimed Thea, "yeah it did" replied Diggle, Laurel stood there thinking, she didn't know how to respond. "Laurel?" "Hey Laurel are you okay?" Asked John and Thea, "yeah, I'm fine, I just, wow" she said and started laughing, Thea and Diggle raised their eyebrows, "I'm sorry, I just find it funny, he kissed me! I mean" she made a pause and got serious, "he kissed me" she said, "yeah we saw" responded Thea, "yeah but don't you get it? He kissed me! There are billion of women on this earth, there's Felicity in his life, and out of all those women he kissed me!!" She exclaimed, "okay?" Diggle looked at Thea, "do you have an idea of all the feelings that kiss brought me? Is that feeling of, Oh my God" she stopped, she stood up and looked at John and Thea, "I love him"
Hey I hope you like this chapter, thanks for reading!
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