《Black Sirens Past Comes To Haunt Her Again [Completed]》LAUREL!!!


I slowly opened my eyes to be greeted by Mia hovering over me.

"Dinah what happened? Where's Laurel?" Mia worrily questions.

"I don't know where Laurel went. Mia somethings wrong with Laurel, something most have happened to her earlier!"

"What do you mean?" Mia asks helping me up.

"When I came in her room it was thrashed, her face was full of blood, she was panting, there was tears in her eyes, she then started screaming at me and talking about Vince, after that she turned and looked at me but there was fear in her eyes, I've only ever seen her look at someone like that twice, she screams 'GET AWAY FROM ME to NOOO' then sonic screamed at me and everything went black!" I say dusting dust off me.

"Okay, I'm gonna check and see if there's any of her blood so I can run test see what's wrong while you should look for Laurel!"

"Ok call me when you get something!" I say walking out to suit up.

I've been on my motorcycle for hours running from my victims and my fears. Their all screaming "KILLER KILLER..."

I finally arrived at my location an old warehouse.

I quickly unpack trying to focus on what in doing instead of the voices.


"Laurel Lance"

"Black Siren"


"Unloving Sister"



"Oh look at you. Suiting up as Black Siren" Quentin says in the corner.

I ignore him starting to put on my Black Siren suit.

"Your the reason I first died trying to be my Laurel but your not YOUR BLACK SIREN!"

"GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!" I scream back.

"Oh no I'm good. Now let's talk about something else actually someone else. Dinah Drake seriously Laurel. You love the woman who you killed her first love and want to currupt her life. Do you really think she'll ever love you?"


I just let out a sonic scream and my dad disappears. I grab my gloves and walk out.

"Did you find anything odd in Laurels blood samples?" I ask putting on my mask, while I walk to Mia.

"Yes, Dinah it's not good!" I can see tears in her eyes after I question what's wrong, she starts to explain.

"She's suffering from the effects of Vertigo, but not just a normal dose, it's double!"

Oh god!

"Mia, find Laurel, NOW!"

The feeling of me back in my Black Siren suit was extraordinary, I feel so powerful, strutting to Mercury Labs to let out who I truly am.

I stop right out the front, breath in then....

"AHHHHHHHHHH" I let out a sonic scream, I watch the building crumble with a smile.

I look at my left and see him...


"Good job, Black Siren!"

I give him a nod and walk off.

I'm on my motorcycle driving around looking for Laurel, when I see a building go down 100 miles away.

"Mia?" I ask

"Dinah, Mercury Labs building just went down!"

"Yeah I can see it Mia, but what caused it, I didn't see an explosion?"

I hear Mia taping on the keyboard.

"Oh no"

"Oh no, what Mia?" I ask demanding to know what's going on.

"It's Laurel"


"What you mean?"

"I hacked a traffic light camera and it shows Laurel in her Black Siren suit, using her sonic cry taking the whole building down Dinah. I deleted the video so no one can find out. Dinah what do we do?" I can hear the worry in her voice.

"Mia find Laurel and try to find a cure for The Vertigo before she does anything she will regret!"

I feel all my victims telling me I'm a killer over and over again. I hear the voices of my sister and Oliver telling me I'm a failure over and over again.


I feel like I'm in a prison with my victims. All I want to do is cause pain because it hurts so much.

The only way to do that is be my true self which is being Black Siren.

I shut off the TV.

"Dinah I still have no sign to show where Laurel is" Mia explains to me. I put my hands on my face to try ease my headache. Until I get an idea.

"Mia keep looking, I'm going to get an old friend" I say while I grab my leather jacket and my phone.

"Where you going?" Mia asks.

"Well if we're looking for a Lance, why not have one to help" I cooly say leaving my apartment.

"Ok Legends, what do we have today!" I excitedly say walking on the bridge with Ava.

"We have a lead on a encore" Nate explains. I was about to explain when...

"Sorry to interrupt Captain, but your getting an incoming call from a Dinah Drake from Star City 2040"

I look at Ava and she shrugs.

"Ok Gideon put her on"



"Hey Dinah what's up?"

"I really need your help!" I beg.

"Ehhh, ok?" She responds

"It's Laurel!" There's a silence "Sara I know she's not your real sister but I know you two got close. So please I need your help in 2040!"

"Yeah of course Dinah, what's wrong?"

Oh thank God

"Laurel got injected with a double dose of this new Vertigo on the streets. And she's all Black Siren again. She distroyed 3 tech buildings and a few random apartment buildings. We can't find her. I was wondering if the waverider would be able to get anything"

"Ok Dinah, I'll Gideon is one it. Is there any chance you can tell me what happened before you lost her because I got some experience with Vertigo before" Sara asks

"Ehhh after she went to check out a warehouse, she was acting odd like she was distracted. We left her so her stuff but then I heard load noises and her shouting at someone. I went to check on her, Sara the room was a mess, she was full of blood, the was breathing heavily and crying. Then she started shouting talking about her being a monster and how I should kill her because of Vinnie but Sara one minute she was screaming at me then looked terrified!"

I explain to Sara wiping away the tears the fell.

The Legends all go quiet after what Dinah said.

Oh god!

"Dinah, I think I know whats going on with Laurel"

"What?" I can hear her voice cracks

"Ok remember in 2014 after I died, My Laurel became the Back Canary and so on"


"Laurel once told me she was injected with Vertigo and what she saw was her worst fear" I explain.

"And what was it"

"Me, she was afraid that she wasn't living up to my name, to my canary legacy. So I think Laurel is seeing her worst fears. She probably saw Vincent in her room, that's why she was probably screaming about him to you"

There's silence.

"Captain I got a location on Laurel Lance"

"Where is she Gideon?" I ask

"She at Starling City Docks"

"Thank you Sara"

"No problem Dinah, go get my sister back!" I say

"Will do!"

Then I hang up the call....

Then Sara hangs up the call...

I go back to my apartment and see Mia looking at the news.

"Mia, I know where Laurel is. I'm gonna suit up, your on coms!"

I run out the room to suit up.

I am currently at the Docks looking out at the water.


I turn around and see him...

Ricardo Diaz

I see Laurel standing there in her Black Siren suit.


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