《The Flash Oneshots》Cupid or Alien?
"Aliens?" I ask entering my ex-future-sister-in-law's living room. My heart literally stops. "Really Barry!" John shouts from the balcony, no doubt puking on unsuspecting pedestrians. Examining the man not ten feet from me. He's in his Flash suit. His hair is crazy as ever. He looks good. But after all our time together I am conditioned to see the invisible bags under his eyes, the small twitch of his hand saying that all he wants to do is run. Diggle comes through the glass door his appearance would have been comical had my heart not been playing tug-a-war with my ever-active brain. Diggle looks like he just got off of the Hulk Rollercoaster at DisneyWorld. "You know Barry my life was somewhat normal before I met you," Digg grumbles.
"Aliens Barry. Really?" My brother asks looking at Barry intrigued, I listen. "Yes, Aliens!" I crack a small smile. Of course, he's excited about aliens.
"Wha- who- how did you find out about these aliens?" Diggle manages to choke out still looking rather green. Barry reaches his hand up to his hair and runs his hands through it. I force my hands in my pockets and tell myself my brother is here! Never mind the fact that Barry and I are no longer- I stop the thought there not able to continue. "Well, a spaceship kinda landed in Central City. These green things just came swarming out! It was like..." he trails off thinking of Cisco. "Lila came by and-" Diggle interrupts Barry. "Lila!?" He doesn't wait for confirmation before storming out, this time at the average speed of an average angry man.
"We can't do this alone," My brother starts talking strategy. Leaning back on the counter next to Felicity. I listen as Barry talks about finding Stein and Sarah. "I'm in," I shrug. Barry looks up startled. Pulling a page out of his book I ignore his gaze. "I thought you hung up the hood Speedy?" Ollie asks with a noticeable questioning gaze directed between Barry and me. "It's Aliens."
Standing with my mouth agape I stare at my best friend's sister, who is stepping off of a Time-Traveling Ship!! As soon as her feet hit the earth I jump in her arms. "Hey, Speedy!" She pretends to be out of breath.
After the hugs and nice to see that you haven't died's Barry announces he is going to go get an alien that is on our side. I watch him step through a portal with a clearly agitated Cisco. "How long?" Sarah whispers in my ear causing me to jump. Looking around I seek out my brother, Felicity, and John. They are all where the mock fighting ring will be. Pulling Sarah away from the group. "We aren't..." She gives me a look that says cut the bs. "We were," I wring my hands, "I guess. We never really labeled it. We just were." I smile thinking back to those nights Barry would come over after Laurel's death. "He was my brother's friend. Then my friend. Then the person I wanted to spend every night with." Sarah leans against the wall just listening. "Then what's the problem? Why aren't you with him right now?" She asks bluntly. Looking up at the ceiling I try to put it into words but I can't. "It's me." "Thea Queen," she pushes off the wall and grabs my hands. "You are beautiful as hell. A complete badass. Smart and emotional, but just like your brother you are guarded. You think too much of the future. Too much of what-ifs and not enough about the present."
She then changes the subject to her time-traveling adventures. I gladly take the opportunity to take my mind off of the man that is consuming my thoughts. She told me enough to get my mind working yet still let me decide.
The portal opens up signaling all of us to get ready. I give Sara's hand a squeeze before moving over to my brother. Stepping out of the portal Barry is surrounded by Cisco and a beautiful blond. Not a green alien. "Barry, I thought you were bringing back an alien," My ever blunt brother interjects.
Barry's eyes light up. He seems lighter. Happier. His attitude causes me to examine the women beside him. She has long blond hair that curls at the end landing on her breast, that of which is adorned with the latter S. Mick having come from who knows where shouts, "who's the skirt?" "This is Kara. Or known on her Earth, " the women hovers above the ground, "as Supergirl".
Supergirl flys down toward Mick. She lands with an excited bounce to her feet. She goes through and names each one of us. When she speaks my name she lingers a second longer letting me know that she knows quite a bit more than our names. Looking at Barry I try to picture when he could have gone to see her. She lives on another plant for goodness sake!
The mock fights began. With my brother's instructions to Supergirl to not let up. Bam! My head connects to the cement floor. Groaning I again imagine Barry over at her house. Watching annoying musicals. Talking. Eating popcorn. And I force my self up. Supergirl already fighting off Firestorm and Mick shouts back, "Sorry Thea!" "No problem," I grumble searching for my bow. Looking around I notice that my brother and Barry are nowhere to be found. Finally spotting my bow I began fighting just as Mick gets slammed back on his ass, "Damm skirt!"
After an hour and many bruises, Supergirl stops fighting on the account of Cisco's booming voice. Turning I begin to listen. He's pissed off at something, but what catches my attention is that it's directed at Barry. Flying down beside me Supergirl whispers, "he really is mad, uh?" Feeling slightly agitated at not knowing why and her implication that she does I move closer to where my brother appeared from around the tech trailer. "Cisco now is not the time," my brother snaps. My body achy, my heart is torn, and jealousy eating at me I ask, "what's going on?" Barry's eyes go to the floor.
"You what!" Dig asks pulling at his hair. Barry looks as if he is carrying the world on his shoulders, but I'm to in shock to try to do anything. He time-traveled? He went and saved his mom! What, when? My mind calculates. It couldn't have been but a couple of days after...after that day.
Then a thought sneaks in. What if Barry's time-traveling not only erased baby Sarah and gave Caitlin powers but also created Barry and I's bond? What if this past year never happened? My heart speeds up, panic sets in. Bending over slightly I place my hands on my knees. Oliver reaches over comforting his sister for what he thinks is a mind blown. "Anything else?" I ask Barry. Rising up slowly I see Barry's eyes snap to my own. He reads me like an open book. "No!" He shouts his hands go up and his feet move toward me but he stops closing his eyes. Fighting with his desire to comfort me. Everyone's eyes are on us causing Barry to continue, "I mean a few minor things." Forcing his hands to his sides and his eyes to rotate from person to person, "I will tell you. All of you. If you would like to know."
After many judgemental stares, the group decided that Barry was going to stay back.
With the group conversing with Oliver, who is trying to convince them of how silly they are for thinking of going without Barry I look over at Barry standing alone. Taking a deep breath I walk toward him. Locking eyes with him I walk past him and around the van so no one can see or hear us. He follows a few feet behind. Stopping so that my back is to him; his head down.
"I'm," closing my eyes I see his hand go up to his hair, "I'm sor-". Turning around I take a full step quickly closing the distance between us. "Don't you dare!" My hands go up then turn to fists as I realize I don't have the right to touch him anymore. I gave that up. Balling my fists at my sides I continue, "You shouldn't have to apologize." His eyes catch mine. Silently showing me his soul. "I know," I say exasperated, "I know better than anyone. I lost my mom and dad too." I feel the hands that have filled my dreams this past month uncurl my fist and cover them in his hands. "I understand," my eyes tear up. "I know." My head goes into his shoulder. For the first time, I don't care if anyone finds us. This is right, this right here is right. Screw my over contemplation.
"Your all being unreasonable!" My brother screams. My head still buried in Barry's shoulder, his hands at my waist and cheek pressed against my hair we listen as my brother tries to, unsuccessfully, bargain with the group. "Unreasonable!" Diggle says back. "He erased a child from my life." I feel Barry flinch against me.
"I'm not going if Barry can't," My brother lays out an ultimatum. I hold my breath waiting for a response. "Well then I guess you're staying here Oliver," Diggle responds. "Are they crazy?" I ask Barry. "They are hurt. They just need time," he tells me. Unraveling his arms from me, "You should go with them." I look up one last time. I know what he means. I want to stay, but we need everyone out there. This is Aliens. Things we've never faced.
Walking back around the van we were met with the whole team facing Oliver, even Sarah. Supergirl when seeing Barry walks over to us. Now disconnected I stand slightly awkwardly before telling myself I'm Thea Queen and I stand up straighter. "They are really mad," She states the obvious. Barry, I notice seems to perk up slightly. "Kara-" he starts. Most likely going to apologize. "I'm not mad, I could never be mad at you. But they are. They just need some space. I don't like the idea of going out there without you but-" "But you're going," He turns to me, "and Thea. It will be fine."
"Oliver," I call out. He's been pacing back and forth since they left. "It's going to go okay," I tell him despite knowing that he is contemplating my actions and the team's reactions. Sometimes it's easy to read him. I'm not sure if it has to do with how I can basically read Thea's mind or if I'm actually breaking down the walls of Oliver Queen.
"No!" He commands reminding me of Thea. "They sit there and judge." Stopping in front of me, "and what right do they have. Haven't we all done something seen as unforgivable, but we always forgive." He throws his hands in the air. Sending me back to one of the nights Thea was at my house.
"How dare he!" She screams. I just stand there are my boxers watching her pace around my living room ranting and screaming. Looking at the clock I see that it's two am. Five minutes pass until she finally spits out the name of the man that peeved her so. "Malcolm Merlin!" She huffs standing in front of me, hands on her hips. Arms crossed I had leaned against the wall in the middle of her rant and watched intently as she heaved and threw her arms around. Biting her lip she looks at me, "And what are you staring at Mr. Allen?" She asks putting one hand on her hip. Pushing off the wall I put my arms around her waist. "Watching a beautiful woman who woke me up at two am to rant." Her bottom lip still snagged between her teeth she turns her head slightly, "Well I'm sorry that I woke you up sleeping beauty." Tilting her head slightly she slams our lips together. Pulling back for a second I ask, "so what did he do?" Thea looks at me and says, "who?" Before attacking my lips once again.
"And now they are out there with Kara-" Oliver continues to rant as I come out of the past. "I know she's on our side, but she's the unknown and the team has a lot of unknown to face." "Oliver she's Kara. She will protect them." He looks at me. "Do you trust her with Thea's life?" His question is so out of the blue that I choke on the air I just inhaled. He looks me straight in the eyes.
He's not dumb. What did you expect Barry? You basically date his sister for half a year and...
"Of course- yes. Yes, I trust Kara."
"Okay," Oliver drops the topic for now.
"What the hell!" Oliver screams dogging a laser beam. Slamming my back against the outside building g wall I glance around the corner at a flying Supergirl and the Legends. "Oh yeah," I huff, "I forgot to mention she has laser vision." Oliver gives me a look like we will talk later about your choice of friends.
Being mind controlled was pleasant. I beat up my brother always a plus. "Thea!" Barry yells seeing me. My heart beats faster as I see the worry on his face. He uses his speed because I'm in his arms in less than a second. Everyone is around but I don't care. I almost... I don't know what I almost did. Breathing in his scent I take a deep breath.
Soon I hear my brother cough. Looking up I am met with a small smile from Sarah and Supergirl, a confused look from Diggle and a stern look from my brother. Pulling away from Barry. We examine the damage around us. "I'm so sorry Barry," Supergirl, Kara, says looking around at the scorched ground and the crumbled buildings. But before anyone could respond Diggle is surrounded by light. We all stare for a moment confused. Then he disappears and the light surrounds Ray and Sarah. And then my brother. "Olli!" I shout reaching out for him Barry runs to him but before his hand touches him he's gone. "Barry," I say with laced panic in my voice as the light shines on me. Looking up I notice the space ship hovering above us. "No!" I hear his sweet voice say. I see him run toward me. As fast as light, but as soon as I feel the electricity from our touch I am ripped from the Earth.
Waking up to the intoxicating scent of bacon and coffee is pure heaven. Rolling over in my bed I bury my head in the white comforter. "Bed?" I mumble out. I'm answered with a voice that touches my soul. "No, it's in the kitchen." The bed dips slightly as the angel sits upon my bed. Hands go to my hair they roam down my back massaging all the way down and all the way back up. Turning just my head I look into his hazel eyes. "Barry," I whine. The curtains are pulled slightly causing me to squint. "There's coffee," He then puts his lips by my ear, "and chocolate pancakes." Throwing back the covers I hop out of bed the warm air hits my pajama covered body. Looking down I see lightning covered sleep pants and a sports bra that says Flash. Looking up at the man before me I detangle my feet from the contraption of sheets.
"And that's how you get a Queen out of bed." He puts a hand at my waist pulling my lips to his. The kiss starts out soft but soon escalates. "You know if we are sticking with this whole let's wait for sex thing you better let me have my pancakes," I tell him looking down at his perfectly fit slacks and my hand traces his abs through his STAR Labs shirt. "You better wake up." I look at him confused as he slightly shakes me.
"Thea." The scene fades away as his voice is replaced with a female voice. "Honey you need to wake up," my mom whispers. Opening my eyes I look around. White sheets cuddled in my arms. The smell of bacon and coffee floating in my bedroom and my mom sitting on my bed. "Mom?" I ask. The dream of the beautiful angle fading away. "You were dreaming pretty hard there Speedy," she tells me moving a strand of hair out of my face. Trying to remember the dream I recount the fuzzy memory of the beautiful man waking me up with bacon and coffee. "Well," she laughs, a light unburdened laugh, "there is no handsome man but there is bacon, coffee, and chocolate pancakes!" I jump out of bed quickly forgetting the dream and rush downstairs.
"Today's the day Speedy!" My brother says coming to the living room after breakfast. Looking up from my seat beside my dad we both sit down the paper we were reading. Hey don't judge! There are sometimes interesting things. For instance, there is a guy running around beating the crab out of people and calling himself the Arrow.
My brother is in his dress pants with a white undershirt already tucked in. His button-up hanging upstairs ready to be put on for the wedding tonight. Hopping up I jump into his arms. "Where's Laurel?" I shout. "I see how it is. It's all about the bride. Who cares about the groom. All he has to do is just be there," Giving him a peck on the cheek I respond, "that's correct." Smiling at me he answers my question, "she's upstairs. No doubt getting pampered by Sarah." Taking off I am stopped by my brother's hand, "Hey Speedy," I look back at him, "I love you." He tells me with a smile that lights up his eyes. "I love you too big brother."
"Laurel!" I nearly scream seeing her not yet in her dress, but she still is glowing with the beauty only a bride possesses. Standing in her underwear covered only with a large T. I take a step back as I realize what is on the T-shirt. "Where did you get that?" I question. Looking down at her shirt she moves her curled brown hair showing the full design of the arrow. "It's one of Ollie's old shirts." I have a sense of déjà vu but push it back as Sara's voice comes from behind me, "why don't you just wear that. You will surely hold Oliver's attention." Laurel throws a pillow at her sister and we all share a chuckle.
Being together felt right. It felt like a missing piece landed in place but I couldn't shake the filling that I was missing another price but I couldn't place what it was. "Thea," Laurel states, "Earth to Thea," shaking myself out of la la land I look up at my soon to be sister in law, "Hey," she smiles pulling me off the bed, "I'm the bride I'm supposed to be the one in a daze. Go get dressed. All I need here is to step in mine." She gives me a hug the sends me on my way.
"You look beautiful," my mother says her eyes filled with tears not yet while gazing at me in the mirror. My dress is baby pink. It hugs all the right places but my curves are slight if not nonexistent so I look like a child. "My baby is all blossomed." She smiles placing her hands on my arms.
Looking down I respond, "I don't know about blossomed and does anyone ever look good in a bridesmaid outfit?" I ask. Looking in the mirror I adjust my boobs. My already small chest looks even smaller with no bra. "You are the exception," She grabs my hands telling me to stop fidgeting.
The dinner was beautiful. It misses only two things. My brother for one and the unknown piece to my puzzle I still couldn't figure out what it was. "Hey," The Party was wrapping up but a few guests remained Malcolm and Tommy Merlin being among them. Smiling politely I start up a conversation with the elder of the two. "Your father must be very proud," Merlin smiles an odd smile at me. Something in me whispers that this isn't right. Looking over at my father I nod. "Well, I must go see if your mother needs any help. I must say we have made quite the mess." I don't bother to tell him that's why we have maids but he leaves before I have a chance to say farewell leaving Tommy in his spot.
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