《Killer Frost • Stiles Stilinski / Boyxboy》22



Daniel Isley's Greenhouse

I get out of my car and see Daniel's place as it's the first time I'll be seeing him since Chris' incident. It's been so long since I've had a real relationship, a normal life. Before Scott brought me into this, I was just his geeky friend crushing on Chris Snow. Chris a normal life too, he used to be me and Scott's friend in elementary, then met Lydia. Ever since they became friends, Lydia brought Jackson into their lives. Jackson was almost like a brother to him. They were very close and of course when Jackson left, it didn't only affect Lydia, it affected Chris.

Of course his life changed when Lydia was bit, he helped Lydia heal, he saved her. Then Chris and Lydia joined Allison, Scott and I. We were the originals of the pack. We were a family and we protected each other.

Now there is nothing left of us.

I walk closer to the house alone knowing I'm all alone. The pack has gone on their own ways after graduation. Chris was supposed to graduate with me, and we would've gone to Europe for awhile, like we planned. Lydia went on her own searching for herself in Italy, Scott hid in his house and distanced himself from me and everyone. Malia left me, she went to go search for her mother and kill her. Meanwhile I was left behind with Mason and Liam to take care of.

Instead of knocking on the door and going through I decide to go around the house to avoid the family. Daniel texted me saying he would be hiding in his green house like always. I walk into the backyard seeing the big greenhouse as a green and purple light glows from within.

I find the door to the Green house and open it to see a jungle of plants. It's a new world inside here. It's a mini amazon forest. I continue to walk and then see Daniel working on a science project with glasses filled with different colored liquid.


"Hey." I say softly and stand far away to not get poisoned from the chemicals. Daniel turns swiftly to me and sees me.

"Hi." He says and smiles softly starring at me. "I didn't think you were actually going to come." He says and this gives me a strong nostalgic feeling of when me and Chris met up after the death of Ethan.

After I healed from the trauma of the nogitsune, Chris had distanced himself away from me and the pack. He saw the love of his life leave him when Scott could've kept him around but truth is, it was my fault. I killed Aiden. And for so long, Chris was blaming himself constantly saying that he should've just left with Ethan when he could.

"Here I am." I say in a soft voice and stare at how beautiful he actually is. His beauty doesn't compare to Chris, but Daniel will do.

"It's been awhile." He says smiling at me and I stare at him knowing this is a new beginning for me.

"It has."




I walk into the bank and see a gang of robbers robbing the bank with their bags filled with money. I look at them and chuckle and they stare at me knowing who I am. I quickly shoot a blast of ice at one of the robbers and he flies towards a wall.

They look at me as I wear a costume for myself. I left my old clothes back in Beacon Hills when I left with Lykos' pack. I wear a black shirt and black skinny jeans with a blue leather jacket layering it over.

I walk towards them and they shiver as the room turns into a very cold temperature. Lykos taught me how to use my powers, and now I'm in full control. I'm ready for anything.


"Where do you people get off robbing Gotham city bank!" I say mocking them as I walk towards them. "This town belongs to Lykos, and those of us who deems worthy of us to enforce his will." I say intimidating the man and he gets down on the ground and slides the bag towards me.

"Here. Take it!" He says as the bag slides to my feet. I squat down and open the bag seeing the load of money hiding inside the bag.

"Thanks a million." I say and pull out the money. "Or should I say 2?" I chuckle and the man runs off and I quickly throw an icicle through his chest.

I get back up and turn around seeing the guy I threw to the wall laying on the ground starring at me. He starts shaking as I walk towards him.

"Please don't hurt me!" He says as he gasps for air since his lungs are being frozen by my powers.

"Hurt you?" I say and grab him by the shirt pulling him close to me. "I just wanna give you a kiss." I say and pull his face towards me and kiss him. As I do kiss him, his face turns icy blue and I freeze him completely. I then stop kissing him and drop him to the ground as he shatters into tiny ice cubes.

I then look up and see a guy holding a riffle towards me as it's armed. I then see a blast of fire attack him and the guy is flown to a wall. Deathstorm.

Deathstorm comes out showing himself as he stares at me. Ethan my baby. "Now what did I tell you about watching that behind?" Ethan says as he comes towards me in his aura of fire. I smile at him and walk towards him as he smiles too. Seeing him back in my life is a blessing to me. .

"I thought that was your job." I say and kiss him as he is completely on fire but it doesn't bother me, neither kills him. Finally, just like old times.

"." I say starring at him as he stares at me too as his fire goes out. He's no longer a werewolf, but now a metahuman like me.

"Just got worst, wants us back in Beacon Hills. I think Lykos thinks we're ready to show the pack what we got." Ethan says and I pretend to shiver.

"Oh you know my favorite thing is to that damn pack." I say in a baby voice and press my fingers on his muscle hard chest.

"Well today is your lucky day." He says smiling and I wrap my arm around his arm and we walk out of the bank with the bags of money.

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