《Killer Frost • Stiles Stilinski / Boyxboy》21


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Eichen House

I sit down in a separate room. It's been weeks since Chris has been locked up. I sit on a couch, and lay my back against the wall as Stiles, Mason, and Liam have come to visit Chris.

Lydia stopped visiting, it was better for her to forget about him and move on. They were best friends but she knows that Chris killed his true best friend, Claire. She decided to cut Chris out of her life before she let her emotions become a weakness to Killer Frost. Yet, she still loves him. She still wishes the best for Chris.

Stiles visits all the time. . Never stopping and will never stop loving Chris. He's still searching for Chris inside that cold hearted man. Still blaming himself for Aiden's death. .

But it's my fault. I let Chris become Killer Frost. I made Ethan leave him. I let him go because I couldn't hold on to him. I couldn't just handle it and go with it.

Chris was right.

Everything is my fault.

Everything that has happened to everyone is my fault.

Everything that I've done, that I thought kept everyone safe, is my fault.


I follow the doctor to a private area of Eichen. A safer place to keep Chris. Away from all the freaks, he has his own cell that cancels out his powers.

"Here he is." The doctor says as he stands by the doorway and let's me, Mason and Liam walk through.

"Still trying to find Chris?" I hear Chris's voice as his voice becomes distorted. I see him get up from his bed and stare at me. He stands in the middle of his cell wearing a dark blue hospital gown that changes color in light.

Usually his room is pitch dark with a small blue light. So his gown stays a dark blue. He's changed. His hair has turn into a icy white, while his skin has turn a pale white tone. His eyes bright icy blue-white. His lips are a dark grey and have gone more bigger. He's someone else.

"So? To what do I owe the visit? Came to see how much paler I've become?" He mocks me and walks towards me.

"I came to see what happened to my ." I say and it's sad to see him like this. He's cursed. He quickly walks faster towards me slamming his hands against the window.

"I am not your friend!" He yells angrily and stares right at my eyes. Chris isn't there anymore.

"I'm sorry I did this to you." I say apologizing to him. Aiden is dead cause of me. Ethan left him because of me. I thought Ethan leaving would give me a chance to be with Chris but, it just turned him into this.


"." He says mocking me and smirks.

"Chris wasn't." I say and he pushes himself off the glass cell and turns around walking away to the wall. "I failed him. I broke my promise and let him become this angry cold person." I say and continue to stare at him as he turns slowly to stare at me. "I'll figure out a way to cure you. Deaton will help me. We'll make a cure!"

"You can't cure me. I'm cursed." He says being hopeless. I stare at him depressed knowing I did this to him. I'm guilty for everything that happened to him, and now it's my responsibility to keep him safe. "Go home Stiles. Take some time with ." He says calling me out. He knows.

"Is that what's its about?" I ask and he laughs.

"." He says and then suddenly the power goes out. The lights in the entire building shut off, and the red back up lights turn on.

Chris raises an eyebrow confused as he stares outside the cell. "What's happening?" Liam says in shock finally speaking after watching me fail.

Suddenly Chris' cell's door slides open slowly and the three of us watch. He's being let out free. As the doors open, Chris walks out slowly and the cold air rushes out.

Chris stands tall as his gown turns white and his eyes pierce through my soul. His hands start growing the cold air and he's getting ready to kill.

"!" I yell at Mason and Liam and we start running out of the room before he gets to us.

He throws a blast of ice at us and we quickly fly to the ground. Liam and Mason quickly get up and run as I stay down on the floor.

"Shouldn't have put me in a cell in Eichen. move." Chris says as he walks towards me.

"This isn't you Chris." I say and I get up from the floor backing away from him slowly. "You don't want to hurt me."

"Then join me. We can be together forever." He says walking close to me as he brings his head closer to me. He gets close to kiss me and I feel the cold hair until I realize it's not him.

I quickly push Killer Frost off of me but as I do, a black force pushes him and he falls to the floor. I stare at my palms strangely as that's where the energy came from, and run off following Mason and Liam.


"Follow me!" I say running in front of Liam and Mason as I guide them to an empty cell.

"What are you doing?"

"Buying us some time!" I say as I find the touch screen machine for the cell and open it with my warm hands. I know for a fact Chris won't be able to since his hands are too cold.

"" I hear Chris' voice echo through the cold Eichen house as he's looking for us.

"Get in!" I yell at them as we enter the cell as it automatically starts to close. When we all get in, it's fully shut and Scott should be here anytime to save us.

Suddenly the door opens and I pray it's Scott. I turn around and I see the white gown of Chris. Oh god.

"Hey dummies! My palms can still work you know?" He says as I stare at him standing with his palms in the air making us look dumb.

"We don't have to do this." I say as I pull out my gun from my pants finally going to use it and I aim it at Chris, only to scare him. I wouldn't really hurt him.

"I know you don't." He says and puts both of his palms down. "But I do." He says bringing his palms back in the air as the frost grows again.

I quickly back away with Mason and Liam and I get scared. He won't do it. But he will... Scott quickly dashes from behind and stands in front of Chris.

"Stop!" Scott yells at me and Chris to stop fighting.

"Awh! Come to save the day?" Chris says continuing to mock us. "Good. Now I can get rid of you too!" Chris then gets ready to freeze us all and Scott quickly tackles Chris and pushes him across the room.

Chris flies to a wall and lays on the ground. He quickly rises and Scott walks towards Chris.

"Chris! You cans fight this!" Scott says trying to turn Killer Frost back to Chris. But Chris is so broken, so full of anger. This is what he must've meant when he said it would never stop if he expressed his emotions.

"I know I can, but I don't want to." Chris says and gets on his knees and freezes the doorway to this cell trapping us.

The thick frozen layer of ice blocks the door way and I quickly pull out my phone calling Lydia knowing she can shatter this. She won't be here to trap Chris although.

I watch the figure of Chris through the ice run off and I know i won't see him ever again. He's gone now.



Beacon Hills Woods

I walk through the dark cold forest as it begins to snow. Inches of snow lay around the forest, and I choose to walk around barefoot. The full moon provides me the light I need to see my path to another city. A city far away from this hell hole.

The cold never bothered me anyway.

I chuckle at myself realizing I've become that pathetic Elsa girl from Frozen. Except people think I'm going through an identity issue. This is me now. . Chris Snow is no more.

As I continue to walk around the forest, I run into a tall figure. A werewolf figure standing in the middle of the forest starring at me as it continues to snow. The werewolf stands 10 feet tall, almost like the beast of gevaudan, or Peter's alpha form.

"I've been waiting for you." The wolf says as it walks towards me. I walk towards it but stop only leaving 8 feet between me and the wolf in case he's a threat. I could kill him right now, freeze his nervous system. "Fear not my child. I've come to offer you what you truly desire." The wolf says and I've never knew a werewolf could talk in that form. I imagined it would sound like barking.

"And what's that?!" I say loudly at the wolf as my voice becomes distorted as always.

"." The wolf says and I raise an eyebrow confused. I didn't let loose for nothing.


"." The wolf speaks and he hasn't told me what he wants from me. "I believe you and I have a common enemy that we together can wipe out." The wolf says reading my mind as he speaks about the pack. Sure I'll join but who is this.

"And why should I trust you?"

". ." It says and then suddenly I see a figure in the shadows walking out. I finally see him and he stares right at me, it's unbelievable.

"I'm back." says as he stares at me with a smirk. He looks different, better. He wears a full black leather costume as he stands a bit taller than last time.

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