《Killer Frost • Stiles Stilinski / Boyxboy》10




I start to regain my conscious and awake to find a light shining down on me. My eyesight comes back to me and I see my . Stiles gasps deeply and starts crying as he holds my hand. Scott, Lydia, Liam and the rest look at me proud to see me back.

"Thank god." Lydia says and smiles. Seeing everyone around me, and being back home makes me happy. It's over, I don't need to be scared of Killer Frost. Not anymore.

Stiles hugs me and I smell his unique cologne and it feels great to be in his arms. I start crying a little and they all smile down at me. Stiles holds me tightly and I start to groan as my body is sore.

"You alright?" Scott asks me and Stiles backs away and I nod slowly.

"Just a small bruise." I lie to them and Lydia raises an eyebrow.

"What did they do to you?" Stiles asks me and I get flashbacks of me killing Claire but I become scared and decide that it doesn't matter. That wasn't me.

"I-I don't know." I say and turn my head away from Stiles. Stiles sighs lowly but I feel it on my cold skin. Lydia looks at the system and I do too to see my body temperature drop slowly.

"Are you cold?" Lydia asks me and I get nervous but I shake my head. I start to think about warm things, like a fire, or Ethan's arms. They were really warm. I get a flashback of Ethan holding me in the cold nights, when he used to be here...

Suddenly the temperature goes back up for my body to a normal average temp. Scott checks his phone and realizes something. "We have school tomorrow." Scott says as he doesn't want to be late or miss any classes anymore as he'll probably have to stay one more year in school.


"We should get going then." Stiles says and holds my hand tighter and I smile lightly. "You think you'll be alright?" Stiles asks worried about me and I hold his hand tightly.

"I'll be fine Stiles. It's okay, just go." I say softly and he smiles and comes close to me to kiss my forehead. He brushes his warm fingers through my hair and I smile genuinely as I also get uncomfortable.

"Night ." He says teasing me about my last name and leaves the room with Scott and Liam. Lydia starts to leave the room and turns the lights off and I try to rest, but as she leaves through the door, she stops.

She turns around and I move my head to look at her. "What's wrong?" I ask her and she comes back into the room and closes the door.

"H-how?" She hesitates and asks me as she stands at the end of my bed. I raise my eyebrow confused as I fake my illness, this curse. "How can you lie to us like this?" She says and as I get nervous my body gets colder. I'm starting to loose concentration on myself.

"What are you talking about?" I ask her but as I do, I say it aggressively. She hesitates more and gets nervous to be around me.

"." She says and I feel Killer Frost inside of me trying to escape. Trying to let loose. I can't keep it in. "He did this to you didn't he? Theo."

"It was after he left." I say talking about Theo and Ethan but she wouldn't know. Nobody knows how much pain I went through. "The night Theo died, I felt it."

"I knew it. When I tried searching for you. I saw a vision of you-" She says as she gets more worried about me.


"-freezing him?" I finish her sentence as I get more aggressive. I start to loose my mind and get sad thinking about what I did. "What's wrong with me Lydia?" I say as I start crying having a mood swing.

"It's okay." She says coming towards me and sits next to me in my bed. I raise myself up and she holds my hands. "We can help you." She says rubbing her thumb on my face to clean my tears. "We'll figure it out, with the pack."

"No! You can't tell Stiles. Nobody should know." I say and she raises an eyebrow.


"Because if they find out what I did." I say and pause as I remember what I was doing there also. "If they find out who I've been. Then I have to go." I tell her and she nods.

"Then us two will figure it out. Just like always." She says and I smile lightly trying to figure out an idea to reverse this curse.

"My mother might know how to help me." I say as I raise my hand in the air and let the cold air out of my hand. Lydia stares at my hand and I close my hand as it all goes away.


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