《Changing the Future》12 - Beach
On their weekend the girls won and boasted to the boys, because they won they also got choose where they got to go for the second day. They boys chose the same place evrytime and the girls were tired of it. So the girls chose the beach as it was a bright and sunny day in central city. The boys were actually ok with his idea. They thought they were going to make them go to a spa or something.
They all got to the beach and set up and area to just hang out in. They had lots of umbrellas and towels laid out. Some of the boys went straight into the water and dragged some of the girls with them. All the legends went in the water except Mick who was drinking beer on the sand. Some of the girls were just bathing in the sun and they boys went to go set up some volleyball. After a while Dawn and Nora went into the water and Barry, Oliver, Renee, John, and Brainy were going to play volleyball.
"What is this?" Mon-el asks the boys
"Volleyball" Oliver says
"How does it work?" He asks again
"You've never played volleyball?" Rene asks
"I'm still getting to know how earth works" Mon-el says
"Man, has life gotten weird" Rene says
"Agreed" John says
"I'll explain it to you" Barry says and explains it to Mon-el
"Ok so Mon-el you can be with Barry and Brainy" Oliver says and Mon-el nods and joins the two
"Oh and there are no powers" Barry adds
"You know we kind of had a game like this on Daxam except it was too the death and you had to use your head, it was a lot harder" Mon-el said and the boys looked confused at him.
"Okayyyy let's play" Oliver said and threw the ball in the air. The match began and the boys were struggling to get points.
"Take 5" Barry said out of breath
"What too tired" Oliver said also out of breath
"No, need food, I don't want to pass out" Barry said and they all abandoned the game for a while.
"Hey babe"Iris said getting up from the sand to greet her husband felicity and Kara doing the same with Oliver and Mon-el. The rest of the people sitting there sat up and waved.
"Do you guys want to get some food?" Mon-el asked and they nodded.
"I'll go get the Legends and whoever else is in the water" Brainy announced and went to go get them.
Once they had everyone they went to a local cafe and brought the food back to the beach. It was a mad house where everyone was talking to everyone. Caitlin got tired of all the noise and went to some nearby steps and sat down to eat there. When she was little she loved the beach. She used to go all the time with he mum and dad before he father had ALS and turned into icicle. Caitlin was joined by Dawn who was eating her fries.
"Hey, everything alright?" She asks
"Yeah, I just used to come to the beach a lot and I loved watching the waves" Caitlin said admiring the view.
"So there is nothing wrong?" Dawn clarifies
"Nothing wrong" Caitlin said with a warm smile
They sat there talking about each other's childhood and how much fun they had. Barry saw Nora talking to Sara about How she became a legend because she loved the story. "Hey Nora" Barry said
"Hey dad" she said with a height smile
"Where is Dawn?" He ask going into overprotective father mode
Nora saw it on his face and said "Relax she's with Caitlin over there" and saw them smiling on the steps. Just looking at them gave Barry comfort. A smiled formed on his face as he saw the two laughing. He was going to walk over there but Oliver called him.
"Now that we've ate shall we continue?" He said and Barry nodded. They switched sides and kept on playing 30 min later Iris, Felicity, Nia and Kara came complaining to their partners.
"Guys come on you've been doing this forever" Felicity complained
"Yeah your at the beach and you haven't even gone in the water yet" Nia said and all the girls were crossing their arms with an annoyed expression.
"Come on just 10 more minuets." Barry said
"You said that 20 minuets ago" Iris says
"Come on just come on the water for an hour" Kara said
"Just let us finished the game" Mon-el said
"That's going to take forever" Felicity says glared at Oliver who hasn't said anything
"Why don't we have another game girls vs boys" Oliver suggest and the girls agree.
"Ok and if we win you have to get in the water" Iris says
"And if we win we get to play volleyball" Barry said and they all shake hands.
The girls go to rally their 6 candidates who are Sara, Alex, Ava, Kara, Dawn and Nora.
"Since when do you guys know how to play volleyball?" Barry said pointing to his daughters.
"Since high school" Nora said
"Wait didn't you want to impress that guy who liked volleyball ball" Dawn says remembering why she joined
"Uh no" Nora said trying to avoid this conversation
"No you did" Dawn said "oh what was his name?"
"Jordan" Nora mumbles "and that was meant to be a secret"
"Oh sorry" Dawn said
"All good" Nora said
"Are we going to play volleyball or not?" Rene asks getting impatient
"Yes, sorry" Dawn and Nora said at the same time. They threw the ball in the air and went on for 10 minuets and the girls were beating the boys. Some of the girls were cheering on the side and the boys were getting really frustrated. When they were in the middle of a game Nora broke her wrist.
"Nora!" Dawn said and Barry ran to his daughter. Everyone crowed worried for her.
"Are you ok?" Barry said
"Yeah it's just a broken wrist" she said
"Just a broken wrist?" Nia says confused
"Speed healing" the three speedster said
"Come on, sit down" Barry said and Nora nodded. Once they got her to sit down Barry got Caitlin brought her to Nora.
"Nora are you ok?" Caitlin asked sweetly kneeling down next to her. And she didn't feel like talking sos she nodded. "Do you mind if I take a look?" She asks and Nora brings her hand forward. Caitlin lightly touches her wrist and sees the damage. "It will hit in a hour or two"
"Thanks Caitlin" Nora says and she smile back lightly. Barry then got slapped by Iris.
"Ow" Barry said
"You just have to be so stubborn" Iris said
"What did I do" he said
"you couldn't go in the water you needed to volleyball and because of it our daughter got hurt" She scolded
"I'm sorry to both of you" he said kissing Iris' and Nora's forehead.
"You are forgiven" Iris says still in a strict voice
"Come here" he says and wraps her in a side hug and gives her another kiss on her forehead. In these moments Nora feels complete and Dawn feels empty. She hates seeing her dad with another woman. She tries to put on a brave face but sometimes she can't. No one notices this except Caitlin. She feels sorry for Dawn gets that it isn't easy for her to see her dad with another woman.
"Let's go to the water" Sara says on a happy note and everyone except for the West-Allen family go in the water. About and hour later Caitlin came to check on Nora's wrist.
"It's all healed, looks like your speed healing sped up, that's incredible" she said inspecting Nora's wrist and the realised that she being weird "sorry, sometimes just can't put the scientist side a sleep"
"It's alright" Nora says "Can I go in the water?"
"Yeah" Caitlin says and Nora rushed into the water. Caitlin was going to her stuff to reapply some sunscreen.
"Hey Caitlin, is everything alright" he asks noticing that she was y going back into the water.
"Yeah, I'm just going to put on some more sunscreen" she says
"Thank you for looking after her" Barry says
"I didn't do anything" she responds "super speed has it perks" and he lightly laughs
"I'm gonna go I the water" he said and she nodded.
"Yes if course" Caitlin says and he flash a smile to her before running off and joking the rest of the group.
Caitlin was rubbing some sunscreen on herself when a voice scared her "didn't I try and kidnaps you?"
"Yes Mick we've been through this" she says
"I know you like him" he says
"Like who?" She also pretending to be oblivious
"Flash" Rory says
"I don't" Caitlin say
"I'm blind not stupid" he said and she shrugs it off
She goes back into the water ignoring the Barry and hanging with the girls who were not with their boyfriends or husbands. Caitlin was talking to Alex about the medical tech on earth-38. They heard a scream and saw it was just Felicity and Oliver goofing around in the water. They look at each other and let out a light laugh. "This life always has us on edge"
"Sometimes it's annoying always having to look over your shoulder but I wouldn't change what we do plus Barry would get himself killed without me" Caitlin says
"Same with Kara. Could they be any more reckless?" Alex says
"Hello I heard my name" Kara said butting in on the conversation
"We were talk about how reckless and stupid you can be" Alex says giving her a sisterly glare
"Do you want me to save the city or not" Kara asks and Alex can't think of anything to say back. "So Caitlin how are you?" Kara asks politely
"Just the usually dealing with multiple crisis at once" she said
"We feel you" Alex says and Kara agrees
"Do I want to know is what's going on" Caitlin asks
"Well it depends if you want to know about alien protest that have been going on and how we can't work out of the DEO because the government wants to know my identity and I can't reveal myself and now a new group stand for the aliens called the elite who are killing people with their powers" Kara explains
"Wow it sounds like you guys could definitely use a break" Caitlin said and they both nodded.
"I agree" Mon-el said wrapping his arms around Kara "do you mind if I steal her?"He asks
"Go for it" Caitlin says and they walk away, Caitlin sees that Alex has a look of despair on her face so she asks "Are you ok?"
"Yeah, I just forgot what it'a like, I had a girlfriend. Fiancé and we had to break up because we did it want the same things so we split up. I wanted ti be a mum and l fill out all the adoption forms I'm just want someone to pick me. It just feels like my personal life is falling apart."Alex says "I worry so much about the city and about Kara that I forget"
"You need a life too" Caitlin finishes and Alex nods " I get it but if you need time to kick starts your personal life you have an amazing support system and if you talk to Kara I am sure she will understand."
"Thank you Caitlin, I wish I saw you more often" Alex said
"Me too" Caitlin said and smiled. It was 1 o'clock and everyone was in the water talking and playing games. Caitlin just finished talking to Lena when she got splashed in the face by Barry.
"That's for beating me in the prank war" Barry said
Caitlin just spit out the water that was in her mouth "you are going to pay for that Allen" she said and splashed them back. Both of them engaged in a splash war. Barry tried splashing Caitlin but accidentally hit Dawn who turned around and was very mad.
"Honey I am so sorry it was accident I was trying..." Barry sad but didn't get to finish as Dawn and Caitlin splashed him in the face. He started to get angry and walked off to get some back up. Barry got James and Cisco to help him out and splash both the girls. Alex, Lena, Nora and Iris saw this and splashed the boys in the face for payback.
"Boo" Iris said after and when the boys were wiping their faces. Caitlin and Dawn went to go join the other girls and thank the for the assist. A few of the boys came to help out Barry and they all splashed the girls out numbering them but they didn't know that the rest of them were coming to splash them so they got it from front and behind. Nia then used her powers to make one last splash and leave the boys drenched.
Again the boys accepted defeat. "I win again Allen" Caitlin said before going to talk to Cisco and Felicity he smiled at her before turning to his wife. Caitlin was laughing with Cisco and Felicity when she heard her dads voice. "Caity" he said in a whisper.
"I'm going to go swim further out" she said and followed the direction of the voice. She was pretty far away from the group and thought she was just hearing things when she heard it again " Caity" he said but this time it was louder. She then heard a gain beeping sound and she looked down and saw a small orb that was blue. "I'm sorry but you should have let me use the serum" then the orb turned red and started beeping faster. She realised that it was a bomb and she tried to swim far away but she wasn't too physically gifted. Next thing she knew she was flung up in the air and hit the surface of the water.
All the hero's watches it unfold and didn't know what happened. "Caitlin" Cisco said "She said she was going to go further into the water"
Barry got very worried and super swam to where the explosion came from her looked on the surface and didn't see anything. He went under the water and could see her body sinking in the water. He got to her before she could go further down and took her to ten surface. He sped her as close to the shore as he could without getting discovered then he ran her up to the sand and gently placed her down. Alex checked he plays and she could feel anything, Barry then started to do chest compressions to get her back.
"Come on Cait, we've been through worse, come on, I can't lose you" Barry said pushing harder and harder with each compression. Everyone else was standing there hopelessly. She then opened her eyes and started to cough out water to the side. She laid back down on her head and took some deep breaths. Everyone had gathered around her because they were all huddling no one saw that Caitlin almost died. Most of the people were tense and let a breathe out seeing Caitlin alive.
"Well I guess we haven't properly caught up unless there's a life or death situation" Felicity says to lighten the mood and some people sigh and slightly laugh at the comment. Caitlin sat up and dusted some of the sand off of her.
She was going to stand up when Barry held her back as he was still on he floor next to her "Wow, take it easy you just died" Barry said and she nodded
"What happened?" Cisco says looking ready to punch someone in the face.
"I heard my dad's voice so I followed it, he said it was because I betrayed him. He put a bomb in the water and I didn't get fast enough and I'm guessing you guys know what happens next" Caitlin said
"Why does your dad want to kill you?" Winn asks confused
"It's not really my dad, he has a persona like Killer Frost except his is called Icicle" Caitlin explains
"Well let's get on it" Oliver says and most of the people nod their heads in agreement
"No" Caitlin said standing up
"No?" Barry asked standing up next to her
"No, the whole point we get together and do these weekends is to get away from the hero world and relax plus my father isn't stupid he won't come for me twice in one day" Caitlin said a little strictly.
"Guys I just got the most awesome Idea" Nate said
An hour later they all met up at a escape room. Team Legends vs Team Arrow vs Team Supergirl vs Team Flash. The legends go first and come back out in 50 minutes. "50 minutes record time" Charlie says
"No one else has gone yet" Zari says
"Just take it" Sara whispers to Zari who shrugs it off
Team Arrow then go and come back in a hour looking defeated. "How did it go?" Kara asked
"We didn't finish in time" Felicity mumbled but enough so they could hear. Some people try to hide their laughter and Team Arrow just sit back down. Next team Super goes back in and come back in 45 minutes.
The came out high-fiving each other and Kara says to Team Flash "Try beating that" Team Flash entered the Harry Potter themed escape room and they get their instructions from a voice that is coming from a speaker. Nora spots a lock on the bookshelf and thinks it is very Harry Potter to have a secret entrance "Here, this lock" she says "It's a four digit code."
The team looks for potential numbers that would work in the lock. Iris finds some numbers inscribed on the back of something and says to Nora "try 1627" Nora tries but has no luck she shakes her head and everyone keep searching.
"Try 8359" Cisco says and Nora carefully turns the locks and she pulls the bar out of the bookshelf. She pulls all the books to see if there were any hints could be of use. The last book she pulls allows the bookshelf to open. They thought it was there way out but it just lead them to another room. This one had a keypad at the bottom and Dawn knelt out to see it better. "It's another four digit code, what was the one that Iris said before?" She asks
"1627" Barry and Caitlin said
"Nope" Dawn said and they all went back to the main room to look for other codes. "Dawn looked for any obvious clues in the dark room with bright outline son the walls.
"Try 9763" Iris says and Dawn does it. The wall next to her open to reveal yet another room. They all go into the next room which is a bedroom and notice that they don't have a lot of time between theirs and team Supergirl's time.
Barry finds a poem on the desk and reads it out loud "The weight of the skull will determine your way out but remember it will only find your exit, not the key"
They all look around and Barry finds a skull on the bedside table. "Do we know where I should out this"
"Why don't you just put it next to the hint for now" Dawn says and Barry places it on the circular platform next to the letter.
"Found our way out" Nora said looking at the hole that was now in the door on the other side of the room.
"So now we just have to find a circular shaped key" Iris says and everyone looks around the room.
"We have two minutes before team Supergirl wins" Barry tells everyone and a lightbulb goes off in Caitlin's head.
"Of course how could I be so stupid" She says and runs out of the room. She comes back with a wand and sticks it into the hole, she then turns it and they hear the door unlock. They get out of the room and high-five each other and then have a group hung in celebration.
"We win" Cisco bragging to the rest of the group and dancing around like a child "What do we get for winning?"
"You could choose where we get to eat" Felicity suggest and everyone nods. Team flash huddles and they decide on going to big belly burger. Everyone smiled and when they got there they occupied four tables constantly switching to talk to different people. Caitlin told Felicity that she'd be outside so someone would know where she was. She was looking at the stars like she had been for the past 10 minutes when Barry came and sat down next to her.
"Hey" he said
"Hey" she replied "Thank you for saving my life, I wouldn't be here right now if it weren't for you"
"You you think that we would get to the stage where we don't have to thank each other for saving each other's life" Barry said with a smiled and she smiled back at him. "How you feeling since we kind of brought you back form the death"
"I fine plus it's not the first time" Caitlin said referencing the first time she went full on Killer Frost
"It's beautiful isn't it" Barry said following Caitlin's gaze "The stars"
"Yeah,I used to go stargazing with my dad, most of the time I ended up falling asleep and he'd carry me to bed, I wish that man was still here" Caitlin blurted that last bit out
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