《When You and I Collide》22) The Boredom


~Fang's POV~

I hurry down the hall, my mind going a million miles an hour as it replays Chaos's conversation with that madman. Ragnarock... I am becoming that thing again. In my rush to go somewhere- anywhere - I crash into someone, mumbling a quick apology without even stopping to think who it is. They catch my arm, and I'm yanked from my thoughts.

"Are you alright?" I snap my head around to see Vincent standing there with his eyebrows furrowed.

"Yeah," I answer quickly, struggling to pull my arm free. He releases me and looks into my eyes, crimson irises holding dread and sadness.

"... Do you fear me?"

"What?" I blink at him. "Why would I fear you?"

"Chaos..." He looks down. He's such a broken man. Sighing, I lift up his chin gently so that I can look him in the eye.

"I don't think I could ever be scared of a doggy." Despite hating it when I call him that, he smiles weakly and straightens a little.

"Good. Now what is wrong?"

"I was lost in thought," I shake my head and look down at the floor. Should I even bother? I didn't have any control over it last time. When the right pair of hands gets to me, I lose it. Is there a point to trying to avoid it?

"About what?" he raises an eyebrow.

"Ragnarock," my look turns to a glare. "Vanille was Ragnarock too. What if... What if he gets to her and.."

"He won't," Vincent shakes his head and grabs my shoulders. I look up at him and frown.

"You can't prevent everything Vincent." He sighs and looks me dead in the eye.

"There are times when I wonder," he says slowly. "Am I on the verge of committing another sin? Or am I atoning as best as I can for only standing by? I let Hojo get to someone I loved once, but I will not let it happen again."

"Vincent," I blink away from his piercing gaze, thinking about all those times I tried to kill those on my side, pushed them away, hated them. "Are sins ever forgiven?"

"I've never tried," he says gently. "But that does not mean they aren't."

"Okay," I nod. His gloved and armored hands slide down my arms until they reach my hands, holding on tightly but gently.

"You do not have to worry about Ragnarock. I will not let any harm come to you, whether it is Hojo or Chaos."

"I'm not a baby, Vinnie," I look up with a sly smile. "But thanks."

He chuckles softly and releases my hands abruptly, clearing his throat. I turn to see what he's looking at and see a smirking Lightning and a confused Cloud looking at us.

"Oh hello Fang," Light sneers. I roll my eyes and cross my arms, turning toward her.

"What do you want?"

"I was just walking through the hallway," she scoffs.

"Suuuuuuuuure," I reply sarcastically. Both men seem unsure of what to do, but we just shrug it off and walk toward one another.


"So Fang, you hungry?" She asks, leading the way down the hall.

"Not really," I shrug, suppressing a laugh. "I bet the guys thought we were gonna fight or something."

"Probably," she agree with a smug look. "Cloud wouldn't be able to stop me this time, I'm sure."

"Finally met your match, eh?" I smirk.

"In fighting terms, yes," she rolls her eyes.

"That's what I was referring to."


"Vanille!" I call to the bright girl when I finally spot her. "I've hardly seen you since we've gotten here!"

"I know! I'm so sorry, Hope said he wanted to show me something, but it was just a prank he and Yuffie were pulling again." She stomps her foot. "Anyway, I've been looking for you, all over! Vincent said he didn't know where you were and Cloud said you were with Lightnig, but she was with Sazh, and now my brain hurts," she frowns.

"It's alright, Missy," I laugh, hugging her. "Life here's different, we've just got to get used to being separated sometimes."

"Yeah," she nods after pulling away. "Hey, you want to go do something?"

"Like what?" I raise an eyebrow, a slight smile on my lips.

"I don't know. Ooo, how about we go mess about with that Reno man?"

"Oh joy," I retort sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

"Come on!" She grabs my wrist and skips down the hall, dragging me to the guy I'm sure to beat up.

"Reno!" Vanille calls. No answer. Then she stops short and frowns. "I forgot. He and Rude are out working today."

"Well ain't that a tragedy?" I smirk. "Why don't we go jump off of roofs or something? That'd be fun."

"Fang! You know I wouldn't!"

"Come to my room then, I'm sure I can find something for us to do."

"But they're so small."

"Nah, only Cloud's is. Ours has a mini kitchen."

"Ooo," she grins, impressed. So easy to entertain.

"Come on then," I nod for her to follow me. She beams and does just that. I don't bother to knock (it's my room, duh) even though Vincent's in there, and swing the door open, Vanille stepping in and observing everything with her wide eyes.


"Oi! Vinnie! You home?" I call into the tiny space. No reply, but I can hear the shower going, which means he's probably in there unless Light's shower broke. I've got no doubt Hope found a way to destroy the place already.

"I heard they had a pool here somewhere," she says, grabbing a bottle of water out of the mini fridge in the corner. "We should go."

"Why would a business building have a pool?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Perhaps for the employees," a voice startles me and I spin around, eyes widening. Why is Vincent only in a towel..? "And before you ask, I forgot my clothing out here."

"Are you sure you didn't leave it because you didn't think anyone was going to be here?" I smirk. He returns the expression.



"Aw, you two are finally getting along!" Vanille squeals.

"Were we ever not?" I cock my head to the side.

"We had our slight... Rough patches," Vincent says carefully, squatting beside where I sit on the floor.

"You tryin' to flash us, Vampy?" I raise my eyebrows. He chuckles and shakes his head, eyes flickering to Vanille. Really? Not a public affe.... Okay. He loosely hangs an arm around my waist and brushes his lips against my cheek.

"Maybe if you keep calling me that," he mutters and I swat at him.

"I'd rather not see that. Now go put some clothes on!" He laughs quietly again before looking at Vanille again. Then he grabs his clothes and heads toward the bathroom. Idiot.

"Aw, you're blushing Fang!" Vanille says in a high pitched whisper.

"Am not!" I cross my arms stubbornly, though I can feel the heat spreading throughout my face.

"Are too!"

"Am not, and quit lying!"

"I'm not lying! You're as red as a tomato!"

"Because I'm frustrated with you!" I groan.

"Because you know I'm right."

"You're wrong, Missy. Just accept it and move on."

"Actually, she is quite accurate," a smug looking Vincent with dripping hair says, smirking. "At least this time you did not pull my own gun on me."

"You did what?!" Vanille squeaks at me and I laugh.

"What are you talking about. I'm completely innocent." I sneer, crossing my arms.

"That's what they all say," she giggles. "I bet Sazh is getting lonely! See you both later!"

"So she just came to steal our water?" I whine as soon as the door is shut. Vincent chuckles and shakes his head, dripping hair wetting his leather garments. I raise an eyebrow at the ebony stands. "Don't you know how do dry your hair, Vampy?"

"I try," he shrugs. "It grows fast."

"Ever thought of cutting it?" I flop back onto my bed.

"Does it bother you?"

"Nah," I wave him off. "I don't care either way."

"Hmm." He sits beside me and stares down at his lap, lost in thought. Or maybe chatting with Chaos. There's never really a way to tell, unless he starts to look frustrated. Then he's most definitely talking to that stupid demon.

"So," I stare at the ceiling. "I'm bored." He huffs in response. "What do you wanna do?" Nothing. "Vince?" Nope. "Vinnie? Vampy Boy? Doggy?" Nadah. "You suck."

"My apologies," he mutters nearly two minutes later, blinking away his thoughts to look at me.

"Gods, Vince. You're so slow."

"Sorry," he smirks down at me. I roll my eyes and sit up.

"What should we do now? I'm bored. And tired. And bored. And also, bored." Rolling his crimson eyes, he stands.

"Then sleep."

"Aw, but that's boooring." I whine. I'm trying so hard just to annoy him, and it had better be working.

"Then find something to do," he shrugs.

"Vanille said there's a pool," I mumble. "Maybe I can get someone to go with me?"

"If you mean me, no thank you," he twists the cap off of a plastic water bottle and drinks from it thirstily.

"Why not?" I pout. "Would you seriously pass up on the opportunity to see me in a swim suit?" His cheeks redden a little as he chokes on his drink and shakes his head.

"You do not even own one."

"You know Vincent, there are these things called stores where females generally like to go. Even if I hate shopping."

"Sleep," he coughs out finally, still red.

"Why?" I huff, laying my head back on my hands.

"... You said you were tired."

"These blankets are too soft," I scoff. "Come here."

"... Why?"


"Because why?"

"Gosh dang it Vincent, get over here!" He suppresses a smile and slowly wanders over to my bedside. I groan and grab his wrist, yanking roughly so that he ends up blinking in confusion, lying flat on his back on the bed. "That's better!"

"Er..." He blushes, staring at me blankly. "What are you..?"

"Shh," I cut him off, snuggling up against him. "You're warm. And not as soft as those stupid blankets."


"Shut up."


"La la la la! I can't hear you!"

"So immature," he mumbles.

"Oh shut up already," I groan, grabbing his arm and throwing it lazily over my waist before curling up into his chest. He hesitantly holds me closer, probably having his mind exploding at the moment. Grinning, I lift my face up and look into his eyes. "Guess what?"


"You're supposed to say what."

"... What."

"I know you're shy and all, but you're allowed to touch me, jeebus."

"I am not shy."

"You are too!"

"I am quiet," he shrugs. "There is a difference."

"Not in my book," I kiss his jaw, which is really the only thing I can reach with his heavy arm on me.

"I think you missed," he smirks.

"Why don't you kiss me then?" I challenge.

"I do not think that is a good idea, considering last time you tried to kill me."

"I was kidding," I whine.

"Perhaps another time," he teases, rolling over and hugging his arms to himself.

"Vincent!" I jump off, kneeling down on the other side so that I can see his face. His lips are pressed together to hide a smile and his eye scrunched shut to make it obvious that he's faking it. "Knock it off! I'm sleepy!"

"Then sleep."

"But I can't," I stick my lower lip out.

"Yes you can."

"I hate you," I say playfully, obviously not meaning it as I lay beside him, curled up on the edge of the bed and hugging my arms to keep warm. After what feels like centuries later, I feel an arm pull me against against the front of his body, his sharp chin resting on my head.

"No you don't," he whispers. Smirking to myself, the pull of sleep becoming harder and harder to resist, I push my back closer to his warmth and allow myself to fall asleep.

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