《When You and I Collide》11) The Meltdown


~Tifa's POV~

"So Light, do you think maybe the good fal'cei might be putting your world together? Like a new one?"

"I dunno," she shrugs. "I don't really think it's possible, but you never know."

"I don't think I'd want to go back," Snow yawns, full with his long arms stretched along the back of the booth we're sitting it. "I mean... With what happened and all." He looks down at the table with a frown.

"Hey," I bump my shoulder against him. "At least you've got all us weirdos to keep you company."

"Yeah," he scoffs with a grin directed toward Lightning. She rolls her eyes and looks at Hope.

"So kid, when're you gonna fess up to Teef?"

"Huh?" I furrow my eyebrows and Hope's eyes go wide.

"Er... I kinda, uh... I broke that antique vase thing that was in the room."

"It's okay," I smile at him even though on the inside I'm beating him up. Snow raises an eyebrow at me and Lightning hums something to herself under her breath, glancing back at the other tables every so often. Usually Cloud's. So she wasn't lying.

~Previous Day~

"Come on, Light! You're a female, there's always someone you think is attractive," I beg, scrubbing the dinner dishes.

"There's no one!" She insists, but the pink tinge of her cheeks gives her away.

"Oh come on," I groan. "You can tell me anything."

"Then you'll have to tell me who you like then," she shoots back. We feel like middle schoolers in some strange crush argument.

"But I don't..." I start, blushing.

"Yes you do!"

"You have to tell me first," I cross my arms stubbornly.

"I just... Feel kinda bad about it," she looks around awkwardly.

"Who!?" I'm an owl.


"Light, you have to..."


"What?!" My eyes widen. "Really?" She nods, still looking down. "Why would you feel bad?"

"Snow said you two had something going on."

"And I told Snow we didn't," I roll my eyes.

"I bet that's who you think about all the time, huh?" She teases.

"U h..." I blush. "So what do you think of dessert?"

"I'm so getting you two together!" She squeals.


~Present Day~

"Teef? You okay?" Snow breaks me from my thoughts. I realize it looked like it was staring at him abd blush.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine. Sorry."

"It's fine," he smiles. "Just quit daydreaming about me, it's creepy."

"What!?" I shriek, looking at Lightning. She purses her lips together and shames her head.

"... Well you were just zoned out and staring awkwardly into my eyes, so unless you were trying to hypnotize me, I assumed you were daydreaming. I didn't realize how offensive that would be."


"N-no. I didn't... You're fine," I stutter, turning even redder. Pull yourself together, Tifa! I casually lean over to take a sip of water.

"I know I am," he winks. I choke on my drink and Lightning bursts out laughing. "What?" Hope smirks when he realizes what's going on and shakes his head when Snow gives him a questioning look. "You alright, Teef?"

"Y-" I break off coughing again. "Yeah. I'm fine."

"Yes, I know you are to," he teases. "But I meant are you done choking."

"Uh, yeah."

"Good. Didn't want you to die on me after not even knowing you for a week."

"So she can die after two weeks?" Hope smirks.

"No! Of course not! I wouldn't have my buddy," he squishes me to him tightly in some sort of strange hug.

"Snow... I can't breathe."

"I'm not letting go," he murmurs. I groan and struggle out of his hold.

"Let's all go do something," Yuffie can be heard whining across the room. Vincent sighs and Fang gives her a death glare.

"I'm not doing anything with you, brat."

"I'm not a brat!" She screams. "You're the one that can't control her temper!"

"Heck no I can't, not around you!"

"Vinnie! She's gonna punch me again!"

"You punched her?" Cloud blinks at her.

"Dang right I did! And I'll do it again right now if you don't knock it off!"

"What did she even do?" I mutter. Snow shrugs.

"Doesn't take much to tick Fang off."

"Yeah, well if Vanille wasn't such a baby.." Yuffie sneers.

"What does Vanille have to do with this," Hope sighs. "Honestly, I can't stand that girl."

"That's it!" Fang thunders, her quick standing knocking her chair back to the floor. Vincent massages his face with a groan and Yuffie smirks up at the woman.

"Can't catch me!" She giggles, ducking under Fang and pushing her back before sprinting out of the diner. The flustered brunette ends up tripping over her own feet after getting shoved and awkwardly lands on Vincent. He jumps, but quickly recovers as he grips her arms tightly, preventing her from chasing after the young and annoying ninja. When she almost breaks free (strong girl!), he moves his arms to around her waist so that it looks like he's hugging her. Aw! I mentally coo.

"Vince, let go, you pervert!" Crimson eyes roll in my direction and I bite back a giggle as she struggles in his arms. Snow chuckles and looks at me, icy eyes full of happiness. So pretty...

"Okay, the eye gazing is kinda creepy," Hope clears his throat. We both blush and look away, Lightning smirking and Hope winking at me.



"I'd rather not."

"Fang, please don't be so violent," Vanille begs her, laying a hand on her friend's arm.

"I'm gonna kill her!"

"I'll take note of that in case there are any murder reports tomorrow," the owner of this place says sarcastically.

"I'll kill you and Vincent too!" He cringes and ducks behind the counter as she chucks something at him, face dark red in anger.

"Vince," Snow says slowly. "Let her punch something. Now."

"What?" Vincent frowns. I bet he likes holding her.

"She's gonna blow!" Sazh yells. Good thing we're the only ones here.

"Vincent," Fang seethes through her teeth. "Let me go now or I will destroy every building in this freaking world." I shudder at the sound of her voice as she threatens. Vincent's red eyes widen and he instantly releases her. She stomps out of the place.

"She's gonna go murder Yuffie..." Cloud says. We all awkwardly sit in silence, awaiting their return. When the doors finally swing open, Yuffie is holding a bloodied paper towel to her nose and is covered in black and blue bruises. I gape at her and Snow groans, rubbing his face tiredly. Fang walks in next, three long claw marks trailing down her cheek. She stares ahead blankly, heading toward Vincent. Surprising (and kind of scaring) us, she climbs onto his lap, legs handing off either side, and wraps her arms around his waist, bury g her face in his shirt. Suddenly, she bursts into hysterical sobs. Everyone from Pulse groans loudly.

"Not again," Hope whines.

"You were too late Vince," Snow sighs. "Time for a Fang meltdown."

Vincent awkwardly sits there as the woman drenches his black leather garments in tears. Um... Lightning sighs.

"Vanille, can you do anything?"

"No," the orange haired girl shakes her head, pigtails bouncing. "She won't stop until you comfort her, either." Even more awkward. Vincent blinks and looks back down at Fang. We can all clearly read his expression: Why me? To make it easier for him, I turn away to Light.

"So what should we do today?" Everyone follows my example, though I watch out of the corner of my eye as Vincent slowly relaxes and rubs small circles on her back as he mutters something. Fang shakes her head and he sighs, saying something else. Aw. I smile. I totally ship them.

"I think me, you, and Fang should all go somewhere so that I can talk to you guys about something," she gives me a hinting smile and I blush. Snow raises an eyebrow and studies me.

"Why does she turn red every time you say something like that?"

"Girl stuff," Light smirks at me and bury my face in my hands.

"Hang on, is this a 'who can make her ushers more' contest? I will win, just watch," Snow clears his throat and grabs my wrists to uncover my face. "Tifa, I really really like your eyes. They're very pretty." Even though he's just messing around, I turn even darker, my stomach flipping. "See?! I win!"

"Aw, how cute," Hope rolls his eyes. "Can you guys go have your girl talk so that Tifa doesn't explode from her 'crush-nerves'?" I choke on air when he says that and Snow frowns at me. Shoot.

"Quit bothering her, Hope," Light rolls her eyes. "Fine," he groans.

"Cmon Fang!" I call to the woman, cheeks still burning. She doesn't budge, just makes a whining noise and snuggles deeper into Vincent's chest. I swear he's blushing, pale cheeks tinged red.

"Why not?" Lightning demands, putting her hands on her hips. Cloud looks over at us, blondblonde eyebrow raised. I shrug.

"He smells good," she mumbles. Now I know for sure that Vincent is blushing. Hope covers his mouth to keep from bursting out in hysterical laughter.

"Er..." Vince looks at me for help. I shake my head in confusion.

"Hey Fang!" Hope yells suddenly. "Vincent's waiting for you outside!"

"Hmm?" She pops her head up and looks at us. "Wait, why am I on Vinnie?"

"No idea," Vincent grumbles.

"Sorry Vin," she oats his chest, suddenly remembering. "I'm strange."

"Yes, I noticed."

"So no hard feelings?"

"About you crying?" He raises and eyebrow. Her expression darkens and she grabs either side of his face, squishing his cheeks to make his mouth look like fish lips. He blinks at her blankly like he always does when caught by surprise.

"You will not speak of this."

"I won't," he tries to say with his face squished up weirdly.

"Good," she pats his cheek and slides off his lap. "See ya, Vince!" Then she's gone. Snow chuckles and gives me a cheerful wave before I leave behind Light.

"Fang?" I look for the brunette. She groans and tugs at the roots of her hair.

"Why me?!"

"Chill out," Lightning rolls her eyes. "What's wrong?"

"What the heck I just did!"

"Which was..?"

"Did you not just see that?!" She shrieks. Wow Fang. Chill.

"Why does it matter?" Light raises one eyebrow in confusion.

"Because! I just sobbed all over some guy, Vincent at that, and then admitted that he smells good!"

"Does he?" I cock my head to the side.

"Yes... But that's beside the point!"

"The point is that you liiiiiike him," I tease. She shames her head wildly.

"No! Why him?!"

"We're walking back to the Seventh Heaven," Light grabs both of our arms and pulls us after her. "And having one if those dreaded girl talks."

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