《A little bit Psycho》Your not going to kill me right?


The drive back to Gails house was quicker than she expected it to be. She turned off the car and quickly went inside to see her aunt already at the coffee table with a box of pizza.

"So what did you get?" She asks opening the box and pulling herself a slice. Heather grins and plops onto the couch with her and hands her the bag. "How about Friday the 13th first?" Gail says standing up and walking to the vhs player.

"Sounds great." Heather says opening the pizza box and grabbing her own piece.

Early the next morning Heather stood infront of her mirror and stared at her reflection. She admittedly wanted to make a decent impression and hopefully make some friends, but didn't want to look like she was trying to hard either. Heather straightened her bright red hair and applied a small amount of makeup. Mostly eyeliner and mascara. She dressed herself in tight jeans and a Halloween print crop top with a jean jacket over top. She put on black converse and grabbed her bag pack and made her way downstairs.

"You look great sweetie." Her aunt said from the kitchen. "Want some coffee before you catch the bus?"

Heather nodded her head appreciatively and followed her into the kitchen.

"So unfortunately I work tonight so I won't be here when you get back. But I'll leave some cash so you can order dinner." Gail says.

"Sounds great, thank you." Heather says grabbing her coffee and making her way out to the bus stop. She hated having to ride the bus but until she had her own vehicle this would have to do. She stood at the end of her aunts long drive way and waited for the bus. She caught herself continuously checking her watch, until a car pulled up. It was a brown beetle. The driver rolled down the window and smiled. It was Randy from the video store.

"Hey there! I figured you might need a ride." He says with a smile.

"Uh not trying to sound ungreatful but how do you know where I live?" Heather says chewing on her lip ring.

" right, sorry. My dad works with your aunt and she's watched my little sister a few times. " heather nods her head and opens the passenger door.

"Your not gonna kill me or something right?" She jokes as she closes the door. Randy laughs and shakes his head no.

"No, no. So what is your name?" Randy asks as he pulls back out onto the main road.

"Heather. " she says sweetly. "And thanks for the ride. I hate the buss." She laughs. He nods his head. As they pull up to the school the first thing Heather notices is all the news vans out front. She cocks her eyebrow. "Is this normal?" She asks. Randy shakes his head no as he pulls into a parking spot. Heather and Randy both quickly exit the car and head towards the front of the school. The words murder and killer are tossed around by different people as they walk into the school.


"I'm gonna go meet my friends and figure out what's going on, but lll meet up with you later." Randy says squeezing her shoulder. Heather nods and goes into the office.

"Uhm hi. I'm Heather Scott. I'm supposed to start school today." Heather says softly to a flustered looking secretary. The woman stops what she's doing and looks up.

"Oh yes dear, your aunt registered you last week. Hang on one moment please and I'll get your schedule. Sorry things are real hectic around here today." The woman says. She stands up and walks over to a printer. She digs through a stack of papers before grabbing one and walking back to Heather. "Okay so here is your class schedule and here is a map of the school." She says reaching to a stack of papers on her desk and handing it to her along with her schedule. "If you have any questions or trouble just ask for help. The faculty is very friendly here." She says with a polite smile. Heather nods and thanks her before walking back into the crowded hallway. Her first class was English so she finds the room number and stares at her map before attempting to find her class.

~Time skip~

The day went pretty smoothly until lunch time, when she realized she had no one to sit with. She walked around outside with her pbj she bought from the cafeteria. She sat herself down by a tree and glanced around people watching. Heather loved to observe people, she found it intriguing to see what people did when they thought no one was looking. She noticed a group of four sitting by the fountain talking and laughing with each other. Two boys and two girls. She recognized the one boy from the movie store last night. She thinks his name was Billy or Bobby? He was hot as shit either way she laughed to herself. "Hey Heather. Come sit with me and my friends." A voice said startling her. She quickly looks up to see Randy who had his hand out stretched for her to take. She hesitates for a moment before accepting the help up and following behind him as they made their way to the fountain.

"Hey guys this is Heather, she's new." Randy announces as they join the others. The two girls smile politely to her and Billy gives her a wink.

"So scream queen has a name." Billy says with a chuckle. The brunette girl sitting in his lap gives him an odd look before facing Heather.

"I'm Sydney," she says with a smile. "This is Tatum and her boyfriend Stu." She motions towards the pretty blonde next to her and the tall boy next to her. They both wave.


"You picked an interesting first day." Stu says with a laugh. Tatum playfully shoved him before taking a bite of her sandwich. "Did they ask you if you like to hunt?"He asks the group in general.

"Yeah they did. Did they ask you?"Billy says sitting up.

"why did they ask if you like to hunt?" Tatum asks.

Stu grins. "Because their bodies were gutted." He takes a bite of a strawberry.

"Well they didn't ask me if I like to hunt." Tatum says with a laugh.

"That's because there's no way a girl could have killed them." Stu laughs. Tatum rolls her eyes.

"That is so sexist. The killer could have easily been female. Basic instinct." Randy sits down on the other side of Tatum.

"That was an ice pick. Not exactly the same thing." Randy says taking a drink of a coke.

"Casey and Steve were completely hollowed out, and it would take a man to do something like that." Stu says getting in tatums face with a grin.

"Or a mans mentality." She snaps back. Heather slowly sits down next to Randy and picks at her food while she listens in on their conversation.

"How do you gut someone?" Sydney asks suddenly. There's a pause before Stu starts to talk again.

"You take a knife. And you slit them from groin to sternum. " Sydney grimaces.

"It's called Tact you fuckrag." Billy says. Heather looks at Billy closely. There's a look in his eyes that she can't quite decipher.

"Hey Stu, didn't you used to date Casey?" Sydney asks. Stu scoffs.

"Yeah for like ten seconds." Stu defends. Randy pops in.

"Before she dumped him for Steve." Heather smirks.

"I thought you dumped her for me." Tatum says with a glare.

"I did, he's full of shit."

"And are the police aware you dated the victim?" Randy snarks.

"What are you saying? That I killed her?" Stu questiones.

"Well it would certainly boost your high school q." Randy says.

Tatum grins and leans against stus chest. "Stu was with me last night." She says with a smirk.

"Yeah I was." He says kissing her cheek.

"Was that before or after he sliced and diced?" Randy says.

"Okay fucking nutcase, where were you last night?" Tatum asks.

"Working. Thank you!" Randy says.

"Oh at blockbuster? I thought they fired your sorry ass." Tatum says. Heather actually laughs this time, causing Billy to grin at her.

"Twice." Randy says with a grin. He takes a bite of a peanut.

"No I didn't kill anybody." Stu says suddenly.

"Nobody said you did." Billy says giving Stu a look.

"Aww thanks buddy." Stu says happily.

"Besides it takes a man to do something like that." Randy mocks stu. Stu laughs and throws his head back.

"Yeah I'm gonna gut your ass in a second kid." Stu says.

"Is it true you put her liver in the mailbox, because I heard they found her liver in the mailbox. Next to her pancreas." Randy says in a Weird accent. Tatum throws food at Randy.

"Randy you ass, I'm trying to eat here." She says. Sydney stands up and grabs her bag from the ground.

"That's right you better Liver alone." Stu says before laughing hysterically at his own joke. Sydney scoffs and kisses Billy's cheek before walking away. "Liver alone!" Stu laughs again. As soon as Sydney is out of sight Billy punches Stu in the arm. Tatum stands up and slightly pushes Stu before walking away.

"It was nice meeting you Heather." She calls over her shoulder.

Stu smiles at billy before standing up himself and following his girlfriend.

"So how's your first day going?" Billy asks Heather. She glances up at him and shrugs.

"You mean besides the fact two kids were gutted last night?" She laughs. "It's going okay." Billy smiles at her.

"Yeah, I imagine it's pretty hectic." Billy says passing his bag of peanuts to her. She politely shakes her head no.

"Ah shit, I forgot I have a test in lit. I'll catch ya later Heather. If you want a ride home just meet me out front after school. I'll drive ya." Randy says jumping up and running away.

Heather stands up as well checking her watch. Lunch was basically over at this point.

"If you need a ride I'll give you one." Billy says suddenly. Heather cocks her head to the side and chews her lip ring.

"I'm pretty sure your girlfriend wouldn't like that very much." Heather says sweetly. Billy shakes his head.

"We're friends right? Shouldn't be an issue." He says standing up and walking next to her. "What class do you have next?" He asks.

"Art. With Mrs. Monroe." Heather says pulling out her schedule. Billy grins.

"Yeah? Me too." He says looking at her paper. "I'll walk you."

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