《WE SHARE A ROOM (S1)》🥂Part 28🥂


"I'm park rosé"

"Oh its nice to meet you hehee"

Shit why am I getting so nervous.....

"I heard you're sharing a room with jungkook?" She asked "oh yea i do" yen proudly said

"I didn't expect him to do all that you know because he never shares his room with anyone!" Rosé the beautiful blonde said

"Woah that's crazy!"

"I hope he has never hit you or anything"


"Anyways it was nice meeting you yen you should get going!"

"Yea thank you again bye rose"

"Its rosé"


"Ms jung,congratulations you're pregnant"

"WHAT" yen screamed out of her lungs. "Yea you're full two weeks pregnant!" The doctor repeated

"What?! No there must be a misunderstanding!" She argued

"No there isn't any"

"Doctor i-i am not sexually active...." Yen said tears collecting in her eyes.

"Then how are you pregnant?" He asked

"I don't know! And i am not" she said

"You should just check it.." doctor said

"When am I getting my reports?"

"Tomorrow morning 7"

"Okay doctor"

Yen walked out of the nurse office and went straight towards her dorm.

"So is there a chance?" Mrs jung asked

"I'm sorry mrs jung but you aren't pregnant you just had the wrong food"

"Okay...when am i gonna get my reports?" She asked

"Tomorrow morning,7"

The golden haired girl almost reached her building when the four goons came infront of her who bullied her that night.

They constantly kept apologising to the goldie. They looked badly beaten up with force and power.

"O-okay..." they almost seemed like crying when they went away.

The goldie entered the dorm and broke out. The purple haired boy came running towards her. "What happened,muffin?"

"N-nothing...." She said wiping her tears away still in the same position


"Tell me,please" Jungkook said

"I-I wasn't feeling well so i went to the doctor and h-he told me that i am p-pregnant..."


"Yes b-but i am n-not sexually a-active and never was"

"Oh then its okay..." jungkook got relieved

"WHAT?!" Yen asked finding his reaction crazy

"I-i mean you're definitely not pregnant lets go ask him again"

"No-no my reports will come tomorrow we'll see..."

"Okay muffin but whatever happens I'm with you."

"S-stop scaring me!"

"Yea yea whatever!" Jungkook said

Both of them then sat on the couch with phones in their hands. Yen began to watch tik tok when suddenly a famous sound came up

"My dog stepped on a bee,ugh"

"My dad has to pee." Jungkook continued

"My mom lost her key" yen said turning her phone off

"Jesus save me" Jungkook said

"My mom's stuck in a tree!"

"Your eyes are oceanic as sea!"

"Thank you 3 into 50"

"Lol I don't know more" Jungkook said getting back on his phone

"Me too!"

Thats when both of them again went on their phone.

"Kook?" Goldie asked five minutes later "Hmm" was the reply

"Did you beat those goons?"

"I did.....no-"

"Yea you did...."



"So you wanted me to do nothing and let them bully you again when I'm not around? I made them understand properly"

"But Why physically?"

"Because physical is stronger then mental"


"MUFFIN! MUFFIN! MUFFIN! GET UP!" Jungkook yelled inside yen's ears

"UGH SHUT UP!" Yen yelled pulling the sheets over her head

"Muffin!!! Its 6:20 already get up!"

"Fine!" She said rolling out if her bed getting ready for the morning routine

"Ready?" Jungkook asked the goldie as she came out of the bedroom fully dressed. "Nooo! I still have to change!" She replied,sassy


"But you look grate already!" "You're dumb"

Yenkook went towards the doctors early morning. While they were waiting outside a lady who was probably in her 30s was standing there with a guy,crying.

"Don't worry honey" the male spoke consoling the lady.

Soon the doctor called both of the ladies inside and handed them their reports. The first thing they noticed was the pregnancy results.

Jungkook looked through the report and said "muffin your real name is yeri?"

"No kook its yen" she said checking the name with wide eyes

"HEY MY NAME ISN'T YEN!" The lady said scanning the report

"And my name isn't yeri!" Yen said together

The doctor looked confused then said

"I'm sorry there must be a problem!" He checked the reports and did something on the computer then said "okay so..."

"Mrs jung that is yeri you are 2 weeks two days pregnant congratulations!" The doctor said handing her the reports

The lady wad surprised and she had a little celebration with her husband then turned to the doctor and said

"You're a shit head!" Then they both exit the room leaving the teenagers behind

"Let's go kook..." the happy girl said as they both got ready to leave aswell when the purple haired boy said to the doctor

"You're a shit head !" The went away walking in full swag

Then both walked towards the university together happy. Jungkook and yen were talking basic stuffs to the way of university.


A sudden splash came on the friends which looked like camera photo.

Jungkook turned around and saw the university photographer who takes all the rumoured photos of childrens and leaks it to the official university private account and it gets viral within the night

"Oh shit! Sangwoo" Jungkook cursed

"What happened,kook?" Yen asked

"Something not good...."

End of this chapter

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