《WE SHARE A ROOM (S1)》🥂part 8🥂


"What picture??" The blondie asked a bit too curious. "Well" Woni started "there was annual day a few years ago where everyone was present. That same day ryujin proposed taetae and he declined in the most polite way. Woni begans to explain yen what happened a few years back.

"Taehyung i love you! Please be my boyfriend!" Ryujin confessed to the innocent angel in front of her

"Ryujin-shii I don't wanna get into a relationship now,sorry" he gave her his rare boxy smile but the greedy lover didn't agree

"C'mon tae! I am the best editor exists! Better then all the girls!" She argued

"You indeed are very good! But I don't want a girlfriend now. I am sorry.." the polite boy apologised

"I will make your life a living hell!" She whispered to taehyung before going away.

The next day,childrens began to hate taehyung. "Taehyung!!!"Jungkook came running towards the sleeping Taehyung

"Wake up and see this!!!!" He forcefully made taehyung sit on the bed and showed him his photo which was trending on the private university platform

"What the-" he stopped himself from swearing because he never has

Taehyung practically snatched the phone away and read the comments which he already assumed

Molly2314 - eww! I never thought our dream boy would be a smoker 😷

Nancyland32 - what the heck! Tae oppa I didn't expect this from you ugh 🤢

Ris_456 - oh my god! Eww 🤮

Pary32 - the heck! My bias changes 🤬

Taehyung almost cried reading all of those. He looked at his best friend,jungkook looking at him with concern eyes "Jungkook do you also think i am-" the younger quickly hugged the pale boy and caressed his head "tae bear I know you were biting your nails! You were with me!"


He broke the hug and wiped the fragile tears from his bestie and said "even if you've really smoked I'd react the same way!" He again hugs taehyung who means world to him

Taehyung and jungkook walks to the class only to get disgusting glares from kids,girls. Taehyung wanted to cry but he held himself back. There he saw ryujin smirking at him with raw victory visible on her face "told ya!"

"Fuck you!" Taehyung yells. He sweared the very first time and didn't regret it. He abused someone who was worth it.

"Yeah,so that's the story." Woni said wiping off her fake tears "but its been years."

"Then what happened?!" Yen asked too curious. "Well from then kim taehyung totally changed. His smile faded as if he can never smile. He began to hate girls he basically began to know their real faces behind their makeup. The boy who's language was like angels took no time to turn into devil. People didn't realise when 'sweetie' became 'slut' for taehyung."

"What about that ryudin?" yen asked caring less about the wrong pronunciation

"Oh that ryujin? She's actually in uk. Her father found out about her mischievous act of editing his picture made him go crazy. Being a respected politician,he got a nefarious daughter. Well good people don't get good kids i guess"

"Then?" Yen asked leaning in

"Then she confessed it was her editing with proof and stuff and left the university. After that everything became normal for students. They again began to chase taehyung and tell him they love him and shit."


"Everything basically came back to normal except taehyung. So he decided to make a sudden announcement." Woni stopped at the most intimidating part



"Curious aren't we?"

"Ugh continue won!!!"

In the cafeteria when everyone was present because of course their idol was going to give a speech.

The vminkook was still not there and if they comes the girl would shout so loud that even the ants would know they came

A lot of gossiping and mimicking was going on in the cafeteria. Some were eating some weren't. Some were using their phones. Some were talking

Girls were talking,until one said "what do you think about the announcement?" The other replied "maybe he's going to reveal his girlfriend?"

The smart girl beside them spoke "dumbass he must be saying about how dumb you all are"

"Says the girl with the shortest hair possible" another girl said rolling her eyes.

"VMINKOOK!" All students looked over the door and saw vminkook entering. They looked amazing as always. The most cheerful one was quite and angry.

He came in the front and started "i,Kim taehyung want to tell you all how big assholes you are." He paused for a while when the crowd started with whispers.

He cleared his throat and said "the quote of 'don't judge a book by its cover was fir you all. I am not here to prove that I wasn't smoking over there because your small hearts could only believe shit. Even if i smoke it is my fucking life. I am a grown up adult and can take decisions myself! You all are nothing but filthy dirt."

"I am so glad i came to know your real faces before it was too long. No body,i repeat no body tries come and talk to me. If you did there will be consequences double faced losers." He finished while going out of there with his besties

"Aww i feel sad then what happened?!" Yen asked so curious

"Well then no ass dared to speak with taehyung."

"What?! Till now?"


Yen checked the time,8:47 pm,there is still time. "So what about the other two?" Yen asked

"Yeah next will be-"

Please be jungkook please be jungkook!



"There's actually nothing special about him. He's just very reserved and doesn't talk with much people.rumours says that he had a girlfriend but he broke up with her but ofcourse rumours lesson taehyung have taught us way too properly"

"Oh so is jimin's introduction done now?"

Please say yes please say yes


After good thirty minutes woni finished telling jimin's biology. Practically her story how she fell for jimin then tae then jungkook

Yen checked the time,9:18 pm, "yes tell me about that third guy"

"So....the next is" she paused then said



A chapter without jungkook himself hahahhaah

And yes double update ;)


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