《Can you help me Study??》Oh would you look at the time


After hours and hours of studying and finally some break through Sunset said that she needed a break. "Can I use your bathroom Twilight?"

"Yeah sure, it's down the hall to the right. It's marked with the word "bathroom". Sunset got up and followed Twi's directions.

"Do you want a snack Sunset?" Twilight yelled from the kitchen. "Yeah sure, why not?" Said Sunset while leaning against the opening of the kitchen with a smile on her face. Twilight started blushing because she hadn't noticed that Sunset already came back from the bathroom and that there was no need to yell.

"I I'm sorry Sunset. I didn't mean to yell. I thought you were still in the bathroom. Here, I have some cookies and do you want some tea?" She asked her.

"Tea?? I usually drink tea late at night." Sunset stated. "I know that's why I asked if you'd like some tea at this hour of the day." Twilight smilingly said. Sunset was a bit weirded out untill she looked at the small clock that Twi had in her kitchen. Her eyes went wide and she yelled "Oh my God!! It's that how late it is already?!!"

It was 09:30pm. She got so focused on her studies wanting to solve the math problem she didn't even check the time. She started blushing and said "Twilight why didn't you tell me it was so late? You let me take up your whole day. I'm really sorry."

"No don't worry about it." Twilight hurriedly said. "It was my pleasure to help you and I got to spend some alone time with you." She mumbled while blushing.

Twilight liked Sunset alot. It was her secret. After the whole incident with equestrian magic she bonded with Sunset. Sunset made her feel normal again and not like some power hungry maniac. She never told Sunset she liked her because she didn't know how the other girl would react and she never thought of herself as a lesbian but Sunset made her feel things. Things she didn't feel when she was with Flash. He is a nice and dreamy guy but she felt always that she was missing something deep down inside. It made her feel like she was using him to get her mind off, off the thing or rather person she really wanted.


It made her feel depressed most of the time that is why she spent her time in the library studying or playing music with her other friends but every time she saw Sunset she felt the giddiness inside her. As she was standing in her kitchen with a plate of cookies in her hand realization hit her. She just told Sunset her secret. She actually mumbled. So maybe Sunset didn't hear?

She stood there awkwardly watching, waiting on how her crush would react.

Sunset was so shook about how late it was she didn't really noticed that Twilight went silent. "Twilight thank you for helping me. Without you I would have never knew what to do." She said gratefull. Twilight who was happy that Sunset didn't hear what she mumbled answered "Oh stop it Sunset even without my help you would know eventually what you were doing wrong."You just needed a little push in the right direction."

"Really Twi, thank you. I need to go before the last bus leaves." Sunset hurriedly said. "The last bus left 15 minutes ago Sunset." Twilight answered mildy amused. "WHAT?!! How am I going to get home?" Sunset exclaimed in shock.

"Uhm, you can stay the night and take the first bus home tomorrow morning. I can make up a place for you to sleep." Twi suggested

"I intruded enough Twi. I really should get going."

"Oh don't be silly Sunset. You are staying the night. I can not let you go home all by yourself this late at night." Twilight said final.

Sunset had no other choice but to give in.

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