

After the weddings, Eleanor and Arius were invited into the palace by King for an exclusive meeting. It has just been a day and they were being called back again.

The time has been undeniably fleeting so fast. The leaves of the maple trees outside the manor had started falling off the branches signifying that the Autumn season has started. The gust of cold wind could also be felt even though Winter was still too far away.

"Are you cold?" Eleanor was asked by Arius as they wait for their carriage infront of the brood's manor.

"Just a little," Eleanor replied, as she crossed her arms to warm herself.

She was a bit taken aback when a black cashmere shawl was put around her shoulder. Arius carefully tied it with an elegant eagle brooch.

"When did you even prepared this?" Eleanor asked as she looked down to peer at it.

"I just thought you might need it," Arius answered as he took her hand to hold it.

Eleanor felt her blood rushes to her cheeks that she had to discreetly touch it with her other hand but Arius still notice that subtle movement.

"Why? Are you still feeling cold?" Arius questioned her, as he bend his knees a little to met her gaze and cupped her reddening face.

She was about to answer when Arius suddenly pulled her closer to him and enveloped her with the dusky long coat he was wearing, closing the gap between their body.

"Was this better?" Arius inquired again, as he put his chin on her shoulder as he hugged her a bit tighter.

Eleanor just nodded, unable to speak as she felt her heart racing faster.

She could even see Mr. Andrev and her ladies-in-waiting peeking through the second floor window observing them, so she hid her face on Arius well-defined chest in embarrassment.


After a few minutes, the elegant black carriage intricately carved with Barclay's Emblem arrived to pick them up.

Inside, Arius sat comfortably beside Eleanor. He broke the agonizing silence between them.

"Wife, now that we're married, I want to get to know you more. Can you tell me about yourself?" Arius asked her tenderly.

Eleanor was quite astounded when she heard Arius' statement. Aren't vampires aloof and seems uninterested to everyone around them?

"Why are you curious about me? Aren't vampires always indifferent and lukewarm?" Eleanor can't help but asked.

"Because you're worth knowing."

Eleanor looked at Arius and his golden yellow orbs that were always focused on her, curious and prying. Eleanor can't help but be pulled in with Arius' rare amber eyes.

"Husband, you're one interesting vampire."

Eleanor laughed a little after uttering that and unconciously ruffles Arius' hair.

"Oh! I messed it up," Eleanor said, also shocked about what she did and tried to neaten it.

She stopped when she realized that she might have made him more uncomfortable by doing that.

Arius took her hand back and put it on top of his head.

"Pat me more. Spoil me, wife. I like it." Arius playfully grinned at her as he continue to caress his head with her hand.

Eleanor just shooked her head as she smile.

"I didn't know vampires could be so shameless too," Eleanor stated, jokingly.

"I want to make you feel comfortable around me. Seeing your carefree smile always stirred up something within me that I can't even explain."

Arius responded as he fiddled with the ring on Eleanor's finger as he held her hand.

"What do you want to know about me?" Eleanor catechized Arius as she watched him play with her wedding rings.


"Anything. Everything about you seems fascinating." Arius remarked, leaning his head on her shoulder.

Eleanor started telling him details about herself. Her birthday, favorite color, what she likes, even little trivial things about her life and Arius just listen heedfully to his wife.

When they reached the palace, they were immediately escorted to the counsel room. Along the way, they met Prince Amell who immediately smiled when he saw Eleanor.

"Greetings, Your Highness, the Prince." Eleanor lifted the edge of her long dress as she bowed a little to greet the Prince.

"How have you been? Are you holding out just fine?" Prince Amell inquired as he looked at Arius who seemed so uninterested with him.

"I'm doing great, thank you for your concern. Your Highness, the crown prince."

Prince Amell nodded, seemingly satisfied with her answer.

"Well, I won't keep you for too long since father might have been waiting. Let's catch up and have some tea soon, together with your brother and my sister."

"Of course, Your Highness. I'll tell my brother," Eleanor replied respectfully.

"Well then, I have to get going. It's nice to see you again, Eleanor and of course, Lord Barclay."

Eleanor looked back at her husband who's now wearing a poker face.

"Why are you so serious? Where did my mushy husband earlier go?" Eleanor teased.

"I don't like his flirty smile." He retorted as he search for her hand and intertwined their fingers.

Eleanor just shook her head. It seems like she got a moody vampire for a husband.

After a few trivial conversation, the Prince bid his farewell.

When they reached the room, the King wasn't there yet so they had time to made themselves comfortable and relaxed a little. Even so, they didn't wait long when King Bethelbert has finally showed up.

They both bowed respectfully at him. Although Arius had no time for such nonsense but he still needed to show some respect since Eleanor is still under the rule of this wrinkly old man.

"I have summoned you here regarding some important matters. I hope I am not interrupting your exclusive time with each other."

The King smiled at them before he continues, "I wanted to grant you both a special title, it's a gift from me for your wedding."

"Your Majesty, you might receive backlash from the people. Please reconsider and I don't think I am eligible for such extravagant gift," Eleanor replied.

"You don't have to worry about that. It's nothing compared to what you did. Besides, you're like a daughter to me. It will also have to do with your future role as a mentor for the female knights and for the Princess."

The King looked at Arius, "Well what can you say about it, Lord Barclay?"

"Well, if it's a fancy title that my wife needs in order for her to live gracefully and carefreely here as noble woman then I don't see why we shouldn't accept it."

"Very well, let me just make the preparation for it." The King declared as he piick up the tea cup that was served in front of them to take a sip.

"I greatly appreciate it, Your Highness." Eleanor expressed.

After talking to the King, the two made their way to their new residence where they will live as a husband and wife.

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